7915/Not Quite Sylvester and Tweety

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Not Quite Sylvester and Tweety
Date of Scene: 16 June 2019
Location: Flushing, Queens
Synopsis: Kian meets Akat, er, Catwoman
Cast of Characters: Kian t'Kaeh, Catwoman

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Cities are weird.
    Kían's people just don't cluster like humans do.  They can't.  That many active telepaths in that close proximity would lead to an epic case of mindlock.  That said, though, Kían realizes that when… or if… he ever gets home, he's going to miss the fascinating winds created by the glass canyons of Terran cities.
    For a race that can't fly, humans do a pretty good job of reaching for the sky.
    But it's getting late, and it's getting dark, and it's probably time he should be heading back to Titans Tower.  That doesn't mean he has to go as the crow (or birdman) flies, though, and he's taking a wide loop over the boroughs of New York City, enjoying the late spring/early summer weather.
    A beautiful and quiet night.

Catwoman has posed:
    When night falls, it's a good time for certain people to become more active.  In some cases, this means people who work the night shift.  In others, it may have to do with a more criminal element.
    What, then, does that make Catwoman?
    She's ventured outside Gotham City for reasons as yet unknown, but rather than making a move on some art gallery, museum, or home of someone wealthy, she's made her way to the Flushing area of Queens, outside New York City itself.  A baseball game is not the excuse, either.  For some reason, she's taken up a spot atop a three-story building overlooking a residential area, watching the streets below but also one home in particular.  For anyone familiar with stories of the cat burglar, she's dressed the way one would expect.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Since there are no sounds of helicopters or other aircraft nearby, Kían is watching the ground more than he is anything else.  Trees don't grow high enough to be a risk, and in this part of the city, buildings aren't built high enough either.
    Not a lot interesting, though.  Mainly rooftop air conditioning units.  Those aren't really worth much notice.
    Now, the woman dressed in black peering over the edge of a building, that is a little odd.  He wheels about and circles overhead maybe a hundred meters up in a wide, lazy circle, just watching.  Whatever she's doing there, this isn't typical human behavior as he's encountered it so far.

Catwoman has posed:
    Most humans have a habit of not looking up.  Catwoman is not like most humans.  Especially in Gotham City, one of her particular talents learns quickly that Batman could be just a building above.  There's a reason cats prefer high places, and one could say the same for her.
    As such, while she does keep an eye on matters street-side, from time to time she glances upward.  It's just a habit.  Eyes are partly obscured by the goggles she wears, styled in a feline manner, and she squints at the sight of someone, or something, above.  Now Kían becomes the focus of her attention as she tilts her head upward further.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    One thing Kían definitely doesn't resemble is a certain Gotham-based hero gliding down on a bat-like cape.  First off, he's not descending, at least not yet.  Second, assuming his general profile can be made out in the night sky, those are definitely bird wings, not a bat-inspired cape.
    He does, after a moment, spiral lower, although he doesn't yet come in for a landing.  After all, the vast majority of costumed types he's dealt with so far have been good guys.  So they must all be, right?
    Whoever he is, as he descends it becomes clearer who he isn't—he's too small to be Hawkman or Hawkgirl, and besides, he's not wearing a mask or lugging an ancient weapon.  And he's too small to be Angel, and besides, he's not blond and his wings aren't white.
    He's aware that he's been seen, but he neither lands nor introduces himself.  He just hovers there, with an inquisitive look on his face.

Catwoman has posed:
    An adjustment is made to the goggles, then the woman's hand lowers back to her side, which happens to be right next to a bullwhip.  The way she's dressed, one might wonder what business she has out here at night on a rooftop.  One might wonder, indeed.
    Whatever she's seeing up there, she must not deem Kían to be much of a threat or worthy of too much attention beyond a lingering glance, for she switches back to watching the streets while keeping tabs on his circling.  One thing she does not do is draw attention to herself by shouting up at him.  She remains silent.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    When she turns her attention back to the street, Kían drops very lightly to the rooftop.  Certainly lightly enough that it won't be heard inside the building or down at street level.  It's barely audible right there up on the roof.
    Footsteps, also light and quiet.  Making a wide circle off to the side.  His voice, when he speaks, is quiet, sibilant, and musical.  "Do you need help getting down from here?"

Catwoman has posed:
    Catwoman listens, and listens well.  She might hear something as light as Batman's cape settling around him when he lands.  With Kían a short distance away now that he's landed, the catsuited woman just stops and pauses at his question, leading to her squinting at him when she looks his way.  She's got a height advantage, she realizes, and both hands go to her hips.
    "Do I look like the sort of person who needs help getting to or from anywhere?" she begins to ask, followed by an addition once she's got a closer look at him.  "…pigeon."  Her tone, while not harsh or anything of that nature, holds a note of scoffing skepticsm.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "Well, you don't look like you can fly on your own," Kían muses, "but I have learned that's not always a good guide."  He seems to have no idea who he's talking to, and demonstrates that fact in short order.  "And I am not a pigeon.  I am t'Kaeh: Clan Hawk.  My chosen name is Kían."  He bows very slightly.  "You are…?"

Catwoman has posed:
    "You'd be surprised what I can do," Catwoman says with a smirk showing in her expression.  Whether that includes flying or not, she's vague enough not to give any real indication one way or another.  Taking a few steps closer as she lets her arms sway as they will, she makes to circle him like a cat would with prey.  "Hawk?  You still look more like a pigeon to me," she points out, still on the sarcastic, not entirely serious side.  "I'm a cat.  And what has you out here?"

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían keeps to one edge of the roof, unwilling to let himself be circled.  "I was flying the air currents between the buildings downtown, Akat," he says, completely mistaking what she said.  "They're brilliant.  What are you doing out here?  My experience is limited, but lounging on rooftops is an unusual pastime for most Terrans."

Catwoman has posed:
    Catwoman can see Kían is being cautious, careful, wary.  It's probably a good thing for him.  "…Akat?" she repeats, missing that he apparently thinks that's who she named herself as.  She probably figured the catsuit and half-hood with the ears atop it was enough.  "Whatever," she adds, a hand waving briefly.  "You want to know the truth?  I'm spying, and one look at me should tell you I'm not like most… wait.  You aren't from around here, are you?  Not one of those mutants?"

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "Around here?  c'Rhys'yw, no.  This isn't my world.  I'm here by… by accident," Kían says, stumbling over that last.  He tilts his head, peering at Catwoman.  "Looking at you tells me nothing about what you're doing, although I wonder why you would dress so uncomfortably to do it."  Judging by his outfit—sandals, kilt, open vest—his sartorial taste leans away from the body-hugging.  "I don't know if I'm a mutation or not.  The researchers were never able to settle on an answer."

Catwoman has posed:
    Catwoman's hands return to her hips as she sizes the bird boy up.  He seems… harmless, to her.  Of course, looks may be deceiving.  They often are.  "So what is it?  Crash-landed?  Dimensional portal?  Time travel?  Or were you sent here because you're one of your world's most dangerous criminals and they wanted you to be some other world's problem, pigeon?" she asks, and for most people there'd be little question that she's exaggerating and making things up.  With this one?  He might not get it.
    "And there's nothing uncomfortable about this.  I do my best work like this."  Don't think the last bit he says is going untouched, either.  "What researchers are you talking about?"

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían looks uncomfortable.  "I am not sure how I ended up here.  There was a… disagreement… between my abilities and a stardrive, as best I can tell.  I was going to the homeworld, to the Imperial University, and when the tachyon drive started, I ended up… here."
    He frowns, just a little.  "And I have said I am not a pigeon."  His wings—yes, marked like a red-tail hawk's—spread and fold.

Catwoman has posed:
    Whatever's really going on with this winged guy, he seems to provide a source of amusement for the Feline Fatale, whose arms now cross beneath her bosom, adopting a relaxed stance.  Her voice is kept low, just in case.  "I'm not going to pretend to understand what that all means, stardrive or whatever, but it sounds like something went wrong.  Sucks, doesn't it?"
    A hint of a playful grin forms as he reacts to being called a pigeon again.  "Well, your feathers look nice.  Maybe I should get one for a souvenir, to remember you by in case we ever cross paths again.  I'm not usually out this way."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    The birdman definitely backs up a little.  "I have not seen another winged person like myself.  Remembering me should not be difficult," Kían says, quite seriously.  "I could not surrender a feather.  It would be… improper."

Catwoman has posed:
    "Now why is that?" the catsuited woman questions, head angling a bit toward one side, a show of curiosity.  "Cats like feathers, and they like to play with little birds.  But you seem like a timid boy, so I'll play nice as long as you do.  I think you'll find there are others around here who are more like you than you think."
    She turns away from him, deeming him not a threat, and goes back to crouching near the edge of the roof.  "Do you know what gangs are?  Crime bosses and mobs?"

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "I… no," Kían says simply.  "At least, I recognize those words, but I can't help but think you're using them in a way I don't…."

Catwoman has posed:
    Catwoman rubs a temple, near one of those shaped ears.  "All right.  What do you recognize them as meaning?" she asks, so she can establish a baseline of understanding before deciding how much to get into afterward.  Eyes remain focused below, but her expression begins to shift toward a frown.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían blinks once.  "Uh.  Well, a gang and a mob are collections of individuals.  I think a boss is someone in charge?  And I don't understand crime, though explaining it to me has been tried.  It just doesn't make any sort of sense."

Catwoman has posed:
    Catwoman rubs her temples again.  "I can't believe I'm the one explaining this to somebody, but crime is… when you do something you're not supposed to that breaks the law."  Oh God, just how naïve is this one?  "Gangs are usually groups of people who work together to break the law, commit crimes and sometimes hurt people.  I heard there might be some stuff going on around here that's bringing some crime to my neighborhood, so I came to see for myself."  She's going to have to take a long, hot bath later after how dirty she feels right now.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "Nnh.  This is some Earth thing I won't understand, isn't it?"  Kían rubs his temples now.  "See, this is what I tried to explain to Stardust.  You don't have this in a society based on telepathy.  Hurting someone else means hurting yourself…."  It doesn't even sound like he's talking to Catwoman directly.  It's almost like he's trying to explain this to himself.

Catwoman has posed:
    "That's… not how this world works, kiddo," Catwoman responds, shaking her head.  "Whatever place you're from," and here she pauses to give him a long look when he brings up telepathy, leading to her subconsciously inching her way another foot or two from him, "It's a lot different if you think that way.  Hate to break it to you."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Either Kían didn't notice her inching away, or he chose not to comment on it.  "Yes, that's been explained to me too, but there's a difference between understanding something intellectually, and understanding it like you were raised that way."
    He looks up sharply and noticed the increased distance between them.  "You're not of my people.  I can't reach your mind without physical contact," he explains flatly.

Catwoman has posed:
    Catwoman muses, "Yeah, I guess you're right about that, just like someone can tell you things but it's not the same until you experience it yourself."  She eyes him and a thought crosses her mind, a chance to see how he reacts.  "Like a really good chicken cordon bleu, for example."  After learning the telepathy needs actual contact to be made, she speaks in a lower tone.  "Guess you can keep all of those feathers, then.  Good to know."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    'Cordon bleu' zooms right past the little birdman, without any apparent sign of recognition.  "I think I don't want to experience some things for myself," Kían says, glancing over the side of the building as if he had some idea what Catwoman was looking for.

Catwoman has posed:
    No surprise there, but maybe Catwoman should have tried teasing him in a way he might have understood better.  Oh well.  "If you don't, how will you know if it's something you'll end up liking or not?  What are you expecting things to be like here, if they're so different from… whatever your home is?"  She waves a hand in a gesture, like she's trying to find the right way to put it, but her focus begins to shift away from the houses below.  "I'm starting to think I got some bad info."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "That's the problem, isn't it?  I don't know ahead of time, and I can't tell because I can't just reach into your minds… nnh."  Kían shakes his head, then looks up into the sky, then back at Catwoman.  "I apologize, Akat," he says, doubling down on the name error.  "None of this is your doing."  He looks to the north, then back again.  "I should go.  My friends are going to wonder where I am."

Catwoman has posed:
    "That's part of living life.  Taking risks.  Trying new things you haven't done before and seeing whether you like them or not.  You can't just stay in a bubble the whole time, always doing the same things and never changing," Catwoman says.  Is she actually trying to give him some helpful advice?  It may be, from her perspective, but she is more of a risk-taker.  "If you didn't do something just because you've never done it before and you don't know how it'll go, I'm sorry but that's boring."
    After this, she makes up her mind.  Someone gave her a lead that didn't pan out.  There's been nothing here to suggest it's the home of someone associated with gang or mob activity.  It was too good to be true.  "Yeah, it's about time for me to get out of here too.  When you tell your friends what took you so long, tell them you were talking to Catwoman."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían bows, and slightly spreads his wings.  "Catwoman.  So Akat is your personal name," he says, as though understanding something completely now.  "I will not mention that, if you prefer.  It has been interesting to meet you," he says, bows again, and kicks effortlessly into the air.

Catwoman has posed:
    Catwoman is left to roll her eyes.  Rather than correct him, she allows him to think he's got it all figured out.  "Oh, you go right ahead and let your friends know."  It's so unlikely, it could just work if it makes the rounds and gets people thinking that's her actual name.  "Yes, very interesting," she all but purrs, before wrapping things up here to leave no trace of her presence behind.