8480/Updates on Framejobs.
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Updates on Framejobs. | |
Date of Scene: | 24 July 2019 |
Location: | Gotham |
Synopsis: | Summary needed |
Cast of Characters: | Red Robin, Question
- Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake has set out to find the Question. The other man stalked him a bit so turn about is fair play. After making sure Vic Sage did not seem to be meeting anyone in particular, Tim walks in, gets himself a drink and a pastry before walking over to sit at the other man's table.
- Question has posed:
Victor Sage has just returned to Gotham from a brief trip back home in Hub City. As much as he would like to dedicate his entire life to his "night-job" his day-job needed some attending to. Bosses to soothe, deadlines to meet, that sort of thing. Now that he is back in town he found that his office has been broken into no-less than on three different occasions. All three times it was carefully searched and left exactly as it was. No bugging devices were left behind, no tampering with his files or computer.... at least as far as he could tell. All he knows is that it was visited a few times. Once at least by Damian. Perhaps twice. It was hard to tell speciffically with that boy. But leaving small little tell-tales behind lets him know when his place is entered and not by him.
It is now late, after a long day of travel, then searching and clearing his own pad took a lot out of him. Grabbing a stack of local newspapers he needed to catch up on he made his way to his favorite coffee-shop in Gotham and settled in with a cup of joe, and settled in for some reading.
Victor Sage doesn't react as Tim sits down at his table. Instead just flipping to another page of the newspaper from last Sunday. After a few moments he flips down one corner of the paper and peers at the young man and acknowleges his presence finally by saying, "Be a good fellow and get me a refill will you?" he says casually.
- Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks tot he other man and says "Perhaps later, I was hoping you might be able to give me something more interesting than your coffee. Have not heard much from you in a while. Have things been doing ok for you?
- Question has posed:
Victor Sage turns back to the article he has been reading waiting for the wait staff to notice his empty cup instead.
He then flips the corner back down and nods, "My day-job needed some attention. Your case has gone... rather cold at the moment. There was... some activity in some corner of the internet but that seems to either be a ruse or there were no responses to the add." he looks back at his paper for a moment then says from behind it, "It seems whoever is trying to frame you is more interested in ending your... other carreer than seeing you ruined or dead. But Damian's meddling may have stirred things up too much. They've gone quiet."
- Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and says "Perhaps, he is a bit of a persistent one. He and others have asked me to be a bit more hands off of it, so I am trying. It can be a bit much but I am trying to let the others follow the leads and going about my own normal things. So are you convinced at least that it was not actually me?
- Question has posed:
Victor Sage again flips down one corner of the paper and peers at the young man across from him for a long moment. "For now. I take it you had a talk with our mutual friend mister green, up stairs?" he said referring to Martian Manhunter in civilian speak. "He would have made more of an effort to contact me if he had found anything incriminating." he says letting Tim know that he had asked for an invasion of privacy. "Plus there are... other factors. For one thing, whoever did this left you too many outs. They want you retired early, not permanently. It smells too much like you have an ally gone bad. Is... there any reason Damian would want you out of the family business?"
- Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles a bit and says "Only about a dozen, but I am pretty sure if he was to the point of acting on them, easy outs would not be his first or fifth choice. I will admit I have wondered a bit about that, but I am not sure who dislikes me enough to kill, but not enough to try to kill me." His voice is kept low for the conversation and changes to "And then I got her autograph, and I was wondering if you ever deal with heroes with your reporting." As the waitress gets him his drink
- Question has posed:
Victor Sage puts down his paper and smiles charmingly at the lady refreshing his coffee, "Thank you." he tells her, and answers Tim, "Oh sometimes. But, my topics sometimes rub people the wrong way. Why just the other week I did one on Human trafficing, I think the local authorities were more upset that I mentioned the capes that were involved than the fact that there was a crime taking place under their nose...." he then switches back to his original topic as the waitress wanders back behind the counter. "It is a puzzle. Then again there is always the possibility that it is someone insane behind it. Never forget this is Gotham we're in. I've been trying to find out who was in and out of custody at Arkham that might know of your intimate carreer details... but that place is a revolving door. They have some of the worst record keeping I have ever seen."
- Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Most of them, I would not think would know that type of thing. I can think of two who are in the know that might would try something but this does not seem an A'l Ghul tactic, so I am honestly not sure who it would be. Have you looked into it being two different people?"
- Question has posed:
Victor Sage nods slowly, "It is looking more and more like it might just be the case. At least the advert on the darkweb might be someone else. I am looking into the possibility that it may be from someone in the local law enforcement. Have you had any... unwelcome encounters with the local constabulatory? Someone who didn't take a liking to your recent activities?"
- Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake shakes his head a bit to this and says "But I did have a friend consider replying to the information on the dark web and seeing if she could track it to its source that way.
- Question has posed:
Victor Sage nods, "I checked out the dog catcher mentioned in the ad. He either knows nothing or won't talk, even after I dislocated his shoulder dangling him from a bridge." He rubs his chin, "Perhaps that might be a good tact. Be careful though. Make sure your 'friend' can take care of themselves. The site in question has a habit of diciplining people who meddle in their afairs."
- Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to the man and says "Oh she would have the skills to pay the bills, and rep to seem truely legit, to be honest, if was not for a few specific things might would be concerned she would actually take the gig.
- Question has posed:
Victor Sage chuckles and shakes his head, "Just remember, that would be a dangerous game. That site has been associated with the League, and I am not referring to the one that has a manned space station over our heads. The last cape that tried to use them to solve a case turned up in a hospital near dead."
- Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "As I said tempted I believe she would easily be able to handle it but I would prefer not to have to bring my problems down on my friends."
- Question has posed:
Victor Sage nods, "A wise decision." he says sampling his coffee to see if it is the right temperature yet. Finding it just right he indulges in several long droughts before putting it down half empty. "For now, I think we're at a wait and see what happens stage. I just hope this doesn't cost any more lives. Even low-lifes like Grip deserve their day in court." he says. "Just be sure to keep your center mass protected in the meantime."
- Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "I plan to keep mine and those I am around both safe as much as possible. I do have some friends who do keep themselves around so I have to keep an eey on them
- Question has posed:
Victor Sage nods, "There is also a distinct possibility that Grip got taken out by his own and they just used you as their scapegoat." he sighs, "I really hate cases like these that go nowhere."
- Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "I doubt that, but it is possible ussualy the goon level and lower tier family people try to keep themselves out of out sight. More often when we encounter them, they are working for someone bigger"
- Question has posed:
Victor Sage nods, "I agree. Though there is also the off chance that whoever aranged this is no-longer in the picture. I need to check the obits again." he says pondering.
After a moment he sets to getting his newspapers aranged in something of an easy to carry pile and folds the stack under his arm as he gets up from the table. "We'll talk again, Timmothy." he reaches out a free hand offering to shake yours. "And if there are any other cases presently you would like my help with just let me know. I may as well keep busy while I am here."
- Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will shake the hand, and then a bit louder to make sure he is heard. "Well if you encounter any heroes in your job please give them my card. we are sponsoring a charity event with hero memorobilia and anything we can get would be great.
- Question has posed:
Victor Sage smiles and nods, "Sure. No problem." he says though he doesnt raise his voice much louder and turns heading towards the door. He shakes his head muttering "Autographs..."