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Oyster Bay is A-OK!
Date of Scene: 29 July 2019
Location: Oyster Bay, NY
Synopsis: Supergirl and Kian meet! And he totally steals her fish from her fish and chips!
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Kian t'Kaeh

Supergirl has posed:
    It was summer, and a little miserable on the East Coast, but Supergirl! did not seem to mind the heat.  No, she had just handled a bit of business on this side of the world, stopped a few little crimes, that sort of thing.  But that Titans Tower stood in the distance, casting shade over Oyster Bay properly.
    And Supergirl did want to eat some seafood.  And as opposed to running all the way back to Metropolis for a change of outfit, she had swooped down to one of the seaside shacks near the Atleatean embassy, dealing with the small gathering of people that mob around her as she exchanges some cash for some fish and chips.  "Hello, everyone!" she says, waving her hand in a princess wave.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    What Kían does best, and what he enjoys doing most, is flying.  And that's what he's been doing, among the glass spires of Metropolis, with the strangely changing winds and sharp turns and occasional yells from Terrans bound by gravity to their observation decks.  But that can only last so long; eventually he needs to return to Titans Tower.  He doesn't quite yet think of it as home, but he's getting closer.
    One of the things he hasn't experienced in the air, though, is having a red and blue *whoosh* zoom past him.
    As he is as inquisitive as any cat, he follows at his own pace: fast, but hardly superspeed.  Ultimately, he alights gently on top of one of the shacks, and watches.  How… unusual.

Supergirl has posed:
    And she wasn't exactly… whooshing after she manages to get a hold of fish and chips.  Taking one of the latter, and plucking it into her mouth, Supergirl waves her hand as she floats away from the crowd, turning her eyes towards Kian.  A bit of bepuzzlement settles on her features.
    So.  With the scent of that fish and chips drawing nearer, Supergirl lifts one of the chips, to wiggle it in a wave towards Kian as she draws nearer.
    "Hello there!  Are you a superhero as well?" she calls.  "I'm, ah… Supergirl," she says, jerking a chip towards the 'S' on her chest.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían backs up a little bit, more on reflex than anything else.  He looks wary, but not exactly scared.  And it's more than a fair guess that he has no idea who 'Supergirl' is.
    Eventually he stops, and bows.  "Kié, S-Sup-Supergir'l," he says, stumbling over the unfamiliar name.  His accent is sibilant and sing-song.  "A superhero?  I don't know.  I think they are trying to make me one."

Supergirl has posed:
    The bow catches her offguard, in between a nibble of one of the fries. "Oh," says the Woman of Steel, drifting forward just a bit.  Fry is produced from her tray—and although the flying was cooling them down, was offered to him.
    "You don't want to be one?" she says.  "What would you rather be, instead?" she asks.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Staring at the French fry like he hasn't seen one before, Kían does not take it.  He doesn't appear offended or anything—more baffled than anything else.
    "I don't know," he says.  "There seems to be hurting others involved, and I can't do that.  I can use my rhy'thar to help, but not to hurt."

Supergirl has posed:
    With a shrug, Kara brings the fry back to her own lips to munch on it, picking up the piece of fried fish afterwards, her brow knitting together.
    "Your rhy'thar?" she says.  "What's that?  And I can understand not wanting to hurt people—I think there's places for people like that on both sides of the battle."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "Ai, c'Rhys'yw.  Sorry.  My special powers."  Kían looks embarrassed even mentioning them, whatever they are—he does not elaborate much further, beyond saying, "My abilities beyond the normal ones of my people."
    He brightens a little at the idea there might be a place for someone like him on Earth, as long as he's going to be stuck here.  "I prefer to not be involved in battle.  Causing harm is something I can't do.  My Gods wouldn't approve."

Supergirl has posed:
    "Is it just to people, or to… everything?" Kara asks, becoming keenly aware of the fact that she was snacking on fish at the moment.  Blushing just a touch, she places the fish back into the small tray, clearing her throat.
    "But I'm sure the Titans can talk to you about stuff like that, ah… when you use your powers, what happens?  If I can ask.  Like… do you heal people?" she asks.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían blinks.  "Well, it applies to sentients anyway.  I have no objection to eating a fish or a ground-beast."
    He looks down at the rooftop.  "I wish I healed.  That would be easier to deal with."

Supergirl has posed:
    "Do you want some of my fish?" Supergirl asks, moving to take a perch near Kian.  "Or my fries?  They're really very good, if you haven't had earth-food," she says.  "Pieces of fish flesh surrounded by a paste made of wheat, and fried in oil," she says.
    "Along with slices of vegetable fried in oil, as well," she says.
    A pause then, noting his downward gaze.  "What do you do?" she asks, quietly.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían smiles.  "No thank you, I'm not hungry.  I… nnh.  I don't know, it's something to do with atomic forces.  Electromagnetic, strong, weak forces."  He holds his hands about half a meter apart; thick purple-white tentacles of electricity snarl and snap between them.  The display is brief, and the birdman shuts it down with a look of embarassment.  "The Titans are trying to train me, but at least some of them want me to use my abilities violently and I—I—I can't."

Supergirl has posed:
    "Then don't," says Supergirl.  "If you didn't use them because you were afraid, that's one thing… but if you're not bringing harm to people because it's your beliefs, that's something entirely different," she says.
    "So you see them as helping people—how can you use them to help people?  What ideas do you have?" she asks.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "I haven't any ideas," Kían admits.  "My world is nothing like this.  There aren't roving individuals and groups who would harm others for their own gain.  It's unthinkable.  Literally."  He taps his temple.  "Telepath.  Only on contact with non-telepaths, your mind is safe from me," he adds quickly.  "But fully telepathic with other telepaths, and all my people are.  You can't have crime and violence on our worlds."  He sighs heavily, and looks around.  "So hopefully you can imagine how little sense this world makes to me."

Supergirl has posed:
    "You're all connected, so you all understand why people behave the way they do—do the way they do," says Supergirl.  Brow knits together as a thought comes to her mind.  "And how do you handle… well… being here?  Where no one knows what anyone else is thinking?"
    "I think I'd be anxious."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    The little birdman's wings draw close.  "Terrified," Kían admits.  "I never know where I really am with anyone else, can only act on guesses, it's… it's…."  He sighs heavily again.  "Terrifying," he repeats.

Supergirl has posed:
    Supergirl pauses.  "You don't need to be afraid," says Supergirl.  "I mean, part of not knowing what other people are thinking means that you get things like supervillains, and criminals.  And part of superheroes kinda… stop them."
    Kara offers the fish again.  "You'll start getting a sense of when people have your best interest in mind or not.  Until then, listen to your friends!" she chirps.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "Well, yes," Kían says uneasily, "but even some of my friends think I should be prepared to use my rhy'thar… sorry, my powers violently.  I don't think I can.  I did twice since arriving on this world; only once was even slightly justified.  The other time… I got caught up in events."
    This time, Kían takes the offered piece of fish and… just sort of looks at it.  "I didn't like the feeling of just… reacting… when I had time to think about it later."

Supergirl has posed:
    There were more pieces of fish than just the one that Kara had offered.  With a smile, Supergirl picks up the other piece of fish and takes a bite.  "Just nibble a little bit.  I think the oil-fried breading on the outside of the fish might be what annoys you, if anything.  But maybe you'll like it!  Peel it off and just try the fish inside, if you don't like it," she guides.
    "You didn't like having to defend yourself when you couldn't even figure out why you were being attacked," she says.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "I don't like using my powers at all," Kían says with feeling.  "They're the whole khoh reason I'm not at home with my friends and family."  He does not offer a translation of the one alien word.  "I don't want special powers, I want to go home.  And I don't even know where home is from here."
    He looks at the fish again, and takes a bite.  "Oh, hey, that's not bad."

Supergirl has posed:
    "Well.  Is… um…."  A beat.  "…is your homeworld still there?" Supergirl questions gently.  "…and are you still welcome there?" she asks.  As a Kryptonian, she was all too aware of how these things can go.  "You just don't know where it is, is all?"
    "It's called fish and chips.  And they're everywhere here on the East Coast of America," Supergirl says, making a wide gesture.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían looks momentarily horrified.  "What could have happened to it?  No, as far as I know, both my world and the homeworld are still there.  In fact," he explains further, "I was on my way to the homeworld for study… and to be studied… when whatever it was that brought me here happened.  The only thing I can figure out is that whatever my rhy'thar is, it reacted to the ship going into stardrive and… oh, I don't know.  Bounced me here, wherever here is."

Supergirl has posed:
    "I mean, it's not impossible to get you to your world again, right?  It's just a matter of finding your world, and a spaceship or something.  I know the Justice League could probably help with something like that, for certain," says Kara kindly, finishing up some of her fries—although she offers the basket of fish and fries to Kian again.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "If anyone knows where it is, and has access to a ship, no, I could still go home."  Kían is still nibbling on the one piece he'd already taken, and appears in no hurry to take more.  "Unfortunately, I don't know where that is myself.  I don't even know if I'm in the same galaxy.  Or even the same universe.  Or—"
    He's quiet a long time.
    "Or if I even should go home if I could," he finally completes the sentence.

Supergirl has posed:
    "What would stop you?  You seem desperate to get back there?" Kara asks, setting the tray of rapidly cooling and soon-to-be disgusting leftover fries and bit of fish between them.  "…I mean.  Maybe you are from a different galaxy or dimension or something, but… someone could recognize what you are, maybe?" she says.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían shakes his head.  "It's… nnh.  As out of place as I am here… I am even more out of place at home.  Here, many of you have rhy'thar'yw, special gifts, powers, whatever you want to call them.  Home, I'm the only one.  The only one," he repeats for emphasis.  "In a weird way, I'm more normal here than I am at home."

Supergirl has posed:
    A thought, and Supergirl frowns.  "So wherever you go, Kian, you feel a little lonely," she adds, her voice hollow with the intensity of that thought.  "Well. As long as you are on Earth, you can give me a call.  Just do this," she says, bringing up her hand, and cupping her mouth.
    "SUPERGIRL!" she calls out.  "Like, if you can do that really really loudly…" she says.  "I might hear, if I'm in space or something," she says with a wink.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    The little birdman smiles, and bows again, briefly.  "I will remember that," Kían says, "although I hope I will not have to bother you very often.  If you should ever need me for anything, you can reach me through the Teen Titans.  I have been staying and training with them recently.
    I am hoping to be able to help them with search and rescue, and evacuating victims in an emergency.  Those things, I can do."

Supergirl has posed:
    "Well, I hope to become a Teen Titan, I think," says Supergirl.  "It'd suit my mood, rather," she says.  "That is, if Colette lets me join.  She's so cool," she says, lowering her voice, and whispering to Kian.  "And those sorts of things are important!" she chirps.
    "I mean, yes, handling the villain is one thing, but someone is always getting civilians out of danger."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "And I think that's something I would be well suited to doing," Kían says.  "And it would not be a misuse of my abilities.  That would be unforgivable."

Supergirl has posed:
    "All right, well…" says Supergirl.  "It was good to meet you, but I probably should get going," she says.  "I'm serious, though, I liked hanging out.  You seem very sweet," she says with a smile.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían blushes slightly.  "Thank you, and thank you for letting me vent at you.  I've had a lot on my mind lately; it's only beginning to settle down.  Getting it out in the air seems to have helped.  I hope to see you at the Tower!"

Supergirl has posed:
    With a heroic wave, Supergirl was off!  Leaving the birdman behind atop the shack, belunched, and met.  "See you!"