9809/Question's incoming
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Question's incoming | |
Date of Scene: | 28 October 2019 |
Location: | Svetlana's Apartment |
Synopsis: | The Question visits Svetlana and asks her some questions |
Cast of Characters: | Svetlana Kuznetsov, Question
- Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
It's been a little while since Lana met Vic Sage, the reporter who is so much more than he seems. For someone who was supposed to be her target, the two parted on remarkably good terms. She shared with him the name of the organization who wanted him quiet, and in return he was going to involve the GCPD.
At least that was the plan.
Now, however? Lana hasn't heard back from her 'employer' in the Beretti family, dispite the fact that her 'job' wasn't finished. And she hasn't heard back from Vic, either. This evening she's in her modest downtown apartment, putting on street clothes to prepare for going out.
- Question has posed:
Some might call it stalking, but to The Question he merely considers it surveillance. He has been following, observing, and gaining information on Svetlana since that night she tried to pummel his alter ego to a pulp. This is what he does.
He has already paid a visit to the Beretti's and disrupted their plans, leaving some for the hospital, so of them for the GCPD
So, tonight, he is standing in the shadows cast by the city just outside her window, perched on the fire escape just outside.
He isn't that much of a creep that he will watch the woman change though, so as she is dressing he moves so she is out of his sight and he watches the shadows, waiting for his moment.
- Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Black yoga pants, a silky peasant top, leather jacket and knee boots. Lana is dressed like any casual 20-something New Yorker, complete with light makeup. The girl doesn't carry a gun, but by now Vic certainly knows that she's proficient. He's done his homework, after all.
Research would show that a Svetlana Kuznetsov was born in a small village outside of Moscow on August 1st. In 1930. A prominent figure skater, her name hit more than a few lists of Olympic hopefuls in the 1940's, right before she completely dropped off the grid.
And then recently, the DMV turned up a driver's license registration to someone of the same name, only with a birthdate of 22 years ago. A good fake ID indeed. And one that smacks of interference by some government agency.
Lana goes throughout the apartment, turning off lights and the TV as she prepares to leave.
- Question has posed:
As Lana moves around the apartment turning the lights turn off, The Question slides open the window and pops his way quietly inside. "You look pretty good for a 97 year old, Sventlana. What is your beauty secret?"
When she turns, The Question stands there backlit against the open window, hands in the pocket of his belted coat as his faceless visage stares at the woman in front of him. "Let me take a wild guess, some sort of super soldier serum to rival the US? A take off on the whole Capitan America program? It wouldn't be the first I have heard of. Beneficial side effects those seem to have."
- Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana's reaction is immediate when she hears the sound of the voice in her mostly-darkened apartment. Her head turns and she moves, closing the distance faster than a human should. But she doesn't attack. Brows knit as she examines the faceless man in the trenchcoat before her.
"If you know so much, then you also know it is dangerous for me to allow you to live." She points towards his face, then, or where it would be if he actually had one. And the girl smiles. "Tell me what is -your- beauty secret, to have no face? Industrial strength cleaners?" Okay, so she has a sense of humor.
"I am not ashamed of what I am, but I would like to know how it is you have learned these things about me."
- Question has posed:
As Lana moves, The Question just stands there without even a flinch, as if he was expecting it.
"Shaving accident." says the faceless one with a hint of humor to his voice. "Very sharp razor. The after shave stung like a bitch."
The Questions shoulder rises in a shrug, "It's my superpower. I know things. Simple deduction, really though, if you think about it. A Svetlana Kuznetsov vanishes in the 40's, from photos of the time looks remarkably like you. You show up 57 years later, give or take. So, either you are immortal or something close to the only other person I know of that had a similar vanishing act happened." He pauses a moment before he continues, "Sure, it could have been something else, but I made a...quess. It's nothing to be ashamed of."
The Question lifts his 'face' towards the door and then back to Lana, "So...where were you headed tonight? Off to beat up someone?"
- Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana can't help it, and lets out an uncontrolled burst of laughter at the 'shaving accident' explanation. Still grinning, she doesn't quite reach out to touch as she replies. "Perhaps you should use less aftershave." she offers. Listening to his 'guess', her humor softens but she relaxes visibly as well.
"Your guess is very good, Mister No-Face... what do I call you, anyway? I am not immortal, but I have been frozen until just recently. I am concerned about you, however. After all, if one person can learn these things then others can as well. How do I know that I can trust you with my full story?"
- Question has posed:
"Good Question." the faceless one replies in regards both to his name, and if he can be trusted. "What does your gut instinct tell you? After all I just showed up here in your apartment, and yet you didn't even take a swing at me. Something stayed your hand, so what was it? Woman's intuition?"
- Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana tilts her head, regarding him with a curious expression. "You began speaking first." she replies simply. "A burgular would have attacked, if they were armed, or fled if not. An assassin would not have announced his arrival by speaking. Therefore I can assume that if you intend to harm me, it is not immediate."
She leans her butt against the sofa, then. "But you have not answered my question, other than to ask more. Something prompted you to learn about me. Is that the real question?"
- Question has posed:
"I'm curious?" says The Question with a bit of a cock to his head. "I had a...discussion with the Beretti's, and I know you recently did a little job for them...but you didn't finish it. Why not?"
- Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana's eyes brighten at that, the girl immediately shifting away from the couch. "If you are here for them, then I promise you will not leave here alive." she declares almost casually. "They wanted me to terrorize a reporter. I have decided that I no longer wish to work for such employers. I am a soldier, not a thug."
Something occurs to her then, and she relaxes again. "You are with the reporter, are you not? Tell me truthfully, for it will go badly with you if you lie."
- Question has posed:
A little snort is heard from the Question as she mistakes his affiliation with the Berettis, and the threat of death doesn't seem to phase him. "I am not here 'for' them. They are no longer in business."
He hrms, finally lifting a hand out of his pocket to scratch at his neck, "I guess you could say I was with the reporter? That's true enough. I mean, it isn't like he sent me here or anything, but I am on his side."
He pauses again, "So, if you don't want to do that kind of work, why take the job in the first place. There has to be plenty of jobs someone like you could take? I'm sure any government agency to start with."
- Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana exhales slowly and settles against the sofa again. "Da, I know this." she replies in a softer voice. Gesturing for him to sit, she continues. "You are correct about the Super Soldier program, only now I know that it was HYDRA acting through the Soviet Union. I was injected with a serum and placed into a highly accelerated training program." She considers, then. "Actually it was more like a conditioning program. The program was stopped and we were all put in cryogenic suspension. I was the only one who had survived when Captain America and Black Widow found the facility."
She looks towards him again. "SHIELD revived me and helped to get me settled. But I do not want to work for them anymore than I do for HYDRA. I thought I could do better by choosing my own jobs, but I have been having some trouble finding an actual cause to fight for."
- Question has posed:
Maneuvering to take a seat, The Question always has his body turned in such a way that if an attack came, he would be in a position to defend. It is clear he has had training. "So, what do you want to fight for? You don't 'find' a cause, you have one. If there isn't something to fight for, then just don't fight."
- Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana shrugs at the question. "Fighting is all that I know." she admits in a softer voice. "I am technically too old to return to skating. And even if I did, the serum and conditioning would make it grossly unfair for me to compete." She shifts a bit before continuing. "What is it that YOU fight for? And do not tell me that you just don't fight. You move like someone who knows how to fight."
- Question has posed:
"Excellent Question." says the faceless one, folding his arms over his chest as he sits down. "That's changed once or twice. I used to fight the corruption that poisons everything around us..and mostly for myself, but my philosophies have modified since my younger more brash days. Now I fight to find the truth. The answers to the questions that are never asked."
He rolls his shoulder into a shrug, "I was once told I had a passion for combat, I've also been told that my passion is curiosity. Maybe it is both?"
- Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Lana's gaze narrows as she considers this. "You fight for curiosity?" Her head shakes. "I do not understand. If you are so curious, then what are you curious about? And why? You cannot be curious about everything all of the time."
- Question has posed:
The Question's answer is simple as he cocks his head to the side like a puppy. "Why not?"
- Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana chuckles softly at that, shaking her head. "Because. Because there is... there is too much." she replies. "You are serious, aren't you? Can you truly be so curious about everything all at once?"
- Question has posed:
The Question shrugs his shoulder once more, "Then I will have a lot to occupy my time with, won't I? At least I will never wallow in boredom or want of something to do...but this isn't about me, is it? This is about you. The soldier than want's to be something more. What does she want to become. This is your butterfly moment, you're in the cocoon in a state of metamorphosis so what do you want to become? Just a solider? Something more? Something less? It is all up to you and the choices you make. You chose not to pummel the guy into paste on order, why? Why not just fulfill you contract and get paid? Something switched between the start and end of that, what was it?"
- Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana shifts against the sofa, folding her arms over her chest. "My moment? Do I need to choose right now, then?" She shrugs at his barrage of questions. "I chose not to beat up a reporter because I -have- decided at least one thing; I am not a thug. The money is not important to me, and I will no longer take jobs from criminal organizations."
- Question has posed:
"If not now, when?" says The Question as he mimics her by placing his own arms over his chest. "You need to make a choice before you can move in any type of direction, or you can chose, I suppose, to stagnate here without making a decision, that is valid I suppose, but it isn't going to get you anywhere."
The Question nods slightly, "That is at least a step. A baby step, but that is how we all start to walk, no? I'm sure Mr. Sage is very grateful for not having you kick his ass."
- Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana remains with arms folded over her chest, smirking at the last. "I'm not so sure that I could have done so as easily as all that." she replies. "But I do see your point. Every day that I do not decide is one more day without progress. I float. I kick. I turn water. But I come no closer to either shore." She lifts a brow, then. "What would you choose if you were me, Faceless Man?"
- Question has posed:
The Question leans back, crossing one foot over the knee of his leg as he gets comfortable, "I'm not you, Lana. I can't begin to know what is in your head or your feelings on things, hence all the questions. This is something that ultimately you are going to have to answer on your own. All I can say is that you're off to a good start. You made a choice not to hurt someone for money. What you do from there is what will set the path you follow."
The Question stands, starting to walk back towards the window, "But, with all I know about you so far, if I /had/ to answer that question? Someone with your skills? I might be biased, but maybe I would use it to do some good. Find what YOUR passion is, and follow that. If it isn't money, or curiosity, or combat...what is it? Answer that, and maybe you can take the next step."
- Svetlana Kuznetsov has posed:
Svetlana purses her lips as she listens. "I want to do good." she declares. "I thought that was with SHIELD, but I see SHIELD and HYDRA two sides to the same coin. They both have too many secrets, and I no longer trust secrets. That is what I started to do when I left SHIELD. I was a bodyguard. I went looking for muggers and gangers. I was sort of a vigilante. Then I became more of a mercenary and I somehow lost my purpose."
"But I do not do this for the money. I live simply, as you can see. At one point I would have said my passion is skating, but I can do so much more."