Crimson Wolf

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Arthur King (Scenesys ID: 10464)
Full Name: Arthur Hisaya King
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Travelling Student
Citizenship: Dual American/Japanese
Residence: Mobile
Education: US High School Diploma, Starting College
Status: Approved
Groups: Martial Arts-OOC, Mystic Arts (OOC), Street Level-OOC
Other Information
Apparent Age: 18 Actual Age: 18
Date of Birth 20 Oct 2013 Actor:
Height: 5'11 Weight: 240 lb
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: "Supernova" by Tetra Fang


Arthur King is a young man put on the road by choice. One of the more successful young men in the world, he works to be something that his family can be proud of while leading a double life. He has his own hobbies of athletics, cars, and the local legends he encounters. He travels all over seeking out new business ventures on the surface. Underneath that, he has inherited from an uncle that he barely knew the sword and armor of the Crimson Komainu. An enchanted sword and armor set that he barely knows anything about, let alone what it can do. Just that he has to keep it safe and that he is now embroiled in the mystical world as well as the superhero one thanks to it. And that not putting too big a target on his back keeps his family safe from the fallout.

Current Player Approved: February 24, 2024



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Arthur King is a half-asian, half-American individual. He has black hair and brown eyes. He has an athletic body and is slightly tall for his Japanese heritage. He often is seen in sensible clothes. His usual clothes on the street tend to be a light duster, white t-shirt, jeans, and sensible tennis shoes. When in costume, he wears a heavier hooded trenchcoat, ballistics vest, and black leather jeans with a ceramic half-face mask that covers his upper face from the forehead down in a wolf-like design while being armed with a sword kept hidden normally. When in his full mystic armor, he appears as a mostly European design with Japanese aesthetics that covers his body completely. The armor is a crimson color with gold accents and green eyes. The helmet looks like a wild lion-dog from Japan with long ears. A second decorative face is on the back over a supportive cross design.


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Arthur King is the son of Reiko Onaga-King and Alexander Kinga, a couple who are regarded as well off in the business empires of the world and stock holders who are self-made in wealth. Early on, he slowly got used to travelling around and keeping contact with friends in both Japan and America as well as other places. His early years they managed to stay mostly in New York or Japan, to let him grow with something of a stable life. They would often visit Japan on school vacations and when they had long term business matters, using online courses to keep up along with private tutors. While in Japan, Arthur was introduced to the Onaga family's martial arts style that he began to learn in order to defend himself from bullying or other problems he encountered that thought the rich kid would be a push over. Not to mention he witnessed some "cool things" that side of the family could do that he kept secret.

At 15, he began helping his parents in business decisions and working to eventually take over part of their problems.

At 17, things changed a bit. Receiving an odd package from Japan, from an uncle he was sure he did not know the name of, Arthur found a sealed envelop with a gifted sword in a traditional wooden box. Curious about it, he called his mother and asked her about it. Which lead to a string of calls to Japan as they tried to figure out who had sent it and why. A week later, Arthur found a small rolled up piece of paper in a hidden compartment on the scabbard. Reading it, he found out that the sword had a mystical secret that he tried out and was shocked at first by the armor he was wearing. At least until the first demon came after him and he ended up fighting it and somehow winning. The paper also warned him of consequences and that things would be coming for him. To protect his family, he created the outfit of the Crimson Wolf or Crimson Komainu named after the sword and began visiting Japan and other aunts and uncles a bit more.

Now having turned 18 and coming closer to graduation, he continues the online courses and moving about as he tries to figure out just who or what he has inherited as well as why him of all people.


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Arthur King tends to be a simple personality. He has his pride in his family's accomplishments as well as who they are. He comes across as a proud, and prideful young man both in and out of costume. That pride goes towards all aspects of his life. His skill in martial arts, his classwork, grades. He does everything he can to make sure that his family can be proud of the man he is. At the same time he tries to be humble about it by not flaunting those accomplishments. He prefers to let those actions speak for themselves. He also considers himself a man of honor and it shows. He follows an honor code pretty close to modern bushido. He values his martial skills, is compassionate enough to help others when he can, a value on sticking to the truth as much as possible, and loyalty to his family and friends.

While in costume, he tends to only speak when he needs to know something. He prefers his actions speaking for him but will often converse with others who wear masks and have reputations of being heroes. He is not afraid to approach for help, but usually tries his best to keep away from others for fear of being found out as well as being unsure who to trust usually. The part that shines through is his being compassionate and valuing sticking to the truth where he can. He won't tell who he is, but he will do his best to not lie to anyone else.


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Qi Enhanced Movement:
Arthur is able to put wuxia film stars to shame with his qi. He can leap up to 20 feet, lightly bounce between buildings, and glide to a less rough landing than falling multiple stories. He usually can not carry more than one extra person even with his armor on while doing this. And getting hit hard mid-glide or mid-jump tends to cancel this out unfortunately.

Qi Strength:
Most useful outside of combat due to the sheer concentration it takes, Arthur can manage if he is not being attacked, hit, or otherwise distracted to achieve a 5 ton lifting strength at maximum. If he has to he can put in short bursts such as for his Qi Striking.

Qi Striking:
Using his qi, Arthur can enhance his strikes. Normal punches become enough to break brick and dent metal, while sword swings can cut into low grade steel.

Qi Toughness:

Using his natural qi, Arthur can make himself resistant to your average non-gun weaponry. Knives and swords will leave scratches and pricks, blunt objects will leave bruises instead of broken bones usually. That's on your average human street thug level in strength.


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Business Minded:
Arthur is surprisingly business minded, and focusing on college courses in both America and Japan for degrees in such. He knows the ins and outs of running successful businesses with mostly happy employees, what it takes to do so, and how to maintain it. This is all learned from his parents at the moment, and he does not have the full on hands knowledge for troubles involved.

Arthur knows his way around computers. He is not able to look for hackers or malicious programs like pros, but generally he can find his way around most systems and find what he is looking for as well as work at cracking passwords.

Arthur knows both western and eastern systems of driving.

High Society:
Due to the King family being a set of business people over the past decade, Arthur has been going to some of what others would call "stuffy parties" for most of his life. This includes talking respectfully, manners, which piece of silverware to eat with what dish, and other mannerisms. He is the one to be the least offensive if he has had time to prepare and find out what culture and their ways are hosting in most cases.

Arthur knows both English and Japanese fluently. He can also write in both languages. He can understand some of French, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese as well as speak a few words with an accent, but can not write in any of them.

Martial Arts:
Arthur is trained in a heritage of martial arts and has been since he was around 8. His maternal family has a successful mix of karate and pakua that they use in defending themselves. Observes will find it hard to tell he is using the two styles as he switches between them at seeming random. This primarily uses pakua's circling method and softer blocks followed by karate's harder strikes. This also includes training in swordsmanship relatable to kendo. Arthur can hold his own in a fight against your common thugs and come out on top, but masters of their styles he will more than likely lose even with his abilities.

Arthur can meditate pretty well. For him, this helps to circulate his inner energies. He can also go over events in his mind and usually it helps to calm him down as well as give him some clarity to troubling events.

Arthur has a healthy interest in the past since seeing his maternal family able to do "cool things" as he put it at the time. His main focus is Japanese mythology, legends, and history. This also spread to learning more and diverging out into the basics of classical mythology that is leading to side courses among others.

Outdoor Survival:

While not a survival junkie, Arthur does know the ins and outs of surviving in the wilds at least by himself. He can do a makeshift camp pretty well, and often sleeps under the stars in camping spots across America and Japan.


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Arthur's costume is rather basic in terms of superhero fighting. Due to the nature of his armor, he prefers to keep it as a last resort. The Crimson Komainu costume consists of a hooded trenchcoat with a ceramic kabuki mask and civilian style bullet proof vest. The trenchcoat has a pair of inner pockets to hide his sword on either side. A simple set of hard leather pouches allow him to keep small items handy.

Crimson Komainu Armor:
This mystic armor is the sole reason that Arthur King has adopted the secret identity of "Crimson Komainu" and been careful with it's use. It appears as a red colored steel suit of armor mixing European and Japanese armor with the signature komainu (guardian lion-dog) on the helmet design and a decorative head on the back. It overall acts as a typical suit of armor able to withstand small arms fire usually. Against more mystical threats (magic, celestial, fiendish, etc.) it can serve as twice as protective as normal due to it's enchanted nature. (See +wea files: Armor Weakness, Cursed Armor, and Armor Reputation.)

Crimson Komainu Sword:
The sword that Arthur is in possession of is a mystical weapon designed to fight mystical foes. Enchantments make it where anything under 20 tons will have a hard time breaking or scratching it, but it is otherwise a normal sharp sword but for the following. It has three main abilities that it can use, and others that have been lost to time. It first is able to store the associated armor in a mystically designed pocket space, summoned through an act of will and flourishing the sword in a circle which can take a number of ways. The summoning automatically equips it to the sword wielder in milliseconds. The second function is a limited strengthening change from a simple straight single edged blade to a broader version when the armor is summoned. Lastly, it is designed to absorb and go through malevolent mystic energies before releasing them to the environment around him. Depending upon the source, this could be anywhere from a simple quick cut to having to do so multiple times. This makes it effective against such things as ghosts, mystical entities, and other beings.

The King family is an extensive, New York style family with offshoots all over. Uncles, aunts, and the like. They spread out pretty well and have kept in contact as well as helped each other since. Most run or work at a successful business, and can be counted on to help out as pillars of a community. The flip side is that the Onaga family is a respected one in Japan and doing most of the same. Their knowledge is more towards the humble mom and pop shops or restaurants while maintaining awareness of the more mystical aspects of the world. At one point they were samurai in ancient feudal times. Since Arthur has been travelling, he has kept a running contact with his family and worked to keep more criminal elements off of them.

Arthur's family maintains residences for their travels and occasionally loan them out to company types that are also moving around. His family's "main" residences are in Okinawa, Japan and New York. These are owned by his parents but able to be used by Arthur at least regularly. Most have burglar alarms and wi-fi access, while being anywhere from one to two bedroom homes.

Arthur possesses a pair of motorcycles that he uses to get around. One in Japan and one in America. With his life style, he tends to tune them up and on occasion get more modern reliable ones with better gas mileage. If he has to fly long distances, he will usually rent a car.


Arthur, thanks to his parents, is wealthy. As the sole heir to their fortune he may also be more so in the future and thanks to their guidance it is unlikely that he will lose the fortune easily. It is currently close to a million with about half locked into stocks and naturally flowing there. The rest is to spend as he likes, often in day to day expenses as well as maintenance of his choice of moving around.


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Armor Reputation:
Arthur has only encountered a handful of such problems since he received the mystery package, but he is aware that his armor has some sort of legend or reputation that he is unaware of. In some cases, a mystical threat might recognize it for what it is. A dangerous set of artifacts designed to make it where a warrior can fight such threats on an equal ground. This can lead to fear, respect, or anything in between from the mystic side. Usually with little to no explanation.

Armor Weaknesses:
The armor is indeed tough for what it does, however it also has a weakness in that the sigil on the belt area will instantly release it and cause it to unsummon itself if pressed in and twisted. Another is the flexibility it possesses. While piercing it is pretty tough and still doable in the age of superheroics, punching it is still going to hurt the wearer underneath.

Cursed Armor:
Despite the unique properties of the armor, it has a curse on it. Using it too long will cause the armor to transform the wearer into a vengeful, berserk komainu. A lion-dog temple guardian without a temple. Arthur can usually sense when he is getting close if he concentrates, but once past the point he needs someone else to force him out of the armor. Under the effects of the curse, he has no awareness of friend or foe. He will use his qi powers without discretion and seek to kill and destroy anything he sees as a threat. Eventually, he starts to become more beast than man by going to all fours. By the end of the curse, the armor will leave him a stone statue of a komainu and dead.

Arthur King has a large family. And that family is something that he values and is prideful about. If they call him, he's going to come to their aide as quickly as he can. It could be a deity himself that he is facing, but he will be there due to his valuing them. As spread out as they are, they also value his being able to come to their side when they have tried most of the other solutions to their problems.

Qi Stunts Limits:

Arthur is still new to using qi and enhancing himself. He can only use one ability at a time that he is slowly training to become more reliable.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Open Door: Taking Back the Books April 29th, 2024 The Scoobies infiltrate the vampire hideout and steal back their magic tome.
Pictures and Rich Guys at Skylines April 11th, 2024 While at a photo shoot, Arthur King meets Koriand'r while the two talk amidst the chaos.
One Night at the Museum April 2nd, 2024 Arthur tries to stop Satana. Both try to stop the real villain.
And then Two Animals Walk into a Bar. April 1st, 2024 Summary needed
Along the Bronze Came A Giant March 9th, 2024 While at the Bronze, Arthur and Kimberly are treated to the arrival of Cain Marko looking for someone in Sunnydale. Fortunately for them it's a peaceful encounter!
Glyphic Riddle March 5th, 2024 Scoobies and allies gather to investigate strange happenings in darlington park. Harry and Traci reinforce a crumbling barrier while forming a plan of action.
Another night in another cemetery.. March 3rd, 2024 Faith meets a new comer in town who helps her slay vampires
Dining The Cancer Away March 3rd, 2024 Arthur, Nick, and Thomas find themselves sharing a table at a charity dinner. Family business is discussed much to the horror of a doctor situated at the other side of the table.
The wizard in the book. February 25th, 2024 A stranger came by, telling an interesting tale with a good prop to make it legit.


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