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Latest revision as of 06:54, 29 July 2018

You can't go Home
Date of Scene: 29 July 2018
Location: NYC - The Bronx
Synopsis: June goes back to her apartment, and Drake finds her along the way.
Cast of Characters: June Connor, Slipstream

June Connor has posed:
    She shouldn't be doing this. It's 3am, Late even for a ninja. June doesn't have access to her shinobi shozoku, and so she is in her street clothes. The katana across her back might be suspicious if someone actually found her, but as per usual, she knows how to stay out of sight. she leaps across one roof to the next. It was a long jump, and she lands rolling back up to her feet, glancing down over the edge at the street below, cautiously looking for people who might be following.

Slipstream has posed:
Being one of the fastest people in the world now, Drake has learned to stay out of sight as he times his blinks just right, disappearing in and out. He has been following her with a little wrist communicator, dressed in his Avenger's bomber jacket, black jeans and a black shirt. Snowball is in 'sleep' mode so that her LED faceplate doesn't create a glow.

When the ex-foot soldier rolls across the roof and stands up, Drake blinks in front of her. "Isn't it past your curfew?" He says with a huff towards her. "Why are you out here? You shouldn't have left the mansion, it's not safe for you."

June Connor has posed:
    June's first response to Drake's arrival is a rather violent one. She leaps back in surprise, instinctively flinging a shuriken directly at him before she realizes who it is. The maneuver is followed by a reverse handspring and the drawing of the katana. "Oh holy shit! Drake!?" she whispers loudly. "You tryin' to give me a heart attack?" Fortunately, shuriken are hardly lethal weapons even if it does strike.

Slipstream has posed:
Snatching the shuriken out of the air with a quick blink, Drake drops it to the ground with a clank. "You trying to get killed? You seriously are /here/? Why?" He reaches behind him and taps Snowball on the head, then whispers. "Go in recon mode." The little robot gives a soft robotic yawn, then floats up and starts to circle the perimeter.

June Connor has posed:
    June scowls, though at this hour, it may be difficult to see in the moonlight. "Haven't I fucked your life up enough?" she asks, resheathing the sword. "What do you care, I should just take my hole-filled street rat ass and do what I want, right?" she inspecifically regurgetates his comment. "So why are /you/ here?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh come on, you know why I'm here." Drake hisses back at her as he steps forward to keep his voice low. "They'll kill you if they find you. Just come back to the Avengers, please? We can train you. You can be apart of the team. I don't want to see you get hurt out here by yourself. Even though you frustrate the fuck out of me, I still care about you."

June Connor has posed:
    "I have to," she says. "I just... gotta know." She moves to the edge of the building. "You're little nanopet wanna stand guard, I'm cool with it. I know this is risky." She hops down onto the fire escape, and starts down the steps, not waiting to see if Drake is going to follow.

Slipstream has posed:
"What are you looking for here?" Drake says as he follows after her, leaping on to the fire escape, though when he lands his feet don't make a sound as he blinks at the last moment to create a little flutter. "Do you need me to breach first?"

June Connor has posed:
    June crouches by the window, examining it. "No," she says. "I gotta check and make sure they didn't rig the place to blow." She carefully examines the sides of the window, and when she's confident, she slowly starts to creak open the window. She stops, looking at a suspicious point. "You got any gum or anything?" she asks, pulling a hair pin from her head.

Slipstream has posed:
"I don't got gum on me." Drake says, then reaches out to snag her by the wrist. "Why are you here for?" He asks again. "Hey, look at me. Why are you here?" He says softly to her.

June Connor has posed:
    June looks down at her wrist as Drake snags it. "Let. Go." She doesn't pull it away, but she has a decided look on her face that is extremely serious, one of those looks that could make Medusa blink first. "I just...I gotta see." She doesn't say what it is that she has to see.

Slipstream has posed:
"Not until I know why you're doing this." Drake says as he lets out a breath. "Come on, just talk to me. You know I have your back, but I need to know what the mission is first." He stares right back at her, unflinchingly. "And if it's gonna get you in more trouble or not. If these assholes got eyes everywhere, and you're creeping into /here/, you don't think they're watching right now?" He lets her go and sighs.

June Connor has posed:
    "Standard operation is to visit within one hour," she says. "When I went missing they would have come then." She shakes her head. "I gotta see if they got him, or if he managed to get out. He's a bastard, but didn't deserve any of this." She twists her wrist to break the hold, then pulls her belt from the belt loops. She tucks it down to make contact, then reaches in to pull a small device from the inside edge of the window. A quick pull of a thin wire, and she tosses it to the side carelessly, as if it wasn't an explosive at all.

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh. The boyfriend." Drake says with a wrinkle of his nose. He watches her, then glances over as she whips the device to the side. "Hey, is that gonna blow up? Why not just call him from a burner phone or something? Or how about if I knock on the front door and see if he answers?"

June Connor has posed:
    "No I pulled the wire, it's fine," June says, throwing the window up and open. "They probably forgot I designed it."
    She grabs the cord and pulls up the blinds, then descends into the absolute trash heap of a kitchen space. Old food, beer cans, a spill of something on the floor. Dishes that are gathering flies. All this though, takes back stage to the smell. It is the smell of death.

Slipstream has posed:
Covering his mouth with his sleeve, Drake mutters out, "This place is a shit hole. That's also the smell of a dead body." He mutters to himself as he keeps his nose and mouth covered os he won't breathe in. He follows after her, reaching to his hip to pull his ice gun off the holster.

June Connor has posed:
    June doesn't answer, but she walks soberly to the living room. The TV is on, it can be heard running. There in a chair, a beer can still in hand, is a man who is...was...in his late middle age. His body shape has deteriorated, decay starting to set in. He was garrotted. June doesn't cover her mouth. In fact, she looks rather emotionlessly at the corpse for several seconds, then gives a single nod, as if the matter is simply decided.
    She walks past him, and into the bedroom. The place really is the worst of living conditions. She grabs a bag from the closet, and begins to casually, yet quickly, start packing without a word.

Slipstream has posed:
Tapping the TV off, Drake takes a look about, then finds a sheet to drop on top of the dead body so he won't have to look at it. "I'll call it in." He says as he taps a few buttons on his wrist communicator for 9-1-1. "Are you gonna come back with me?" He asks hopefully in his voice. "Please?"

June Connor has posed:
    "They won't care," June says without looking at him. "Stuff like this happens all the time in this neighborhood. 893 murders last year. Cops responded to eighteen of them." Odd that she would know those numbers so specifically. She shoves her underwear into the bag, followed by her bras. "System doesn't care about people around here. Donnie won't even get an obituary. We don't make enough money to matter here."

Slipstream has posed:
"A'm an Avenger, they'll come if I call." Drake says as he follows after her with a sigh, giving a glance about. "June. Are you coming back with me or not?" He asks sadly in his voice. "Let me help you and get you out of this crap situation. Look, I'm sorry for being a dick the other day. You pushed a ton of buttons with me and I said shit I didn't even mean. But, please, let us help you. I don't want to.. see you like that guy in the other room."

June Connor has posed:
    June shakes her head dismissively. "S'whatever. I deserved it," she pulls a load of t-shirts into her bag, then grabs several pairs of pants and shorts. "I dunno, Drake, I'm not a good girl, in case you hadn't noticed. I know you had your bumps in the past, but Avengers? Look at me, I'm not Avengers material, y'know? I don't have any superpowers, I can't take on 20 guys by myself. I'm just a rat from the Bronx, way better at committing crimes than getting out of them."

Slipstream has posed:
"The Black Widow doesn't have any powers. Hawkeye doesn't have any powers." Drake points out to her. "Pretty sure most of them got rap sheets longer than yours but they put that shit behind them and stepped up." He moves in closer, reaching out to snag her hand for a squeeze. "You're not just a rat from the Bronx. You saved my life. You stepped up. You have a good heart, it's just buried in all the trash." He says as he gives a motion with his hand. "Give us a chance, please. If not for me, then for you. Prove it to yourself that you can do amazing things."

June Connor has posed:
    "Wow, now you sound like those cheesy Captain America motivational videos," June says with a smirk. "Fine, just remember I told you so when I blow it." She grabs a photo of a young girl with long brown hair sitting on the shoulders of a man who looks in his mid thirties, and stuffs it into the bag before zipping it up. "Better take out the tripwire on the front door," she comments. "Unless we want to headline dead cops tomorrow."

Slipstream has posed:
"Yeah, probably would be a good idea." Drake says as he lets out a sigh, eyes wandering along the room. "And if I sound like Cap, I'll take that as a compliment. He's the bar everyone in the world should want to reach."

June Connor has posed:
    June goes to the closet, grabbing her shinobi Shozuko from the closet, and walks back out to the main room, carrying the bag of clothing. Without looking back at Donnie's covered corpse, she bends over and pulls the wire on the trip wire. An electric whir can be heard.

"Shit." That can't be a good thing.

Slipstream has posed:
As he steps in close, Drake reaches out to snag her by the waist from behind, then pushes off with his foot as they blur out in a blink of blue light from the room, ending up in the kitchen as the world rushes around them. It's like leaping through a small tunnel of light, leaving behind only a blur. "Exit?"

June Connor has posed:
    "Window!" June responds, her voice being covered by the SNAP of a en explosive charge, followed by the shattering and splintering of wood, causing her to wince. It was localized, doing very little damage to the actual structure, though the sulfuric smelll of gunpowder and haze of smoke quickly mixes with the rest of the rancid aura of the apartment. "Guess they didn't forget," she answers.

Slipstream has posed:
Grabbing her again, Drake pulls her close, then steps forward as he blinks once more. There is the sound of breaking glass as the pair tumble out the window. Snowball meets them as she zips down quickly, giving him a quick scan to check his vitals. "No, seems like they didn't forget. We need to go." He says as he stares at her, then leans down to slide his arm under her legs, hiking her up princess style. He gives her a bit of a smirk, then blinks out again once Snowball lands in his backpack.

There is about ten jumps down the streets as the pair zips in and out of his speedy shunts, barely giving anyone a chance to blink and see them before they end up in an alley a half mile down. He is breathing heavily, his wrist device blinking yellow giving him an alert.

June Connor has posed:
    "That's...really weird," June comments, glancing at your blinking alert. "I think we can probably hoof it now." She stuffs the black outfit into a side pocket on the bag and starts walking. She stops after a few steps, turning back around. "Thanks," she adds, realizing that such may be in order, and leans in to give him a peck on the cheek.

Slipstream has posed:
"You think it's weird? My guts feel like they're on fire. I just got a good poker face." Drake says with a grin to her once he puts her down. When she leans in to peck him on the cheek, he pauses, then leans forward to press his lips against hers for a quick, firm kiss. "For the record, I like your holes." He says, cheeks flushed before he starts down the sidewalk, shoving his hands into his pockets.

June Connor has posed:
    As Drake tries to go for the kiss on the lips, she retracts her head and shoots two fingers between the lips as a barrier. "Eh," she gives a grunt of a rebuke. "Don't get too carried away," She adjusts the bag to one shoulder, and likewise starts down the street. "And...you should probably not say that again," she says regarding the holes comment.