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Latest revision as of 12:19, 2 August 2018

A Test
Date of Scene: 06 June 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Green Arrow gives Yin a trial, and is given provisional status on Team Arrow.
Cast of Characters: Green Arrow, Yin, Black Canary

Green Arrow has posed:
It isn't a very well known fact outside actual vigilante and super groups, given how stealthy Green Arrow tends to be in the field and how few words he shares with his targets. Yin, on the other hand, has quickly picked up on Green Arrows fairly high standards. He expects the best out of those he works with, and tends to be a mixed bag of building up and breaking down his team.

Tonight, Yin has been requested to the Quiver once again, with Green Arrow picking her up on his Skybike with the usual blindfold. By the time they're in the garage, the wind has died down and the lights are on. "You can take it off now," Green Arrow informs Yin as he gets off the Skybike to his right. His compound bow easily seen on a holstering strap on his quiver as he starts to head inside the bunker.

"I said I was going to test you before I gave you any sort of access. I meant to do this sooner, but keeping arms dealers from ruining the streets was my priority." Green Arrow stops and turns back to regard Yin from the exit, just barely in sight. The hood and domino mask do their job keeping his identity secret even in the bright light well. "Are you ready for this?"

Yin has posed:
Yin takes the blindfold off after several minutes of quietly riding behind you, studying you, and slips in behind as you start moving. Her footsteps are silent, not a drop of wasted effort or energy. She watches your steps, reading you like a library. She might not have the experience, but she is observant of certain things. Painfully observant, maybe.

"Understandable. What do you want to work on first?" She visibly relaxes herself, stretching her wrists a bit, and rolling her shoulders. A breath is brought in, then released softly, with a slight wave of relaxation running along her spine as her fingers come to rest steepled in a casual ready position.

Green Arrow has posed:
A smile comes to his face as he watches, before he walks into the Bunker.

Green Arrow starts to head for the gym section, "First, a test of your ability." As he steps into the gym, he moves off to the left, before he opens a chest on a table: click, click. Reaching into it with his right hand, he pulls a set of escrima sticks out of it, before moving over to the training matt in the center of the gym. "Do you do escrima at all?" Green Arrow asks as he takes off his quiver and the holstered bow, putting them to the side on the floor.

Yin has posed:
Yin tilts her head at the escrima sticks, measuring them in her head and glancing them over to decide on their properties, then reaching in and taking out a pair, lightly weighing them in her fingers and moving onto the mat.

"A couple of times. It was never my focus; my teachers spent a lot more time on the spear and staff if anything. I've used a jian a bit, and a few other things." She half-closes her eyes a moment, sorting through memories, then moves through a basic sinawali, using her Chen flow. Maybe she's only seen it once or twice, but she picks these things up fast. "I have had some small exposure to the basic form." She watches you, to see if you are going to run through any movements with the things first that she can add to her mix.

Green Arrow has posed:
A nod is given to the reply, before he tosses the sticks to the side themselves. Now, he's wearing his suit, hood, and mask. The white lenses of the domino mask betray nothing of his eyes, but his head tilts slightly up and down as he gives an obvious examination of Yins form. "You seem like the lean sort, not much of a bodybuilder. Let's see how well you do with your own styles first." As he finishes, Green Arrow switches into a defensive stance... an Aikido style variant, with some subtle changes to the default stance most dojos use.

"Come at me." Green Arrow offers.

Yin has posed:
Yin nods her head. "Strength isn't always obvious." Aikijutsu.. a counterfighting style. Throws, upper body, soft. And her a counterfighter herself. Her eyes move past you, breaking your form down into targets, traps, possible points of attack.

She does a short, fast fencing shuffle lunge to close into range, then a short little rap with the outside of her wrist at your forearm - an uncommon angle of attack, and not a highly damaging one, but something to get you moving in response. There's a snap backfist and a short scoop kick at the usual Aikido step response behind that.. and a whole blooming flower of potential trapping and takedowns ready to follow it. Her muscles look totally relaxed, but everything has her mass and focus behind it.

Green Arrow has posed:
A redirect is Green Arrows response to the forearm attempt, a sidestepping half throw meant to send Yins momentum forward just enough so that the rest of the attacks are just off kilter enough to parry the blows easily.

Once the follow through is dealt with, Green Arrow spins out of range, before he builds a new judo stance. He's practically telegraphing his intent to sweep his opponents feet, though. "Not bad. Keep it up."

Yin has posed:
Yin smiles peacefully under her mask, gliding in and sticking to you. She steps heavily in - a great opportunity for a sweep! and flashes a palm strike at your face as her feet switch from one side to the other, scoop kicking at the back of the sweep - then spiraling down for a low attack at your leg muscles in a twisted stance, not trusting the sweep to be real and changing levels on you away from the height you expect with Judo. Peaceful, graceful, relaxed, unhurried, drinking in every movement and twitch, reading you.

Green Arrow has posed:
Instead of engaging directly, Green Arrow is practically dancing around the matt once Yin starts to do her sweep feint; a direct dodge instead of a counter. "You like to do reactive attacks." Green Arrow notes as he steps back from Yin a few steps, and goes into a standing, casual stance for a moment. "Do you know any other forms, or are you mainly a counterbalancing fighter?"

Yin has posed:
Yin shrugs faintly. "It's a preference. I'm strongest with the receptive." She shifts upward into cat stance, sticking and following as you step, then pauses to let you talk, reading your casual stance as a pause. She isn't the slightest bit winded. "It isn't my only tactic. You opened in an Aikido stance; I prefer not to step into traps, and five element fists plays into the strengths you were showing. Whenever you are ready?" She inclines her head.

Green Arrow has posed:
A moment passes as Yin gets a stare from Green Arrow; the white of the eye concealing lenses on the domino mask betraying nothing of his expression, before he starts to circle Yin slowly, "Show me." Green Arrow goes all in this time, a mix of Kung Fu style direct jabs and kicks as Green Arrow tries to strike at Yin.

There's no attempt at going for disabling strikes, he's going in with pure power, trying to overwhelm Yins defenses on the gym training matt.

Yin has posed:
Yin easily flows into a Baguazhuang evasion, letting Arrow's strikes glance off of a palm change as she shifts around you, then rolls the parry into a downward chopping fist with her weight to crush Arrow's stance, drawing inward, then explodes forward into a deep, solid push, form locking into immobile solidity a couple inches beyond where she expects Arrow's body to be, in the sort of push she uses to launch thugs across the room like they had been punched by a brick.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary comes down into the Quiver as she stops cold, watching Ollie and Yin fight. She just decides to hang back for now, studying their moves. She assumes it's some kind of 'test' to see if Yin is worthy of joining the group. So she goes to the small kitchen and nukes a bag of popcorn, and then returns, sits down, and watches.

Green Arrow has posed:
When Yin actually manages to land her solid push into Green Arrow against the torso portion of his suit, it becomes pretty clear Green Arrow is holding back at the moment. There's a small grunt from the hit, but nothing like the volume one would expect from the power behind Yins hit.

Getting knocked back just a bit, Green Arrow re-centers himself on the mat, going back into an offensive Kung Fu stance a moment later, "With a bit of work for offensive based styles, you'd have a good foundation. Counter-fighting is a very defensive measure, and you'll need to be able to strike first doing this."

Green Arrow tilts his head, just so, "you have potential, and can probably be trained. I'd be willing to go with a provisional status on the team while we work on expanding your forms. What do you say?" Green Arrow asks.

Black Canary is seemingly ignored at first, but one hand takes a very brief moment to wave at Black Canary as he keeps his stance otherwise.

Yin has posed:
Yin tilts her head a bit and responds with a bright, cheerful lilt, "Of course. But you really haven't seen my entire library to make that judgement about what I need to train."

Suddenly, she slides up into another stance before advancing forward flowingly, hammering away straight on with a mixture of explosive, driving punches at a variety of angles and low line kicks, pouring it on against Arrow's defenses and chaining through a whole variety of straight on attacks in a graceful, nonstop flow. It's actually a pretty comprehensive list.

Green Arrow has posed:
When Yin starts to press the attack, Green Arrow uses a combination of dodges and parrying forearms to take most of her hits. Normally, there'd be a bit of pain involved in taking the hits like this, but Green Arrows suit makes these techniques doable without bruising his limbs overly. The more powerful strikes are dodged, but most are redirected or blocked.

Eventually, he jumped back a few feet, "You gave me the impression of a defensive fighter. I'm happy to see I was wrong." Green Arrow offers to her, before he drops to a neutral stance... and offers a hand for a handshake, "I can give you a pass to get past the defenses for the bunker, and a location for one of the entryways."

Yin has posed:
Yin stops and inclines her head respectfully, shaking the hand softly, with feminine softness. "I AM a defensive fighter, but I am not JUST a defensive fighter. And there's more to me on top of that. Did Canary tell you about what I did for her aches when we met?"

She nods at the explanation of passes, considering. "Okay. Do you have questions for ME? I don't know what your due diligence found out."

Green Arrow has posed:
"I've done some of it. I'm sure you can fill me in on the right over some coffee sometime." Green Arrow assures her, before he starts over to the information platform... and points to a pair of small devices on the edge of one of the tables, "The RFID tag will get you into the main entry. The thumb drive will give you the main entryway into the garage down here." Green Arrow moves to sit down then, starting to type into one of the computers, "we can work out what sort of motorcycle to buy you later."