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Latest revision as of 12:41, 2 August 2018

It's Just a Jump to the Left...
Date of Scene: 10 June 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Scarlet Witch, Constantine, Deadwatch

Scarlet Witch has posed:
It was Wanda's idea. Something of a surprise.. or maybe not a surprise as much as she was in a good mood and wished to share it with Nolan. "You will see, it will be good," she says. "Only you must first close your eyes, yes?"

She's smiling and ever so happy with herself. Just her and Nolan, out for a drink. Socializing like.. well, like a normal couple might. Except maybe for the bit about it being a place where magic is normal. She'd heard of that - that there was such a place. Only while rumours were that it existed, they didn't say quite *where*.

Luckily, Wanda had a cheat around that, too. She'd just *pop* them there. A simple matter of wishing to be where two magic using sorts could have a drink.. and...

In retrospect, that might have been where she went wrong. But for now.. That's how it all begins. Wanda wishing she and Nolan to be somewhere where both magic and drinks are both commonplace and can be had...

Constantine has posed:
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbmWs6Jf5dc

The inside of the House of Mystery is vast and from the entry way looks like some mansion from a tale of Gothic horror. One might expect a corpse with a telltale heart buried under the floorboards or an old enemy bricked up in the cellar. The gas lights and massive chandelier are unlit but light spills out of a room between the two arching stairways from the first to the second floor.

The sliding double doors to that room are pulled wide and a fire flickers past a trio of arm chairs inside, the discordant notes of the Sex Pistols blare from within, and John Constantine lounges in one of those chairs by the fire, trenchcoat off, tie looser than normal, while an old record player blasts the discordant sounds of the Sex Pistols, while John drinks whiskey from a water glass. A cigarette smoldered in a nearby ash tray and on an old TV John managed to get working, the latest footie match is playing. In short, Constantine is on a day off. No magic, demons or other nightmare inducing business wanted thank-you very much!

Of course things never go his way. Especially with the bloody house.

As soon as his visitors arrive the gas lights and chandelier come to life illuminating the entry way and the place seems tidier too in the light as if it had gussied itself up for company.

For now John has not noticed his guests. "C'mon, what the hell was that," he shouts at the screen taking a sip from his glass.

Deadwatch has posed:
Wanda may be smiling but he really isn't. He hasn't been smiling since she mentioned they were going somewhere in Bludhaven, being all vague as to just where in that cesspool they were going. HE stands there, arms crossed, glaring at his paramour.. face scrunched up in a scowl. "You know I don't /like/ Bludhaven, right?" he asks, as if reminding her. "I didn't like it as a kid when I lived on the streets and I can't think of a single redeeming quality that would want me to go back to that rat infested dump.. The only place worse than Bludhaven's down town is it's burbs. I mean, have you ever /been/ to Sunnydale?" he asks?"

Scowl scowl grimace scowl...

But.. her continued smile slowly chips away at his gruff exterior and he sighs, reaching over to grab his forearm crutch. He slips his hand into the wrist brace and leans heavily on it. "Fine.. Fine.. you win.." he says and closes his eyes.. Because it makes her happy. And she whisps them off to.. wherever..

Now standing beside Wanda in their new location, feeling reality once again take hold of them, the redheaded psychic makes a face, eyes still closed and his nose wrinkling. "Why does it smell like what I think my grandmother's house would smell like.." Then he hears the music in the distance. "But sound like a skid row bar in Liverpool.. in the Seventies?" he asks...

Scarlet Witch has posed:
A giggle burbles up from Wanda at the image Nolan dredges up: a 70's print couch, in a badly lit livingroom, complete with a hair in curlers grandma in support hose and a ratty dressing gown, cigarette dripping from her lips and a scotch in the other hand. 'Give us a kiss, won't you lovey, and turn the telly on so I can catch me soaps..'

It's all a little too real in her mind.

And so is where they are, which, once she has a moment to look around, Wanda realizes isn't at all where she had planned on taking them..

"Oh, this is not a bar." Understatement 101. Wanda wins. "I do wonder how we ended up here. But look, it is happy to see us!"

And the gods alone know how or why Wanda thinks the place is happy to see them, but she clearly believes it, looking about with much the same smile she'd used to wheedle and cajole Nolan into agreeing on this little venture.

Constantine has posed:
At the sound of voices Constantine glances back and seeing people in the entry way sighs, "Not again..." he looks up at the ceiling, "House, you really need to learn the meaning of a day off," he says and is met with a slight groaning of the floor boards that seems somewhat dismissive.

"Bloody hell," Constantine grumbles taking a pull from his glass and a drag from his smoke as he gets up. The TV is snapped off next, and the needle is lifted from the record player. That done, John slouches into the entryway, hands shoved into his pockets, looking more annoyed than afraid of the people who just appeared in his home.

"Alright, who are you lot? And why'd the House think I should meet you?" he says looking the unlikely couple up and down.

Behind John for those who can see them an odd quartet of ghosts peer out from the other room, a nun, a biker, a hippy and a teen, all are sombre faced and silent.

Deadwatch has posed:
If the giggle wasn't enough, her admission that this isn't a bar /is/ enough for Nolan to open one eye cautiously. The blue one. He looks around slowly, taking in the.. well lets call it the decor, and his frown deepens somewhat as he finally opens the other eye (the amber one).

"Well, thats the understatement of the night.." he says, with only the FAINTEST hint of sarcasm. "Unless the love child of Bob Villa and Lilly Munster opened up a bed and breakfast, this is about the furthest thing away from a bar as I have ever come across...."

He stops she John enters the entryway (is that redundant) and stares at the guy in the tan long coat for a long moment. "Okay, A threesome between Bob Villa, Lilly Munster, and Billy Idol..." he says dryly...

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Oh." Wanda's eyes are a wideness when John rounds down the hallway upon them, the single word an utterance of surprise, only it doesn't last too long, the woman trying ever so hard not to giggle, and be serious in order to answer the man whose house they've ever so obviously dropped in upon. "I am Wanda, and this is Nolan, and the house says you are Cranky, but to call you John anyway because it's politer."

Constantine has posed:
John smirks at Nolan's dry remark, "Think I was at that party," he remarks of that unlikely threesome. "And love Billy's music, but most folks think I look like Sting, in his prime of course," he adds with a smile to Wanda.

The smile turns to quirked brow, "Talking to you is she?" he asks of the house. He doesn't seem surprised but he does study Wanda a little bit trying to gather the senses he'd been blurring with booze and a couple of painkillers a little while earlier. They don't obey so he simply steps forward offering them a hand in turn. "John Constantine," he introduces himself. "So, you two have last names?" he asks.

Deadwatch has posed:
You know when you from outside in the sun and into a house and no matter how well lit it is it seems dark still and it takes a moment or two for your eyes to adjust? Well That's sort of the same thing happening to Nolan. Sure, Wanda didn't have to adjust.. She's the one who translocated them,. He was just the passenger so it takes him a moment to actually /see/ and /hear/ as he climatizes...

As he unconciously waits for THAT to happen he snorts and rolls his eyes. "I dunno, man. You seem to be packing a few more pounds then he did when he played Feyd Harkonnen in Dune.." he says, then gives Wanda the hairy eyeball. "Really? /Names/? We don't even know who this guy is..." he says, then looks back at Jihn. "No offence, pal, but oooooooooooh Jesus H Murphy..."

There we go.. synched.

His psychic senses, known as his Darkvision, always on and now tuned in, show him a LOT of interesting things.. And he blinks a few times. It's not just the house that is intresting but their reluctant host. "Uhm, yeah.. We have last names.. Dunno if we should /give/ them, though." he mutters. "You know.. Names.. power.. all that Jazz.. Hey, did you know your house it alive? I mean, Literally..." he then frowns and cants his head as if he is hearing something. "Hey, Lilly MUnster was /hot/ so take it as a damned compliment you pile of kindling."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda sighs. It's inevitable. Well, it's not like she's so well versed in the ways of men that she knew to expect this, but deep in her bones she's pretty convinced they'd settled into my schwartz is bigger than your schwartz section of the evening.

"Fine. You two be having the peeing contest. I will be going and sitting down and having a tea. When you are done, someone do come to tell me and we can enjoy ourselves, yes?"

Both men are given the 'why me' suffering look, "The house thinks you are both ridiculous, by the way."

Constantine has posed:
John fans out his jacket, "Make up for the pounds with my fashion sense," he remarks cheekily. "No idea what Lynch was thinking with that get up."

"Well, gave you mine," he says with a cheeky grin as he fishes out his pack of smokes and knocks one loose. "Might not want to use it though, tends to be like chum in the water when it comes to the dark and nasty."

He produces a lighter and ignites the end of his smoke.

"And, the House?" he looks around. "Yeah, won the deed, but I'm not much more than its babysitter," or its captive. It was hard to tell sometimes. "Ever hear of the House of Mystery?"

He says, any reply to the kindling remark, is lost in an amused grin as Wanda breezes past them into the sitting room. "Tea's in the-" he begins before realizes the House probably had a kettle on the boil over the fire as soon as she said it.

"Well it's not wrong!" he calls after Wanda about it's house's opinion.

"So," John says taking a drag from his smoke. "Your bird, what's the story there?"

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight rolls his eyes as Wanda gives them /her/ opinion, if only because it is a completely ridiculous one and grumbles under his breath. "Of course the house thinks we're ridiculous. The house is a she.." Yeah,. how he came up with that will probably remain a mystery but.. "Wait.. if the house is a she did What does that make the door... Nevermind.." he says, exhaling loudly then looking to John.

"The House of Mystery is a Freakin Myth. A story a bunch of lame ass old mages bander about.. like "I caught a fish this big'. And you can't be John Constantine. He's supposed to be an imbecile, from what I've heard, and you sure don't sound like an imbicile.. Wait. why are your ghost friends laughing...?" he asks...

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Of course Wanda has already left, chattering away with the house like a long lost friend, which is just as well or she'd be forced to explain it wasn't *her* opinion, but the house's.

Nolan is right, however, the house /is/ a she. or so Wanda would confirm if asked, but given the house is supposed to be a myth.. and John Constantine is supposed to be an imbecile...

And John is right, too. The house has happily supplied Wanda with tea - orange pekoe. /And/ biscuits. Not the stale, fairly tasteless ones she dredges up for him no matter what he buys at the grocery, or whichever spell he uses, but the fancy ones, decorated with sugar, and that melt in your mouth when you dip them in your cup.

Come to think of it, where'd that china come from anyway?

Constantine has posed:
John follows Nolan's thinking about the house and it's door. "Not going to be able to unsee that now, mate, thanks," he remarks around his smoke.

"And as for the House, well, your standing in it, but if you think it's a myth take a walk around open some doors, be my guest. Me, going to join your lady friend for some tea."

The remark about the ghost friends, though that stops him in his tracks, "You can see 'em too, eh?" he asks, there is a moment of what could almost be mistaken for sympathy on John's face for half a tick before he smiles, "Imbecile eh? That's being kind, they mostly just call me a right bloody bastard. Which is fair, I suppose."

He heads towards the sitting room, smoke trailing behind him, "Let's go have some tea."

Deadwatch has posed:
Now that John has mentioned it, Nolan can't get the image out of his head either.. "Damnit" he gripes, and then looks slightly.. well not apologetic. He finally gets why the ghosts were laughing."So you are John Constantine, then. "Sorry bout that. Just going by what I heard on the grapevine. You know how judgemental the pointyhats can be. And yes, I can see them. I couldn't /not/ see them, even if I tried,. That's my thing, more or less.." he tells the Warlock. "And the name is Nolan. Nolan Voight. DOn't worry, ghosts laugh at me too sometimes.." He then stares at John's 'friends'. "Because they can be real Jerks.."

That said, he begins to follow John to wherever Wanda went. "Okay so.. The house is real.. Thats now apparent. But if we're in Bludhaven I must have passed it, like, a hundred times in my life. And that pisses me off.." he grumbles as they enter the room where Wanda is. "Did you know this place existed?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda looks up as the gentlemen enter the room. Whatever it was John left behind, it isn't that now - the room is cheery, all the walls painted in light reflecting colours. The couch and chairs are brightly coloured solids. Pictures adorn the walls. And end tables, etc all make the place look inviting and homey instead of the smoke infested 70's throwback that John had left not minutes before.

"Me?" Wanda shakes her head. "No, not so much. But I do not come to this end of town so very often. The House, she wasn't so sure until now that I might wish to come visit. She's been very patient, she says." John is given a disappointed look without explaination, though one gets the feeling he's made the being 'patient' part of thngs harder.

"Are we done with the pissing? Now we can visit properly?" She nods to herself. "I do not understand that. It is you are both very good at what you do. And oh, my, so much the same, really." There's an amused smile that flits upon her lips. "But you do not want tea, I think. It is only I was waiting for you to be done. And now that she has met me, the House is happy. She says I may come back."

Constantine has posed:
John chuckles when it's clear Nolan can't get the image out of his own head. He reaches into his pocket and poduces his cigarettes and offers Nolan one. "Smoke?" he says by way of peace offering.

"That's me," he says, "An that's a fair accounting of the tales, most of them think I'm reckless," he says pointing at the ghosts. "Shut up you," before they can even remark on that. "All the time huh? I can see this lot and others that want to be seen or if I want to see them, but the demons... those I don't get a choice about."

When Nolan gives his name, he nods, "Voight... you the one who did Bellvue not that long back? Heard about that one," he says sounding impressed. "And well this lot has a reason to mock, between you and me I'm the reason the got that way."

He heads into the room frowning at the new decor, even as amusement dances in his eyes. "Well, luv, you and the House sure hit it off," he remarks before answering Nolan's questions. "Might, might not have. According to the journals of the past owners, the House moves sometimes. Not sure when it did it last."

John frowns at the look Wanda gives him, "Didn't say not to bring you," he says in his defense.

"Anyhow, if tea's not your thing, I've got the good stuff over there," he nods to an open liquor cabinet that has suddely gotten glass doors and shelves when he wasn't looking. "Or there's a pub down in Red Hook that's for our sort. Makes a good steak sandwich."

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight takes the offered cigarette with a nod of thanks, slipping the filter between his lips. "Thanks." he says and cups the end with his hands... There is a flicker, and a black flame that glows the opposite of light ignites for a moment while he takes a few puffs to get the cherry going, then he snuffs out the flame and inhales deeply.. holding it.. and lets the smoke cascade from his nostrils.

"Yes, Wanda.. we can 'visit nicely' now." he tells her, a resigned (though affectionate) lilt to his voice. "And you sure are being chummy with a house of mystical ill repute..." he stops, as if he heard something, and looks at the ceiling. "Hey, I'm not implying anything!" he says outloud, then grins before looking to John.

"Bellvue.. Oh... Yeah. That was me.. Well.. Us.." he says, motioning to Wanda but then frowns even more. "You got the brady bunch back there killed?" he asks, then looks at them again. "Well apparently that doesn't stop them from having your back. Because if they were really out to get you, they wouldn't be so sublime.." he tells him...

"Anyays, no, I'm not a fan of tea. Coffee is fine, if you got it but I would definately go for a pint and steak sandwhich.."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda makes a small face at the mention of Bellvue. "It was not very nice there. Not at all." She has strong memories of losing herself, and of the shards of her being clamouring ineffectually at trying to save her... and by saving her, save themselves. Nolan's timely arrival had been the only reason she still wasn't there, locked in some room, tied to a metal table, being fed drugs.. or so she believed.

"I do think we should go for a drink. I do suddenly wish for the music and the beer."

Rising from her seat, she brushes her hands along her outfit, smoothing non-existent wrinkles, prepping to go. Her tea things no longer anywhere to be found. And once the boys seem willing and able to come along, she moves along the nearest corridor, peering at first one door, then another, until she finds the one she wants.

"Ah! This one." Pulling it open to reveal the very pub she'd been trying to take Nolan to in hte first place.

Constantine has posed:
"Both of you then?" John says giving Wanda another look. Though her comments about it not being very nice there do sort of paint a picture. "Ah, so she was there and you were busting her out then?" he asks filing that bit of info away in the back of his brain "An' been to a few places like that myself, can't say I like 'em much either," he says to Wanda with a gentle smile.

"Alright then, Mac's it is," he says of the little pub in Red Hook that catered to their type. "Lemme call a cab," he says reaching for the battered flip-phone in his pocket. "God, I miss Chas," he murmurs to himself, before Wanda goes for one of the doors. "Wait, luv, don't want to go doing that no telling-" he stops short and gapes as the door leads to the pub.

"How'd you bloody do that?" he asks Wanda. "Been trying to figure which door goes where for months."

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight makes sort of a face. "I spent more then enough time in one facility or another over my life, as well. It is probably bad to say but I liked prison much more than any psychiatric facility.. I just count myself lucky I never got fully commited, and never into Arkham.." he tells John.

He doesn't seem overly surprised that the door now leads directly to this Pub they keep mentioning. "I think thats a question best left unanswered, man. She just has this way of getting places I don't fully understand. SHe is the only person I know who can literally walk /around/ my wards." he says, then shoots her a 'Look'.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda gives John a look that clearly conveys 'silly man' and she laughs softly at him, "You just do not listen to her. She tries to tell you, but you are.. she says.. she says you grumble. And you are stubborn. And..." Her eyes widen and she giggles. "Oh. Now see, that is just mean. I do not know if I should tell you what she just told me."

Of course the look she sends Nolan's way is nearly pure innocence. "I am sorry? I did not mean to do it the first time. It was only I wished to talk to you. And they did not seem to mind my being there, your wards. They did seem to like me." A thoughtful moment. "Well, they liked that I liked you. I am not sure if that is really the same. But why do we talk here at the door when we could be sitting at a table and ordering the beer and the steak sandwiches?"

She makes her way through the crowded place with unerring ease to a table that just happens to be empty. The semi-sea of bodies just parts around her and closes the gaps back up again as she passes. The boys, alas, shall have to foray through the crowd on their own.

Constantine has posed:
The door from the House leads to one on the top of a short stair case leading down to the main room of browns and sea greens.

Thirteen wooden pillars, elaborately carved with scenes out of Old World fairy tales, thirteen tables are scattered in the free spaces. The bar is crooked with thirteen stools, there are thirteen fans overhead. The entire place is designed to diffuse and refract random magical energies that often gather around practitioners, who are most of its clientele. The owner, Mac is behind the bar, a tall, gangly man with a shaved head. His actual age is indeterminate; "somewhere between thirty and fifty".

The crowd here is hopping, hedge witches and wizards, that might be of Nolan's acquaintance.

John nods to Nolan. "Seems the type," he says and Wanda's answer just confirms that. "Got to have power to pull it off two, the list of other people who can just walk in the House, is small and exclusive."

Following Wanda into the pub, he says, "Quite alright, I am sure I don't want to know what the House has to say, unless she says this door always goes here, could be quite handy."

He jostles his way through the crowd, though a few do part for him, and a couple of sketchy types, suddenly get up and leave when they spot John coming. John grins, as he takes a seat. "Recommend the steak sandwich if you're hungry, Mac here brews his own ale and beer, it's good stuff, not like the rest of that frou-frou micro brew stuff, and his lemonaide's worth a try, even makes lemon ice cubes so it don't water it down. Ol' Mac there is an artist."

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight rolls his eyes as he limps after Wanda, shaking his head. "My wards liked you..." he echoes. "/Liked/ you. Thats not how wards are supposed to !^@&ing work..." he gripes. "It has nothing to do with liking! And I supplemented them with a half dozen ghosts... Do you know how much I /pay/ them top keep things out?" What do you pay ghosts with, anyways? Whatever it is, it makes Nolan have a 'disgusted' look on his face.

Now, Nolan has never been here before but.. he likes what he sees.. and feels. He nods as he passes a few of the patrons, his version of the Sight seeing all kinds of intresting things that even most mages don't see.. Which is probably why he sometimes nods to empty spaces at tables as if he is greeting someone. "Not bad.. Not bad at all. Reminds me of a magical version of Murphy's..." he says, naming that (in)famous bar in Gotham where the cops hang out on their down time. Though, considering he was a criminal growing up, one wonders how he has any experience with that.

"You had me at Steak sandwich, man. I can already tell that it's not some premade crappy microwavable disaster."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
There's a pretty little smile from Wanda as John and Nolan join her at the table - though the smile is for Nolan alone. "I do not pay your ghosts or wards anything. Though they do think you need someone to take better care of you. And they do like me." Utterly bemused by the fact of him arguing that's not how wards are supposed to work.

"And you do like me too. So there." Pleased she leans and gives his cheek a kiss before laughing at John. "Oh, no. The door does not always go here. Well, it could. But the House is liking to play games with you. It was easy to find once I knew what I was looking for." Implying it should be easy for him, too. Other than the fact of the house playing games with him.

Constantine has posed:
John laughs at Nolan's remarks about his wards, though he does grimace at the notion of paying ghosts. He's made similar deals with other sorts of creatures, he knows the cost is seldom counted in dollars and cents. He gives Nolan a sympathetic look, "Good help, huh?" he says with one-half of the proverb about it being hard to find.

"Murphy's huh?" John says knowing the spot from the buzz in Gotham's underworld. "You one of those psychic consultant types?" he asks.

He sits down, but doesn't slide his chair in, "Take a look at the menu, an' I'll play waiter for the first round, it's the sort of place you get up and get your own bloody drinks," he says, before he snorts and shakes his head at Wanda. "Of course it does, any chance you can talk her into leaving this door as is? Save me parcel on cab fare."

"An' yeah, mate, cooks them on a woodstove and everything," he says of the sandwiches. "Some of these poor sods don't mesh well with technology so I'm told."

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight can only agree with John's assessment of 'help', as it is defined, and sighs as Wanda puts in her two cents worth. "It's not /up/ to them to worry about whether or not I need taken care of." he grips some more as he picks up the menu. "Sometimes I think they like you more then they like /me/. Cheeky bastards."

He then peers over the menu at John. "I wouldn't say I consult for the police. Much." he tells him. "Except for this Foreign Exchange cop from Hong Kong, but she went back home a few months ago. I try to keep my distance from the cops. Too many of them remember me from when I was a punk ass street kid... and they know my record and why I went to prison. It doesn't endear a lot of them to me. So I play the part of a 'Psychic Detective'.. It's mainly color cover for my actuall work making sure that certain.. things that normals can't handle don't get out of hand. Only so much a dude who wears leather and cowl can do."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda scoffs lightly. "You love me, and you do know it. And they do worry." She doesn't make comment on whether or not they like her better than they like him. In truth, other than that feeling that wards and ghosts welcomed her, she isn't sure why they allowed her in. She's never truly questioned whether or not it should have worked that way. Like so many things in her life, it just seemed... normal.. even if it wasn't.

"Wait, you wear leather and a cowl?" Wanda tilts her head at Nolan wondering what it is she might have missed. A saucy little lilt to her voice as she asks.

Constantine has posed:
John leaves the lovers spat about wards and ghosts to the love birds, and focuses on scoping out the patrons. Nobody he owes money too, so that's always a nice turn of luck. "Recommend the dark ales," he says to the others. "Like I said, man's an artist, tastes as good as the stuff back home."

Nolan gets a nod, "Yeah, did some time too eh?" he asks, "And I get wanting to stay clear of the coppers, not my cup of tea either, but they do pay sometimes." The rest about his mission and keeping things down gets a nod. "Me I mostly just end up pulled into that sort of thing, but doing a favour for an old mate of mine and watching over the Slayer and her lot. So, if you need a little muscle, give us a call, might be we can help you out some."

The remark about leather and cowls earns a smirk from John as he finishes his cigarette and burns away the butt to less than ashes leaving a brief flash of the scent of brimstone and nicotine. "You two are into that sort of thing?" he grins. "Not my usual cup of tea, but if you ever need a third," he say letting the offer linger, his smirk putting the seriousness of the offer in doubt.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight blinks.. and his freckled cheeks go a deeper shade of red as he slowly looks at Wanda, his mismatched eyes wide. "No! Not /me/!" he says, almost sputtering at the image in his head that presents. "You know.. Him!" he says, setting down the menu and putting his hands to the sides of his head, fingers upwards to make little points and makes a bloodsucking sound.. which is possibly the worst yet funniest batman impersonation ever attempted.

He then almost spins on his chair as John comments about.. "Wait what? No we're not.. I mean we /are/ a thing but we haven't.. Wait, a third....?" he seems to sputter a bit, all flustered. Not at the OFFER so much as, well, just everything. "Gah." he leas back, crossing his arms and puffing on the last bit of his cigarette. "Lets just change the subject... please." he gripes, grumpil, though he knows he is getting laughed at. "And I guess you could call 13 years at Rykers Island 'some time', yes. I only got out just under a year ago. Went home to Gotham. Got forced into being her Sorcerer since no one else wanted to do the Job. It's not a place a lot of the magically Inclined like to be. The outskirrts, likeBludhaven, sue.. But Gotham proper? Everyone is scared of The Bat. I lucked out that I haven't met him yet.. And I am trying to keep it that way. He can stick to chasing clowns. I'll stick to making sure Cthulhu doesn't eat downtown..."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda takes some pity upon poor Nolan and reaches for his hand, curling her fingers over his. "We are going to, though. I think it has been long enough. But maybe not with the leather. And I think your ghosts are enough company, no?"

She tsks at John. "You are a very bad man. And don't think I don't know you did that on purpose. You just see what happens when you want help."

She returns his look near perfectly.

Constantine has posed:
John chuckles, "Haven't had the pleasure yet, but Zee tells me he's a real riot," he says with a tone that suggests Batman is anything but. Then there's all the delicious reactions to drink in, John just smirks putting his hands behind his head. "So I'm told, luv," he says to Wanda. "An' you'll help, jus' going to make me beg for it a bit because I had a bit of fun at your expense," John predicts.

"Sure," John says of changing the subject but not before one last little bit of teasing, "Don't know what you're missing though, go both ways," he says.

Before lowering his hand back to the table and saying, "Jesus, fourteen? Bloody long time in the clink, well, let me buy this round then as a belated celebration of freedom, such as it is," he says the last a remark on being Gotham's sorcerer. "Looks like you've done a good job, what with us not sittin' in the middle of his stomach right now."

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight squints between the pair, judgmentally, and then shakes his head. "I swear, you two are ganging up on me. I'd be worried if I didn't know you guys hadn't met before." he tells them. "Anyways, I'll have the Srteak sandwich, with all the fixings, and a pint of the Dark Amber." he ays as he close sthe menu and sets it down.

"Hah hah, you know what I mean. I deal with the shit that the Dark knight and his crew of young boys can't handle. or don't even know about." he also sometimes dresses up hismelf and takes care of less mystical things, usually ending with a few dead criminals who prey on the weak and children, but he doesn't say that.. ever."And it's best The Bat doesn't know who I am. I heard he doesn't like other people operating in Gotham, especially if they don't follow his rules. Gotham is where I was born and raised, though. I can't leave her. Even if some jack ass doesn't like how I do things."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
John is given a long and considered look. "I would help you because it is the right thing to do," she says quietly, knowing there were times in her life where she couldn't say that.

She gives Nolan's fingers another squeeze. "I did not mean to tease you. We did talk.. only we will talk later. When it is private." Her words are gentle, and she smiles. "So, this sandwich is good? And the beer?"

Constantine has posed:
John gives a nod Wanda's way, "Kinda what I meant," he says of her helping him because it was the right thing to do.

"Good choice," he says of Nolan's picks for food and beverage. "And yeah, both are good," he says. "Me I go for the stout," he says of his choice of beer.

The talk of the Bat gets a nod, "Well, if I ever meet him and if he ever asks, I'll say I don't know you. An' it's true about him having his own little bevy of child soldiers?" he asks about the Bat shaking his head. "Seems to me most of Gotham is mad no matter what side of the law they're on. Present company excluded."

A look is given to Wanda, "An' I'll get our order if you're happy with the beer and sandwich, might give you lot a minute or two for talking if that's what you're after."

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight Seems a bit mollified when Wanda takes his scarred hand and squeezes it. Of course he wasn't actually mad at her.. Just a bit embarrassed.. He's not the most socially proficient person in the world, after all. "Thanks.." he murmurs, blushing again.. Which is sort of funny. He's not exactly the little snowflake type, all sensitive and such. He deals with /death/ and is not innocent at all, but the witch makes him BLUSH easily.

He then looks to John and shrugs. "Oh, I'm sure I'm just as Mad as everyone else in Gotham. I'm just not /nuts/. There is a difference. I'm pragmatic.... And do they do good fries here?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"I think we should add fries to the sandwiches," Wanda murmurs, amused. And whether or not the fries here /are/ good, they /will/ be good... because Nolan wishes good fries. "Would you please get the order?"

She's happy to let John deal with that, not missing his reason, and equally happy with just being with Nolan.

When it's just the two of them at the table she leans her head against his shoulder. "We are silly sometimes. And I do love you." Careful to not be saying such things when John is back in earshot, or leaning such a way, getting the impression that perhaps she is leaving Nolan in some distress in front of their peer.

Deadwatch has posed:
When John walks off he turns to Wanda, sill flushing. "And I love you, babe." he says. "Sorry, I'm just not used to saying that in public.. or being with anyone, together, in public. I'll get better. I promise." he squeezes her hand. "And I am /sort/ of insulted that he thinks I 'don't' know what I'm missing'. Just cause he thinks he is charming in that dark metrosexual way of his and that I didn't say I'd like him to join means that I don't have any experience playing for the home team. I mean I like him enough to drink a few beers, maybe slay some zombies, but he doesn't turn my crank. Too Sid Vicious in a Tench coat for me.

Constantine has posed:
"Fries it is," John announces as he stands up from the table and wanders over to the bar to place an order with Mac. "What's new, mate?" he asks the barkeep with a smile knowing he'd only get the grunt he gets back. He keeps himself busy chatting up a young woman with a little dab of power to her, before the food is ready and he slides her his card and heads back to the table food and drinks on a tray. "Here we are then, hope you love birds had a nice little chat while I was gone."