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Latest revision as of 12:50, 2 August 2018

Log 4632
Date of Scene: 11 June 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Erddrache, Twitch, Rage, Hellion, Speed

Erddrache has posed:
Boris had sent a message out to some of the New Mutant team mates to see about meeting up and getting to know one another. Unsure if any would come, he remained half buried in the yard, with only his signature bone blades sticking up out of the earth. Along with his tremors, it should make him relatively easy to find.
    Currently the yard was filled with students. It was near summer break and some where considering staying at Xavier considering the recent NYC restrictions. And other were simply enjoy the day while they could.

Twitch has posed:
Stuck at school because of the attack on Andrea, Tyler's been go stir crazy. Thankfully, he'd gotten words that one of the other guys from Ms Frost's team wanted to meet up. When he gets near the spot he feels the vibration in the ground and spots bone sticking out of the dirt. A smile appears on his mouth and he mutters quietly to himself, "That's pretty cool." Getting closer he calls out, "Hey man. I'm here for the meet up thing."

Erddrache has posed:
The ground stirs a bit more and the ground around Boris ripples like water. He crawls out of the ground with a yawn and shakes himself off, dirt flying off like water droplets. The earth didn't appeared to be turned over or clawed...but simply 'refroze' leaving behind a ripple imprint. "Oh! Good! Ah vas worried nae wan vould be showink up!" he stands up and smiles "Errm...we were nit formally introduced aye? Ah be Boris Brietbarth!" he offers a smile, and hesitates on deciding to stick out his hand...ultimate he seems to hide them behind himself "Heh, well Ms. Proffessor Frost said we oughta git ta know each othar, so be glad yer came!"

Twitch has posed:
Shifting his weight as he watches Boris emerge from the earth, Tyler finds himself smiling again and nods his head when the kid finally appears. "Yeah man, I need all the friends I can get here so there's no way I'd miss a chance to hang out." At the introduction Tyler decides to take the lead with a hand offered for a shake, "Tyler Greant. Good to officially meet you." Then he lifts his chin and asks, "You got any idea how to do the getting to know each other thing?"

Erddrache has posed:
Boris eyes the hand and shakes his head "ermm...ah..ummm" the earth shakes a bit more as Boris ears flush red "...donnea really do handshake. Yer see...ummm" he rubs the back of his head "...ah git control issues. Broke pa hand vee last time. Rathar nit risk breakin yers" it definintly wasn't a brag, he was clearly embarressed by the idea of not being able to engage in normal pleasantries....or more accurately being afraid too.
    "....and...well jist do whit yer normally do ta git ta know folks? Ask questions, listen, repeat. Bit...guess we kin do some ummm...sparrin or somethin? Ah vink were supposed ta werk on vat too"

Twitch has posed:
"Oh, okay dude," Tyler retracts his hand and brings it down to his side. "I appreciate you giving me a warning." Then he looks around for bit before turning his attention back to Boris, "Well, I'm always up for sparring. Especially since I can't get to the gym tonight. I practice jiu jitsu and kickboxing most evenings." Then he lifts his chin again, "So where are you from? I'm from Clinton, in Manhattan."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris blinks. His wide eyes and scowl said it all. His butt was going to be handed to him. "Nae problem. Ah...do nit actually ummm... practice fightink. Ah be moar instinctual, werked mostly on me power control when me kin. So mabeh yer kin teach meh a ving or tae." he steps back and looks behind himself making sure his spikes were layed down as flat as possible. "Bit...guess let see whit we kin do eh?" a pause "Und ah be from a very...small town in Germany. real superstitiouse wan at vat"

Twitch has posed:
"I'll teach you, sure. Some day I might like to have my own gym so it'd be good to practice training as many people as I can," Tyler says with a grin on his face. He takes a second to size up his opponent and then assumes a fighting stance, "Alright, whenever you're ready we can go." Surprisingly, Tyler looks almost relaxed as he begins to bounce gently on the balls of his feet. "What kind of stuff do you do for fun, Boris?"

Erddrache has posed:
A thick skull, and thick skin, make for a perfect battering ram! Boris bows down low, his short stature becomming even shorter "Ah like ta draw up inventions and stuff. Even hauf plans fer me own underground base. Ah also love longboardin!" a pause "Me und pa even built a special wan fer meh weight! Yerself?" and with that CHAAAAAAAARGE!
5rOkay it wasn't all that impressive if were being honest. It painfully clear that at least on two legs, Boris was slower than the average person, but he was at least enthuastic about going in.

Twitch has posed:
Enthusiasm counts for a lot, most people being rather timid when they first start play fighting. Tyler's fast as heck, though, and nimbly dodges out of the way of the bull rush. "Cool! Sounds like you're really creative. I've never tried long boarding, too much time in the city," the older kid replies as he starts to snap off a quick series of punches, a light combo aimed Boris' upper chest, just hard enough to be noticed but not to bruise even a regular person. "I'm into mixed martial arts and riding my motorcycle. I play video games sometimes, too, but a lot of them are too easy for me since they're all about reflexes."

Erddrache has posed:
It like an unmoving rock trying to hit a flying bird - contact just wasn't going to happen! Boris stumbles and he crosses his arms, eyes closed "nit creative...bit me pa taught me alot! Ah even be knowin blacksmithing...und so help meh if ye make a dwarf joke' for obviouse reasons. The punches...barely register. Boris was like a stone wall. He opens one eye as the combo ends "Ah be loving video games..mostly stratgy wans...or anythin that allows me ta figure oot how ta piece vings tageather." his browls wiggles "Ah even git idea on how ta piece powahs tageather"
    Boris suddenly drops backward and attempt to swipes Tyler legs from under him with his tail!

Twitch has posed:
The play fighting seems to amuse Tyler, who now has a big smile on his face, "You're going to want to try to grab your opponent if you can. If you can get a hold of someone you can neutralize their longer reach, especially if you take them to the ground." As he's talking he watches Boris' torso to try to read his movements ahead of time. When the tail swipe comes there's a look of surprise on Tyler's face and the young man finds his instincts overriding him as he jumps backwards, putting himself out of range, "Or do that! That's awesome." Then he steps forward, launching a round kick towards Boris' chest. This time there's a little bit more power behind it, still not going all out, but enough that he'd rattle an unpowered person if it landed, "Blacksmithing sounds cool. Can you make weapons and stuff? I've gotta find something to chuck at people to take them out at a distance." His voice and expression both provide evidence of his curiosity as he asks, "Like people using their powers together to do different stuff? Like if there was a cold person and a water person they could do ice crap?"

Erddrache has posed:
Boris as he stands up find a foot at his chest! He stumbles back a bit having actualy felt some of that. He grunts as if satisified. "Et sorta jist happened! Guess havink an extra limb has et benefits!" he chortles with glee
    Boris though was also considering Tyler words. If he can get ahold of someone. He begins to circle and it PLAINLY obviouse he taking from what he seen in movies at the moment as his ony frame of reference "..Perhaps. Ah normally make parts fer robots or me board...bit ah probbly could make weaponz...if vee school allows et.." he than grins still circling "Kind've..been werkin thinkin bout our powahs. Julians, Tyler, yers und meown specificly. Ah do nit know Andreas powah so couldnea properly incorporate her. Bit...yer and Tommy could werk togeather quite well now vat ah vink about et"
    Boris once again bull rushes. But this time he was on all fours - which made him somewhat faster than the average person. But half-way through the run he pushes off the ground and flies through the air at Tyler attempting to level him from the chest instead of the waist as a normal tackle at his height would have done (if it hits)

Twitch has posed:
"Well, you got good instincts. You almost had me," Tyler tells Boris, grinning like a mad man as he moves to circle against his opponent. "So you make robots, too? You got a lot going on, dude," says Tyler, sounding impressed. "I'll let Andrea tell you about her powers, but it's good that one of us is already making plans about how to work together. What kind of ideas have you got?" Then the attack comes. The spring off the ground is pretty unexpected, but Tyler might still be able to get out of the way. He doesn't, however, having an idea of how to handle this situation. When Boris gets his arms around his chest Tyler is already moving, letting himself get tackled to the ground with a loud, "Oof!" Breathing hard after the hit, his legs wrap around the younger kid's stocky body and his ankles lock into one each other behind Boris' back. Tyler then lays himself flat on his back and reaches his hands towards Boris' collar, crossing them at the wrists in an attempt to initiate a blood choke. "You hit like a Mack truck!"

Erddrache has posed:
Also weighs as much as one! Despite his stout stature, Boris quite litterly weighed a quarter ton! And due to past situations...well Boris was cautious. His weight was somewhat relieved as he actualy held himself up a bit with his hands bracing the ground so his full weight wasn't on Tyler

Well WAS trying to do that! Boris may have a body like stone, but he was still very much a peron with blood, air and water in him. Within sends Boris was begining to blackout.

Twitch has posed:
Before Boris can pass all the way out Tyler releases his hold and start trying to slide back along the ground, not seeming to mind the dirt that ends up covering his back. "You okay, man?" Regardless of if he can get out or not he'll pat his opponent on the upper arm and say, "I wasn't sure if that would work on you. I expected to just get my ass handed to me when we went to the ground, but I figured it was worth a try." Looking Boris square in the eyes Tyler asks, "You want me to show you how that works?"

Erddrache has posed:
Wasn't to ward to slide out...Boris was after all fairly short and was still manging to hold himself up. Though it takes him a few moments to recover. He stands rocking back and forth the ground rocking with him. A few blinks latter "Oi...da hell did ye do???" he exclaims rubbing his colar bones unsure "Und well...guess ah did come here ta learn. Vough...ah vink if ah were ta use me abilities et mighta nit been so effective."

Twitch has posed:
Getting back to his feet, Tyler brushes himself off and lets out a little chuckle, "Constricted the flow of air to your brain. Come here and I'll show you what to do." As he waits for the short guy to approach Tyler takes a moment to look around, "I'm not really all that sure of your abilities, but it wouldn't surprise me if you had some means of countering it. You're built like a brick house, I don't think I could hurt you if I wanted to."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris shivers "Nit enjoyable feelin...bit very helpful" he approaches Tyler a bit warily. The man did just cut off oxygen from his brain after all. "Well...ah be built fer vee earth. If ye would have gone fer a normal choke...et wouldnea have worked" he turns slightly so Tyler can get a better look at his 'bone fins'. On the side of each of them, a small hole can be found "See those? Ah could 'surface' and take in air before goink back doon. Yer already felt me tremors...and as yer noticed ah also git geokinitic abilities" he motions to the ripples in the ground.

Twitch has posed:
"So what you're going to do is cross your wrists and grab both sides of my collar," Tyler explains to Boris, reaching forward to grab the other guy's hands to show how to position them if he's allowed to do so. When he gets a look at Boris' extra air holes he nods his head, "Yeah, anyone trying to stop you from breathing isn't going to have any luck at all." Looking at those ripples on the ground Tyler nods, "Yeah, I was wondering about that. What all can you do, if you don't mind me asking?" Then he gets back to his original subject, "Anyway, once you've got your hands on the guy's collar you just keep your hands creeping up. It positions your hands naturally to choke off the blood flow to the head and you can knock them out that way, or force them to submit. To protect yourself you put your chin to your chest."

Erddrache has posed:
"Well..ah git three things yer nit seen yet...in direct action anyways" he says with a grin "Let see if yer kin figure em oot." though as his hands are grabbed...they begin to shake a bit, especaly when placed near Tyler color bones. His thick finger twitch and eventually they just do not get any closer...Boris actually had a look bordering on tower as his entire body tenses, even making an audible swallow. But he also respectfully listens and nods "Head ta chest fer protection...git it. Ah will keep vat in mind fer next time! Hmmm, perhaps ah kin be showing ye me plans?" and he couldn't get his hands away from Tyler neck quickly enough. he rubs his forarms insistantly muttering in german, the ground felt....uneasy reflecting how nervous the dwarf was in that position.

Rage has posed:
Having headed out to the yard to get some fresh air, Andrea has been watching from a distance with a smile along her face. She's dressed in a pair of snug shorts and a simple white blouse with some sneakers to go along with it. Playfully, she whistles in a cat calling manner. A smile tugs along her lips as she taps along the screen of her phone.

Twitch has posed:
"I'll keep my eye on you, then, see what else you got up your sleeve," Tyler says to Boris as he lets the guy go, realizing quickly how uncomfortable he'd made him. "We gotta try to find you someone super tough to practice jiu jitsu stuff with. If we get in a fight, though, at least now you know how to do a collar choke now. Blood chokes like that are a relatively safe way to take someone out of a fight as opposed to air chokes, which can cause a lot of damage." Then his head nods, "Yeah man, show me what you got." That's when he hears the wolf girl wolf whistle and his faces twitches in that direction to see the source of the sound. As he spots Andrea he starts to grin and lifts a hand in a wave as he calls out, "How's it going? Boris and I are just getting to know each other and sparring a little bit."

Erddrache has posed:
"Well...let jist say yer git very close ta wan of me hidden tricks" Boris says and shivers. Whatever trick it was, he didn't like it "Jist hope ah nevar hafta use et. Bit still, findin somewan ta tough ta practice wit vould be of vee nice"
    "Bit still, vank ye fer showink me! Should be quite helpful!" but than as Andrea calls and Tyler responds Boris waves "Hello! Vould yer like ta join us...side ah be needin ta know somethin from yer!"
    And with that, Boris reaches into a pocket and pulls out a worn leather sketchbook. He begins to flip through it as he searches

Rage has posed:
Having been watching the two boys spar off to the side, Andrea heads over to them with a smile after tightening one of her shoelaces. "Oh, that's right. With all the craziness that's happened lately, I've almost forgot about the assignment. So, what is it that you want to know about me?" She asks Boris and Tyler with a warm smile to the pair of them. The global hit popstarlet seems at ease and comfortable with her new school (now prison) surroundings. "Gonna teach me how to fight too?"

Twitch has posed:
"Alright. I'll keep that in mind," Tyler tells Boris before bouncing on the balls of his feet again and shaking out his arms and hands. "I'm glad to help you train. We've got to watch out for each other and I figure if you're watching my back I'd rather have you know what you're doing." As Boris looks through his book Tyler watches him, wondering what to expect. He looks up when Andrea approaches and smile again at the young woman, "Sure! You want to learn some stand up fighting stuff, ground fighting, take downs? If I were you I'd probably focus at first on jiu jitsu techniques since you don't have a lot of reach and ground fighting, like I was telling Boris, negates a lot of the reach advantage your opponent might have."

Hellion has posed:
     He had seen the others out in the backyard, also remembering the instructions that Ms. Frost had given them, he decided to get to know the other members of the group. Julian walked up, looking to the two boys sparring a bit away from Andrea. "How about why someone like you ended up in a place like this?" He asks, hands in his pockets and resting his weight on one foot. "I came over with Ms. Frost, was one of her students at the Academy."

Erddrache has posed:
"Aha! Here we be! Scatter shot cannon shot. Long range. Combines vee abilities of yerself, Speed, and well wouldn't yer know it, Julian too!" he waves to Julian "Und meself" he shows Andrea, Tyler and Julian the design. It was basic and not very detailed - but it in essence showed Boris making a canon, julian holding a a group of rocks togeather, Tommy charging them and Tyler aiming the canone boris made 'Yer see, Tommy is able ta charge items to make them explode. And well Julian has telekinises. With some good aimink and vee right too we could make, arm and fire our own cannons"
    And than comes Andrea "Ah! Well...ah be wonderink aboot yer powers. Been tryin ta see how ta piece em togeather to werk wit wan another. Vis be wan such varient" he explains "And well seems Tyler here kin teach us ta fioght!"
    He looks to Julian "...vee academy of Tommorow?" he asks in wonder. "Vat was vee other option fer schoolink me pa was thinkin of...hence why ah be askink"

Rage has posed:
"Ah.. um... I don't think my powers work with your Super Saiyan super canon or whatever you got going on there." Andrea says sheepishly as she rubs the back of her neck. She gives a grin to Tyler at his offer and nods her head. "Maybe just .. uh .. start at the basics with fighting. I'm not very good at it, unless I let her take over." Giving a scuff of her sneaker against the ground, she says to Julian. "I came out to the world as a mutant a few months back after Alison Blaire, the Dazzler, was dropped from her label when they found out she was one. I decided that I was not going to simply hide who I am, especially with the fan base that I have and the influence I have gained over the younger generation. I chose Xavier's when it came across my radar because they have a great curriculum and I want to be here, amongst other mutants, to learn how to control my powers and enjoy having a normal school life instead of being home schooled and focusing on work. I want the next two years to be about development."

Twitch has posed:
As Julian walks over Tyler looks at him and nods his head, "Hey man." Then his attention is occupied by Boris' design. Studying it closely Tyler nods a little, "That's one hell of a cool idea. Be a big ass blast, I bet." His eyes unfocus for a bit as he thinks of ideas, or attempts to, then shakes his head to clear it and bring himself back to reality. Andrea gets his attention and he goes back to smiling at her, like he can't help it or something, "I'll start you with some basic striking and ground fighting techniques, then. Make sure you know how to not hurt yourself and then we'll make sure you can hurt the other guy." He looks again to Julian, "You want some instruction, too? I can talk with some of my instructors and put together a lesson plan for us to use."

Hellion has posed:
     The telekinetic keeps a watch on the others as they practice moves. "I appreciate it, but my fighting style is a little more...involved." Not that he was some great martial arts master, far from it. But when you can lift cars with your mind, that was all he really needed.

  Julian gives a glance to Andrea. "Well, that's respectable, even if your music isn't my style. I refused to hide my powers too, and got dumped on the other side of the country by my folks." He still had a bone to pick with them over that little tidbit it seems. In answer to Boris' question, Julian gives a nod. "Yeah, that is the one. It was my school, but now I'm here learning TK from one of the best in the world."

Erddrache has posed:
"...Whit iz...super saiyin?" Boris asks seeming confused. "Sides...ah didnea expect vis ta work wif yer abilities, since ah havnt tried fittin yer own abilities inta anyvink. Var bein said...doesnea answer vee question" and aside from that he doesn't push it.
     "Wait...yer a muscian? Ah be lovink music! Whit kind of music do sie play..." boris is one of those people who live under a rock. He probably couldn't tell you anything about modern pop culture or the likes.
    "Heh, ah be knowink how yer feel...cept vee hidink part. Admittedly tried ta at first...bit jist kept mutating." he says
    He than looks to Tyler "perhaps we kin all be enrolled wit yer instructor...or is yer instructor nit all vee school? still learnin from yer will be good" he grins at the other "Tyler jist taught me aboot a weird chokeing move ta cut off oxygen from brain! Bound ta be of the useful"

Rage has posed:
"Yes, I'm a musician. I do pop and rock. I performed at Tony Stark's birthday the other day and did a full set in AC/DC and a couple of Queen's greatest hits." Andrea says with a smile on her face, then gives a grin to Julian. "I don't sing just Disney stuff that you probably heard on the radio. A lot of my songs are now in clubs, a more heavy dance type of beat. Next album is going to be real dark. Trying to make it more personal." She gives a stretch of her body. "As far as my powers go, I can turn into a near eight foot tall werewolf and I go into a frenzy when under pressure and stress. It also hurts a lot to do it. My bones crack and my body reforms. It's not an easy process. I can also shift into a wolf which is easier for me to control. I'd show you, but uh .. I end up tearing through my clothes."

Twitch has posed:
"Cool. With your powers I bet you can more than take care of yourself, which is what matters," Tyler says to Julian. "Especially if we're going to be watching each other's backs." Shaking his head at Boris and frowning a little he tells him, "I train at a gym in Clinton. I'd say we could train there but I'm not sure how they feel about mutants. People don't really know I'm one outside of people at the school, my brother and a friend." Then he nods, "Yeah, the collar choke. If you can pull it off you can knock someone out in a couple of seconds. Next time I'll show you how to throw a couple different kinds of punches. I bet you'll have a mean ass hook." Andrea gets a long look as Tyler nods, "It's pretty impressive, the werewolf thing. I would not want to tangle with her when she changes."

Hellion has posed:
     Julian admittedly had no clue about Andrea's varied musical styles. "That's...actually pretty badass. I mean, the Disney stuff was..." He raspberries. "Disney. But I'd give your new stuff a whirl."

  "Nice stuff Tyler." He offers, if only to be supportive. "So, we've got a speedster, a werewolf, a telekinetic, a fighting machine, a rock-biter, and...I'm missing someone...I think."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris eyes widen "Yer a werewolf! A real life werewolf!" the ground shakes in an excited manner. Judging from his face, he clearly forgotten than Andrea is a mutant, not some mythological being "be ye allergic ta silver as well?" he than wonders. He flops to a new page in his book and breaks out a pencil, he was passing, thinking, planning. How could Andrea particular abilities be incorporated in a teamwork fashion? He already begins sketching
    "Und nice ta here yer do varied stuff...ever tried folk music?" he wonders "though ah be sorry ta report thar ah doneaa believe ah have heard ye music afore" But than he hears Tyler and he grunts, dwarf is now cranky and the ground rumbles less as if it couldn't be bother to go on "Eh, well thar be oor lot in life fer now. All we kin do is work ta change it"
    He than looks to Julian "No clue. yer folks are vee only wans ah saw vere...unless thar new guy...Josh ah believe his name was. Joins us" he says

Rage has posed:
"Josh is a healer. He saved my life when Donald Pierce killed me. Ran a sword through my chest and out my back and put a few bullets in me. Josh's powers manifested and sealed my wounds up. Got some nasty scars now under my clothes from it. Good bye swim suit modeling jobs, and those paid pretty good too." Andrea says with a soft sigh. "Josh also tried to .. kill himself a few days ago and we had to talk him down from it. His parents are mutant haters and they got him stuck in some anti mutant group. He was there when those cyborg guys attempted to assasinate me. He didn't even want to be there. His powers manifested though during the attack and he accidentally fell on top of me and his powers healed me." She pauses. "Emma is calling us The New Mutants. Sounds pretty cool, huh? So you guys know about me, you know about Josh. I know about Tyler and .. what I know about Boris is he's German and can swim through the ground. You're a telekinetic? What else should we know about you?"

Twitch has posed:
"Thanks, man," Tyler replies to Julian with a grin. A look back to Boris with a tiny frown and a shrug, "It is what it is. You're right, though, show folks that mutants are normal people and they'll hopefully chill out." He sighs. "I like New Mutants," says the young man. "Hopefully when we're ready we can kick some ass and help some people. It'll be nice to do that."

Hellion has posed:
     "Sounds like a cheesy 80's thing to me. But what do I know? I'm Hellion." Julian offers, looking to everyone. "But it's called whatever Ms. Frost wants it called. I'm just here to kick some ass and make things better for mutants."

  Julian thinks about the questions put before him by Andrea. "My parents are millionaires, I used to live out in Beverly Hills. I got powers, didn't hide them like they wanted me to. So I got shipped off to The Academy of Tomorrow. Learned what I could there, then Ms. Frost moved to this school, she took me with her, said they could teach me better here, and I have to say it is true."

Speed has posed:
Tommy heard the team was outback and seeing as how suddenly NYC was off limits (thanks Reaver a-holes) the speedster was bored out of his mind. Dressed in his usual button down and jeans combo he makes his way out back at snail speeds.

He lifts his chin at the gang and offers a fistbump to Julian. "What was that about kicking ass?"

Erddrache has posed:
"sounds like we are not being told something" Boris says crossings his arms "Names have meanings. If we be the New Mutants...than who be the Old Mutants...and whit happened to vem?" he asks "Ah highly Doubt Ms. Proffesor Frost didnea jist name us to sound cool"

He looks to Tommy "...CANNON TIME!!!!" he jumps up excited. Everyone was here after all! Why not give it a shot!
    A pause of consideration "...ah kind of know vee feelinks. Mah ma...well left. Und me pa...ah love him...but he kind of hoping vere be some sort of cure or some such"

Rage has posed:
Andrea glances down at her phone as it rings, then lets out a sigh as she heads off to speak into it. "Hey mom." She is heard saying as she lifts a hand to wave good bye to her friends on the way out.

Twitch has posed:
"Hellion? That's pretty bad ass," Tyler approves with a nod. Seeing Tommy show up he gives the guy a nod, "Hey dude. We're just talking about how we're going to help people out as a team." At Boris' excitement Tyler then tells Tommy, "He's got an idea for a cannon that takes me, you, Julian and Boris to operate, but if what he's figured is true it should be pretty bad ass. We need a range to test it out on, though." Andrea is given a wave as Tyler watches her walk off for a few moments before he exhales a deep breath.

Hellion has posed:
     Julian gives Tommy a fistbump, and an upwards nod. "Kicking ass and taking names, man!" The young Hellion gives a wave to Andrea as she moves off talking with her mother, right back to Tyler, then back to Andrea as she's walking off. A glance to Tommy in that kind of 'yeah, that's happening' way before he looks back to Tyler. "Barely even formed and you're crushing on the only female in the group? That's ballsy."

Speed has posed:
"Cannon?" Tommy asks skeptically in the face of Boris' enthusiasm. When it's explained, he gives the idea a shrug. "Okay I'm game."

Andy's departure is met with a call of "Hi Mom!" that he hopes can be heard over the phone., followed by a quieter. "Later, Hairy Spice."

Tyler is offered a fist bump in turn, "Yeah, looking forward to it. Especially if we get a re-match with those Reavers."

Boris' question about the name is met with a smile, "There isn't really any Old Mutants, I think the New in the New Mutants, just means, we're there to change what it means to be mutant, not victims, or monsters, but leaders, the future."

Julian's comments get a smirk and a look between Tyler and Andrea. "Well I think it might be mutual, she did seem to be showing signs of that anyhow on pizza night."

Erddrache has posed:
"Isnea Hellion some mutant gang?" Boris asks with obviouse dissapproval. Gangs were never good far as he was concerned. Though at the departing Andrea Boris waves "See yer Andrea!"
    Boris looks to tyler "Und how do yer nae there be no old mutants? Bit guess yer guess ta vee meaning of the name is possible"

Boris stands up "We kin try rioght here...jist a small one. Not full power. Let see..." he reaches into the ground and begins molding dirt into a hand sized canon "Alright Julian, gather up a bunch of small rocks, and put them telekinitically into a ball...keep yer hold on it lose enough for other ta move it.. Tommy, yer going to put some enerhy inta em, nit too much mind yer"
    He stands up with the dirt cannon on his shoulder "Alright und tyler...help me aim this ving ta hit...." he points to Breakstone lake "...them waters!" he sage nods

Twitch has posed:
"I've kind of had a crush on her since the second time I met her," Tyler tells Julian with a little smile, looking shy suddenly. "She was one of the first people to figure out that I'm a mutant and recommended me to the school." The fist bump is returned, "I'd like to mess them up. I'm pissed that I wasn't there with you guys, but we might still get a crack at them. Just want to pick up a bunch of throwing knives or something, maybe, so I don't need to get close to those blades that come out of them." At the remark from Tommy about the feelings from Andrea being mutual Tyler actually begins to blush and return to his little smile. Thankfully, there's a distraction in the form of Boris building a cannon. Tyler waits for everyone to do their part as he moves behind Boris to aim the weapon towards the lake, looking around to make sure that there's nobody between them and their target.

Hellion has posed:
     Julian gives an impish laugh before chiming in. "Power to ya, brother." Then there was a mention of reavers. "Wait what? Did I miss some shit? I would have loved to make them piss themselves in fear."

  Julian holds out his hands, a green aura surrounding the telekinetic's arms and green energy filling his eyes. He raises his arms as the rocks gather together into a ball, loose enough for Boris' liking. "Alright?" He says, his voice doesn't sound strained at all against the weight of the rocks. A showing of power?

Speed has posed:
Tommy laughs good naturedly at Tyler's blushing. "Nothing to be embrassed about man, she's a cool chick, like Jules said, more power to ya. And yeah, man, some of those Reaver guys jumped Andy at a coffee shop. I was there with my brother, we did okay, but their leader got Andy, but our new guy Josh healed her," he leaves out the part about him being a Reaver for now. "It was wild, but I want to hit them again. Had to bail too quick last time."

Then it's cannon time. He plunges his hands into the stones Jules collects, his hands passing through them, then he sets them to vibrating, slowly at first then faster and faster, he yanks his hands back when they start to get hot. "Fire in the hole!" he shouts.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris reaches out and even when they get hot and quickly stuffs them in the cannon. "Alright lets do vis!!!!" he says. Would this work?!?!?! He was excited and giddy at the prospect.
    "In five....four...three...two...RELEASE!" release was said as much as for Julian to release his hold on the rocks as it was to say fire! He bangs on the side of the cannon to fire it off.
    Except the rocks didn't leave - the cannon just cracked in half "...Oh crap...." and the rocks start exploding inside the cannon spraying dirt and peices of rocks everywhere. "duck und cover!"

Twitch has posed:
"Thanks, man," Tyler says softly to Julian and Tommy. Then he watches the rocks start floating and his eyes go wide. "Nice." As Tommy puts his hand through the stones Tyler's eyes go even wider, "That's awesome." He stays steady behind the cannon, making sure it's still aimed properly as Boris gives his countdown. When things go awry, however, he starts reacting before his brain fully processes what's going on. In order to get away from the possibly exploding cannon as quickly as possible Tyler is almost instantly turning away from it to throw himself into a dive! As soon as he hits the ground he rolls forward nimbly, then gets to his feet and pushes off to start running, "Look out!"

Hellion has posed:
     Once Julian lets go, and sees the experiment gone bad, his eyes flash again! Holding out his arms, he reaches out a forcefield to cover the four boys and shield them from the impending rock-shrapnel! "Get in!" He yells, never having to make one this size, his nose starts to bleed, this had strained him a bit.

Speed has posed:
Tommy pulls a face when the rocks start popping off. One moment he's standing out in the open the next he's standing next to Julian in the bubble.

"Dude, are you okay?" he asks seeing the blood coming out of his nose. "You're going all Eleven on us."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris drops the canon and dives behind the forcefield himself. it was more instinctual anything. Safely behind the shield he says "....Ah...may hauf made some miscalculationz" piece of rock shrapnel hit the forcefield Julian erected and Tyler quick reflxes and warning call alerted other kids to other duck for cover
    The loose canone is jumping and popping for a few moments as each rock let loose its energy. At one point it shakes and just BOOM! No more canon. Pieces of rocks sprayed everywhere...and some rocks fell rather gently from above. There was a smoking crator where the canone was
    "....we all agree to never tell Ms.Proffesor Frost bout vis?" he asks.

Twitch has posed:
After everything calms down Tyler finds himself safely behind the force field. Way behind it, as a matter of fact, but he's come out of things unharmed. He looks around, checking to see if anyone or anything looks hurt, before jogging back to the group. "Well, that happened. Is everyone okay?" Brushing dirt off of himself he says to Boris, "I didn't see anything."

Hellion has posed:
     Once things die down, Julian let's down the force field. "I'm good." Before Tommy mentions the nosebleed. "Oh, that happens, it will be fine. Just strained myself."

  Julian cleans up his nose with a spare tissue, dabbing the blood off. "Yeah, let's tell no one about that."

Speed has posed:
Tommy nods, "Looks super freaky," he remarks to Jules about the blood. "Agreed, never happened. Anyhow, should probably clear off the scene of the crime, but good seeing you guys," the speedster says before offering a final lift of his chin to the group and zipping away.

Erddrache has posed:
"We kin try agin...with bettar precautions" Boris says and pats Julian glad to see he was fine "Vough ah be glad we all be fine. Think...we best tajist et a day here" he muses. No one was hurt and Tommy had a point "see yer folks on vee flip side" and with that Boris sinks beneath the earth.