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(A new student tours Xavier's, meets some of the people who've been going there for years. All aboard the crazy train!)
(No difference)

Revision as of 03:14, 6 August 2017

Date of Scene: 03 August 2017
Location: Xavier's School
Synopsis: A new student tours Xavier's, meets some of the people who've been going there for years. All aboard the crazy train!
Cast of Characters: Black Rose, Cypher, Phoenix, Magik, Colossus, Moonstar, Cannonball

Black Rose has posed:
    Yana Asarov had been considering schools to join, the Academy of Tomorrow or Xavier's. And, her parents had arranged for a meeting for her and tour of the school so she could decide for herself exactly which she wished to attend. They were decidedly absent, as the punk-rock girl drove up in her own car, a clean looking, but comfortably used Camaro. She'd parked in the guest parking area, and had made her way towards where the counsler said she'd meet Yana.
    As she nears the spot, she pulls her earbuds out, tucking them into her shorts pockets, looking around casually at the grounds.

Cypher has posed:
...And what greets her in the front yard? Doug Ramsey, chasing a dog-faced demon with tentacle arms and a wriggling, serpentine body, with a mace. It's dogging it across the green, leaving a trail of rapidly dissolving smoking ichor in its wake, as Doug streaks after it--


The creature seems to change colors as it moves, but all its colors are the color of puke. And it makes a noise like a pair of tuberculotic bagpipes.

Phoenix has posed:

With a sponge in one hand and a compact in the other, Jean flatly stares at the bandaged nose and gradually fading black eye in the mirror for a solid five minutes before letting out a prolonged groan and electing to just let her brain cover for her in favor of knocking out some paperwork before today's guest arrives.


Sprawling, carefully manicured, and cut with dozens of pathways through lawns and gardens, Xavier's grounds are rife with people - mostly students - of widely varying shapes, sizes, colors, and anatomical configurations. Some do pause their days long enough to briefly observe the stranger, a few even going as far as to probe - gently, politely - with senses that defy conventional explanation; most just go about their business, chatting or heading for class. Perhaps they've already seen their share of blue-haired people.

A rare exception is the red-haired woman wearing a black blazer and skirt with a blouse covered in angular, red and gold lines at the rendezvous point: her eyes don't leave the newcomer once she's spotted; in fact, she briskly approaches with an extending hand, a broad smile, and a chipper, "Hey, Yana! So happy to finally get a chance to meet you; we've heard a lot about you! Don't mind the, ah, infernal entity being chased by one of our alumni, it's definitely under control."

Cypher has posed:
Doug comes running the other way. The entity has split into two and both are now chasing him. "JUSTASECONDJEANEVERYTHINGISUNDERCONTROL--!"

Magik has posed:
    The click-click-click of heels that follow behind Doug are infinitely calmer. They are not, in fact, rushed at all - pace casual, stride relaxed, a sword that appears to be made of burning light held against her shoulder in a hand (and arm) that appears to be made entirely of chrome-shined metal. The young blonde woman's eyes are heavily shadowed, and display no emotion whatsoever.
    When Doug has receded from view, she cracks her neck to one side and stands in place.
    When Doug comes running back, moments after he has passed her - there is a flash of light and the sound of metal grinding against bone, a noise like a pipe organ played by explosions, and an eruption of caustic, yellow blood onto the ground as two bodies, each halved, melt into a noxious smog.
    Illyana Rasputina sheathes her sword - in ... her breast - and points at Doug with a snap of her fingers.
    "I *told* you not to hit it with that."

Colossus has posed:
As the beginning of the school year approached, more and more students were returning to the familiar grounds of Xavier's, and most if not all had baggage. Literal baggage, in this case -- suitcases, bags, etc. It could get quite extensive in certain cases. Many of the students had abilities that eased the burden, but some didn't and so, to aid them in the process of moving back in, the six and a half foot tall giant Piotr Rasputin lent his strength.

From another car parked somewhere behind Yana he comes, a large trunk on one shoulder and a bundle of bags tucked under the other arm. For now he's still flesh and bone, and as he passes the guest he offers her a smile, only coming to a full stop as he spots Doug and Illyana handle the demon. "You're going to give the wrong impression to our guest, Snowflake. Doug."

Well... Maybe not the /wrong/ impression. Just not the /best/ impression.

Black Rose has posed:
    The blue haired girl quizzically looks at Doug chasing the infernal little entity thing with the sort of strange expression that reflects a measure of curiousity at the creature as well as both amusement and mild disdain.
    Yet, as Jean greets her, the blue eyes of the girl shift attention and she shakes Jean's hand, "I've heard a lot about your school," she admits. "And, I promised Alexia and Dani I'd give it serious consideration. My parents seem to think the Academy of Tomorrow will provide me a better focus, though." She shrugs, "But, I'm not sold on that idea. So, that's really why I'm here. To make sure Xavier's will be a good fit for me."
    She pauses, adding, "I actually ran into Magneto, not too long ago. He had some good things to say about both schools. He's pretty cool."

Cypher has posed:
Doug lets the mace wobble, and he drops it, before he stretches, and says, "It was the first thing that came to mind, especially since it was assimilating starlings through its skin, and I decided touching it was probably a terrible idea." He puts his hands on his hips, and then pops his neck, before he walks up to greet the new arrivals. He looks up... up... up at Piotr. "Hey Piotr. Welcome back! Nice day, isn't it?" Then he turns his attention to the prospect.

"Hi! My name's Doug. Doug Ramsey. I used to be a student here... I came back to start taking college-level courses." He looks up toward the grand old mansion.

"The Academy of Tomorrow's just a school. You'll go there and be glad to be rid of it. But this old pile...?"

Phoenix has posed:
"We're big believers in the power of cooperation here at Xavier's," Jean notes as the bisected demon... s... melt; not only does she not miss a beat in shaking the newcomer's hand or explaining the spectacle, her smile doesn't waver one bit. "My name is Jean Grey; Vice Principal. 'Miss Grey' is fine, though!"

It's only after they break contact when Jean allows herself a quick, concerned glance over a shoulder to actually see the strange little things enter the atmosphere rather than merely 'seeing' them in snatches of Doug, Piotr, and assorted other passersby's senses; once her eyes are back on Yana, the smile is back in full force. "The Academy's a wonderful institution in its own right," she offers in contrast to Doug. "Ms. Frost has a unique perspective on the world and is fiercely proud of, and protective over her students, from what I know of her; she's a fine educator! Xavier's is a little more geared towards trying to help its students learn how to be comfortable in themselves, with one another, and the world around them, I think-- we have students from all over the world, all kinds of situations..."

Backing towards the mansion, she beckons with both hands to bid Piotr, Doug, Illyana, and anyone else in view of the meeting who's interested to follow along, continuing, "Professor Xavier founded it to help support his dream of improving human-mutant relations by training young mutants to be their best selves-- both in terms of academic and metahuman performance, and ethically, behaviorally, and so forth."

Moonstar has posed:
And then the door to the mansion opens, and Dani is standing there in a black short-sleeved buttoned shirt and blue jeans. She sees the gathering and smiles, "Oh, Miss Grey, I didn't realize there was going to be..." She then blinks in surprise, "Wait, Yana, is that you?!?"

Dani steps forward at that and waves towards Yana, "Glad you decided to come up for this. If I knew you were coming up, I'd have brought Brightwind around! But hey, if you want to come back to the stables later, you can see him there."

Magik has posed:
    "Zdravstvui," Illyana says to the blue-haired girl without bothering to so much as glance in her direction; her attention is presently focused on Doug. "'Assimilate,' you make it sound as if it was transmode. They do not assimilate, only eat, like - ah - like amoeba, of sorts? With their skin, they eat. That also is why they split, nothing but digestive machinery and undifferentiated tissues. In Limbo they are very useful, they scour the fields of carrion."
    As to why a split-apart acid-blood smoke-monster was eating birds, Illyana offers no clarity whatsoever. She instead begins to follow behind 'Vice Principal Jean Grey,' but at the mention of Emma Frost she scoffs.
    "Emma Frost," Illyana interjects, "Is a drug addict and blyad' who would teach you nothing but how to walk in ballet heels and how to steal the money of desperate old men."
    Her sense of diplomacy is finely honed.

Cypher has posed:
Doug raises his eyebrows, and then says, where he's standing next to Piotr, "...I gotta admit," He says to the big Russian, "Your sister has a real way with words." He gives a sheepish grin, before he shoulders his mace. "I couldn't have said it better myself."

Black Rose has posed:
    "Cool," Yana agrees to Dani, with a faint smile for the girl she at least knows even as she flashes Dani a smile. "Told you I'd come." Maybe a trip to see Brightwind is why she came? At least, good incentive if nothing else.
    Then blue eyes are back on Jean, "Oh, I'm quite comfortable with who I am," she assures the Vice Principal. "Acaemics," she shrugs, as if that were secondary, or not too much of a concern for her, "Are whatever. But, I know there's room to improve my abilities. That's really what I want. It's like I told Magneto, ... a mutant who doesn't refine their abilities is just wasting talent. And that's, a crime, or something."
    There's a pause, and she nods, "But I know not everybody has it so good. I hang out in Mutant Town a little. Even know a few people who know some Morlocks. So, I can see where a place like this can help people."
    She looks over, curiously, to Illyana, then laughs, some. "Ty zabavnyy," she says. Then, her lips curved, she regards Colossus, before looking back to Jean.

Colossus has posed:
"Doug," Piotr replies with a cant of his head. He stares at the man perhaps a moment longer than necessary, but his face betrays very little -- concern, perhaps? Either way, he nods along with Jean as she speaks, hefting the trunk to sit more comfortably on his slab of a shoulder as he begins to follow the group inside. At Illyana's interjection, however, he grunts and looks down towards his sister, frowning heavily. "Illyana," he admonishes, but says nothing more before looking towards Yana, "Excuse my sister. She forgets her manners, sometimes." To Doug, he shoots a look -- one of mingled agreement and disapproval. "Perhaps," he mutters low to the other graduate, still frowning, "Her timing could be better, however."

Cannonball has posed:
    Way way way way down at the end of the long driveway a plain car pulls up. Sam got an 'Uber'. He should have called. How Sam of him. Not wanting put others out. After paying the man, Sam grabs his two bags and comes in through the gate. Shouldering one bag, and tugging the the one, Sam starts to loooooooong walk towards the house.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani walks over towards Yana and grins, "Well, hey, this is a pretty good place to do it. Best thing, you can be yourself." She shrugs a bit, not commenting on Illyana and Doug's opinions of Emma Frost... probably because 1) she shares them and 2) why bother reiterating the point.

Dani then continues, "But hey, if you're here for the grand tour, Mz. Grey is the best." And she sounds like she means that too, as she's so busy chatting with Yana that she doesn't notice Sam coming up the driveway. Though the Jaws theme might be echoing in the back of her mind for some odd reason.

Phoenix has posed:
"I'm glad to hear! Plenty of potential and/or incoming students aren't half so fortunate as that," Jean says of the visitor's self-acceptance. "So-- "

A beat passes as Illyana interjects her thoughts about Ms. Frost, long enough for the Vice Principal to wrinkle her nose and flick a disapproving look towards her former student.

"-- since you say you're most interested in refining your gifts," she continues once her eyes return to the blue-haired girl. "... well. I guess what I'd wonder is... why? Because, yeah, sure, there's definitely an element of making the most of what you've been given-- not letting talents go to waste, die on the vine, all of that-- but is that all you're hoping for, to master your powers because they're there? Or do you think that by doing so, you'd maybe be making it easier to live the kind of life you envision for yourself-- whether because they'd accentuate it, or because they in some way present an obstacle?" Once that's all out, her hands come up and wave briskly back and forth as she hastens to assure, "No wrong answers! I'm just trying to get a better picture of what it is you want out of a school-- especially given that you said you aren't really into what the Academy has to offer. Doug, Dani, Illyana, and-- maybe-- Sam?"

A glance towards the driveway; is he coming towards them?

"-- can attest to the fact that we do try to tailor our curricula to suit each students' needs as best as we can."

Cypher has posed:
Doug puts his hand on Piotr's arm. "I'm okay, big guy. Transmode's in complete remission, and according to Hank if I stick to the new gym plan I'm ready to cover 'Mutant Men's Health' magazines. He hasn't looked back out at the driveway yet, as he heads up the steps and says "I remember when I first started taking classes here. For a long time, I was a commuter student--I grew up in Salem Center and I lived with my parents, but I took classes here during the day, went on class trips, all of it. And honestly I was here hanging out with Illyana and Dani and our crew most of the time anyway."

"But I had an extended health problem," He says, glossing over it, "And I only recently recovered. Now, I call the institute my home for real." His expression sobers, briefly. "Dani, have you talked to Rahne? I miscalculated and I owe her an apology, and an explanation."

Then he hears 'Sam', and his face goes the color of suet. "Oh. Hm. This is gonna be weird. Weird and awkward. Dani, did you tell him I was... back?" His eyes silently beg. Please have told him. Please have remembered to call him the way you called Rahne...

Magik has posed:
    Illyana's attitude towards the new arrival instantly and even *visibly* softens at the receipt given in a language spoken in an actual *civilization*. The young blonde's accent and syntax both make it apparent that English is not her first language - but to a fluent speaker of Russian, just as apparent it is a language she has spent well over a decade conversing in. (Her Italian is *much* better than her English, but she has an unfortunate habit of speaking it in styles most common some seven centuries ago.)
    "Are you from Rossiya-Matushka?" she asks, almost ... excitedly? No, that can't be right.
    "My brother and I," she gestures towards the towering bear of a man at her side, the one with a tendency to apologize for her behavior at regular intervals, before she quickens her pace and comes to stand next to young Miss Asarov, "We are from Irkutskaya oblast! Not the *big* city, from Ust-Ordinsky."

Black Rose has posed:
    "Oh, that's easy," replies Yana to Jean, without missing a beat on her question about what she wants out of her powers. "All of the above. Look. It's like -- if a person has a gifted ear for music but their parents want them to play football instead, wasted gift. Besides, they're cool." She waggles her fingers at Jean, demonstratively. "And, yeah. They'll help me get the kind of life I envision. Which is doing anything I want. Whether that's helping people, or throwing a private party with Jack White on some yacht in the middle of the ocean for my friends. And I want friends to train with, to, you know, hang out with, while I do that.
    She looks to Illyana, shaking her head, "No, America. My Grandparents were immigrants, from each side. My parents were an arranged marriage." But she seems pleased at Illyana's revelation, her smile warming in return. << Very pleased to meet you both, >> she says to both Illyana and Piotr.

Cannonball has posed:
    Okay. Uber guy is gone. There is a small, soft microboomlet And a flare of red, orange, and yellow light. "Woo hoo!" The figure rockets up the driveway in a quick burst of speed. Bits of gravel are displaced as he does so. The figure skids to a running stop about 40 feet away from the crowd. hurried footfalls as Sam has to run to ablate a bit of momentum. His luggage hits the ground, and the footfalls quicken again. He doesn't tackle Doug, but the tall young man runs straight up to Doug, and unless somehow prevented grabs him, looks at him once, then crushes the smaller guy to his chest in a fierce, honest hug. "Ah am sorry." His says in his soft baritone. "I should not have done that. Ah just thought I saw Doug." Doug might not be able to breath for a moment as the hayseed squashes him close, a big hand in the kid's hair.
    Sam looks a little emotional for a moment, but keeps his game face on. "Ah am sorry to interrupt."

Colossus has posed:
Piotr's expression softens slightly as Doug assures him of his current state of wellbeing. "Da. I had heard rumors. I'm glad to hear they are true, then," he responds, looking like he might reach out and pat the other man on the shoulder if he only had a free hand.

Yana's russian catches his ear, though, and he regards her with a pleased smile, especially as Illyana seems to warm to her, << Likewise, Miss Asarov. Welcome to our school. >> His russian is, obviously, perfectly fluent -- better than his english by a wide margin. "I am Piotr. Piotr Rasputin. I teach art here now, but I was a student once. It is a good school."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani gets a sly look as she looks at Doug getting squished by Sam, and shakes her head a little, "I will not confirm nor deny anything, except to say that you should apologize to Rahne like, yesterday."

She then grins at Sam as he rockets up, "Hey Sam." Then Doug gets a look that seems to say, 'One wrong word and you'll wish Rahne was dealing with you,' before she glances back towards Yana talking with Illyana and Piotr.

Cypher has posed:
Doug on the other hand, is laughing, and gripping Sam in a fierce, brotherly hug. There may be tears. "I love you too, big guy!" He says, before he turns his head, and says, by way of explanation, "Sam's a part of the old crew, too. Mutatis Mutandis. Change is necessary, but the heart is true. Or as we preferred to describe it--"

He looks up at Sam, and says "Yeah uh huh, you know what it is, everything I do, I do it big! Yeah, uh huh screaming that's nothing, when I pulled off the lot, that's stunting! Repping my town when you see me you know everything - blackandyellowblackandyellowblackandyellow..." Then he's laughing again, and throwing a brotherly arm around Sam's shoulders.

"I will apologize to her as soon as she stops HIDING from me."

Phoenix has posed:
Pink light ripples around the group for a split-second when Jean first spots that flare, but once memories of past training and the exuberant cry click in her head, the light vanishes and the tour pauses long enough to be joined-- and one of its members, tackled.

"Please be careful, Sam," she quietly begs immediately after contact. Her shoulders then drop and she spreads her hands towards the new(er)comer, continuing, "You're actually right on time, seeing as how I just introduced you," with a smile and a more conversational volume. "We're giving a prospective new student - " broad gesture towards Yana "- a tour of the grounds and telling her a little about Xavier's; I was just saying that you guys would be very well equipped to tell her about how we try to work around each student's needs."

She finally turns to face forward once that's out, leading the way into the Mansion proper, with its curious blend of old-money and modern aesthetics. To Yana, she says, "You're in luck, because we've got plenty of potential friends for you to make, and plenty of trainers to devise programs for you guys-- in fact, if you want, I could show you our main practice facility, just so you've got an idea of what you'd be working with. It's maybe two parts gym, one part gonzo virtual reality experience; we call it the Danger Grotto! Patent not pending, because frankly, we're a little skittish about the notion of submitting detailed, proprietary gym/gonzo virtual environment system schematics for government perusal."

Cannonball has posed:
    No tears from Sam. He's too tough nowadays for that. Pushing his hair out of his face, Sam punches Doug in the arm. Hard. Like real hard. "Never again." He scolds his friend. He wipes at his face, because hayseeds don't cry. "Ah mean it. You and me are in the gym every day. -Every day-. Y'all wanna be a hero, y'all are gonna able to do it." He's -mad- at Doug. He gives him another look, then squeezes him close a second time. He also missed the other teen. "Never do that again." he orders Doug, sounding emotional for a moment. Big brother Sam in full effect. His shoulders shake with emotion that he shoves down like a grown man does. He looks at Dani. "Moonstar." He says in a low tone. Like he's peeved at her too.
    Who needs to be Apache to be on th warpath? "Ah have something for ya, Moonstar." He gives Yana a look. After considering a moment. "Just come here if ya are will'n to get a scar. People here are family. We care. If you are not willing, on some level, to care about us, well, go someplace else. This is family." His voice is soft, warm, and simple. "Otherwise go to the other school. We care about each other here. Ah will let you go, Ms. Grey. Ah am sorry, again." Sam finally lts go of Doug and moves over to grab his luggage.

Black Rose has posed:
    It may not be entirely obvious, because she's so practiced at hiding it but Yana is making mental notes of the other interactions between everyone, Doug and Illyana, Doug and Sam, Piotr and Illyana, Dani and Dog, and Dani and Sam. And anyone, everyone else.
    Still, the blue-haired girl does seem to perk up at the mention of the training facilities. Especially the name, "Danger Room? It at least -sounds- promising," she ventures, earnestly. "I'd rather like to see that," she conceeds to Jean.
    Then, she moves nearer to Dani, asking her, "So, is - this," she gestures to everyone hugging, crying, chasing demon-creatures, "Normal around here?"

Magik has posed:
    Illyana's enthusiasm is perhaps a little dimmed, by this discovery that Yana is the child of immigrants rather than an immigrant herself, but nonetheless - even a distant daughter of Russia is a good thing, and can expect to be treated by Illyana with greater respect than... than... well. Essentially anyone who cannot lay claim to having been a New Mutant or a member of her family.
    (Mind you, it isn't as if she treats any of *them* particularly well, simply that she treats others far worse.)
    "At a time, I was a student as well. I d--," whatever it is she planned to speak, her words are cut short (perhaps a glare from Jean, perhaps her brother clearing his throat) and she continues, "DeCIDED to take time away, to focus on more esoteric educational opportunities."
    She gives a little sniff that is perhaps derisive, then with both hands gathers up her hair and brushes it off her shoulders, letting it all hang against her back.
    "This? No, no. Often, there will be robots."

Moonstar has posed:
Dani grins over at Yana, "Hmmm. On the scale of weirdness, this is a bit higher than normal, if only because everyone's getting back from summer break. Or longer." She gives Doug a bit of a look at that, then she focuses her attention on Sam because she noticed that peeved tone.

At which point she says, "Hey, no one told /me/ until I just saw him walk into the Mansion after I got back from Boulder! At least he didn't run from you, Guthrie." She sounds a little peeved off at the peeved-off-ness, though not /that/ cheesed. More exasperated than anything else as she continues, "I tried to call you, but I just got the voicemail, and... well, I figured leaving it as a voicemail would be worse than letting you find out."

Cypher has posed:
"Ask me to tell you the story of how I REALLY joined this crew sometime." Doug says. "I still don't believe it and I was THERE."

Then he's helping Sam pick up his other bag. Dougie has *biceps* now. It's like he came out of the ground jacked. (He did).

"In all seriousness," Doug says, "This place... it's wild. It's crazy, it will break your heart, and... it'll answer all your prayers, whatever it is you pray for or whether you know you're praying at all. Emma Frost will make you rich, powerful, and well-connected, with all the tools you need to take on the world. But she won't give you a place to come back to when the world hits back. She won't give you people who've got your back without asking for anything in return." Doug looks back at Sam, and says, "Hey. About the last thing I said to you, before I... left. I was wrong, okay? You really are my big brother, Sam-o. I'm sorry. It was all my fault, not yours or Dani's or Rahne's."

Then he glances to Dani. "Yeah, I rabbited. It was just too much, Chief!" Then he glances to Illyana, and says, "Some people, they just looked at me and said 'Excellent, just as planned.' Still waiting for an explanation of that one, Ruskie. Cryp-tic."

Phoenix has posed:
It isn't a glare that Illyana gets, exactly, but a look. A, 'hey let's continue not to talk about the fact that three people in this prospective student tour group have died' look. After it's given, green eyes list towards Doug and his pitch; both get small nods of corroboration, especially when he talks about Xavier providing its students with a place to come back to.

"The 'Grotto's state of the art-- designed to facilitate the honing of a wide range of meta-abilities in solo or group settings, whether independently or with an instructor. Rather than traditional exercise equipment - which, y'know, we have that, too, of course, but we don't keep it in a place with a fancy name - we use a mix of the aforementioned VR trickery and-- well, the also aforementioned, if contextually distinct practice drones, as well as static obstacles to give you guys plenty of angles on which to improve your ability to handle your powers and learn how to function as part of a team," Jean explains while leading the group through a series of hallways that ends at sliding glass double-doors backed by a metal shutter.

"We settled on this because - quite frankly - the world's an intensely dangerous place for people like us, even if all we wanna do is live our best lives on yachts with rock stars," she continues while tapping the keypad beside the doors, causing the shutter to draw up and the glass to slide apart, revealing-- white tiles. As far as the eye can see, comprising the walls, floor, and ceiling.

"The Professor's a firm believer in peaceful co-existence," she explains while remaining to the side and gesturing the group in towards the black expanse, "but he understands that his dream is still only that-- and that the day to day reality many of us live with may force us to sometimes have to defend ourselves, or the people around us. Or know how to get the hell out of harm's way, if nothing else."

Cannonball has posed:
    Gathering up his two bags. "Ah am assigning myself as your roommate, Doug. Ah need to make sure you are okay." He gives Ms. Grey a little look. Its a request for permission. He grabs his luggage, "Thanks, Doug." and tugs it right up towards Dani. He promptly drops his bags again at Dani's feet. He shares a look with Dani. "You and ah? We have something to sort out, Dani Moonstar. Another time." He bends back over to pick up his bags again. Honestly, is he is just going to throw them around, why bother? Sam frowns to himself. "There anything a guy could eat?" Knowing Sam, he gave his sack lunch to a bum, or shared it with a kid in the airport. "Ah am starve'n." Or he has a hollow leg.

Phoenix has posed:
Sam's look gets a shrugged shoulder of agreement.

Probably, Sam won't tackle Doug to death or anything in there. Probably.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani says off-handedly to Doug, "Don't call me Chief." She says it without much heat, as she looks up at Sam, watching him for a long moment, then she nods, "Yeah, we do, Sam Guthrie. We should talk soon." She grins at the mention that he's starving, "Want to hit the kitchen? I know where the gouda was hidden, if you wanted a sandwich. Truth be told, after getting done riding Brightwind out for the day I'm a bit hungry myself." Which, if that allows the two some private time to talk, so much the better.

Completely innocent talking too. Really.

No. Really!

Black Rose has posed:
    "Well, that sounds pretty fun," Yana has to admit, about the features of the Danger Room, not seeming to think it's 'dangerous' at all. Rather, she almost looks like a girl about to ride a roller coaster that she's been waiting to open and debut for the entire year.
    "A little bit of chaos is good," she says in response to the others commentary on how 'odd' life can be around Xavier's. Then, she observes casually, "Though it does quite seem I'll be the odd girl out. Everyone seems quite close here." If she's picked up on any of the 'death' talk, she isn't showing it in the least. Perhaps it's going over her head. She asks Jean, "So we can use this anytime we want?" Figuring, perhaps, it's like exercise equipment, like an elliptical machine or a treadmill. Except, for mutants.

Cannonball has posed:
    Perfectly innocent talking. Absolutely nothing else that it could possibly be! Not Dani and Sam. Nothing at all. Shrugging his bags. "Ah would like that Dani. Ah would very much. How is the hoss?" Sam's cheeks are flushed. He must be upset or something. He starts to schlep the luggage towards the kitchen. "My sister Paige will be here in the next couple of days." He looks over his shoulder at Yana. "Oh. We'll be close soon enough." he promises. He gives Moonstar a little look. He must be upset! Look at how red his face is!

Cypher has posed:
"Okay," Doug interjects, "But I'm teaching myself to play the guitar." ...He's already working on Classical Gas. Music? Just another language. And Doug is the Mutant Master of Language.

"You got it, Dani." He shrugs. What can you do? He's tacitly acknowledging he deserves to get a dressing-down. "Don't worry about it. We're tight... but there's always room for new fams."

"So," He starts to say, "Dig this. There I was, it was about midnight, and tink-tink-tink someone starts throwing pebbles at my window..." He looks up at Sam and Dani, and then holds up his hands to Yana. "Later. Later. The Danger Grotto! It's rad. Totally wowie-zowie."

Magik has posed:
    Illyana, justly chastised - after all, 'at least three people in this room have died and in my case, it was arguably both an act of suicide and tampering with the fabric of time' is *not* the best sales pitch with which to confront a prospective student - refrains from going into detail about the (somewhat preposterous) details of her individual experiences at the school, following alongside Yana with her left hand placed against her hip and her right hanging at her side.
    "There should be someone else present, if it is anything like the old ones. Not *dangerous*, but always there are risks - you should not, after all, try to bench press while you are all alone.
    "And if you are interested, I could teach you to fence. I am Olympic level."
    There is no hint of narcissism to her words, no indication she is bragging - it is a simple statement of fact. Just... just an ordinary 'I can teach you to stab things *so* good' offer.

Colossus has posed:
Piotr ends up splitting from the group as they turn past a hallway, offering back: "Enjoy your tour," to Yana as he returns to his task of helping to move in the returning students.

Phoenix has posed:
"Whenever it's available," a grinning Jean replies with a nod. "It can be divided into suites on an ad hoc basis, up to four-- maybe five or six, depending on the processing requirements-- you'd have to ask our tech guys about the specific limitations, there.

She'll wait for Yana and anyone else who isn't about to disengage for completely innocent conversation to enter before stepping in herself, saying, "Override code Pee Aitch Ecks Nineteen Sixty One," as she crosses the threshhold and pulls a phone from her blazer. A chime sounds through the room and a shimmer runs over the tiles. "Illyana definitely has a point, though: you'll probably want to come with a partner-- or, better yet, a few partners, whenever possible; individual training's got its benefits, but like I said at the beginning: we're real big on cooperation and teamwork, here, y'know?" she says while sliding her fingers across the screen.

The world around the tour group ripples and melts into rolling green hills dotted with little windows, doors, and chimneys, with a plethora of dirt roads wrapping around them. A melange of food aromas waft through the air: all manner of meats, pies, and vegetables can be picked out by discerning senses, streaming from every little opening the hills have to provide.

"Each of us has a unique gift-- but more than that, we've all got unique outlooks, skillsets, minds-- we're all our own people, so learning how to mix all of our different qualities... how to let them compliment one another so that they become greater than the sum of their parts..." she continues to explain as hairy-footed locals go about their day without a care for the tallfolk in their midst, "... is hugely important, here! You could be an expert with your power, but if you can't make it work with what the rest of your group has to offer... well, you could still be a liability, y'know?"

This is punctuated by a thunderous roar and strong winds blowing in, both of which do draw the eyes of the village fearfully upwards to a great, winged shape soaring into full view above them.

Black Rose has posed:
    To Illyana, Yana nods, slowly, "I've never learned that. I'll tell you what. You teach me how to fence, I'll teach you Sambo. And, maybe, I'll make you Babushka's borchst. Or her Vatrushka. Fair?"
    Then, as Jean talks, and the scene changes, Yana looks around, turns around, slowly. "We never had this at home," she breathes, awed. Okay. Color Yana impressed, for real.
    She looks over, breifly to Doug. "I already have a rather wonderful family. But, friends one can never have enough of." Then, to the sound of the scream. Instead of shifting to terror, Yana instead smiles, sharply. "This is going to be fun." She almost looks excited, rather than terrified. Glad, for the challenge.
    "Well, Ms. Grey, you know the way to my heart."

Magik has posed:
    "That sounds more than equitable. But generally, we do not expect payment, remuneration here - it is, ah, expected, I suppose, everyone helping everyone else. Like Russia, before the Americans cut out its heart and sold its treasures for nothing and the oligarchs and the mafiya seized control over the entire country."
    Illyana offers no response to the change in scenery, to the scream, to the beating of wings - she summers in a place where something of this nature is less than a gentle spring shower.

Magik has posed:
    "... also," Illyana adds after a moment's consideration, "Perhaps it is best to ... clarify, when speaking of boyevoye sambo, at least with Americans. 'Sambo,' it has, ah - it has negative meaning, to a lot, especially with darker skin."

Cypher has posed:
"It takes my breath away every time," Doug says, with a slow exhale, "And I'm one of the handful of people who actually knows how to PROGRAM the darn thing." Then he says, "As opposed to Sam-o, the soft-spoken guy who went off to talk to Dani. He's a peach, he really is. Even Illyana likes him..." He looks at Illyana, and gives her a grin that would spell 'disingenuous' if it could.

Phoenix has posed:
Smiling broadly even as villagers flee past her knees for their life, Jean looks up from the phone and says, "Awesome!" while stepping forward to offer Yana another handshake. "There are still some things we'd need to discuss with your parents to finalize the process, of course, but in the interim-- if they'd be okay with it, obviously-- you're more than welcome to stay the weekend, get a real sense of what you'd be in for, here. Classes haven't quite started up yet, but we do still do lectures, workshops, that sorta thing, just to keep everyone's minds occupied. And of course, there's the Grotto-- with supervision, for now! Lotta safety features, but the name's not entirely for show."

Black Rose has posed:
    Yana looks over towards Illyana, nodding, "My Grandparents speak much of how Russia was," she conceeds. "I grew up on all the old stories. Of Baba Yaga. Of Ivan Tsarevich. And all the others. And, I'm well aware of the changes." She considers, "But, I have never been. Perhaps that will change."
    Then her eyes turn towards Jean, she nods, "I'd like that, yes," she agrees. "I'll have to go to my apartment and pick up a few things." She looks back to Illyana again, smiling, "And I'd like to speak to you and your brother, more."