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Latest revision as of 14:32, 2 August 2018

Log 4699
Date of Scene: 19 June 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Shatterpoint, Constantine, Wonder Woman

Shatterpoint has posed:
    Finding Caroline is not particularly difficult, for those in the know. She pings on a lot of mystic radars- some of which are, to be fair, losing their shit the closer one gets- and on the non-mystic side, you just have to follow the trail of broken bones in the Narrows.

    That is the state of things tonight. Trailed by two individuals, Caroline moves in a way reminiscent of the bat, moving from rooftop to rooftop via some form of zipline. Though no night in Gotham is quiet, tonight is a little closer to that than normal, even in the Narrows- and Caroline is nowhere near inpossible to catch either on, or in transit to, a lonely rooftop in the black of night.

    Because of course it has to be in the black of night.

Constantine has posed:
John was never one for the whole wearing tights and fighting crime thing, so while his senses told him the woman he'd been sent to find was moving from rooftop to rooftop, John had no interest in doing the same. So, he simply slipped his way up to the top of a tenement and once there he swallowed his pride.

"Help!" he shouts putting some feeling behind it. "Somebody help me!" he figured might as well make her come to him. Either that or the sort of people she stalked, regardless it'd get the job done.

John gives it a few more shouts before taking a seat on a rusted air conditioner unit and lights up one of his Silk Cuts to wait to see what happens.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince isn't necessarily the tights wearing kind of hero, but she certainly has a custome of sorts... if ancient greek warrior armor is considered a costume to some.

In this moment, she IS searching for Caroline and she's searched for her before. A friend from a long time ago, that she knows is around again today but she's been unable to reach out to her effectively thus far.

The cries for Help do draw Diana's attention though and much to Constantine's likely surprise, a metal on metal thud is heard / felt right behind him as Diana Prince... 'Wonder Woman' touches down on the A/C that he rests upon now.

Diana stares down at him, with her arms at her sides and her dark hair loose and blowing gently in the night breeze. "You do not look to be in danger." The thick Greek accented voice from the woman says down to the man.

He asked for help afterall... and apparently he was heard!

Shatterpoint has posed:
    Caroline does not have super-hearing. This becomes painfully clear when she does not instantly show up to Constantine's ruse, requiring a few spare moments to locate the sound. This gives Diana ample time to arrive before she does, but not by a great deal. Soon after Diana lands, Caroline comes up and over the rim of the rooftop, thudding quietly down onto the top of the tenement building and rising to a stand. It's a landing that'd shatter the knees of the person doing it, and the way she rises belies a strength that isn't quite natural.

    As well, the temperature drops by about five degrees.

    Caroline approaches without much hesitation, and the voice that emerges seems to echo from all around both other parties present. "This seems to be a ruse." she comments, her eyes narrowing- the glowing blue points visible under her hood. Altogether unsettling to be around, the average person would have to brace themselves before speaking.

Constantine has posed:
The thud behind him gives John a start as he stands and whirls around. "Jesus," he says snagging his cigarette before hit hits the ground. "You're Wonder Woman," he says. Well he hadn't planned on that! There's a smile from the warlock as he gathers himself together sticking the cigarette in his mouth and smoothing down his coat. "An' you're right, don't need any help, all part of a clever ruse to find someone I'm looking for," he says. "Which seems to have gone pleasantly awry."

That's when things begin to chill and John pulls his coat close. "Guess it worked after all," he says wryly to Diana before he turns towards Caroline. "Detective Ramsey, I presume?" he asks.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Wonder Woman continued to just look down at Constantine because she didn't know WHO he was and in a place like this, in Gotham? That is more than a little suspicious. But she doesn't really have a moment to respond to his words to her, what with Caroline arriving just moments after she had herself.

When John speaks out to the figure who steps forth, Diana turns to face the direction that Detective Ramsey is. A few degrees cooler on a Gotham City night is only really just a relief, and Diana has been in far colder places with her armor on, so she's not really effected by it.

"Caroline." Diana speaks to the woman. She may not exactly be the friend she knew back in the 60s, but she's sure that part of her is still there. Hopefully more than less too...

Shatterpoint has posed:
    Each step brings the chill of her presence all the closer. Now that the two of them have announced- though for Diana it's more of a formality- that they're aware of her identity, she continues to keep the temperature solid at 'slightly uncomfortable' rather than letting it deepen. Her voice is... Grotesque and certainly eerie. Not only does it come from seemingly everywhere, but in addition to that, it doesn't sound... Right. The mask helps her sound more like a normal person, but there is this harsh broken rasp to it. A rattling, monotonous thing that sounds akin to one's death-noise being shaped into words.

    "Quite an audience." she offers, keeping at least some distance between the pair and herself. "I feel sufficiently confronted. It is... Clear I have been sought. Why are you both here?" she asks, her blue eyes narrowed- but focused, somewhat primarily, on Diana. They clearly have a history.

Constantine has posed:
When Diana calls Caroline by name John looks back. "You know her?" he asks, before turning back to the woman in question. "Well, not sure what tall and beautiful wants with you, but, me I'm here on account of the one who made you. Thought I should check in and make sure you're doing alright," he says and then reaches slowly into his jacket and pulls out a pair of business cards and offers one to Caroline, it reads:

John Constantine
Exorcist, Demonologist, and Master of the Dark Arts

"Call me John," he explains, before turning half-way and offering a card up to Diana as well.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana gives a glance over to John when he hands Caroline his card and speaks briefly about her, but she doesn't pay it any mind. She looks back to Caroline then and takes a step forward to simply drop down off of the A/C unit and onto the roof with a soft thud of her boots.

"You do have an audience." Diana replies thne straight to Ramsey. "One of whom is concerned for you and wishes to help you." She takes a step twoard Caroline then, with her hands still at her sides, she doesn't have any aggressive nature to how she's moving but her back is loaded with a sword, a javeline and a shield all latched together on her intricate leather harness.

"It has been a very long time, Caroline." Diana further states, her voice soft.

Shatterpoint has posed:
    Caroline takes a moment, and is immediately somewhat torn. She is handed, perhaps, the most ludicrous business card she has ever seen. She appraises it- its typeface, the color of it and whatnot. Her only response to Constantine is, "Is this... A joke?" Because of course the thing Death not-quite-tasked him with is going to be an uphill battle. Caroline, clearly, doesn't know or understand anything of the supernatural. It's a guess as to whether or not she even knows what she is.

    Diana approaches, and Caroline's gaze shifts. "Concerned? Wishes to help?" There's a quiet moment, at that point, "You came armed. What a peaceful mission you've embarked on. How do you intend to help, with that many weapons?" She allows a moment, but Diana mentions the amount of time that's passed. "It's been a lifetime. Plenty of time for things to change."

    Caroline isn't expressly hostile- but she is quite standoffish- and poor John is just... There, for this. He might not even be able to just leave, because his target doesn't quite understand what is going on with her very existence. Which is... Great. Wasn't this supposed to be relatively simple?

Constantine has posed:
John frowns, letting out a long stream of smoke from his mouth. "Well, I didn't come armed if that helps any?" he offers glibly. "And no joke love, I'm the real deal and it was Death that sent me to check in on you." If she didn't believe him now, he figured, he'd go all in anyhow.

"An' it seems like I'm intruding on a reunion. So, if you want me to take off," he says, nodding to the card. "You've got my number, an' I know how to find you."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana glances over her left shoulder toward the items on her back when Caroline references, then her eyes rise up to John when he speaks of having no weapons on him. She doesn't seem to mind either way really. Diana looks back to Caroline then. "This is Gotham, not being well prepared to protect yourself is irresponsible." She shows no emotional of facial expression beyond a calm stare though.

"Caroline, I am extending an offer of assistance to you. If you need it, it is here for you. Things have changed a great deal since the time we last saw one another. I have many powerful allies now and if you are... in need of help, you only have to reach out to receive it."

Again Diana looks to Constantine, he seemed sketchy as heck and she did not like that... but Caroline was her own person and she could choose whom she wishes to seek for aide.

Shatterpoint has posed:
    There is a low rumble, then, as she considers Constantine's statement. To be fair, it's not hard to assume that she just assumed any interaction with Death to be a hallucination- and that would be correct, but Constantine might not make the connection. "That's... Intriguing." For a moment, Caroline seems, well, genuinely confused. "Don't leave. There are... Many questions." she states, somewhat conflicting with how direct she's been just moments ago.

    Then, her attention is on Diana. "The last I checked, you were bulletproof. I would think you were prepared with just your armor, or your shield. It looks to me like you're hunting larger game." she states, taking a step towards Diana. "You're offering help, and you have powerful allies, that's... Neat." The amount of confrontation only seems to be getting more intense. She hasn't refused Diana- but the woman clearly came prepared for something... Other than just a bunch of thugs. "But why do I feel like you had ulterior motives? Like you were... Testing the waters. Making sure I wasn't something you'd have to... Kill."

Constantine has posed:
"Sure, can understand you having questions," John says to Caroline. "Had more 'n a few myself when this business came up. But, probably should do questions some other time, you finding an old friend is a good start to what your maker wanted me to do. Anyhow, that number, give it a ring when you've got the time I can answer questions then."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana draws in a breath then after hearing this from Caroline and she slowly releases the breath again. "Caroline." She starts. "When you do what I do, you do what you must to ensure your own protection and the best chance at helping maintain the protection and safety of those around you. I lead a dangerous life, and because of that, danger tries to often surround me." She glances toward John again before back to Caroline.

"Did I come here to see if you warranted a fight?" She shakes her head side to side. "I did not." Her gaze levels then and her chin slightly dips as she stares at the other, a person she hasn't spoken to in a long time. "If you gave me a reason to fight you, however, then I would do what I must. I would take no pleasure in doing it however. You were a good friend... I would hope to continue that, where we left off."

Shatterpoint has posed:
    Turning her attention to Constantine as the man takes his leave, wondering exactly how she's going to contact him. She doesn't quite have a cell phone, after all. Then, it's back to Diana. "You might not have -come- here to fight, you might not have intended to see whether you needed to kill this thing that I've become... But it's part of why you came here. You don't want it to be the case, but you still were aware that you thought you might need to. I guess that is what I remember."

    She rocks her head to one side. "I don't think we'll be picking up where we left off. Otherwise, I'd be dead." this is left to hang in the air for a moment. "Not that it expressly matters. I'm here to do what I can. I'm not... The same. It is... Useful. Make of that what you will, but as of yet, you haven't even asked what happened."

Constantine has posed:
John thinks much the same thing as Caroline, and pauses a moment to write his address down on a notepad and hand that over before leaving, "Never a pay phone when you need one," he says, before giving a nod to Wonder Woman as he makes his way to the roof stairs, "Miss Woman," then John is gone into the Gotham night.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana watches John make his departure and then she looks back to Caroline and shakes her head gently once. "I am all ears then, Caroline." She tells the woman with the gravely gross voice. Her hands come together in front of her lap and she interlaces her fingers together there, its a very non-hsotile stance and one that appears casual... or so one can hope.

"Please tell me what has happened." She says softly. "But if you wish not to tell me then, I shall simply turn and leave you to be who you are now."

Shatterpoint has posed:
    There is this... Long pause. Caroline considers what to say- how to begin the tale, how much detail to put into it. It doesn't take -too- long, but at the same time, when she does speak, it's not exactly pleasant. "I died." she begins, simply and succinctly. "I spent ten years in that hell that you left me, and then I died. Cold and alone." It's accusatory, to be sure- after all, what alternative was there for Diana? She can't exactly -go- to Apokolips, that was kind of the point of everything they were doing. Much less could she do so safely without leading them right back.

    Yet, despite this, Caroline seems almost... Hurt. As if part of her always expected Diana to show up leading the cavalry. For sixty years.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana regards the woman casually while she speaks but her fingers do unlace from one another when she hears the given reasons for all of this. "Caroline." She starts, her head slowly shaking from right to left once. "I did not leave you there. I had no way -to- reach you." She replies with as much sincerity as she can muster. "I have tried ever since that day to get back to where I last saw you, but it is beyond my power and... I have found no others who could grant me such passage."

She takes a slight second to tilt her head gently to the left while keeping her eyes locked onto the other. "I do not know how you got back here, but I am glad that you did. I am... terribly sorry that it was not me who could bring you back."

Shatterpoint has posed:
    "I believe that." Beginning with something so anticlimactic might seem and sound so strange, and yet... That's what she says. She even leaves it for a while. Parts of her aren't properly communicating, and there is still some... Darkness to her presence. Perhaps a need for revenge or some focus on hatred. "In the end, it doesn't matter. If you had made it there, I'd have already been dead. As to how I got here... There was an invasion, that I was able to... Piggyback. Not too long ago, I think, but I... The days sort of... Blend, now. I don't necessarily... Sleep."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana softly raises her chin and draws in a breath upon hearing how Caroline got back. "Last fall." She quietly adds, assuming that that was the time that the Detective made her chance at a return. Sixty years spent in a place no one should ever have to spend a second within...

"I am sorry, Caroline." Diana tells her. "But you are back now, and if there is anything that I can do to make your return... better, please tell me. If you are having troubles, we can help you. The Justice League is the group I belong to now and they are a great collective of individuals, we can find a way to help ease the troubles that you are still feeling after all you have gone through."

Diana's right hand comes up and extends out toward Caroline. "I can take you to our facility, the Hall of Justice. There we can see to it that you get any care you may need, medical or otherwise." Will the woman take it? Diana isn't sure, but she's hopeful. Ever hopeful for those she cares for.

Shatterpoint has posed:
    Caroline spends a long time looking at that offered hand. "I'm fine where I am." she begins, "I have met Batman, one of the people in this... League." There is a pause, then. "They seem fine. But it's not my place. I don't need medical attention. I need to be here. I am needed here. It's one of the reasons I came back." While she's speaking, she makes her way towards the edge of the roof, staring down at the street. "If you need me, you know where to find me. I'll help however I can."

Wonder Woman has posed:
AFter hearing this, Diana's outreached hand is slowly lowered back down to her side. "I understand." The Princess responds. She gives a glance to her right out toward the skyline of Gotham City and then looks back to Caroline. "I will find you if I need to speak with you, and I hope that you will do the same toward me."

Diana turns to right then and takes a step toward the edge of the building. "This world has changed a great deal since you and I were separated... I hope that you can adjust to the changes and find the peace and propserity that I have always wanted for you."

Shatterpoint has posed:
    "Some things are weird. Some things are new. Those things don't matter. Not really. In the end, all that matters is that I make a difference, and the people of this city... They haven't changed at all. I still know who I need to hit. That's what's important."