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Latest revision as of 21:20, 2 August 2018

Make My Garden Grow!
Date of Scene: 24 June 2018
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Poison Ivy, Kid, Captain America, Harry Dresden, Breath

Poison Ivy has posed:
The morning after being dropped off by Batman at this formerly-abandoned park, Ivy gets to work. She had some seeds on her person and is rapidly developing the garden, seeding various plants around to serve as a wall. She touches one of the trees, making it grow to 100 feet tall. She then looks at the greenhouse, sighing, as she opens the phone to call a repairman. The electronics of it are not her speciality. But everything else - it'd be a massive transformation, and very attention-grabbing. New trees start growing, producing all kinds of fruits: peaches, bananas, honeycrisp apples...

Ivy scampers up the now-100-foot-tall tree and stands on a prominent lower branch (20 feet off the ground), and looks down upon her works, as the 'wall' of greenery is developing, sending spiky shoots out to each other to serve as a ntraul fence.

Kid has posed:
Considering where they were - the area was ripe for the pickings. Kid had just smashed in the window of a local produce store, very small, not many customers and definintly not good secruity. He reaches through the glass to open the door...and than stops.
    Having been in the area several times, he had a good grasp of what was here and what was not. And currently he was seeing what was not there before. He blinks cutting off his typical mental overlay to see the growing garden. He rubs his stomech "Mmmmm" he walks over to the garden, shrouded in his human illusion Malcolm and without a second thought to what was happening...he begins helping himself. To fruit and leave alike. He didn't even seem to take notice of Ivy directly.

Captain America has posed:
Captain America doesn't visit Gotham as often as he should, but he has some still living friends and found one recently alive in a nearby home. Poor guy did not remember cap or who he was, so Cap is a bit maudlin but wearing civilian gear as he walks down the road. As it is he spots the garden growing spontaneously and is a bit...well, curious. Not alarmed, he wanders toward the area, looking at the show until he spots Ivy. He is well versed in most threats, and knows what she can do but she isn't directly harming anyone or killing people, so he scratches his chin. Though he does see does spot the guy smash the widow and then move over to go munch on Ivy's garden and can tell that this isn't going to end well. He doesn't have his shield but does grab....he looks around...a trash can lid. Well. It will do.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     It's a simple afternoon, and one Harry Dresden has decided to go for a run, long lanky legs covered in sweat pants, worn but serviceable trainers, and a black T-Shirt that says "I know you are but what am I?" emblazoned on it in bright red lettering. "Huh..." he says coming to a stop his trusty sidekick, Doggosarus Mouse coming to a panting stop beside him. "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas any more." he says shaking his wrist to loosen the cuff of shields wrapped around his arm. "Lets go see if Titania has sent some goons to make trouble, or if this is a less spooky supernatural occurance." he says scratching the top of the god's head and making his way over to the garden.

    "Hello in the super garden?" He yells out. "I'm a self appointed representitive of the lollipop guild, and I've come to make sure you have a redwood permit for that tree!" he mouths off

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley stares down at the person in her garden, and has a taproot grow around his feet to trap him there. She sees someone grab a trashcan lid, curious. She then stares down at the crazy person. "I'm growing my garden. Go away. And redwoods care not for permits. They are older than any permit agency." She then drops gracefully to the ground. "Do you always just barge into someone's private property and just take what you want?" she asks to Kid.

Kid has posed:
Kid stares down not expecting the tap root around his legs. But instead of seeming paniked he actually crouches, looking quite ape like as he does so. his immenses strength had him snapping the root around his feet and he actually eats the peices as if trying them. He makes a disgusted face and shakes his head
    He stuffs an entire apple in his mouth before answering Pamela. His hands move quickly and give a quick answer "Yes." and snap, goes another apple. Though he than looks to Captain America with a shield and curls his lips in a chuckle, his larger than average canine showing. He than signs out in regards to Harry "Lollopop guild eh? Was the twizzler brigade full?" his watch belches out.

Captain America has posed:
Captain America boggles at this. He hadn't realized she OWNED the property...and this makes him hopeful. So few actually reform. Did Batman actually finally win one? Well...good for him. He lowers the lid a bit and seems a bit more relaxed but then spots Sir Errol Flambe challenge Ivy and is onedering if this might turn into shoot out at the Home Depot Corral. Captain Ameria's shield is a Garbage Can Lid but sure....its a shield. Kind of. Now he does have to intervene. "If this is her private property sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave it." He speaks with a voice most would probably recognize even if he isn't in the gear. He is tempted to ask Ivy for proof. Really tempted....but if it is hers....that would be exactly the wrong thing to ask.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     "They were killed by the Tootsie Roll Tyrant. " he says with a shrug. before he turns to the captain, Mouse wagging his tail in a friendly manner. "Uhh.." he looks around at where they are, at the cracked sidewalk, and a dilapidated picnic table. "It's a park... I come here to jog and to deal with this mad beasts mud-babies." he says pulling out a gallon sized ziplock bag and waving it like a flag. "So, unless the city sold it I think this is as public as you can get here chief." he replies

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley frowns. "This garden was abandoned..." she calls to everyone. "I asked Batman when I was released from Arkham to find me a place I could call home. He took me here. So yes, this is _my_ garden. My greenhouse. If you do not like it - you will have to forcibly evict me - and face the Bat." She glares at Kid. "Please leave before I am forced to expel you."

Kid has posed:
"Eh. The Bats are not THAT scary" Kid signs. He continunes "And lady, that not how private property works. Just cause a bunch of homeless folks move into a building and call it home, does not mean they own it. Been there done that" a pause in his signing "...really did like that warehouse" he shrugs. And he chomps away on a branch. He was litterly eating a branch of a tree. Herbevores - any gardens enemy.
    Another stop "So yea...when you buy the place feel free to evict people. Tell than, it an all you can eat buffet!" he signs with glee. He stops as he let loose a very nusual growl that was more felt - a very critter skitter away. He let out a groan of annoyance and signs "Realy, now? of all times. Great. Now yea choose a time ta go carnivore" he crosses his arms looking disintrested in the fruit now, but looking right pissed no less.

Captain America has posed:
Captain America sighs. He puts his hand on his face, and just takes a deep breath. "Can we please, just for once, just ONCE not..." He takes another deep breath, "Miss Ivy. Yes, they are right, in that Batman, valuable as he is for the city cannot simply give the park away. However, I'm happy to talk to the actual city and get you a permit." He looks at Kid, "Didn't I just see you break a store window there?" He is kind of amazed at the chutzpah on this guy. Do these people know who he is? If not the novelty alone might compell him not to say anything....and he turns to Harry. There is something about Harry that makes him want to yell, as if he were narratively compelled to kick shit on Harry for no reason but he is Captain America and doesnt do that so instead he says, "Nice Dog.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Mouses' tongue lolls out to the side in a doggy grin sitting up straighter and holding out a hand to 'shake' "Thanks, I think he's a purebred Wooley Doggosarus Rex. You should /see/ the amount of dog food he goes through when he's not copping bits of my food off me." he says with a smirk. Not knowing sign language himself he just looks over at Kid and Pamela "Why the orchard then Red?" he asks curiously "You obviously have the power to make the trees produce when and what you want at any time, why make so much?" he comments scratching the side of his nose "Hells bells, why a hundred foot tall tree? that's just /screaming/ at the locals 'Hey! Look at me! Check this stuff out right over here!' all you're missing is a brass section tootin' their own horns."

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley just frowns. "I have great plans. I am going to be of help to this city. But I needed a place where I can do my work in privacy. The 'fortress wall' brambles aren't ready yet - I was growing a foundatoin for them." She sighs softly as she just slumps against the tree. "This garden was derelict. The greenhouse is broken, and the poor plants inside are calling for help. Nobody else cared for this land - but I do. So I am taking it. If you call it a villanous act, so be it. But it will be my last."

She turns to Steve Rogers, eyebrow raised. "A... permit?" she asks softly, tilting her head. "Hmmmm.... so nobody could argue my domain?" She frowns. "I never considered such a thing."

Kid has posed:
"Let me guess. You been locked up in a cage for awhile?" Kid signs, his watch still beeping out whatever he means. He shivers as he signs "Hate cages. Alot to learn outside them bars though. Been there"
    He than looks to Steve and cants his head. There was zero recognition. Kid has had to learn alot on his own - and he was still learning who was who in the hero world and the villian world"yea. Whatcha gonna do about it?" he challenges in sign. The LAST hero he met when he robbed a store didn't even try to stop him really. So the teen-rilla was feeling confident.
    He signs towards Harry "Bet yea alot of homeless folks will like this place. Them fruits and leaves and branches taste great" he rubs his stomech after that.

Captain America has posed:
Captain America says, "I..." he considers this carefully. She seems to be trying....really, "I think that I can get you certain rights to grow things in the park. I don't know if they will ...um...sell it. I can talk to them. Batman is good for punching people...really good. He isn't always as much about Law And Order as he should be. Name is Steve." He smiles to Harry, and shakes the Dog's paw, "Lovely to meet you too." He looks sternly at Kid, not harshly, "I am going to do what anyone would do on their day off. Ask what would you do if it was your store? Imagine the owner coming in in the morning and finding yet another thing they have to deal with. Ask Pamela here how that kind of thing often goes here in Gotham for most people.""

Breath has posed:
Breath was flying across town, and this... is new. She curves around, then comes down toward street level with a jet-like roar, blowing forward and kicking up a huge cloud of litter and road dust as she comes down on a plume of huff and puff, touching down on the edge of the sidewalk and retracting her glider wings. She looks around the place a bit, taking in the.. odd crowd, then looks up at the huge foliage.

She waves and rubs the back of her neck. Crud, she's the only one in a costume here. Any moment, somebody is going to expect her to take charge of this craziness, and she just doesn't wanna. "So, what's going on now?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden shrugs "Christmas girl over here's growing food and plants to help the community." He says pointing over at Ivy before motioning to Kid "Koko here commited some petty larceny, that Blondie here caught wind of, and Captain Snausages here is trying to figure out if there's a way to get some bacon out of all of this." he says thumbing over at the giant dog at the end of his lead that quite obviously just rolled it's eyes. "Nobody's trying to toss you on your ear lady. You made a spectacle, folks gather to spectacles like moths to the fire, you even got a bonafide superhero to come onto the scene" he says to Pamela nodding back towards Breath.

    So sue him he doesn't recognize Steve Rogers.. Guy can't watch Television..

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley sighs softly. "Okay, maybe the tall tree was a mistake. But one day is all I need, and then nobody can come here without my sayso for... they won't be able to." She clicks her tongue. "I don't plan to just grow fruit. I am a botanist by training. I can create medicines... but I need my PRIVACY to do so!" She then stares at Kid chewing on the tree, and has it grow spikes to dissuade him. "What are you exactly?" she asks Kid.

Kid has posed:
Kid looks to Steve and signs ".....I would break the windows, take out the doors....mabey the walls...." he was growing agited "...screw it. Would burn it down and find something better than a box" he signs. "Now piss off" he actually flips Steve the bird. Despite looking like an adult...he acted a bit younger
    When breath comes down he signs the watch beeping "Plant lady growing plants." amazingly he was not dissauded from the tree! Infact he was testing it out, his thick palms only provided -some- protection and required him to be careful. But it didn't stop him from munching. Seem he was trying to figure out how to properly eat it...but wasn't making much headway yet. Gorillas, even ones in human guise, eat alot of plants, even prickly ones. He gives up after a few attempt though and signs "Mutant...I guess" he shrugs peering at the spiked plant as if trying to decide if he should go for it again.

Captain America has posed:
Captain America picard palms...and just looks at the ceiling. Then he realizes there is no ceiling and decides to go deal with Space Mold. He waves to Breath and smiles, "I think you can handle this. I need a few tanker trunks of beer. Ms Ivy, I can find you land somewhere to do research. If Batman REALLY wants you to have this park I'll talk to him but you wont get privacy here." He hands her a card. He looks at Kid and smiles, "This is a super hero. By all means continue your tactical discussion on the finer points of Anarchy with her." He smiles at Mouse and says, "Who is a good boy? Who is a good boy...." and smiles at Harry, "You have a good dog."

Breath has posed:
Breath nods. "Yeah, I was on my way back from Gotham pride. I promised I would make an appearance and talk to some of the kids. I never miss one. It sounds like.. everything is.. yanno? more or less under control then? I mean.. it's a beautiful garden, looks very healthy, and well.. everybody should have a home they feel comfortable in, right?"

She looks around at the rest of the craziness with some confusion, waves and sighs. NOT the best person to be trying to defend the merits of society with. Right then. The creeping sense that she is just more of the craziness sets in.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden grins "The best" he says scratching the top of Mouses' head. "Listen to the blonde haired oddly connected muscle man. He might be able to help." Dresden says "I think I'm gonna get out of here too, there's a big belly burger crown calling my name." he says simply before glancing back over at kid. "Koko, be good or no banannas." he warns before he tugs on mouses' leash. "Lets go pupper, I'll buy you a double cheese burger extra pickles." he says to the suddenly perky puppy like direhorse of a dog...

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley just frowns as the spikes on that branch suddenly grow a rather painful (but nonlethal) poison, glistening purple. "I need fertile land to do my research. This place is ideal. I have already planted my roots. I will not leave. I will have my privacy, here. Starting tomorrow. So - I would recommend you vacate the premises before I start the nettles." She just stands there, arms crossed, but looks at that card.

Kid has posed:
Kid releases the branch in pain, his hands having small swollen lumps. He lets out a beastly growl. He actually sucks on his finger...and licks his hands, much like a dog would a wound. He signs "Yeesh. Fine lady, have it your way"

Breath has posed:
Breath looks down at the concrete. "Okay, just please don't block the sidewalk, okay? And keep an eye out for killer space mold. They had to move one of the fests to avoid a new patch, and jerks didn't want to let them. They're popping up all over." She looks over at Kid, but that situation is.. strange enough that no immediately obvious action comes to mind. Right then.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley smiles faintly. "Of course not. I am claiming this garden. Nothing more." She then hisses at the sound of that fungus, and all the plants in the garden are shaking in agitatoin too. "The Gray is on the attack. I am not ready for it, not ready, not ready. The Green and the Gray are at truce... they're SUPPOSED to be. Why is the Gray invading?" she asks, almost panicked at the thought as she hugs the tree, not really caring about Kid's wounds (they're just irritating). "The Parliament isn't ready... they're sleeping, dormant..."

Kid has posed:
Kid signs "...HATE those fungus. They make getting your food a pain. And if you try ta eat them...it will eat you" he snorts unhappily. He than signs "Alright. Well, you uh...keep learning your colors. Imma go" he gives Ivy two (sarcastic) thumbs up, before licking his hands
    He sees Breath stareing at him and signs "What, never seen a man eat fruit?" He kicks off any remenet of taproot from his shoes and begins to head off. He got his belly full, now it time to find a preferably less prickly target and more grounded meal.

Breath has posed:
Breath frowns and looks down. "I don't know. I'm sorry, I'm not much good in that fight because I kinda make things worse there by blowing the spores around, so I don't know much about it. The Avengers were in the thick of it the most, Iron Man and them. I mean, I can get you the phone number if you want. I don't think anybody there can even do any sort of diplomacy. They'd probably love it if you could." She waves at Kid. Not.. much.. else to do there really.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley just retreats, and continues working on growing the garden, still muttering about the Green and the Gray, basically tuning out the people around, continuing growing the barrier around her little garden, to make it inpregnable.