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Latest revision as of 21:35, 2 August 2018

Date of Scene: 24 June 2018
Location: Various
Synopsis: Some New Mutants and X-Men deliver a message to Donald Pierce that he will never forget.
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Elixir, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Professor X, Twitch, Psylocke, X-23

Phoenix has posed:
Students are not often called into the faculty meeting room, but today seemed to be an exception. Jean Grey was waiting there, along with Elizabeth Braddock and Professor Xavier. For her part, Jean was dressed in a fashion that was likely unfamiliar to the students, her Phoenix costume, in green and gold.

Several of the students will have heard a telepathic message inviting them to come join on a little excrusion meant to end their imposed curfew. Notably those were New Mutants, and the aforementioned excrusion was an actual mission, so it seems.

Elixir has posed:
Josh packs up his biology textbook and notebook, and shoulders his backpack. He hustles through the halls to the faculty meeting room and is surprised to see the three assembled staff members. He waves in greeting and takes a seat in one of the chairs close to the door.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic probably would've been late if she hadn't already been close by. She's not known for coming to heel quickly. Like, she's not a dog, duh.

She has her phone in her hand, not even looking up as she enters the room, her yellow and black costume on and her shaved head showing a thin layer of stubble along the top. She finds a seat and puts up her feet, crossing her ankles and finally deigning to look up, "Yeah, what?"

Professor X has posed:
     Professor Charles Xavier was waiting with Jean in the meeting room. In his hover chair to help him not be so slow as well as to not slow down the team. He does seem to be wearing his own X-Men uniform, though it more looks like padded armor with the X-men Logo on the left pectoral. He doesn't appear to have any weapons on him, but that chair likely has a few surprises.

     Nevertheless, he looks to Jean with a nod. before his eyes fall upon Negasonic and Elixir, respectively. "Hello you two. Please, make yourselves comfortable for a moment. We will begin when everyone has arrived." he smiles warmly.

Twitch has posed:
Not expecting his curfew to end any time soon, likely not until graduation, Tyler still shows up for the pre-excursion meeting in the hope of ending curfew for his fellow students. He parks a mop and rolling bucket outside of the door to the faculty room and then steps inside.

The young man scans the room, checking out who else is there even as he lifts a hand in a wave at everyone present. The few in costume come as a surprise to him and his eyes widen slightly. He says nothing, however, as he's most definitely not sure of his standing at the moment.

Psylocke has posed:
Betsy Braddock, as she is known to the students, looks nothing like the proper English teacher now. She too has appeared in her costume. The bodysuit with a red sash. Tall boots that are form fitting to her legs, no heel on the shoes. A few wrappings around her arms and legs to complete the look. Her hair is down, expression serious as she stands a little behind and to the right of Jean.
    She does not speak but a nod is given to each of the students she recognizes from her classes.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean inclines her head in silent greeting at each of the students who make it, "feet on the ground," she casually remarks to Ellie without directly looking her way, or sounding too demanding, it's a request. "As most of you will know, a dangerous cybernetic enhanced man by the name of Donald Pierce and a group of mercenaries, likewise enhanced, has decided to make our student body their target." She pauses a moment, to make sure she has everyone's attention, particularly Ellie who is prone to deep dive into her phone. "The faculty successfully located him, and in order to further advance your training and education as New Mutants, you are given the option to join us as we go to end this once and for all."

Another moment is given for the task at hand to settle in, "they are currently attending what they think is a private meeting between them, at a penthouse apartment. While it's not clear if any of them actually owns it, they are there, and they are potentially not expecting company...make sure to attend to your safety first, keep alert, and try not to do something on your own without permission."

She looks aside to the Professor and Betsy, <<would you like to add anything?>> She offers to them telepathically.

Elixir has posed:
Josh's left leg starts bouncing slightly at the mention of Pierce, and his eyes go wide at the mention of what they will be doing. For a moment he feels like he is back in the Friends of Humanity meeting, when he and Ritchie were singled out by Pierce. His stomach was doing flips then, too.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic sighs, perhaps louder than is entirely necessary (depending on your definition of necessary), swinging her feet off the table and sitting up a bit in her seat. She listens with a flat expression on her face, "I mean...yeah, I guess. I'm not just a joiner, but this Pierce guy seems like a serious twatwaffle. Count me in to kick him in his cybertaint."

She looks over at Josh, "Take a Xanax, stop with the leg jitters."

Professor X has posed:
     Xavier seems more than comfortable to let Jean give the briefing. Though as he hears her voice in his head, Charles smiles softly to himself, but doesn't look at her. <<Not at all. You were splendid, Jean.>> Charles compliments her before his eyes look out towards Negasonic and Josh, though as Tyler arrives, the old man smiles. "Welcome, Mr. Grant." though he does take notice of Negasonic's more....vulgar vernacular, though a piece of him does find it rather amusing.

     Either way, his eyes also fall on Psylocke. It was good to see Braddock around as well. Now, there should be one more coming, if his memory still serves him faithfully.

Twitch has posed:
The chance to get back at the people who hurt his friend has Tyler feeling excited all of the sudden. He nods his head up and down a few times, "I'm in." He places his hands on the back of a chair in front of him. "Safety first, stay alert, nothing without permission. I got it, Ms Grey."

When Professor X greets him Tyler replies politely to the old man, "Hello sir. Nice to see you again."

Psylocke has posed:
There is that sensation of a hand on Josh's shoulder, the reassuring squeeze. He's felt it before, in the cafeteria during a certain breakfast. "If we need a passage inside, I can help with that," she finally offers in a soft voice.

<Nothing to add.> Her telepathic voice is sent only to Jean and the Professor.

X-23 has posed:
The door opens, and X-23 enters. It's the first time the girl's been around more than one person at a time, and she only knows two of the people in the room. This many draws her up short, head jerking back a little as if there was something unpleasant in the room. Her expression stays neutral, though, and she just moves off to the side of the door by a few feet, keeping her back to the wall. She's in her black outfit she brought from the Weapon X program, though, and apparently is ready for deployment. Eyes sweep everyone in the room, but it's only when they get to Jean that she offers the only words she's apparently giving. "I'm here. I'm ready."

Phoenix has posed:
As the door opens, Jean adds, "this is Laura, the new student I told you about. I hope you've all seen my introduction of her, keep that in mind, and be nice." Jean's green eyes shift to focus on Laura, and she offers her a smile, <<try to not go overboard, Laura, efficent take downs are sufficent,>> Laura would hear Jean's voice in her mind, no doubt Jean's concern is that Laura might freak out some students by how meticulous she can be when it comes to utterly eradicating a target.

"We leave by jet, everyone buckle in and not touch anything, we drop down on their penthouse...and we see to it they understand to back off our student body. If possible, avoid killing, we're there for our safety...not to be a hit squad."

With those words spoken, Jean waits a moment to see if there are any questions, before leading the assembled crew to the blackbird.

Quite the field trip!

Elixir has posed:
Josh gets up and files out with everyone else after the teachers. He tries to hide any sign of how nervous he is, but he still feels sick to the stomach. That is forgotten momentarily though when they get out to the jet. It is about the coolest plane he has ever seen and his jaw drops slightly when he sees it.

"Whoa," he breathes and gives Tyler a look that says he cannot quite believe it. Then he climbs up and inside after the staff and buckles up, taking it all in.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie just shakes her head at Josh's nebbishy ways, "So, wait...what's the wifi like on this thing? How long are we going to be on it?" she says. The new girl gets a quick assessing glance - cute if scruffy, looks twitchy af.

"I'm going to sit in the back. You can't sit with me," she says pre-emptively as she boards.

Professor X has posed:
     Charles nods only once to Tyler before his eyes shift to Laura Kinney as she arrives. He greets the young girl with the warmest smile and nevertheless, invites her to come along with them with but the subtle gesture of his hand. "It is good to see everyone assembled." and soon enough, he turns on his hoverchair to follow Jean into the Blackbird!

     There will be few times when Charles approves of such a fieldtrip, but he trusts Jean's judgement as Headmistress. "Shaky, but I think you'll enjoy it nonetheless." he informs Negasonic before he officially gets onto the jet. Clearly, he already had his seat.

     He seems to be on the quiet side, which is a little uncharacteristic. Or maybe he's just seeing how things will work if he simply remains in the background. Test time!

Twitch has posed:
"Hey Laura. I'm Tyler," says the young man to the young woman, smiling at her as he briefly looks over her uniform.

Then the group is moving. When the approach the plane his eyes widen and he glances back at Josh, nodding to him, "That thing is cool." He climbs into the vehicle and takes a seat near his buddy's, buckling himself in.

"Ms Grey, do we know how tough these guys are? I mean, will their bones break like regular peoples'?" Tyler asks. "I know some of them have swords that come out of their arms, just want to know if they're reinforced, too."

X-23 has posed:
X-23 looks back to Tyler, and gives the faintest of nods. "Tyler." She moves onto the plane, taking her own seat. No questions asked. Try not to kill them, take them out as efficiently as possible. A lot of people are going to be missing parts when this is done.

Phoenix has posed:
"I think it goes without saying that you don't need to discuss the jet with the rest of the students, this is one of the priviledges you get from being New Mutants." Jean just makes it clear as everyone finds a seat and fasten their seatbelts. Jean naturally takes the stick, unless Betsy would insist, after all, Elizabeth is a pilot in her own right.

"I'm engaging stealth, but you want to help us on the off chance and give our stealth a telepathic boost?" Jean asks of Xavier and Betsy as she moves to take off, flying towards the Reavers' position. Flight is not long, Manhattan is quite close and the blackbird is pretty fast.

When they approach the target, Jean brings the jet low above the roof, giving the team enough space to jump down to the penthouse below. "We're going to open the hatch..." Jean informs the students as she gets up from her seat, walking towards it, "if anyone is scared of making the jump, let us know, and we'll bring you down gently..." she promises, "last questions before we go?" If there are none, she'll follow with, "on my mark," before giving the hatch a moment to fully open and stating, "go," before floating outside of the jet. a fiery aura igniting around her body.

Elixir has posed:
In his mind's eye, Josh sees the inside of the van, Pierce hunched and ready to spring, the others....

The the door opens and the wind picks up. Jean says go and his legs move almost of their own accord. He feels numb and a little detached as he drops down and rolls to his feet, out of the way others coming. He watches for Laura and follows her lead. After what she said, this is something she has done many times before.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic will drop down fearlessly enough, although she might manifest her blast-sphere for a moment. Just in case, okay, she's not nervous! Shut up!

She takes out a stick of cinnamon gum and pops it in her mouth, chewing idly as she waits for instructions. One of the best things about her powers is how simple they were: tell her what to blow up, she blows it up. Not much simpler than that. She supposes she'll have to make sure her teammates are safe, but hopefully they weren't, like, complete dumbs.

Professor X has posed:
Professor Xavier watches at how much Jean has grown at being a natural leader. It's the kind of thing that makes him proud. "Of course. I'll remain on the Blackbird and give you all tactical advantages personnel-wise." He smiles softly. Let the kids have their fun, after all!

His eyes watch as the kids all jump off the jet -almost- fearlessly! Were they excited? Eh, probably. Either way, The Professor then seals the hatch to the Black Bird once everyone was off and he starts to focus, linking everyone telepathically to each other while also trying to see how many men they're dealing with.

<<Good luck, students. and please...be careful.>> Charles advises.

Twitch has posed:
When it comes time to disembark Tyler moves to the hatch and jumps out once he's measured the distance. On the way down he does a little flip in the air, then hits the surface of the roof in a neat landing. Stepping away from where others might be following him out he takes a look around to check for threats, bouncing lightly on the balls of his feet in case he needs to move suddenly. When he hears a voice in his head Tyler tries to think back at it, <<Thanks, Professor.>>

Psylocke has posed:
Psylocke simply drops through the hatch to the roof, landing in a crouch then rising back to her feet. She already is reaching out psionically to help boost the efforts of the others, giving them some mental cover so that they are not so apparent to anyone in the area watching.

Her job is support. This is really more the students mission, to give them a chance to repay the villains.

X-23 has posed:
X-23 jumps from the jet, seeming utterly unconcerned about whether or not she'll be hurt. She lands with a roll, though, and comes up running for the nearest access point. She's already sniffing the air, letting it guide her, and as she nears the entrance, well...


Out come the claws, two from each arm. The lock on the door parts like butter to her quick claw slash; one at the lock, one by the hinges, and she kicks the middle part down in front of her.

Elixir has posed:
An alarm sounds as the door comes off its hinges, thrown improbably far by the diminuitive X-23. Inside is a short stairwell with a second door, that comes down just as quickly as X-23 no doubt moves down the stairwell. It opens into a hallway beside the elevator. The foyer is clear of people but just to the left is the main room of the penthouse, with a door to the balcony and open concept to the kitchen. There eight men in various states of alarm and response, one running out to the balcony to look out, two behind the couch turning toward the foyer, others coming from the kitchen or up off the couches. And sitting framed by one of the windows is Pierce, pushing himself up out of his seat.

They are reacting fast though, really fast. They do not move at normal human speeds, and for most of them at least one hand is hinging at the wrist and blades are emerging in their places.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean is floating behind Laura, letting the girl rush in head first, she's clearly has full confidence in Laura's abilities and the fact that neither Donald Pierce nor his Reavers are well prepared to take on the hurricane that just been unleashed on them. "Students, follow me," she instructs as she floats inside, flames flickering across her frame. She wasn't joking when she mentioned Laura was a special student, seeing how she lets her go in first, while demanding the other students follow her. For the time being she keeps alert to mapping the minds in the place, so she has an idea where enemies might linger. More importantly, she looks specifically for Donald Pierce to inform him <<Mr. Pierce, it's a bad idea to pick on mutant kids, you never know who their parents or teachers might be...>>

Elixir has posed:
Josh runs in behind Laura and for a brief moment locks eyes with Pierce. There is a flash of recognition before Pierce seems fixated on the flaming Jean Grey. He runs aside of X-23's apparent intended target and goes for a full front kick to the man's chest, trying to get him before he rises out of his chair.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic sees the guys looking for cover behind the couch and, well, that's not exactly good cover from normal things, much less raging mutant teenagers. "Fire in the hole!" she shouts and she unleashes a blast of energy at the thing, probably enough to detonate the furniture. Hopefully the place has insurance. Or not. Who cares?

Professor X has posed:
     Well, that didn't take long!

     No doubt one of the men will try to shoot at Josh when he tries to dropkick Pierce all rambo-style, so Charles will focus his mind and //mind blast// one of the soldiers! Effectively trying to knock him out unconscious without so much as to let anyone else lift a finger. He's helping!

     Even if he's not physically present. He can see the situation just by looking through the eyes of everyone on the scene itself.

Twitch has posed:
"Damn," Tyler says softly as he watches Laura do her thing to the door that's between the mutants and the bad guys. He moves down the stairs along with the rest of the team from Xavier's moving smoothly and keeping himself light on his feet for the trouble he expects.

The moment that Josh darts ahead to attempt to engage one of the Reavers on his own Tyler is just about ready to spring forward to help him out, but he second guesses himself, obeying Jean's direction to ask permission first, "Can I start taking these guys down?" Should he get an affirmative or one of the Reaver's get close to him he's ready to launch himself at them.

Psylocke has posed:
With Josh rushing in, Psylocke curses mentally. That isn't the plan. But there are a lot of other Reavers to deal with as well. She taps into her powers, a crimson tattoo appearing over her eye even as her right hand glows purple. A moment later that glow expandes to become a psimitar, allowing her to block an incoming swing from one of the Reaver blades.

X-23 has posed:
Laura isn't hesitating. To be honest, the Reavers are not on her level. She leaves Pierce for the others; Josh is in the way there. But she moves towards the nearest grouping; the two behind the couch. She clears the couch in a smooth leap, and with one slash, off goes the nearest's arm, and a drop and spin takes off the next's leg. Mechanical? Meat? Doesn't matter.

Elixir has posed:
X-23 clears the couch effortlessly and is inside their guards without effort. The one losing an arm seems more enraged than injured, sparks flying out of his shoulder. He swings with his remaining arm at X-23. The second hits the floor hard and will be a moment getting up.

Pierce's momentum is barely dented when Josh kicks him. He just rises right through the attack, sending Josh to land flat on his back. The head of the Reavers stabs Josh in the chest almost off-handedly as he crouches, then he pushes off and launches himself at Jean, coming through the explosion at her, swinging both arms down from overhead as he does.

The main couch in the room explodes. Foam and bits of leather go flying in every direction, raining down like some bizarre department store blizzard gone horribly wrong. The noise is deafening. The two cyborgs standing by the couch are propelled forward and both slam into the glass windows. They do not go through, but they will be a moment getting up.

The cyborg closest to Pierce gets caught mid snarl at Josh by the Professor's psionic blast and passes out, his momentum carrying him forward into the glass coffee table, which smashes when the man falls into it.

The cyborg attacking Psylocke does not expect a blade to come out of nowhere and is caught by surprise by the block. He tries to swing the other arm blade around to catch her in the side.

The cyborg at the balcony has realized where the attack is coming from now and charges headling over his fallen friend on the coffee table and leaps toward Tyler. The one in the kitchen has only one arm blade, but throws a knife with his free hand toward X-23.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean hasn't engaged anyone herself, not yet, she's mostly keeping track of the field of engagement. Who is present, where are the students, how are they doing. So far it really looks like Donald Pierce made one serious mistake, that may well have the Reavers refuse to work for him on their own accord. That much was good. <<Permission granted, Tyler, glad to see you do know how to ask,>> she answers Tyler's request in his mind. She hasn't spoken an audible word since entering the room, which does lend her a rather freakish outlook, floating slowly, engulfed in flame dancing about her body. Particularly so when X-23 is slicing and dicing, Negasonic is bombarding, Psylocke is psi-sword fighting and Xavier apparently just took one of the Reavers from afar. Pierce's group is outmatched to say the least.

Then Donald Pierce hurts Josh, which given his powers, he should be able to overcome...but rather than let Jean worry about Josh, he elects to charge at her directly. Clearly, Donald Pierce has not heard the news. That, or he is utterly clueless about Jean Grey altogether. "No." She finally speaks an audible word, gesturing with her arm to grab Pierce, only it's not her who grabs him, but rather a fiery talon of a large raptor ensnares him to keep him in mid-air. Not quite making it to Jean, the grasp punishing to his metallic frame as it appears to get hotter the longer the hold is maintained. "Donald Pierce. The next words out of your mouth should be 'I Surrender'," Jean advises him, as she handles him with her fiery talon so he can see the surrounding. "Your men are overmatched. Stand down, and live."

While the students may have their own varying ideas of who Jean is as a Headmistress, clearly she wouldn't be overly popular due to the curfew, those of the X-Men who has fought with Jean before might find her wording quite jarring. It's very unlike Jean to dictate terms and toss out promises of death without batting an eyelash.

Elixir has posed:
Josh hits the floor before he realizes what had gone wrong and the blade pierces him and his world explodes in pain. He goes into shock instantly and stares stupidly down at his chest as blood and bloody foam pour through his shirt. His hands shake and he cannot seem to understand what has just happened and he starts to pass out.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic, perhaps surprisingly, gives a yelp as Josh is hit hard and goes down, "You--" she shouts before unleashing a string of expletives so foul and thick and frankly anatomically impossible that any attempt to replicate them here in text would likely drive someone mad Lovecraft-style, clawing at the inside of their brain as they tried to comprehend the wretched excess of her vulgarity.

Or something.

Anyway, she kneels down beside him and her forcefield pops up, keeping any other attacks at bay and, if any Reavers get in her line of sight, she's likely to blast them stupid hard in the face, while continuing her foul tirade.

Professor X has posed:
     Whew, one down. Hopefully the others are doing okay. Let's look through the eyes of one of the men that Laura cut down into ineptitude. Oh, Jean is threatening people's lives. That's not very much like her. Regardless, THe Professor focuses, trusting that Jean was just using a scare tactic. If not...well, that's a office meeting for another time. Regardless, he mentally speaks to Josh. <<Josh! Breathe boy...do not panic, or you'll go into shock!>> The Professor tries to advise, but there's nothing he can do here. He can't heal people.

     Student down.

     The Professor starts to speak first aid instructions into Negasonics head, as if guiding her through the process.

Twitch has posed:
Twisting his body around, Tyler moves with dexterity and grace to avoid the attack coming his way from the leaping cyborg. By ducking to the side he gives himself an opening, striking as hard as he can with a kick towards the side of the Reaver's head. As soon as his foot gets back to the ground after the attack Tyler goes for another series of blows, concentrating on staying to his opponent's side as he attempts a combo, hands, elbows and knees flying as fast as his heightened agility and reflexes can manage. The explosive sound of expletives snatches Tyler's attention away from his target for a moment and he sees Josh down on the ground, bleeding a bunch. Tyler's eyes get wide and he grits his teeth in anger, "No!"

Psylocke has posed:
As the light gets brighter from the fiery avian nimbus surrounding Jean, the shadows grow longer. Psylocke's psimitar easily deflects the first blade, pushing it aside as her psiblade appears around her left hand. She blocks the second swing then brings her psiblade toward his head, intending to fry his synapses and end this fight quickly.

Then one moment she is there, the next moment she isn't as she sinks into the shadows around her. Instantly, she is emerging from the shadows as a dark figure with a glowing red tattoo over her eye. There is no sign she is herself other than the shape of her silouette, no distinguishing characteristics on the shadow being. Near Negasonic and Josh. Outside the glowing shield of the other woman, she puts herself between them and any one that might try to come close.

In her mind, where the Professor can see, there is no doubt she will kill anyone who comes close to him.

X-23 has posed:
Laura gets a knife thrown at her, and while she has the speed to knock it aside, she doesn't...she charges the thrower, a predatory growl coming from her throat. It sinks in, embedding itself deep in her chest. She apparently doesn't care. She dives at the thrower, all four claws extended. Unless prevented, there's not gonna be much of him left beyond Reaver tartare.

Elixir has posed:
Pierce lets out a scream, whether of pain or pure hatred is hard to tell, his eyes wild for a moment as he thrashes in the talon's burning grip. Flesh melts off metal, revealing Pierce to be almost completely a machine. "I surrender!" He screams, spittle flying out of his mouth, his eyes burning with pure, unadulterated hate.

The knife-thrower has a quarter of a second to realize his mistake. The knife is not stopping the girl. His attempt to block is ineffectual and he goes down behind the kitchen counter to the sickening sound of metal cleaving through bone and circuit.

Tyler's assault pummels the right arm and leg of the cyborg he was facing, who despite swinging hard finds nothing but air where Tyler should be. Him limbs take an enormous amount of punishment, bending at odd angles instead of breaking like bone, but joints are still joints, and Tyler's strikes truly find their mark there, sending the cyborg toppling over as his knee gives way and one arm hangs uselessly from its socket.

The cyborg slicing at Psylocke is blocked easily, his moves telegraphed and amateurish compared to her. When the psiblade hits his head, the cyborg's body goes limp mid-attack, twisting and falling to the ground like a grotesque marionette whose strings were suddenly cut.

The two cyborgs by the window snarl. The one turns and in one leap is out through the balcony door and over the railing. The other hunches, ready to attack, but seeing what is happening to PIerce, the guy in the kitchen, and the sudden appearance of what could be a shadow demon, he holds his ground.

The one-armed cyborg simply sinks to his knees, glowering.

Phoenix has posed:
"Reavers, your Master has surrendered, stand down!" Jean shrieks the word, but even as she speaks them, they seem to echo in the minds of their foes much more intensely. She knows how to put on a show when she's in the mood. Albeit, as Xavier already noticed, she seems to be in quite the unlikely mood. Pierce was rather clever to get a proper read of the preceedings.

She keeps holding Pierce in that fiery talon for now, his fault for making it easy by charging at her. "I will have you know these young mutants you were picking on, all young mutants for that matter, are under the protection of the X-Men." She waits a moment to let it sink, her eyes glowing fiercely, "we came here to make a statement. Not to destroy you. We are glad you are a reasonable man," she continues, furrowing her brow, "but should you have any misgivings and ever I hear a student or young mutant were attacked or harmed in anyway...I promise you, no courtesy of surrender will be offered."

Those words were for all to hear, the students experienced an engagement, Laura got to see that the X-Men only target the baddies and that Jean wasns't kidding about protecting her; and should Pierce play it smartly, the curfew could be lifted. Ultimately it has been a successful outing.

Betsy and Xavier do get an additional question telepathically <<are you satisfied that we can leave...? Or do you want to go further? I believe if we have Pierce arrested, he'll get himself released within a day. But I think we scared him enough to back off.>>

Elixir has posed:
The unholy tirade to his left and the Professor's voice in his head bring Josh around enough to realize he has to do something or he will die shortly. He brings shaking hands up to his chest and pushes down on the wet spot. Warmth and a golden glow suffuse the wound immediately, and the pain vanishes. His body relaxes as it is knit back together. But as the glow fades, his skin starts to change, radiating out from the wound, turning a metallic gold.

He takes a deep, unlaboured breath and pushes himself up to sitting. He checks his chest with his hands, then lets out a sigh of relief until he notices what happened to his skin. "What the hell?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic has been kneeling beside Josh, trying to process Xavier's instructions in her head, deal with the fact that there was a blood-spattered meat skewer of a fellow kid in front of her and, of course, the surrounding chaos of mutant-cyborg urban warfare going on all around her. Quite a bit to parse, but hey, she was a Millenial, short attention span and all that, right, digital age.

Shit, she had no idea what she was doing. Suddenly, the glow springs from Josh and he's enveloped, taking in his golden form and leaving her gaping and staring at him as he pushes himself up...before she slaps him on a gold plated shoulder, "HECKING TELL SOMEONE YOU CAN DO THAT NEXT TIME YOU SCARED ME DUDE."

Professor X has posed:
     Charles's intructions to Negasonic were clear and precise, given in the proper english language without any fancy science terms. He's done this a million times too, ya know. So hopefully she can follow instructions well! which she appears to be doing. However, as Jean and the other students appear to have handled everything else nice and neat-like, he smiles warmly when it turns out that they surrender! <<We can take our leave now Jean, now that Mr. Foley is stabilized. He has too much influence to put him into prison but I believe he has recieved the message loud and clear.>> He informs both Jean and Psylocke.

     Then, Josh receives that voice in his head as well. <<Are you alright, Josh? What is your condition?>> he asks worriedly before he relays a message to the whole team. <<Well done students. We have much to talk about, but you all did well. Come on back to the Blackbird.>>

     Talk about a first mission...

Twitch has posed:
As the battle comes to an end Tyler straightens up out of his fighting stance and studies the man he'd just fought, shaking his head from side to side at him. "Next time I'll know to crush your windpipe, asshole. Save myself some effort." He doesn't turn his back on the Reaver for long, just enough time to ascertain that Josh seems to be sitting up. And he's gold now. "Holy crap!"

At the word to get back to the Blackbird Tyler heads towards Josh, offering him a hand, "Let's book." The whole time he moves through the room he keeps looking around, concerned that there might be more trouble brewing.

X-23 has posed:
Laura comes back from behind the counter. She's covered in blood. Some of it's even hers. And with that, she tugs the knife out of her chest, and tosses it on the ground, annoyed. "Done." she says.

Elixir has posed:
And done it is. The remaining living cyborgs do not move waiting for the mutants to leave. But the looks are unrelentingly hostile. Not beaten, not terrified, not contrite; hostile. It is enough to make one wonder whether the message will really sink in past the hatred.

Phoenix has posed:
"Students, we're leaving," Jean announces loudly, and she points in the direction they came in from. Expecting the students to make it to the blackbird, stealthed outside, "Psylocke...help them get back if anyone needs the help. I'll be but a moment..." as Jean turns to survey the hateful looks from the defeated Revears, she informs the Professor <<students are on the way, Psylocke is with them, I'll just leave a bit of a cover up before I go...>>

The problem when dealing with telekinetics, is that sometimes you think they are not doing anything, when they absolutely are doing everything. Jean makes sure to be the last to head to the Blackbird, so that no student is left behind, and as she leaves, the gas in the kitchen is opened fully.

After the Blackbird will be on it's way, a little spark will see a parting gift devastating the apartment. They shouldn't have left those doubtful hateful glances about if they didn't want a reinforcing of the message that it's best for them not to mess with the X-Men.