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Make All The Friends
Date of Scene: 09 July 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Jessica introduces Josh to Tony and Drake. Tony gets patched up, Jessica gets noticed, Josh gets a reality check and Drake gets a Monster Energy Drink (tm).
Cast of Characters: Spider-Woman (Drew), Elixir, Iron Man, Slipstream

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
After the robbery, it had taken some recon to find out who the golden-skinned young man was at the bank robbery. And with some gentle coaxing, not involving a bikini for once, Jessica managed to reach out and invite Josh Foley from Xavier's to the Avengers Mansion in hopes of introducing him to Tony Stark.

At the appointed time, contrary to Stark's style, Jessica is waiting in the foyer making sure that Josh actually arrives before arranging to meet with Tony himself. Judging by what the assistants have told her, he -should- have a free moment to speak with them. Assuming the healer actually shows up...

Elixir has posed:
Josh had left very early after he got the call to come to the Avenger's mansion. He was grateful to escape the mansion given the drama going on there right now.

An Uber, the subway, a cab. He arrived early enough that he was down the street leaning against a tree waiting for 30 minutes; long enough for the butteflies in his stomach to breed a whole second generation. But at the appointed hour, he stuffs his hands in his pockets and walks the last stretch to the mansion proper. He is dressed in skinny jeans with a vintage Soundgarden t-shirt and white sneakers that look a little worse for wear. The golden skinned mutant rings the bell at the door a minute early, shifting slightly from foot to foot.

"Settle down, man," he says to himself.

Iron Man has posed:
    Security is tough at the mansion. They'll go over his ID, they'll check, a bit skeptically, on it, and whether he's got an appointment. They'll issue a little visitor's tag which totally doesn't have a tracking device in it. And Jessica Drew is contacted, that her visitor is here, and can be escorted from the front area. As she is not an Avenger herself, there are more protocol in place, but she is able to use the conference and meeting rooms for Avenger business.

    Maggie, one of Tony's assistants, is nearby at the visitor's booth as well, for unrelated matters. She's checking through visitor logs with the security attendant, but gives Josh a curious look. Golden skin and all. Still, she gives him a smile that reads of acceptance, before returning to her lists. "Yes, Mr. Larkin's meeting has been pushed back two hours. We don't know if Mr. Larkin knows about the change," Maggie is saying in dismay.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Perfect!" Jessica replies. "I think." She finds one of Josh's butterflies fluttering in her stomach, as well, now. "Well...maybe it's for the best either way. Mr. Stark is /going/ to want to meet Mr. Foley. Even if he doesn't know that right now." Jess smiles reassuringly to Josh. She is dressed in a very professional suit dress, sensible charcoal, and sensible heels that don't make her tower over all of the people in the tower. She hasn't exactly told Josh who she is, only that he was noticed. No sense in revealing her identity until she knows whether he /needs/ to know. "This is gonna be a piece of cake," she says with a playful smile.

Elixir has posed:
Josh looks around as he goes through the security check process, having a hard time believing he is actually at the Avengers' mansion. He turns when Jessica speaks and smiles broadly. "Hey, if you say so... This is pretty crazy," he says and offers his hand. "I'm Josh," he introduces himself, entirely unnecessarily. She obviously knows who he is already.

"Um, Sorry I'm late. I didn't figure on all the security."

Iron Man has posed:
    Then, there's a new arrival on the scene. In usual explosive form. A 1932 Ford Flathead Roaster. Top down. Sleek paint job gleaming. Fixtures chrome. With a specific celebrity (playboy/billionaire/genius/philanthropist/etc etc) at the wheel. Tony pulls up smoothly into security, climbing out of the driver's side of the car, and offhandedly flings his keys towards one of the security people that had already moved into position to take them. It's a well-oiled machine of pleasing Stark.

    Stark is dressed immaculately: sleek suit, tie, expensive and oddly tech-oriented sunglasses. The sunglasses mask some of the heavy bruises on one side of his face, but not entirely. He favors one side of his torso a little as he hops onto the curb. Maggie and another assistant nobody even noticed had been there rush out onto the curb to pepper him with questions and information. "If Mr. Larkin shows up, what shall I do with him?" Maggie asks. "A tour? Show him the fountains. I don't know. Don't I /pay/ you for creativity?" Tony teases her, though his tone is a little flat.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Okay, stay put, and I'll be right back," Jessica says to Josh in a hushed and overtly casual tone. She may look the part, but she comes across as far from the stuffy demeanor of the staff in the Mansion.

"Mr. Stark?" She calls out as she hastens to catch him.

"Tony," she says more softly, managing to maneuver herself in front of him. Probably a little too close. Probably in his bubble. "Someone is here that you're /definitely/ going to want to meet," she assures him with a smile. "This guy has abilities that are very rare, and very valuable." She leans in just a touch closer with that last. Personal space is just a formality anyway, right? "Do you think you could find a moment to talk to us? Please?"

Elixir has posed:
"Oh my God, it's really Tony Stark... and look at the /car/," he breathes with a grin, blue eyes sparkling. "Geez, nobody's gonna believe this at the school. That's so awesome...."

Josh chuckles then looks over when Jessica takes off. "Huh? Sure, Ms. Drew, but where are you.... Um... I'll just stay right here," he says as she walks off.

He reaches into his pocket for his cell phone and comes up empty. Right. Security kept it. He sighs.

Iron Man has posed:
    "My time is also very rare and very valuable," Tony parries automatically at whoever it is that just showed up so close to him suddenly, before taking in exactly who she is. He guides her a little bit out of his path with one arm near her waist. So that he can keep walking, though it's fine if she keeps pace, the arm says.
     "I might have a moment while I eat. I'm not stopping for anybody right now," Tony chuckles. Jessica may just get swept along by the force of the Tony tide. "Sir also, we have the notes from Ms Potts-" the other assistant interjects, giving Jessica a nasty look for not waiting her TURN.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica lets the assistant get out whatever it is bottled up in her that just couldn't wait. Then she smiles sweetly to her. "Could you be a dear and send Mr. Foley in, please?" Jessica keeps up with Tony, because if she loses him now she might not find him for days.

Then, to Tony, "This guy can do something I have never personally seen. He is a healer. He touches people, and their bodies...just mend. I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it myself."

Elixir has posed:
Josh waits where he was left, watching curiously.

One of the women hovering around Mr. Stark breaks away and walks in his direction. She's lovely, there is no denying that. Josh, pretends not to notice her coming until she walk up to him.

"Mr. Foley? I'm Himari," says the young Japanese woman with a melting smile. "This way please."

"Um, yeah, sure," Josh says with too large a smile. /Nobody/ was going to believe how great this place was.

Himari sets off back towards Tony at a brisk pace and Josh steps quickly to keep up. He has no idea how someone moves that fast in heels and a skirt like that.

Slipstream has posed:
Speaking of moving fast, Drake appears out of thin air with a blink and a pop of the o-zone around him. He is wearing a large gold gauntlet on one arm, while the other is free and holding on to his phone. Snowball is attached to his tactical backpack, making amused noises with a n.n expression on her LED face. With a laugh, he calls over his shoulder. "Right? What a jerk. I can't believe he was talking all that smack. He's lucky I didn't clip that last stream and put it on the Reds." He throws his hand up and Snowball gives him a bit of a high-five as a small compartment opens at the top like a flap to swat his palm. As hurricane Stark and company is moving his way on his own route to the kitchen, he gives a grin. "Hey Mister Stark. /Miss/ Himari." He tips a wink in her direction. "Who's the shiny guy, JD?"

Iron Man has posed:
    "Mmhmm, got it." Tony's 'listening': entirely unaware (or uncaring) of any war between assistants or Jessica. "Right, sure," Tony says to Jessica, as if he's not entirely listening. A closer stare might suggest why: he has holograms in those glasses on the sides. He's doing something else. He can multitask though, or appear to be, and he's doing that now.

    "Turkey on ciabatta," Tony says randomly at Maggie as she starts in on her next item. She takes it entirely in stride: this is normal, and nods, leading into the kitchen with purpose. Tony gets what he asks for, no matter what, when it's directly put to them.

    "Okay, bring the guy around." There's a quick distracted lift of a few fingers in return to Drake's callout. Tony perches the sunglasses on his head, finally looking directly at Josh. There isn't even a beat.

    "Wow. I feel like I'm being given an Academy award. That's one killer suntan you have, kid," Tony says in surprise upon seeing Josh, looking at him over his sunglasses, one eyebrow raised sky high. It isn't unfriendly, just Tony's rockstar style. Sometimes approaching him is like walking up to a gameshow host.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
There is NOT a war between Himura and Jessica. SOMETHING about Jessica just inherently seems to anger the woman. Lovely as she is, Himura has daggers for Jessica. "Whaaat?" She mouths silently. Himura just turns back to Tony.

"You could see him in action, without even leaving the room. If you're brave enough. I mean...That slouched posture appeared on the front of "Okay Today!" magazine, and people are asking questions about why Tony Stark looks like he got dragged by horses..." Jessica comments idly, while examining her nails.

Elixir has posed:
"Yeah, stands out in a crowd, Mr. Stark," he says of his gold skin, tearing his eyes away from Himura and Ms. Drew when Tony speaks. He smiles broadly. "/Wicked/ car, '32 Roaster?" he shakes head. "Only in my dreams."

Slipstream has posed:
"Yeah, it's okay. I'm not here. It's cool." Drake says with a bit of a muttering huff under his breath as he gives a squint over towards Jessica, then regards the golden skinned man again with a lift of his brow. He waves a hand towards him. "Hey dude, I'm Drake. Also go by Slipstream. It's nice to meetcha." He says as he holds his hand out to him with an amused grin along his face. "Is your name Midas? You're not gonna turn me into a gold brick are you?"

Iron Man has posed:
    "If you have secretly brought in a mutant that can murder on touch, I will be really unhappy, Ms. Drew," Tony says to her, also still over his glasses, which gives him an extremely disapproving appearance. But he did listen to her, and the offer isn't brushed off. "We'll just let him touch Drake first," Tony teases Jessica, as he sees Drake move in to greet Josh.

    "What does this involve? Getting naked in the corridor?" Tony questions Jessica, though its aimed out in general too, with a severity that actually is just him teasing the poor golden kid.

    "Who wants to blend in? The car was a Birthday present. Someone knows me." Tony chuckles, expression easing up. He strolls over to Josh, though. "Mr. Foley, right?" Tony asks, with a stare at Drake to see if he's going to collapse, smile elusive.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"He only touched bare skin at the bank," Jessica says thoughtfully. "I don't think naked in the corridor is on the to do list, at least not before 10pm." Her brow is furrowed in thought, and her delivery is dry. And she's so focused on trying to talk up this guy that she doesn't even know what she's done...

Elixir has posed:
Josh chuckles at Drake's joke. "Nah, it's Josh."

There is an instant of recognition as he reaches to shake hands. "Hey, you're the Overwatch guy! I've seen your..." Josh stops midsentence when their hands meet, feeling a jolt as they do. His eyes narrow at Drake. At the same moment, there is a faint golden glow and warmth spreads through Drake's wrists and elbows, loosening them."...stream...."

His words trail off but the Tony storm stops for nothing. "That's me, Mr. Stark," he says, his smile returning. He opens his mouth to say something, but Jessica interjects. Then his eyes widen in surprise. "At the... Holy crap, it's /you/! I mean... Sorry, it's just... Wow..."

Slipstream has posed:
"Yikes. That's weird." Drake says as he lets go of Josh's hand at the zap feeling between them, then gives a few flexes of his fingers. "Huh. Holy crap. My hands and fingers feel normal again." He says as he flaps his wrists a few times. "I haven't felt this way since I was like twelve. Wait.. oh.. oh God.." He says as he clutches his chest, falling to his knees as he starts to wheeze out a heavy breath, his eyes bugging out. "I ... I..." He pauses, then looks over at Tony and grins. "I will accept the Razzie Award for best death faking scene ever." Leaning forward, he tugs one of Josh's shoelaces out, then stands up. "But, for realsies though, yeah, I'm that /Overwatch guy/. Also, I think you just healed my carpos. Can I bring you by the team house and give the guys that kinda magic touch?" He asks with a grin. "We'll put you on stream so you can say Hi to the thirsty e-thots."

Iron Man has posed:
    "Healing touch? You won the lottery, then. Make all of the friends." Tony pauses, and lets Drake roll. A sort of 'like that' expression shows from Tony. He pulls attention again. "So what's your deal? Hanging out at hospitals?" Tony asks, interested, after pushing the bridge of the sunglasses back up. They are fading to deal with the interior lighting, which makes the holograms a little more apparent, though his dark eyes are sharp on the new guy. Weighing.

    "I do so happen to have a scrape or two that I'm not overly attached to. What do your demos cost, when people don't just grab you?" Tony asks. He's still steering the group towards the kitchen; they'll probably be in there before they even realize it. And Tony will sit down at one of the tables, his new sandwich placed in front of him, with bottled water, napkin. He doesn't really even seem aware of the /show/ it all makes, just unwraps the sandwich as if this were normal. It is normal, to the billionaire.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica positively beams when Josh's powers go to work on Drake. Then, she turns pink and gets all flustered. "I...yeah. Sort of my side job when I'm not pissing off the help. I mean, the lovely assistants," she quickly corrects herself. "But they'd pretty much hate me anyway..." She mutters under her breath. "Regardless, that gift is the most amazing thing that I have ever seen. And I have seen a lot..." She smiles at Josh warmly. She isn't overly secretive about her identity, as the Avengers simply don't -do- the secret identity thing. But that wasn't exactly how she wanted it to go down. Scatterbrained Jess.

Elixir has posed:
Josh starts to smile, but it turns to confusion immediately as Drake seems to be in pain. "Drake, are you okay, hey..." he starts to say then his shoulders drop and his eyes roll when the gag is revealed. "Geez, don't /do/ that...." he says and chuckles. "I dunno if I wanna come by the team house if they got your sense of humour!"

He hustles to follow along after Tony and Jessica, trying not to trip on his own shoelace. When Tony sits he bends down to tie his shoelace while he answers Tony. "I wish I was in hospitals, I mean I healed a girl with a hole clear through her head last night, and that was just at the school. But I'm new at the school and I guess they got a way they do things."

He actually blushes at Jessica's smile and praise, then flushes deep still, embarassed at having blushed. Vicious cycle. Josh pushes himself up and takes a seat across from Tony, oblivious to how much of a faux pas this probably is. "Tell you what," he says holding out a hand across the table. "I'll like, make it cheap. I get to drive that car around the block."

If Tony takes his hand, Josh closes his eyes. The golden glow returns and Tony feels a warmth spreading out from where their hands touch to his bruises. Skin turns yellow then normal coloured as they heal. There is slight movement in his chest but no pain as ribs heal and lie in their proper places. Then the warmth starts to diffuse more widely then stops suddenly as Josh startles. His eyes shoot open and he looks concerned. "Sorry, I... There's...I've never felt..." he looks around them, not sure what to say or exactly what he felt.

Slipstream has posed:
"I have a terrible sense of humor, but the rest of the guys are pretty cool." Drake heads to the fridge, shooing away an assistant who tries to offer him some help in finding something to snack on. He plucks a Monster Energy Drink (tm) out of the fridge and a cheese stick. "Yo dude, you want anything? How 'bout you, Jess? While I got the door open." He continues to rummage about a bit as he plucks out a few more snack like items. "Oh, dude you should see his car collection. He has like one of everything with at least a six or seven digit price tag. He has this Maserati that just calls to me. It's sleek black, black rims, fully tinted, angel headlights, greedy tires, shogun rims. It's so sexy dude." As he watches him heal Tony, his brows lift upwards a bit curiously as he rubs the back of his neck.

Iron Man has posed:
    "Do well and we'll get you on retainer," Tony quips back to Josh, but far be it from Tony to not be brave about something, he accepts the hand, although it's a little bit awkward. Guys touching hands, awkward. The bruises on Tony's face fade off, and the ribs, but then all of the massive amount of intruding and damaging shrapnel within Tony's body is an entirely different thing. Tony growls out a breath and drops both palms flat to the table, which means there is a loose drop of the sandwich he was holding. He didn't have a mouth full, at least, but he clearly suppresses a stronger reaction to whatever just went on.

    "Yeah, warning probably was needed. Hindsight," Tony coughs thickly, drawing in a hand over his heart, as it pounds like mad against the stress of what that felt like. "Old shrapnel," Tony smirks, offhandedly, masking his discomfort.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica watches in awe as the bruises fade, and a smile begins to spread until THAT moment. She cringes and jumps up from her seat. Before she knows it, it's over, but her heart is pounding, too. Maybe she DID bring someone in who could murder with a touch. She exhales slowly and sinks back down into her seat. "Are you okay, Tony?" She asks quietly.

Elixir has posed:
"Yeah, maybe," he agrees with Tony about hindsight, looking drawn. He damn near did.... something... to Tony Stark. "I'm really sorry, Mr. Stark, I've never felt anything like that.... Can I get you... Um.... Anything?"

Josh moves out of the way as Jessica comes over and moves toward Drake a bit. "Uh... one of those Monsters would be great, thanks..." he says quietly to Drake while Jessica is checking on Tony. He shoots her a concerned and apologetic look.

Slipstream has posed:
"No problem, dude. Here. My team sponsors this flavor. It's called Electric Charge." Drake says as he hands over a blue and silver colored can to Josh of a lightning pattern along the front of it. He cracks his own can open to take a sip from the top of it. "That is a legit power you got there, dude. Me? I'm super fast. About eight hundred miles an hour and I sorta blink in and out of sight when I move. Also, my power kills me. Sorta rips me apart on a molecular level after being stuck in a time prison. So, this bad boy keeps me together." He holds up his left arm to show the advanced technical bracelet strapped to it. "Without it, my body tears apart and I end up space dust I think. I haven't got that far yet."

Iron Man has posed:
    "Always, Jess. However. If I pass out and need mouth to mouth, know that I want it to be you," Tony says with a point of finger to Jessica, with a slow release of breath. "Upside, ribs feel good. Well done." Tony orients in a more steady way on Josh, shaking his head to the 'need anything' question, and then lifts a hand up to pull his sunglasses off. Tony is then leaning back in his chair to tuck them into one of his interior suit pockets.
         "And most importantly-all good /here/?" Tony asks them in general, with a circular gesture of fingers and palm to his face. A quirked smile follows, as if he knows he looks damn good, and then a lift of napkin to wipe some sauce off of the corner of his mouth. Tony's back to full measure from all appearances: even if he feels like crap, he hides it.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"I dunno, Tony," Jess chides gently. "You wiped the sauce off now. I was really wanting to find out what that tasted like." She smiles a little then, and remembers to breathe. "Don't fret it too much, Josh. But it /is/ a learning experience. Stuff like this? That's why you aren't yet in hospitals. And why they have their ways at Xavier's. But..THEY didn't teach you this, did they?" She grins playfully. "I think that just goes to show where ya learn more, between here and there."

Elixir has posed:
Josh accepts the drink from Drake. "Thanks, that sounds... crazy... like... yeah," he says to Drake, distractedly. He lets out a slow breath. He cracks the drink and takes a sip, plastering a smile on his face when Tony starts putting the show back on.

"Yeah, I'm hearing you, Ms. Drew," he says somberly, his voice not quite matching the smile, still watching Tony carefully. "I'm really lucky to be at that place. Will learn a lot."

Slipstream has posed:
Turning back around to the other two, Drake sees that that external injuries on Tony has been removed and he looks relieved by that. "Dude, can you cure cancer?" He asks Josh curiously as he takes another sip of his drink. "Mister Stark, didn't you have broken ribs or something? Are they okay now?" He shifts back and forth on his feet some.

Iron Man has posed:
    "Who told you that?" Tony scoffs at Drake, and lithely adds a wink to Josh. See? Tony's fine. No need to worry the new healer kid over something that is more of an ongoing issue.

    "If you /don't/ want to be on retainer, though, you need to speak up, Mr. Foley. We're good at going the extra mile here, and sometimes it involves a brick to the face. Sadly, often my face." Tony pulls the water bottle towards him , taking a drink, and works on finishing his sandwich.
    "Mr. Stark, the meeting that was moved up into the Larkin time slot is ready for you now," Maggie asserts from the doorway to the kitchen. Bet nobody even noticed she had slipped out. Tony seems to hear her, and she leaves, but Tony addresses Jessica: "Keep this up and you'll be head of recruitment."