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Latest revision as of 19:42, 5 September 2018

Debriefing over mead and roast.
Date of Scene: 05 September 2018
Location: New Asgard, Kvalvika, Norway, Midgard
Synopsis: After Thor departs, Natasha takes the other Asgardians aside to clue them in discreetly on the real purpose of the trip.
Cast of Characters: Vintridr, Astrid, Black Widow (Romanoff)

Vintridr has posed:
    Vintridr nods at Natasha. "Any ally of our lord is always welcome at our hearth. Harald! We require a table and seats for our honored guests, and all the food they require!" With that, she leads Natasha and the others to a table in a slightly more secluded part of the tavern and makes sure everyone is seated. "Speak, Lady Romanova, and tell us how we might best aid our lord and his allies..."

Astrid has posed:
    Joining Vitridr, Astrid brings a tankard of mead for all three. A smaller glass for Natasha of course. REspect the beast, obviously. Once she sits down, she lets Natasha speak....listening intently.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    As the visiting god and the King of Asgard both exit, Natasha glances to the three ladies remaining. At the offer from Vintridr, she gives a smile and nod, following as they move to a table. There she settles down on the bench as she speaks.
    "Thor authorized me to fill you all in further on the trip," she says by way of explanation. "You know him better than I do but he was hedging his words. Didn't want to spill too much with the unknown variable present." AKA Poseidon. When the glass is placed in front of her, she murmurs a thank you to Astrid before continuing.
    "There will be two actual trips once transport has been agreed upon. The second will be to Jotunheim to speak to the Jotun directly and try to seek a resolution. The first trip..." She pauses, treading carefully with her words. "Will return to Asgard. To see what remains." It was their home, even if they had been living on Earth for a time, thus she wanted to approach it with reverance. "The Casket that Belos sought was apparently there. It was agreed that things should be checked, to see if it may have somehow survived. Or any other artifacts of power."

Vintridr has posed:
    Vintridr inhales sharply, her eyes going unfocused for a moment as the memories rear up in her mind's eye. "... I see," she replies, then takes a long pull of her mead.

    "It would perhaps be best if that were not bandied about just yet," she then adds, glancing at Astrid. "But that does make the argument for an honor guard, one that can be trusted to watch his back, all the more acute. Begging your forgiveness, Lady Romanova; no one who knows of you questions your skills or your dedication. But you do not know Asgard as it was the way we did -- and more importantly, our people lost our lord, then our home, then almost lost our lord again twice over. That was twice too many. Were it our choice, he would go nowhere unattended by at least two warriors, that we might rest easier knowing we have not failed in our duties..."

Astrid has posed:
    "Asgard is hard on a great deal of us, Lady Romanoff. Many of us nearly died in it's defense, others nearly died in Midgard's negligence afterwards." Astrid then rubs her chin. "At least two warriors. It sounds like there'll be more than just two, Vintridr." She then gestures to Natasha. "Well....they'll have a hunter with them."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    "No offense taken," Natasha reassures Vintridr. "I'm aware that I am not on the same level as your people. Your skills and abilities are far beyond mine, though I may do pretty good for a human." She offers a smirk with that last before returning to the seriousness of the topic.
    "After the attack, when Belos revealed his intention, Iron Man, Thor and I spoke for a bit. It was agreed that should the item still be out there, it was of utmost importance to retrieve it quickly before the Jotun had the same idea. I don't think I would do much good out there personally but if Thor wishes me present, I will support him. I do agree he should have more than just me at his back. Although, that will require you convincing him. He can be a bit...stubborn sometimes."
    Understatement of the millennia.

Vintridr has posed:
    Vintridr chuckles. "Do not sell yourself short, Lady Romanova," she replies. "Even one as mighty as fair Fandral would find himself hard-pressed to match you in combat on your terms. As I said, your might and resourcefulness are beyond question among those who know you. It is not even for our lord's sake I ask this, but for his people's peace of mind."

    Her voice softens, sadness stealing across her expression. "We lost too much, too quickly. We find solace in rebuilding, but that loss still haunts our hearts -- and the heart is not rational. I am not asking him to accept an honor guard for his own safety. I am asking him to accept it for his people's peace of mind..."

Astrid has posed:
    "Who all is planning to go, Lady Rmoanoff?" Astrid says plainly. After the question, she drinks a bit of her mead.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    Natasha's expression shows her empathy for their plight as she glances over at Astrid's question. "Honestly? No idea. He asked me. Not sure if he wanted Iron Man along or not. But it all will hinge on Miss Duvall's preferences since it is her ship he hopes to use. If she doesn't want a human on board, I'm out. The trip is more important than whether I get to be on board. It's as simple as that."
    She looks back over to Vintridr. "I am sure if you express it to him that way, he will be more likely to agree. I can't imagine what you are all feeling and how you are coping as well as you are."

Vintridr has posed:
    Vintridr nods to Natasha. "I shall," she replies, then looks at Astrid. "I won't be accompanying him in any case; the details are a long story best left for another time, but if I'm present during any negotiations with the Jotun I'm fairly certain my head will be part of their price for peace. The Jotun have long memories and are slow to forgive. I will, however, recommend you join the honor guard. You've more than earned the honor and your relative youth will help convey the message both that Asgard yet lives and prospers, but also that we are willing to put old hates aside..."

    She smiles again. "That, however, is a discussion for another day. For now, let us drink and make merry and speak of lighter matters..."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
    Picking up her much smaller glass, Natasha gives a tilt of the vessel and a nod. "I don't have a lot of time before I had back but I'll be glad to share company for a time. My last visit, I heard some amazing tales from your warriors." Which is an opening if either of the lady's wish to share some of their more entertaining tales.
    While the time isn't as long as Natasha might like, it is spent in pleasant company with much conversation until she is forced to take her leave. Thor will let her know in good time whether she is sitting on Earth or heading out into space with them.