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Nuala addresses the UN about the Asgardian Problem
Date of Scene: 20 July 2018
Location: United Nations
Synopsis: The UN hears Nuala's testimony on the current state of galactic politics.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Nuala Duvall, Sister Reinhardt, Doctor Doom, Kid

Thor has posed:
    The UN has been in session for the last several days straight. Every nation has wanted their say on what has passed with the security council members and the USS Lincoln Carrier Battle Group. A steady stream of representatives have come to the podium giving their point of view and the range of reactions have been from condemnation of the establishment of the blockade, to other nation-states calling for severe sanctions to be levied against the Kingdom of Norway. Yet these sessions have been mostly closed, the presence of the press has been denied.
    But today, at the cessation of the time for addressing the issue, the doors to the inner chamber with its large sweeping hall of desks and the central podiums... they're thrown open now for the many many cameras and journalists to be present to get their shots and tape their soundbyes. Security is at a height with both plain clothes and uniformed peacekeepers being present in the hallways and throughout, most likely due to the current plan for the speaker that is to come.
    But for now, in the hall, the United States representative Miriam Donahue is frowning as she speaks to the other members of the assembly. "On this matter, the security council stands united. The USS Lincoln acted with our instruction, and well within its purview. The presence of the Asgardian ship had been a clear and present danger to the balance of peace we hold between our membership. It would have been unacceptable for the technology to fall into the wrong hands."
    She looks out, sweeping the room with her gaze. "As it stands, with the ship having been destroyed and the Asgardians offered sanctuary we feel there is no further need to keep this heightened state of alert. However," She frowns, "This assembly should think long and hard about the maverick cowboy actions of the Kingdom of Norway. In the near future the United States plans to implement sanctions against King Haakon's administration until he chooses to step down and his regime changes. We ask that you join us in this endeavour."
    That having been said she nods her thanks and then turns away, stepping down from the podium...

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala sits. She isn't wearing a business dress, she is actually wearing a true blue conservative evening gown which covers her shoulders, short sleeved with nothing that would tend to lean toward suggestive. The lady at the store said it brought out her eyes. She didn't lie, but Nuala didn't mention what she was dressing up for. Given her lack of understanding regarding the finer points of what different dresses might be appropriate for. She also doesn't know what it means to address a political body, and as Donahue steps down, she steps up, starting to make her way up to the podium.
    She hesitates when the room reacts. It isn't loud, but she is attended to, being blocked from walking up on her own. "An advocate?" she asks, glancing out at the group gathered. "I...I have something very important to say, it is for the whole United Nations to hear."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
Suzanne Reinhardt is off to the side of the room when Nuala goes up on the podium. She looks over the delegates and rolls her eyes behind her mask. "Typical." She mutters to herself, and looks to Nuala. Moral Support.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Victor Von doom is here, of course, simply watching. Though he seems to possibly disagree with the UN's initial decision to be against the Asgardian people, thinking them a threat. Nevertheless, his eyes appear to be upon the speaker Nuala as he remains seated, decked in his armor and pitch black cloak and cape.

Kid has posed:
There was more than one way to get into a conference. The media and press may have been allowed in...but being a bystandard might be a bit harder. As such Kid's illusion this time had him disguise as a large journalist with a largely forgetable voice for those affected. Though amazingly enough he did have a pad and pencil incase there was anything interesting of note. He watches as the speaker goes down and Nuala begins to rise. And even takes notes of interesting folks such as Victor and Suzanne.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala points at Norway, and after a moment, King Haakon's representative intercepts, introducing her. "Ladies and gentlemen," he says. "We have important new information to bring to light which may be important for the body to consider during this time. May we present Lady Nuala Duvall."
    Nuala blinks at the title, but just goes with it.

    "Hi," she introduces herself, and it takes little experience to see that she would rather be anywhere but where she is. Her posture is reserved, and she takes a deep breath. "My name is Nuala Duvall. Many of you have been aware of the unknown vessel which was seen exiting the Frigga's Mercy during the crash into the Atlantic Ocean. I will be direct. That vessel was mine." She gives a second for that to set in. "I am human, but I have lived the last few decades off world in a region of space known as the Nova Empire."

Thor has posed:
    The room grows quieter as the representatives in the back who had been making ready to depart, expecting an intermission most likely, draw up and focus their attention back down towards the podium. The rest remain in their seats, eyes now lifted or lowered towards the woman of the alien heritage. She can likely see some of them holding their hands to their ears, listening to the translators or receiving last minute briefings on this individual before them and her role in the world. At least as much as they know.
    After a few moments, silence and the floor are hers. Though only at times marred by the clearing of a throat or the whir of a camera.

Kid has posed:
Kid smirks and snaps his finger to himself in an almost 'Aha' fashion! He knew there was something odd about the girl last time they met. That being said he can't help but note some of the rising thoughts ranging from alien abduction questions to true curiosity. He jolts down 'Nuala Duvall, Nova Empire Princess' an assumption he makes based on her being referred to as 'Lady'. he otherwise remains silent as he write down Frigga's mercy next to atlantic ocean.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom raises his eyes to Nuala, clearly slightly surprised that she was a resident of space known as the Nova Empire. Well, that's new. Either way, he says nothing still, as if awaiting to see what comes next.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "I am on Earth as an agent of the Nova Empire, an intergalactic power. I do my part to prevent and fight parasitic alien species. Most notably I have been assisting your world's heroes in fighting the Oomycetan fungal growths. But I have come today because I saw the reports you have made on your news stations. I saw what you were doing here. You ask what Asgard has done for you, you speak as if you owe them nothing. I am here to tell you that this is not true." She tucks her lips in for a second. "Earth by intergalactic law has been deemed a protectorate of Asgard. You are like a nature preserve under their jurisdiction. No alien races are permitted to influence Earth, as part of an intergalactic treaty. You are to be left to your own devices. I say this so you know what it means that I am speaking before you today."

    "Asgard has continually protected Earth from countless attacks. For every one that you knew about, there were ten that you didn't. Empires as vast as my own, some with far less noble intents. Aliens who would laugh at your defenses the way you would laugh at a child attacking with a plastic sword sit on your doorstep, only held at bay because of Asgard. Asgard has fallen, and Earth is exposed. Some of you ask about the risk that comes by allowing the Asgardians to stay. You ask the wrong question. The real question is what is the risk if they leave. You have heroes, I know. I have met them, and they are strong and brave."

"They are not enough. They are too few in number. When you face an fleet of billions, you need seasoned experts such as the Asgardians. They have done well by you for thousands of years. It is time for Earth to return the favor."

Thor has posed:
    The people of the assembly listen to Nuala's words. For many of them they do not know the language but they still get a feel for the way she delivers them, the the intensity in which they are offered, for the sincerity that is there. The reactions across the room are attentive in large part. Eyebrows lift, or a few might be seen to nod. But to their credit, to be fair, most keep a reasonable poker face. Though there is a time delay for some as the translation come through on their headsets.
    She might notice the individuals on the security council in their more prominent seating near the podium get quite a few glances as well as many of the world's nations take their cues from the reactions shown. The Russian representative has turned away partially, writing something on a notepad and is gesturing for one of his attaches to consider it. The attache shoots a glance up at Nuala. While the other delegates keep their gaze on the woman from space.

Kid has posed:
Kid lets out a low undisuprtive whistle. Ha! Earth is like a nature preserve to aliens? That can be insulting to some, funny to other. Kid found it funny. Though he does have to wonder weather or not their heros really are enough from his own experince. But for now he concentrates on reading what surface thoughts he can and taking notes where appropiate.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    With what Suzanne has seen in recent week, Suzanne had to agree with Nuala. She had a feeling that many of the delegates would take offense to being called a 'nature preserve', but with some of the knowledge she had in her mind, she thought it was apt. Especially when some of the largest ever grown by earth might fit between the proverbial toes of some of the species she met.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom remains silent, though the talk of earth being a nature preserve? It ALMOST makes the egotistical ruler of Latveria laugh. Almost but not quite. Needless to say, Doom is an extremely serious person who doesn't seem to have anything actually interesting to say. He does seem to tilt his head though, almost dreadfully serious. He simply hums a moment. "Hmph. Doom, on a nature preserve..." clearly, his ego has been poked unintentionally.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    "Not only has the Earth failed to properly come to the aid of the people who have protected them with their blood for generations, but now when one man, King Haakon has stood up for what is right, the rest of you stand in judgment over him. You should all be ashamed, and very ashamed." She hesitates, realizing that she has moved from a rigid unemotional speaker to a more emotionally charged one. "He has done what is right in the face of you all. He has done what none of you would do. When this world is attacked? What country should Thor and his people protect first? Will it be Russia? The United States? Germany? I think we know what country he should protect first. He should protect the country that stands with him. The country that has shown themselves worthy of him."
    "Because I was on the Frigga's Mercy for several weeks while you debated their fates until God himself brought the ship down into your ocean. I treated their sick and wounded. I fought to keep their engines running as long as possible. There was time! Hundreds died because you sat in your suits and wax eloquent. You have no idea what you should be afraid of. I have spent my life fighting things like the fungus that rightfully scares you, that needs to be eradicated form your world before it turns it into a lifeless rock like it has other planets. Creatures that possess bodies to use as nests for their young, or strips minds and assimilates them into their cultures." She stops, realizing that she has gone a bit distant from her focus.

    "I am sorry," she says. "I am not versed in your politics. I am versed simply in mercy. I cannot tell you what to do in your political webs. I can only tell you what to do to be, as you say, human. Support Haakon, give a space of land to the Asgardians, it will be the wisest move your race has ever made." She looks like she will get down from the podium, then hesitates, then starts to leave again, hesitates again, then just walks off, eager to remove herself from the spotlight.

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne chuckles a bit as Nuala goes off on her tangent on basic humanitarian rights, and giving these people who think theyhave power a cold dose of realization. She looks towards the delagates, shakes her head and then back to Nuala...gesturing for the woman to come her way, lest she walk her way into the delagation herself to comfort Nuala.

Thor has posed:
    The assembly is quiet for a few moments as the podium vacates, leaving the microphone active for a moment to produce a hint of feedback and a squeal before it is cut. But as her words had continued, as the passion grew, she could see that she was reaching some of the delegates. She brought up this new angle that deserved some consideration. But for each one she might have reached, she could also see a measure of displeasure in the eyes of others.
    The security council rise and there's a quiet murmur amongst them as the five of them come together to speak with each other. The chairman moves towards the podium and triggers the microphone back to life as he says, "We shall adjourn for a one hour recess. The investigative testimonials will continue when we return." There's a bang from a gavel and then the politicians begin to file out. Though some linger.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom is one of the 'politicians' that linger. Eventually, he sighs, standing up and approaching Nuala. He's considerably taller than her...and FAR more terrifying to look at. "I'm sure you already know this, but a stranger has been moving between the nations, building distrust as he offers them control of their own army of fungus. He appeared before my throne in Latveria. I was easily able to dispel the filth from my nation, but I'm keeping them as insurance." He looks among all the politicians.

"Not a single person in here trusts one another. It was good that you spoke. Yo ugave them something besides themselves to think about." For once...Doom actually...

Commends someone?!

Kid has posed:
Kid stretches and let out a rather beastly yawn. As he stands and scratches his belly. Well, may as wall walk over. And he does so thinking about space. Alien that make people into nest? Sounds sweet, not that he would say that.
    He stops close to the small group and listens. Though as he hears Doom, he can't help but say or more accurately sign, his watch speaking for him "That is not a surprise, the fungus well the squids of them are pathetically easy to control. You can make them kill each other if you wanted" he signs, the watch having a matter of fact tone.

Nuala Duvall has posed:
    Nuala first sees Suzanne's motion, and starts her direction. She smiles timidly. The woman who so readily will boss around people when fixing the Frigga's mercy or when evacuating in an emergency seems more a wallflower here. Her silver band that normally covers her head is absent, but because of the strange appearance, and for once, she actually wants to know what the people around were thinking.
    "Well, there goes my career," she says weakly. She turns, regarding Doom with surprisingly little fear. She doesn't know who he is, and that might help. She's almost as tall as he is, but not quite. Rather tall for a woman, really. "Thank you Mr..." she doesn't even remember what country he's from. "I am sorry, I do not know the countries well," she admits, feeling inadequate.
    "If there are people trying to barter control of the fungus, I should show them what happened to the world it started on. I would not keep them as insurance. I would eradicate them as quickly as possible. They were built as a weapon, all they do is kill, if they were to adapt again, your insurance may become your liability."

Sister Reinhardt has posed:
    Suzanne, whether the rest of the delegates like it or not, gives Nuala a hug to reassure her. She looks towards Doom and takes a deep breath. "She's right." She's pretty blunt to Doom. "You may not like it, but you will lose all that you have if you try to control them. They cannot be controlled, and will turn on you. Doom...isn't it?"

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom watches Nuala as she tries to dissuade him of trying to use the fungus to keep his enemies at bay. While he agrees with her, he's simply two steps away from pulling the trigger. Even now, he prepares a spell. "Calm yourself, child...and do not ever consider doom a fool." she never said those words, but Doom is a prideful individual, and he can see the judgement in her eyes. Especially when telling him something he already knows. "I am Victor Von Doom. Sovereign and absolute ruler of Latveria." a more isolationist nation, but one nonetheless. His eyes shift to Suzanne.

"You both tell Doom what he already knows. Do not think that you are the smartest people in the room. It's clear to see." his eyes shift towards them. "Should I find that my enemies have them, I will simply use that horde to find the leader...and eradicate them. I won't use them as my tools, rather as a simple reason not to play games, and treat this matter seriously. Good. Day." Doom says straightly and to the point, turning heel to take his leave of the council.

Kid has posed:
The 'journalist' that was kid shrugs. Seems these heros and delegates had better things to do, and his own peace has already been said. With nothing more to add to the conversation, he folds his hands behind his head and turns, whistling an unsual haunting tune that carried an uncharasticly charming echo to it. If he had to guess, this planet was going to have to get used to having more than humans as a sapient resident, weather they like it or not.