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Latest revision as of 01:45, 14 September 2018

Date of Scene: 27 July 2018
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Smart Alek, Erddrache, Twitch

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek has a tag with 'visitor' on it. He walks along, peering around the front yard, in his fingers he's rotating a pen.

Erddrache has posed:
Boris himself was as usual burrowing about the yard. He was searching for some new rocks for a collection he was making. As he felt a presence up above, he slooowly. Surfaces to see who it was. As he spots the Alek with his 'visitor' tag he dissappea back down, leaving a rippling mark.

He than resurfaces behind a tree and turns on a holographic projector so that he looked human. After all he had no clue if this was a mutant visitor or a random stranger comming for other reasons. Once set and looking like a very short human, he comes out from behind the tree. Deep breaths, quackes under control...and approach. "Ermm, hello thar Sir...kin ah be helpink ye?" he asks.

Twitch has posed:
Under one of the trees out in the front yard Tyler sits with his back against the trunk, legs stretched out in front of him. In his hands is a cell phone that he's watching a video on. It occupies most of his attention until the young man hears Boris come around his tree. His head twitches to look in the dwarf's direction and Tyler greets his buddy with a lift of his chin and a friendly, "Hey man! How's it going?" Then his attention swings to the visitor. They get a wave from the young mutant, "Hi." The visitor badge is eyed for a moment as Tyler gets to his feet and puts his phone away, "You here checking the place out? I'm Tyler."

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek blinks as he's addressed he rocks slightly, his eyes briefly go to Boris before they seem to wander, "Yeah, I've heard good things about this school." His eyes wander to Tyler, "Hi, I'm Alek.." he looks down at his tag, "Didn't know if this said that but.." His gaze drifts back to Tyler, "Since it's school for the gifted, you must have chosen this place to hopefully meet others in similar situations..."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris crosses his arms and nods slowly "Et iz of vee very good school. Great class und teacher ah vould say" he muses. "Und...et is indeed good fer...gifted folks" though he quiet down and looks to Tyler as Alek seems to mostly address him.

Twitch has posed:
"Yeah, it's good to meet other gifted people," Tyler replies to Alek with a nod. "I like knowing I'm not out there alone." His hands slide into his pockets and he rocks back and forth on his heels. "I like it here a lot. I've made a lot of friends, more than I had before I transferred."

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "I don't really talk to people much offline." he nods, "Easier when your online, don't need to worry about body language or confuse people with eye contact." indeed his body language and eyes don't pretain that he's paying attention much to the conversation at all, "How are the science classes here? and do they have computer classes?""

Erddrache has posed:
A thing Boris very much noticed. he peers a bit and nods slowly "rioght, rioght. well, guess thar be somewhit true." heaven knows he had alot of online interaction when his abilities first manifested. "Thar sciences class are excellent! Very interactive tae, ehehe, got ta make actual stunk boambs in chemistry class. Und vey got labs und such sie can use as well" he explains. "Ab be certain vey have computer classes, vough ah hauf nit checked mahself." he explains.

Twitch has posed:
"Okay," Tyler replies to Alek with a nod. "I don't usually have those problems with people, but everybody's different." His shoulders shrug. "Yeah, Boris knows a lot more about the science stuff than I do. The computer classes I don't know too much about, but I've seen them on the class list. I just got here not too long ago so I haven't had a chance to take anything like that."

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek smirks a bit, "How do people have conversations with two people at the same time? Sorry, that was not supposed to be spoken." He blinks, as he rolls the pen around a bit in a hand, "I imagine getting on the honor roll would be quite hard in a place like this, probably alot of super geniuses wandering around."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris considers this "Ah do nit know. Guess et depends on vee criteria. Classes are sometimes powered based fer the purposes of teachink responsible power use. Ah imagine fer a geniuses ta end up on vee honor roll, vey would hauf ta particpate in much moar difficult courses. Bit ah am nit certain" he admits. He considers Alek a long moment, he certainly seemed a bit...out of touch.

Twitch has posed:
"I don't know how many super geniuses we've got here, but there are a lot of smart folks here. Keeping a 4.0 is super tough, though," Tyler says with a frown. "Not that I was really trying to before I got here." The young man pulls his hands from his pockets and pats down the front of his clothes.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek looks to Boris, "Responsible Power Usage? Hmm.. Important for those who can melt a city block or something..." he looks between the two, "I can't do that myself.. I see things differently then most. At least, that is what I've been told."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris nods slowly "And importaunt fer vose wit less extream powahs as well. Jist cause you can phase inta a house doesnea mean yer should fer instance" he muses. He nudges Tyler "Aye, et is...bit group study helps" he says with a laugh. Before returning to Alek "Und...how do sie see vings differently?"

Twitch has posed:
Tyler's phone goes off and the young man pulls it from his pocket, taking a look at it for a second before says, "Sorry guys, I gotta get going." He pushes the screen on his mobile device and holds it to his ear, "Hey mom. How's it going?" The teenager wanders off to engage in conversation in a more private setting.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek gives a quick wave to Tyler, and he looks to Boris, "I can see what things are made of and I can see sound, smells, radio.. alot of things. It actually looks quieter out here."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris was curiouse now. He reaches down and picks up a rock "...kin yer see whit be happening wif dis?" he wonders. Slowly the rock seems to 'liquify' as Boris powers cause solid earth to act as if it was a liquid on the molecular level.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek blinks, he reaches out towards the rock.. though before he touches it, "Can I touch it? I can see better if I'm touching something."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris nods "Sure sie kin, nae harm" he says. The rock at the moment was a contridiction of science and physics. It was not hot or cold, simply room temperature. It ripples and acts like water, but feels like liquid stone for lack of a better discription.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek touches it and his senses scan the rock, he smiles a bit, "They vibrate like a liquid but they shouldn't. That is a cool ability."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris nods "Vank sie. Et allows me ta...swim vrough vee earth. Stone or steel, tis vee same fer me. Vough was a pain at first, splashed INTO vee ground moar times ven ah care ta admit"

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "Ouch, must have hurt." he nods, "I also have ASD, also known as Autism... I'm luckily a bit more high function side of the equation. I have a hard time with people.""

Erddrache has posed:
Boris hmmms "No. It does not hurt" he says "Was jist a bother ven et happened." he than hmmms and nods "Ahh...vat...explains some things" a few of the odd quirks as it were that he noticed.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek nods, "Don't mind my eyes.. it's uncomfortable to look at people in the eyes... feels wrong." indeed his eyes don't stay locked on yours like usually during a conversation, "Well, let me keep wandering, see what other things await me here. Nice talking to you."

Erddrache has posed:
Boris nods "Alright, nice talking to you as well" least that explains the eyes. And with that Boris wanders off.