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Latest revision as of 02:00, 14 September 2018

In to the Dragon's Den
Date of Scene: 27 July 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Black Cat

Gambit has posed:
Crushed between two structures that lead towards the Holland Tunnel lies an open alley that a push cart could barely make through, traffic is in and out of this, often a lot of the drunken variety. One of two signs there is anything worth a second glance down the entryway that and a simple neon flashing light that is in the shape of a bottle. It sputters on and off reflecting light off the glossy cobblestone walls of the eastern most building.

Down the alley and in to the sublevels a walkway exists, maybe once it lead to a basement of a building no longer there but following it past hanging rings of drapes stands a burly man with his arms crossed, beyond that a simple heavy wrought door and inside that a bar. A very loud bar that is insulated nicely by it's sublevel design, immedately to the left once inside there begins the wall of alcohol, its servers and the dividing barrier of polished stone tops.
Inward there are various lights flashing through a haze of heavy smoke, filtration a problem here and fully embraced, a contact high from various sorts of burnt indulgences is a give in, the communal smoke or thick blanket is for all are bold enough to venture in.

Through the curtain of fog, bodies, topless waitresses all of differing ethnicities but mostly Asian one can pass a dance floor, spatterings of tables and then a small flight of stairs up, overlooking the rest of the dive from several feet separated only by a single golden banister detailed with Japanese samurai and dragons. This is the meat of this particular unnamed location, the tables upon tables of card games and dice games. Neatly protected by the very tattoo enscribed security teams at entries and exits. Vice and crime near hidden in plain sight... The perfect place for thieves.

Black Cat has posed:
In a den of thieves, The Black Cat is completely at home. No one questions her there, save for the odd proposition, which is met with a lethally-daggered gaze. But this particular den of thieves is a bounty of information for a girl who listens carefully. And so, a favourite dive for Felicia Hardy. But only behind the mask.

The Black Cat makes her way through the haze and the throngs of the lower gentry, looking and listening for leads, old or new, which might lead to adventure. After all, fun /is/ the name of the game.

Gambit has posed:
Easily enough the Black Cat can weave her way through the throng of dancers, scurrying smiling waitresses, drunken clients and otherwise inebriated hedonists. The mask and attire assumed to be little more than a fetish or strippers outfit, which, affords the occasional break of personal space, an extended hand, an offer of money or company, over indulgent gropes and even one man speaking heavily slurred Japanese hangiing off of her shoulder. Needless to say, she fits and is not the only woman walking around with novelty cat ears or tails. Closer inspection of some of the entertainment here they are themed school girls, superheroines, nekos, lolitas, all manner of option to those willing to pay.

The level of serious changes at the railing, beyond security it goes from party to intensity as gamblers, hustlers and dealers square off in wits, poker faces and luck. Remy LeBeau is one such individual, seated at a table towards the western wall, wearing a button up black shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a roll-your-own cigarette (possibly) hanging from his lips and a crooked expression as his fingers play along the cards in front of him, a loosened violet tie hanging off of his neck. His eyes hidden by a pair of black round shades but, their last encounter at a tech firm, he is unmistakable. So much for 'costumes' for some of them.

Black Cat has posed:
Cat glides along through the gambling tables, and sides up alongside Remy, bumping his shoulder with her hip. "You never call, you never write...Tsk. Such a /bad/ boy," she chides, not worried about either the game or his personal space. "We playin' full contact solitaire tonight?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy's head cants to the side at Black Cats arrival and quick insertion to his side, so very casual of her. Like a feline. This only makes his smile twist up slightly higher, "Bonjour, kitty. Come to be my lucky charm? Ah yes, I do apologize. Life has a way of just sweeping me up and I end up where I end up." His accent thicker sounding then last time. It comes and goes. One leg moves enough to give her a perch and he tips his head up. Motioning across from him.
"Quick break they all sitting again." Which they appears to be a handful of men who are retaking seats at the table, the dealer, a woman dressed as in a magician in a tophat, bow tie, fishnets and no top. She looks remarkably a lot like the famous Zatanna daughter though, clearly not.
"Are we ready boys?" She asks.
Several of those gathered give Felicia a stare and look questionatively at Remy who offers a shrug, "A friend, she only here to watch and make me look even more pretty. None of you gentlemen, mind, no?" Quiet grumbles but no objection.
"Then we will begin." The dealer says with a sing song tone and starts to toss out her own cards while Remy's pack is set aside on a tray. No hands below the table allowed here. People have been known to lose them for doing such or more...

Quietly as the game begins Remy whispers, "It been a while. For real, you here just out of coincidence or you on another gig?" He doesn't sound in the least confrontational, his smile present, shining and though hes looking eyes forward his attention fixated upon her.

Black Cat has posed:
"Reconnaissance, Darling," Cat purrs, seating herself on Remy's knee to watch. "But right now your enemies...are my enemies," she whispers. "I may be your good luck charm, yet..."

Gambit has posed:
"Plenty to see here, chere." Remy winks behind those shades. A tip of his chin up as if pointing with it towards the crowd, "You playin' with the Yakuza here. You realize these things I imagine."

A shift to get more comfortable and two fingers tap down on the table, a card and a smile slung his way from the dealer. He tips it up enough at the corner to view it and keeps it face down. His low conversation with Felicia carrying on, "An 'generally, ain't Black Cats bad luck? But then, maybe that will just up an' make dis more a challenge."

"An' no enemies here."
"Yet." He adds with a returned sly smile around that smoke in his lips.

Black Cat has posed:
Black Cat says, "He was playin' with ME," Cat protests. "I can't help it if he can't hang onto his prey." She shrugs, letting her insinuation go for now. He'll see, soon enough. "Black cats are fine luck for their friends. It's the opposition that better watch out."

Gambit has posed:
Remy uptilts his chin giving Felicia a look of consideration before he taps the table again. The man directly opposite of them folds and reaches behind him to squeeze a waitress while artfully also attaining another drink. "Real friendly here." The Cajun remarks.

"I figure you maybe here on some vigilante work, ifso... again, I may jus' enlist your stylish and very agreeable backside."

That smoke taken out of his mouth and put out, put behind an ear and hes taking a drink of the amber liquid in the glass to his left.
"But that all depends, this like you said, reconnaisance for now. Taking in the sights." Which teasingly he leans back enough to give the perched femme-feline-fatale on leg an appreciative once over.

Black Cat has posed:
"At this point," coos Cat, "I'm on the prowl for information regarding a stolen toy of mine, which may or may not be up for auction in the near future. I need to find out who has it, and what their intentions are since they've taken it."

Cat catches a waitress by the hem of a tiny ruffled skirt and holds her there with one claw hooked in the fabric. "This one's cute. Maybe she can come home with us, think?" Cat winks at Remy and smiles sweetly to the waitress while taking a drink from her tray.

Gambit has posed:
"Come home with /us/?" Remy questions with an amused lift of both brows again, "You full o' surprises on two fronts there. Maybe three if you up an know where my home truly is."
A look at the waitress and politely nods his head, "She a beaut, though, fo sure." The joking and teasing exchange is bypassed by the thief as he sets down his hand. A straight flush. A chorus of irritation and dismay circulates the table, cards are thrown down and one man stands up, yelling in what may be some dialect of Morkovian. Remy really cannot tell.
"Win some lose some unless you me." He offers in a mocking condolence.

"This toy of yours, worth more in a sentinmental manner or it carry some actual value? Maybe this old Bayou cat can scratch anothers cat's hard to reach places."

Black Cat has posed:
"Oh it's priceless," Cat gushes effortlessly. "Buuut, since it didn't cost me a dime, I'm willing to pay to find it. What I do from there depends on where it is. Its worth to me for the very moment lies in knowing its location." She smiles at Remy, and runs her fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck. "From there, I'll decide whether it stays put or goes home with me..."

Gambit has posed:
"Den you came to the right man an' with good timing to. I mighta up and played my hand out here if you look real good at some of these faces." A low chuckle rumbles free of the lanky man and he releases a sound at the neck caress, "A tease, always a tease I end up entertaining and attracting. Watch yoself, girl." A playful warning and hes upright, his hands having deftly lifted her by the hips enough to slide up so they're both standing.

"Thank you for the game, friends. It be time we go have outselves a drink and see what other mischief your lil chateau has to offer."
Remy rolls his sleeves down making sure to watch those around the table before swiping up his earnings, whispering quietly a, "Watch my back." As he does so. Which, precautionary but also likely necessary with how so many of the patrons and workers here are now staring sharp daggers their way. No moves being made fortunately.

Black Cat has posed:
"I...somehow don't think you'll have a problem," Cat purrs as the Morkovian abruptly stands up, takes two steps toward the pair, and trips over a chair leg, falling flat on his face on the floor. "I've got ya covered..."

Gambit has posed:
"Oh damn." Remy says as the man falls. No one touching him but the commotion alone, that is all it takes to set the next actions in motion. A hurled bottle. A drawn knife. A backhanded waitress and Remy LeBeau is getting faced by a surge of mobsters, crowding in on himself and Black Cat.
Reflexively he places himself closer to the incoming horde despite the fact the woman can very well take care of herself. "You are dead, you French bastard."

"Ah ignorant and ugly." Remy retorts as he looks at the scar-faced Markovian brandishing a knife. The bottle that was tossed hit a wall somewhere behind them and the gaming area has gone quiet.
"No." A stern voice interrupts before it can escalate further, one of the tattoo bedazzled security men stepping in to view, his shirt lifting up to show a handcannon, a futuristic one. Likely the sort that can punch through an entire building with one round properly manufactured. "You fight here, you all die. Take your winnings Mister LeBeau and go now."
"Mister Orlok, please, join us in the back room and we will discuss recompense." A motion of one hand from the security man. Around him others have gathered.
Orlok as he has been called adjusts his blazer, glaring at Remy then looking at Felicia, his lips being licked. "Yeah, this is fine. Let us do that. I find these two later, when we are not in your people's turf."
"My people. Yes." The security man annoyingly recites. "Come now."

Remy waits until backs are turned, the evil looks avert and music picks up again, the drama quickly over. "Been wrong all along, Black Cats are lucky. At least this particular one. I owe you a drink."

"You wanna come along we discuss our own recomp... reco... whatever that fine man just said. Dis place heavy on the ice anyway."

Black Cat has posed:
"Yes, let's find someplace quieter to discuss...business. Shall we?" Cat smiles at Remy and sashays her way through the crowd, with the Cajun in tow. "I know a place," she chimes, as they disappear out the door and into the darkness.