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Keep Smilin' Until Then....
Date of Scene: 11 August 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: A deadly street performer hands out deadly party favours, with deadly results. Lots of street fighting, a hot dog, and a guy named Steve.
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, Kid, Balder Odinson, Power Girl, Flash

Harley Quinn has posed:
It's a normal day in New York City. The overcast sky is heavy with the threat of rain, which has been steadily sprinkling down, on and off, throughout the afternoon. The light is beginning to wane, as evening approaches, and the overhanging clouds give an azure hue to the world, divided derisively by wet, black streets. For now, at least, the rain has stopped.

Standing on the sidewalk against a limestone building, a street performer is painted up in a clockwork fashion, wearing a victorian-styled leather corset and saloon skirt. Her skin is an unnatural white, as she moves in robotic fashion, singing songs and handing out gifts to children who pass by. A tophat sits on the ground in front of her, littered inside with coins and one dollar bills.

"H-h-h-hi, Handsome!" the performer chimes brightly from behind her black painted smile, and the painted gears on her face appear to move with her exaggerated enunciation. She's talking to a boy of maybe six years old, who has stopped to watch her for a moment. "I have a special surprise for y-y-y-you!" The steampunk automaton hands him a small silver ball with seams in it - seemingly a puzzle of sorts, that can somehow be opened. It's similar to the gifts that she's been handing out to guests and children for hours.

Kid has posed:
Kid has been in a mood most sour, compounded by various events. He leave his usual haunts to explore the more 'cultured' areas of the city to see if perhaps some cheer and glee can be found. He was not dissappointed. He sensed joy and happiness and followed the sensation, being led to the street performance.
    He stops on the peremeter to watch all that happens. A grin plastered on his face showing four very large canines...a scary sight really considering he was a freakish brute in a buisness suit.
    Kid was currently in his more grown up Mobster Illusion, to blend in with humans. Most would mistake him for a possible mutant...to those affected by his illusion anyways

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder Odinson was sort of having a tourist day. His wife was at work for Tony Stark, and he had little to do in the city with out her. So he had been walking around from starbuck to starbucks. He has now a Vanilla hazenut mocha latte. Thor had turned him on to the delightful coffee drinks and Minnie clued him into the remarkable combination of hazelnut and chocolate. So Balder combined the 2.

Balder comes a across the rather strange looking street preformer. Even for new york she seemed out of place. Balder looks her over, shrugs and digs in his clothes for change. "Here you go miss"

Power Girl has posed:
    Across the street, a man who is not aging particularly gracefully in any particular dimension is tending to a small line of seemingly loyal customers. From a clever rotating cooker, the man is serving up shimmering hot dogs on absolutely -perfect- looking buns. He has a name tag, that reads Claude. In the line, incongruous to everything around her, is a blonde woman standing just over six feet tall. Clad in white, with a cape that incessantly- and infuriatingly, to some- flows in the wind.

    Not the most patient individual, but at least more than a little understanding as Claude's age seems to be getting in his way, Power Girl is fidgeting idly with the belt around her waist, and the wrist portion of her gauntlet. She isn't talking to anyone- but at least some of the crowd is likely there for more than -just- a good hot dog.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Thank y-y-y-you Kindly, Sir!" The performer's glitchy automated-sounding voice chirps to Balder as he drops change into her hat. "H-h-have a gift, for your kindness!" She holds out a metallic ball, this one with an orangeish cast to it. Her smile is infallible as she makes eye contact with those in her little audience, and begins to sing a song, inspired by Kid's garb.

There's a tugboat, huh, huh, down by the river don'tcha know
Where a cement bag's just a'drooppin' on down
Oh, that cement is for, just for the weight, dear
Five'll get ya ten old Macky's back in town. . .

And just then, the performer seems to have been distracted by someone across the street. Not even necessarily by someone, but by that someone's cape. She trails off, blue eyes going a little wide.

"Well, it appears my time here's drawing to a close. The sun's gettin' low, and it's And it's ALMOST time for me to s-s-s-saaaaddle up and r-r-riiiide.

Kid has posed:
Kid chuckles a beastial sound and claps along to the song seeming to particularly enjoy this one. The incognito mobster gorilla getting a kick out of it. Though the puzzle balls catch his curiosity!
    But still he looks sadden by the fact the show will end soon. He can't help but notice that flickering cape. A hero...or a dumb wannabe...who lknows. Though he soon looks back to the crowd checking out the faces and potential targets within, such as Balder.

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder accepts the gift and looks it over. He doesn't make much of it but he still keeps it on him at least till he would get away from the preformer, to be polite. The preformer noticing the caped woman draws Balder's attention. "HHmm Is she an ally of the avengers?" He wonders aloud and then notices the preformer is seeming very nervous. "are you afraid. "He looks again "I think I've met her before" he calls out to her "Power Girl!"

Power Girl has posed:
    Turning her head at the same time as she steps forward in the line, approaching the cart. "Oh, uh," she pauses, for a moment, trying to remember which Asgardian this was. It comes to her after a few seconds- She'd really only met him once- "Balder! Hey! Just a second, I'm getting something to eat. Want one?" she calls, while the vendor- seemingly at a pace that could probably lose a race to an especially slow pouring molasses- prepares one for Power Girl herself. For a moment, her vision lands on the street performer- whose heart is likely beating a little faster than normal. Admittedly, not enough reason for Power Girl to get suspicious of anything.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"N-n-no, of COURSE not!" the performer chimes in response to Balder. "But before I go," she pipes, as she hands out the puzzle balls to her audience, offering a bluish-silver ball to Kid, "I've got one more little surprise left in me." From her hair, pulled up and coloured silver, she pulls a hairpin with a red ball at the tip, and her silvery hair spills down over her shoulders, as she uses the pin as a makeshift microphone.

"Happy traaaails to you, until we meet agaaaain.
Happy t-t-t-trails to you, keep smilin' until then.
Who c-c-c-cares about the clouds when we're together?
Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather.
Happy trails to you, 'till we meeeeeet agaaaiin.

And with that, the performer presses the red ball at the end of the hairpin, which begins to blink from a light within.

The balls held by those in the audience, and indeed those passed out which have now traveled to other parts of the city, begin to change. Some open, turning into small, very bitey robots with miniscule roars. Some sprout propellers and become drones, taking flight. And some become wigglesome, insistently jerking around in hands and pockets as if trying to break free.

What they all have in common, however, is that they begin spewing gaseous substances into the air, having been pressurized within the balls. A large wooden shepherd's hook appears from the shadows around the corner, between the two buildings, and it snares the performer, jerking her with lightning quick speed into the shadows. All that is left behind is a pair of glowing green eyes that glower at the crowd, then vanish.

Kid has posed:
Kid annoyingly got one of the wiggly ones. He wasn't expecting this, he was expecting a puzzle! What a dissappoint. Though he is momentarily distracted as Balder calls out something about the avengers. A curiouse BAH!. Kid begins coughing as he inhales a good portion of the gas, dropping the puzzle hwas given.
    Just in time to see the street performer get taken away. He raises his arm to his mouth to try and minimize it. But it was too late. He falls to his knees coughing taking in more gas. He looks around - his eyes dilating, his heart racing faster and faster.
    Everyone...everything...they were dressed like the people who took him...who trapped him. The crowds were pressing hin. Fear and Terror fill his mind to degrees he hasn't felt in years, his aggression levels already rising towards a breaking point. And worse - he was begining to project fear and rage into those near him. And suddenly the *SNAP* happens.
    Kid along with the small crowd around him begin to attack others. Throwing blows and punches. Kid's in particular were extra brutal as one of his punches easily sends a person flying back a good ways, likely breaking a few bones

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder coughs as the ball he had been politely holding is spewing out gas straight at his face. He coughs and accidentally breaths it in. Its fear toxin, Balder starts having strange visions of Surtur and The grey Titan he fears as thought the earth is quaking and he see a gigantic serpant reaching up into the sky to devour the sun. "nooo not here nooo" He is racked with panic and he grasps the sword on his back. "YOU WILL NOT TAKE THIS WORLD WITH OUT A FIGHT DEMON!"

Power Girl has posed:
    For a moment, Power Girl is happy. Then, a series of events takes place that make her... Ever so bothered.

    She hadn't really been watching the performer most of this time. Then, there's the song, the little things start moving. That trips her common sense-o-meter. "Why is she busking if..." Then it hits her- the first gas starts to flood the air, and Power Girl makes a judgment call. Balder's Asgardian, he'll be able to do something about the gas and it won't do him any harm- Thor's probably setting a bad example, somehow.

    The hook snags its performer, and the admittedly rather talented woman is pulled back towards the alley. There's a soft thudding noise. At the very least, the landing is soft, but it's definitely not the alleyway. The hook becomes uncomfortable after a moment, as it tries to drag Harley -through- the six foot three blonde roadblock.

    Back in front of the vendor, a hot dog hits the ground.

    "You're not going -anywhere.-"

Harley Quinn has posed:
Across the greater Manhattan area, people are falling prey to the gases spewed through the seams in the balls handed out by the street performer over the hours that she was singing. Children, primarily, are falling to the ground in fits of uncontrollable laughter, although they seem to suffer no further affects from the gifts they carry.

The balls which have gone airborne, however, begin spewing a faint green toxic gas that falls slowly, being heavier than the air around it, and settles on the heads of those below. The green gas seems to be a nerve toxin, which causes crippling convulsions and spasms, stretching the victims' mouths into wide and grotesque smiles as their bodies slowly seem to shut down.

The third gas, which seems to have affected Balder and Kid, comes from a stash procured from the Scarecrow, and illicits fear and hallucinations. The victims lash out with outbursts of terror, aggression, or some combination of the two. Chaos has begun to consume the streets of Manhattan.

From the shadows comes the sound of a gravelly grunt, as whoever is pulling the hook seems to have hit a roadblock. "Mistress..." Another grunt and tug. "Missstressss we gotta go," comes the gravelly voice, but when the glowing green eyes turn back to look dolefully up at the performer, there's a big blonde blocking his view. Behind the cape, there's a 'yipe' and the sound of someone tripping over /all of the things/ in a hasty retreat. The hook falls to the ground, and the street performer looks slowly up at Power Girl.

"Oh hi, I'm all outta gifts, and I'm afraid the encore is cancelled on account of rain," the performer spouts, as she throws up the contents of her hat, creating a storm of dollar bills as the now blonde performer jets straight out of her silver wig, and around Power Girl, disappearing into a throng of vacant-faced clowns staring down the superhero.

Kid has posed:
The chaos was only getting worse and worse! The aggressive outlasses were nothing short of deadly! People where biteing, clawing, scratching, punching each other. Some draw knives. some were banging other into the ground. even those affected by another type of Gas were not sparred the aggression of those afflicted with fearGas!
    And it was spreading beyound the streets. At least where Kid was around. It was a self feeding cycle. He felt others fear and when great enough he projected it back. This was a cascading cresendo of fear making it ever worse! Enough to make SOME faint even! But that wasn't the main problem. Kid can unfortantly affect the majority of people in his range - which was at most an entire block - including those INSIDE buildings.
    Next thing you know office chairs and computers from high above where being tossed out windows. Shattering glass falling down as people inside begin to riot as much as the folks outside! A few people even land on cars from above as the riot worsens. Anger ruled these streets for now
    Kid himself smashed an innocent bystander through a car. And proceded break the limbs of any human who is unfortante enough to get close to him. He no longer cared about keeping up his illusion as he pounds his chest as a full on gorilla. Letting out a full on roar hoping to scare these terrible people away from him!

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder sees the massive midgard serpant rising from the depth of the ocean to consume the Sun or maybe just the world. He sees the fire demon Surtur standing giant and menacing with flaming sword in hand. Balder panics He starts to glow and heat up He sees everyone around him as a dark elf soldier of maleketh. "You will not best me this time!" Balder charges forward sword in hand ready to cut down all in his path.

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl is moderately underwhelmed. No-selling the level of panic in this particular dilemma because of the presence of Balder, she seems pretty ready to focus all of her attention on the performer... Who disappears into a throng of clowns. Again, Power Girl seems pretty determined, to roll up her sleeves and get to punching. It's her favorite part, really, and she's honestly even a little elated to punch through a crowd of clowns to get to the culprit.

    Then the nature of Balder's screams behind her begin to make sense. Turning around, she offers a plaintive sigh.


    Rather immediately, the pair of clearly-powered individuals, though she's never met and doesn't know the nature of Kid's abilities, take the front seat. Balder, specifically, is the one she considers the most dangerous, and from her position she bolts forward, shoulder first, aiming a strike at his side, as if this were a hockey game.

    Unfortunately, she's going to be pulling a lot of different duties- and pretty soon, she'll have to be faster than a speeding bullet... By intercepting those bullets. And knives. And a gorilla.

Harley Quinn has posed:
As the fighting escalates, one more face joins the number of expressionless clowns in the alley between the buildings. This face, however, is white, with an exaggerated black smile. Gears painted on her cheeks glisten and glitter in the flashes of light from the street that pierce the alleyway. Blonde pigtails, one dipped black and the other red, feather in the wind sheer down the alley, as she faces Power Girl, until Power Girl beats a path back to the street. Still corseted, the performer is now adorned with a double bandolier, and armed with a revolver in one hand, and a baseball bat in the other. But the bandoliers are specially fitted with dozens of syringes, their short needles plastic-capped. Her own smile is almost as exaggerated as the painted one, and she runs her tongue over her teeth in anticipation. "ARMAGEDDON," Harley enunciates clearly, prompting an immediate but slow progression forward. A procession of clearly unimpressed clowns trudges forward, tossing candy from their pockets as they approach the streetfighting. It's almost as if they themselves are under the influence of...something.

"Ooooh, this is already better than I expected!" Harley squeals. "Armageddon," she repeats with glee, as the clowns simultaneously pull out cleavers at the keyword, and begin hacking blindly into the crowd.

Behind Harley, as she lingers in the alleyway, a squish-squish-squish sound can be heard as a three-foot-tall Darkling wrapped in bubblewrap trots up behind her, holding onto her legs to peer around, his green eyes shining merrily.

Kid has posed:
Kid snarls having to toss people aside. He goes as far as picking one up and beating another human with him severly injuring both. And when the clowns start rolling in hacking away...Kid envision saw and other medical tools. Needless to say he runs in terror! But soon slides to a stop as he sees Balder and PG flying. He let out a growl, particularly at balder.
    Kid reaches down picking up a manhole cover with ease. And chucks it like the worlds biggest frisbee - hurling to potentiall hit Balder or even Power Girl - the two seeming the most threatning as if they were a pair of loaming scientests preparing to barrel down on him. One man jumps on Kids back and begins trying to strangle him, as he turns around trying to get the desperate human off - a clown clevers him in the back, before Kid turns and punches this all too close clown, breaking his jaw.

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder is flung some meters away by the chargin Kryptonian. Tumbling down the street and into the side of a near by building. Balder gets up trying to shake off the blow he looks to see what hit him. He can for half a second see the siloutte of the tall female kryptonian but it is hazy and it shifts into the grey monster that tormented him not long ago. "I killed you! this can't be you monster I sliced you on half you could not come back from that!" Balder lights up with full solar fury and prepares to charge the monster that is really just power girl.

Balder charges in but his warrior instinct kick in as the manhole cover is discus thrown in his and power girl's general direction Balder pivot and swipe at it with his sword slicing through it like a hot knife through ice cream. "More monsters Midgard is over run!. BUT THE SON OF ODIN STILL LIVES. cOME AT ME ALL OF YOU!"

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl is in full damage control mode, even as Balder stands up, she's ready for a real fight. Apparently, so is Balder- because he explodes with solar radiance that, to Power Girl, makes her feel like she's taking a bubblebath in the surface of the great sphere itself. Time slows and in the moment between moments, she actually takes a breather.

    As if watching a Zack Snyder film, Power Girl follows the disc as it ends up cut in half. "You -are- dangerous," she begins, the waves of sound visible to Power Girl even as she moves faster than they do around the 'battlefield.' "But for the moment I need you to keep doing -whatever- that is."

    Idly, she hopes that Kid and Balder will engage each other. That'd be pretty neat, as they're clearly powerful enough to present a conflict that'll last long enough for her to help the people who -aren't- a psychic gorilla and an Asgardian space-sun-viking.

    There's a rush of air, to those that are experiencing time at a rate of one second per second. Knives disappear. Firearms end up crushed and dropped onto the floor. Many of the trinkets disappear, and yet at the same time, she's not actually -hitting- anyone with anything. This is a drastic measure of de-escalation. A big fist fight is much less dangerous than one wherein there are knives and guns and so on.

    It's not blue sunlight, so Power Girl isn't -literally- high. But she's at the very least a little... Scarily energetic.

Harley Quinn has posed:
The moment he releases the manhole cover, Kid is piled on by at least four more people. One clown, whose cleaver has been suspiciously removed from his hand, continues hacking at the Kid-cluster with an imaginary weapon, seemingly unaware that his empty hand is, indeed, empty.

Balder shines on, setting Power Girl on a speed trip that is almost invisible to the naked eye, unless you know what to look for. People, confused by the disappearance of their weaponry, begin to panic, and rage, and tackle one another.

"No, NOOO!! What the F--" Harley is interrupted by some guy who punches her randomly on his way past, calling her a psychotic clown as he continues into the fray to pile on Kid. He is, ironically, one of Harley's hypnotized heavyweights.

"YEAH?" Harley retorts. "WELL IT TAKES ONE TO KNOW ONE!"

Kid has posed:
As Kid is piled onto, his rage is increasing further. The violence continues as he is punched, bitten, kicked and otherwise attacked! Adrelaline courses through him. There was no room, it was like being in a small sufficating cage all over again. He had to get out...out....

Suddenly he punches hard, ribs snap as one person flies off, and than another. Kid was beating these people back as he surges with strength. But he wasn't stopping at punching. He picks up a person and holds them by the shoulder and leg and brings them down hard on his knee, likely paralyzing them for life. The next person who comes up Kid bites into drawing blood and severing tendons, tossing them aside. This rilla ment buisness
    But his eyes return to Balder - looking like a very familiar foe. He snarls and roars one more time directly challenging a being he sees as his very captor. He had no weapons or armors, but it didn't matter - Kid runs forward and jumps up thinking he could infact grab Balder. He got some pretty good height, but it was no super human jump!

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder Goes to thrust his sword at the leaping gorilla but as he does he too is over run by the weird collection of people Harley had unleashed on the city. Though he quickly back off him once they burn themselves on his body it is enough to knock his hand away and leave him open to Kid's attack.

Power Girl has posed:
    Harley is, admittedly, not out of the woods yet. Not because Power Girl focuses her attention on the other woman, but instead because the moment the punch landed, Power Girl's laughing could be heard, like a recording playing from the aether. "Hahaha, I thought you Gotham criminals were supposed to be good at this?"

    It's not exactly the best manipulation tactic for someone with a level head. After all, Harley has been, so far, -insanely- successful in this attack. Power Girl has been leaving the battlefield to move around the -city- in order to rescue who she can... But eventually, her efforts are going to be for naught. At this speed, she can't necessarily engage Harley directly- and doesn't want to. Even if she slows down, any sort of blonde-on-blonde crimefighting is likely to result in damage to Harley's bandolier.

    Her eye is on that particular fashion statement, and eventually, the superspeed stops for a moment for Power Girl to come to a stop in front of Harley, and begin to approach at normal, human speed.

Harley Quinn has posed:
With Balder and Kid squaring off, the square is rounded out by cleaverless clowns, still under hypnosis, and enraged people who have jumped from the second floor of the office building above them to join in the fray.

Harley smiles brightly at Power Girl when the caped heroine appears before her, but she's not backing down. Not really even moving. Instead, she lets Power Girl approach a few steps, until she's closer. "Aww, aren't you cute, with that neat cape, and all that?" She tosses her head from side to side, pigtails waggling as the glittery gears on her cheeks appear to move with her words. She lifts and hand to her lips and blows a kiss, blowing with it a cloud of faint green sparkling dust. Some sort of powdered crystal whooshes into the air. The cloud is blown directly toward Power Girl's face. "I /knew/ this stuff would come in handy, someday!"

And with that, Harley sprints into the shadows of the alley, followed by her faithful, if squishy, companion. Bubble wrap snaps here and there in the darkness. Snap. "Sorry..." Snap. "S-" Snap. "SORRY Mistress..." comes the gravelly voice.

Kid has posed:
As Kid goes to grab Balder - well much like the rest of humanity, he wasn't fire proof. His palms are partly burned and his fur on his forarms are set on fire. He pulls back his hands arching behind Balder and onto a car, denting it. But he wasn't concentrating on that!
    He falls to the ground and begins rolling. Burning fur, burning fur! His fur is put out, though it seems distinctly burnt now. He flexes his stinging palms and growls clenching them as he looks up at Balder.

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder points his sword at the face of the gorilla that attacked him. "Yield beast its over you flew too close to the sun" his body still a glow with divine light and radiating solor light and heat.

Flash has posed:
Flash has arrived on the scene. Not that anyone much will see or notice that fact, as he's kicked into a very high gear. He's put himself on 'catch the leaping people' duty, to attempt to catch and relocate the innocent people that are hit by the stuff. The first sight of gas meant he fetched a breath mask for himself -- again, not that anyone will notice that from the speedster while he's in motion. (And whether it will work on the gas is unclear anyway.)

He does what he can to assist: going after the machines spouting gas, collecting them into a bucket, staying in motion. He's actively working to minimize the cause and darting about to seek more information about what, or who, is responsible, but there is a lot of chaos to someone late to the party.

Power Girl's presence puts his attention on what she's looking at, though: Harley. Somebody running from Power Girl is a pretty clear indicator of wrongdoing, usually.

Power Girl has posed:
    In response to Harley's mocking, Power Girl folds her arms. It is genuinely one of the worst things she can do, as it illustrates the most unfair thing about her, and for a moment there's this genuine level of disrespect. A tilt of her head, a roll of her eyes. It's in the middle of the eyeroll that she catches sight of it. Right now, she somewhat can't help seeing all the way down to the atomic level, and the moment she sees the Kryptonite particles floating her way in the air, her entire demeanor changes.

    It works in Harley's favor. She can't inhale to send the little cloud back, and she can't move through it to get to Harley. Instead, she moves back just a few steps rather suddenly, as if somehow temporarily frightened by the clownqueen's glitterbomb. Her teeth are bared, and Power Girl looks legitimately mad. Especially because Harley has run off again, while she was evading the rather dangerous, perhaps even deadly, cloud of dust.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Nooo. NOOO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" Harley starts from the shadows with fists clenched, stomping back toward the street, but a shepherd's hook around her waist grabs her and pulls her back, kicking and screaming.

"SOMEBODY'S STEALING ALL MY TOYS!!" She stamps her foot, grabs the hook around her and gives the Darkling in the shadows a swat with it, eliciting a chorus of snaps and crackles from the bubble wrap, and a whimper of protest. Then she breaks the hook over her knee.

Stomping forward again, a second hook slips silently from the shadows and catches her around the waist. "WOULD YOU STOP THAT?!"

Beyond the shadows, Flash is quickly - VERY quickly - rounding up the gas-spewing toys and removing them from the equation. The effects, of course, are very slow to subside without an antidote, but at least they aren't feeding the fire anymore.

Power Girl is wisely staying on her side of the dustcloud, as motes of Kryptonite glitter and hang in the air. But much of her damage is already hindering Harley's plan, as her clowns continue to air-chop with air-cleavers harmlessly at people in their path. Across the street, a seemingly oblivious street-sweeper wearing a nametag that reads "Steve" is poking at a hot dog on the ground with his pointed trash stick.

Balder and Kid are all up in each other's grills, unless the siren smell of that now abandoned hot dog cart calls their names.

Kid has posed:
Kid isn't THAT easily distracted by food - and he was practicly at the moment, a gasless Fear Gas in and of himself from the intitial dose. Granted his empathic abilities don't affect anyone outside his range.
    Years of being caged though has him watching balder, his lips bared in a snarl. Back agaist a car, a wicked hot blade at his face. The idea of slipping back into the life he hated wasn't easing him....and fear than turn to saddness, a deep black pit so dark, cold and lifeless there was no escape. And now that broken spirit emotion radiates out instead as Kid closes his eyes and curls up waiting for the terrible scientest to take him way and cage him once again.

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder can see the fight leave his oppenent and takes no pleasure or honor in killing someone who refuses to fight. He takes his blade away "Help me fight Them and all will be forgiven" Balder points to the other people in the scene whom in his fear toxin effected mind look like Dark elves and Surtur and a titan that looks suspiciously like Kratos. "Help me save this world from Ragnorok"

Flash has posed:
"Yep. Me. I have them," Flash volunteers from Harley's left. It's muffled, since it's through his inhaler that covers his lower face. He tips his head at her, holding up his bucket of gas-spewing items, stopping long enough with a charge of electricity to be easily viewable. He drops the lid onto the bucket with his other hand, closing it with a rapid little slam of wrist, eyes moving from Power Girl to Harley, and lifts his palms in a shrugging motion. It isn't arrogant or annoyed; Flash's manner is more apologetic.

"You're not going to come easy, I'm guessing. Well. May I have those?" Flash asks, gesturing to her bandolier, and abruptly attempts to relieve her of them with a 'small' static charge party favor.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Outside in the streets, the effects of the fear that Kid felt has subsided, but the effects of the gas still rages. People are convulsing on the ground. Some are bleeding. Some are broken. Some are dead, either from the Smilex, or from getting too close to Kid. Some fell to their death in their haste to join the fray from the upper floors.

Balder has taken a somber tone, and allowed Kid to live. His fellowship offered to a potential ally, his rage and fear are now redirected to the masses.

Harley, however, is stunned. No, like she's /really/ stunned, as Flash zots her, and relieves her of her bandoliers, and the antidotes that they hold. Some are marked with the face of the Scarecrow. Others with a yellow smiley face. Harley falls back and lands on her behind. A hook snakes out from the shadows and begins to drag her back into the darkness.

Kid has posed:
Emotions are complex things where reactons vary. Kid doesn't move, he doesn't speak. This man was his captor, his warden. But he was broken all the same. But help can come in unexpected forms - Saddness continues to Replace Fear. In an increasing area around Kid - much like what causes the boost to fear, a boost to saddness exists. People overwhealmed with saddness begin to cry uncontrollably, or curl up, or hit their heads agaist an object, or even fall asleep to combat the emotional drain these two down trodden states can cause - whatever it is they do to relieve such deep rooted saddness. It certainly wasn't a cure, but it in a twisted fashion was a kind of bandaid to the maddness.

Flash has posed:
"Hey now, stay. At least for the rest of the show. I've got some lines," Flash says, dodging in neatly to attempt to twirl Harley out of the hook while she's stunned. It would be a fun dance move if it were more willing, probably.

"Which are ... you have the right to remain silent. Whether you have the capacity, errr, that's a separate thing, I guess," he says, shaking his head, and gently sets the bandoliers over his new Gas Bucket, careful with them: who knows if they are actually antidotes or something far worse.

"Er. You know what? Let's let the police do the rest," Flash suggests. No doubt there are plenty of them arriving, and Flash is more than happy to attempt to offload Harley to them.

Harley Quinn has posed:
With the police arriving to subdue those not paralyzed in the throes of sorrow, and paramedics to help Kid and the rest of those who can be helped, Flash has disarmed and dis-antidoted Harley Quinn: Street Performer, and Princess of Crime.

When the police arrive at Harley, they begin doing a little bit of a dance around her, as well. She's no longer stunned, and not at all happy about being arrested. And they're really not too keen on the idea of touching her. But regardless, they drag her off, kicking and screaming toward a police car. Glowing green eyes follow at a safe distance in the darkness and disappear beneath the squad car as it takes off with one VERY angry Harley Quinn in the back seat.

As for those left dealing with the fallout? May God have mercy on their souls.