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Latest revision as of 06:22, 16 September 2018

House Calls
Date of Scene: 15 August 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: The Flute of the Pied piper has resurfaced after centuries and trouble has come with it..
Cast of Characters: Molly Carpenter, Harry Dresden, Rogue, Doctor Strange

Molly Carpenter has posed:
It wasn't as if she was afraid of going on her own to visit Strange for their work arrangement, but Molly rather knew Harry's distaste of the fellow. In an effort to ease relations between them somewhat, and assure him she was safe, she had asked him to drive her to their meeting. The Ambush Bug chugs up in all it's glory to a parking spot near the house in question, and Molly gets out and leads the way up to the brownstone.

"I know you think this is dangerous, Harry, but I'll be fine. If I'm not?" Her shoulders roll in an inconsequential shrug. "At least you'll be here to drive me home. It's a win win. Besides, you were getting bored at the office anyway." Even as she says this her hand lifts to either knock, or hit the doorbell, whichever seems most obvious for House Du Strange.

Harry Dresden has posed:
    Harry Dresden unfolds himself out of the bug, shoulders slumpped a bit.. "You know there have been evil Sorcerer Supremes in the past right? Their job is a lot like Rashid's keeping greater threats to this reality from leaking in. WE have /no/ idea what he's going to do with the flute, hell we don't know what the enchantment on it right now is all about and why he's so gung-ho to get it stripped." he adds.. "Can't we just swipe it, take it over to your dads? It's fae make and mostly fae magic, between the Sword's abilities, not to mention it's material it should be able to make kindling out of it." he says

    "Hells Bells, we don't even have to call Michael into this, I'll /willingly/ contact Morgan for this." he adds which just goes to show his level of distaste for Doctor Strange when he's willing to talk to the one Warden of the White Council that probably hates him the most..

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is out and about today prior to heading back home to the north east part of Manhattan where she lives at the Avengers place. As of right now she's, well, on her skateboard and just gliding down the side street without the use of her feet to propel her forward (she cheats by using her flight power to push her forward without having to visibly be seen flying which unsettles the muggles).

Rogue is glancing up toward the Sanctum ahead of her while she just wheels on down the street, her eyes dropping down then to the ice cream she'd just bought at that wonderful little ice cream shop at the end of the street, she doesn't seem to be aware of any incoming guests to Strange's place, yet, cause she's not quite there yet herself.

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter lets out a little groan when he suggests bringing the White Council into it. Not to mention Morgan. He wasn't precisely her favorite either. "Don't even joke about that. Come on, Harry. It's business for one, and for two I'm like ninety percent sure he's not evil. Or up to no good." Molly turns to him hands spread in entreaty. "Besides, who better to help with something that whammies someone's brain than me? I'm... I'm good at that." Her smile falters to a frown. "I've got a lot to make up for my prior mistakes. Maybe this is one way to do it. Help to identify and find ways to keep it from happening to others."

The sound of a skateboard causes her attention to snap up, looking down the street at the approaching Rogue with her icecream. "... We're getting icecream after this," she decides as she realizes that sounds *amazing* on a day like this. "I'll treat. So just ride it out. For me, okay?"

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Before Molly can even get her skin to touch the door or alert anyone that she's here, half of the double doors swings inwards, "Molly Carpenter, and her master, Harry Dresden." Says the bald man on the other side of the doorway. He steps back and with a motion of his hand scooping the air to rest across his frame he invites Molly and Harry into the Sanctum. "You are both welcome to come in. We have been expecting you for some time. Would either of you like some beverages?" Wong inquires.

    The Sanctum is a dark place, lit mostly by candle but there are a few Eddison bulbs here and there to illuminate the short foyer that opens up into a grand room with two staircases that flank the near museum like room. There's a large skylight but there couldn't be, there's two floors above them before the uniquely window that was visible from outside but you can see it on the bottom floor.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden looks at Molly, not needing to worry about a soulgaze, the older wizard just sighing and relenting reaching out to squeeze one of her hands gently. "Fine, but I'm doing this for you not for Doctor Taco..." he suddenly trails off when the door opens his face carefuly kept neutral his eyes takin gin the asian man. "More partner these days, never really liked the word Master, too many negative connotations." he says "I like to think of myself as a Mentor if anything Mister..." he trails off fishing for a name..

Rogue has posed:
Rogue rolls right on up to the Sanctum and then steps off her skateboard, taps its backend with the tip of her shoe causing it to hop up into the air, then she catches it in a gloved hand and hooks its wheels onto the inside of her messenger bag that is slung over her torso... She turns and starts up the steps of the Sanct---and who... are these people.

"Uh..." Rogue starts, still holding her ice cream in her right hand, with an extra one clutched beneath it, lid still on. Rogue starts up the steps too, and she eyes Molly and the tall Harry, then she looks to the bald man and flashes him a grin. "Heya, sugah." Rogue says to Wong, her ice cream holding hand offers him the lidded one. "Brought ya this." She tells him with a cheerful tone to her southern flavored voice.

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter straightens when the door opens unexpectedly, rather hoping that Wong hadn't heard her talking about Strange possibly being evil. A breath is let out at the warm welcome though allowing her an easier smile. "Pepsi?" She hazards hopefully. A hand shoots up to press a finger to Harry's lips silencing him before he says it. "Nothing out of you about it, Mister Go Coke or Go Broke. I like Pepsi."

She steps inside moving to the side as Rogue also steps up offering Wong icecream with a hint of amusement. "Looks like we came at just about the right time. Hi, I'm Molly," she offers to the other woman with a friendly grin though she takes care not to look directly into Rogue's eyes.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Wong." The man says with a curious eyebrow raised up as he notes aloud, "Whatever you call yourself detective does not really matter in the grand scheme of things, it is your actions that reveal who you are." Wong says before he looks out into the sidewalk and smiles as he sees Rogue approaching, and his hand reaches out to take the offered treat. "Hulk-a-burning-fudge! You are the best Anna Marie." The asian man says with a large smile as he slips back inside and is somehow leading everyone back into the Sanctum.

    As Wong and the crew enter, the Asian man diverts course with purpose and speed in his feet, Stephen is descending the left stair case with an old tome in his hand and he's reading the pages at what looks like a comical speed as roughly every second the pages of the book seem to turn on their own and he's onto the next one. "Molly, Harry, how are you two doin- Rogue... I didn't expect to see you back so soon."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden takes a breath as if he were about to say something, probbaly along the line of 'blasphemer, heritic, unclean' but is stopped by the finger, just taking a bit of a grumpy brooding expression he roll shis eyes before he glances at the new comer as well "And I'm Harry" he introduces himself, "Nothing to drink for me." he adds to Wong as he moves to follow them all in. "What's up Doc?" he says with over familiarity..

Rogue has posed:
After handing Wong his favorite flavored of creamed ice, Rogue just grins at him. "I treat the ones I like good." She tells him before sweeping her green gaze over to Molly then, her free hand (gloved) goes out toward Molly. "Nice t'meet ya. I'm-- Well, Anna-Marie." She says to her, and then the same gesture is offered to Harry. "Tall drink'a water that you are too." The teenage southerner says to the phonebook Wizard, offering him a flirty grin to accompany the words... because thats just how she is.

Rogue then steps further into the Sanctum where she spent a few months and looks around. "So soon?" She asks, turning around to face Stephen whilst he decends the steps, her hand going up to remove the white scarf around her neck, or at least untie it. "Hell its been over half a year, ya know." She says to Stephen with a sly grin.

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter shakes the offered hand from Rogue still grinning. Even grinning when she flirtatiously greets Dresden though watching his reaction causes her to chuckle and turn away to look instead at the man coming down the stairs. "Sorry for not being able to stop by sooner, Strange. I had some family stuff to take care of." Looking between Rogue, and him, she considers. "If you guys need to catch up though I can hold off awhile more?" She didn't know their relationship after all.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    In a soft whisper as he passes her, Stephen says to Rogue, "With the way you left, I expected it to be longer, if not permenant." Though he does smirk softly, hinting he's pleased with her return. Maybe the teen is growing up. Maybe the Avengers have helped her in some way. Stephen closes his tome and walks past Rogue, expecting her to follow beside as he approaches Molly and Harry. "What's up is I've got a whole mess of issues, there's the ever present threat of Dormammu, and now we have Asgardian's living in Norway, and I'm no closer to solving THIS." Stephen then snaps the finger of his empty hand and a neon green outline of a box appears in his palm with a pan flute resting perfectly in the middle, "The pied pipe has once more entered our plane and it is enchanted and enhanced further, making it much worse than before and I have no idea who did it, or what it can now do." Stephen says with a bit of a crescendo in his words with him looking at Harry last. "And a wizard who just wants to burn our only clue without a single question. That's how I'm doing and -" Stephen stops and takes a breath with a heavy sigh. "And I'm asking you all to help me."

    Wong is no where to be seen, did he even get the orders or is he busy with his ice cream?

Harry Dresden has posed:
    Harry Dresden rolls his eyes. "Look, I'm all for helping and for finding out who's added more juice to this thing and I doubt it's the original piper, he was mortal and would have to be hundreds of years old, and I'll tell you right now the current night aint." he explains in a simple straight forward talk assuming Rogue is clued in since the Doc's talking about all of this infront of her.

    "I'm more than willing to help you, but after we find out who ever, or what ever it is that juiced the thing up, we destroy it, it's existance doesn't add to anything, and it's potential for harm is a big negative." he offers trying to be /somewhat/ helpful..

Rogue has posed:
Rogue ain't clued in to shit!

She does, however, offer a small smile toward Molly and a shake of her head. "I don't figure I'll be around long. I was just stoppin' in t'check on these two swingin' bachelors in their weird halloween house." She shows a hint of a grin then before she glances over toward Stranger, her own former teacher for a brief time. "Been busy with the Avengers, as I figure you're well aware." She's been on the news quite a bit, not that the Doctor pays any attention to that. She does follow after him.

"Pied piper?" Rogue asks, her own cup of ice cream mostly finished off but she still spoons at it. "Isn't that some kinda nursery rhyme or somethin'?"

Her eyes glance back over to Harry. "Sounds like something ya'll should give t'SHIELD, I hear they collect stuff like that and store it away some place safe." Hey, she's been hanging around those types a lot late, so she's bound to have picked up on some of that over at Tony's old family home.

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter reaches out to place a hand on Harry's arm gently. It's given a little squeeze silently before she releases again. There were more important things going on right now than trying to keep the peace between two vastly different ideologies regarding magic. "I've already offered my services. We can get down to business. I'll help to identify the new magic, and then perhaps help to locate the spell caster. After that..." Her shoulders roll in a shrug. "We'll see what the result is as to how much help I can offer after."

Ie, that may cost you more.

Molly tips her head toward Rogue with a little shake of her head. "Most nursery rhymes or fairy tales have some basis in reality and serve as a warning to others. The Pied Piper was real. A town broke a promise to the Summer fae court, and the Winter Court came to balance the scales. The panflute that Strange has," she adds gesturing to the box he had with him, "Is the item in question. When it's played it activates a spell that basically causes children to march off to their death." There's a visible shudder from her. "And it's made from their bones."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "I will entertain the idea, Harry." Stephen says, grabbing the top of his mystical box and peeling away the lid allowing the flute to be grabbed by anyone, with his eyes focused on Harry as the man has already touched it before. He might be more susceptable to it.

    "Where do you think we should start?" Strange asks the group as he still holds the flute inbetween everyone.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden nods to Rogue "Straight out of Grimm, town was cursed and over run with rats and mice, a man appeared and offered to do away with the rats for a price, the town agreed, and after the job was done refused to pay him." he gives Rogue a synopsis.. "He then used the flute" at this point he points to the pan flute made out of bone "and guided the children of the town into the river to drown." he says finishing the story and grimacing.. "Last thing we need is uncle sam having something that can be used to control the minds of the populace.." he says with a shudder..

Rogue has posed:
Rogue listens to well, everything all three of them say on the subject. "Wow." She quietly responds to Molly's rundown while then a glance is given to Doctor Strange and his little box that she eyes for a few seconds whilst Harry starts to add a few more details to all of it. "Rats." She quietly says. "I thought it was cats... Rats makes more sense, I guess." Does it really though?

She takes one last spoonful of melty-ice cream and then shakes her head at the last part Harry says. "They'd take care of it, I'm sure of it. I've met several of their highest ranked members, they're good people tryin' t'protect the world from stuff like..." She motions to the flute box with her pink plastic spoon. "Shit like that."

Then, Rogue's eyes go up to Stephen's. "Open it up, I wanna see it."

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter sweeps her hand out, the other rising up, as she focuses on the flute to float it from the box so it can be seen without touching it. It was a bit exaggerated, the gestures, but sometimes it helped her to focus. She could do it without it obviously. "I can 'read' objects by touching them, but it's like getting all the thoughts, memories, feelings of everyone involved at once. Normally it's not such a big deal. Only really strong emotions can leave that kind of 'mark' on an item. This one though? There's a *lot* to go through. I may have to though to try and focus in on who did the last casting on it."

A glance is cast to Harry at this. She'd be needing his help after, no doubt. "Or we can try the scientific approach. It'll take me just awhile to set up but it's likely safer."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "For once, I agree with Harry, I'm going to hold onto it, or it will be destroyed." Strange says, not motioning to the almost infinite number of 'exhibits' of mystical artifacts in and around the sanctum, best to keep their eyes on the one the know about in front of them. Then, with his hand still on the top of the box that he had already opened, Strange responds to Rogue.

    "It is open."

    With as deadpan a voice as the wizard can muster as Molly lifts it up and speaks about how she can read objects and he interjects with a bit of trivia. "Similar to Rogue here, only with people instead of items. Your insight might be needed Anna." The sorcerer says.

Harry Dresden has posed:
    Harry just stands where he's at, watching and letting Molly take the lead. "Your show Molls, I can give pointers, and unless times of the essence we really don't need to do it the down and dirty way." he explains his eyes going back to study Rogue for a moment before returning his gaze to the flute and Molly..

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes go up to Molly again after being pulled away from the item-in-question. She's about to respond with something when Strange compares them to one another, at least in that similarity of powers. "Yeah, but when I touch someone they're out for good... or at least for awhile." Her eyes sweep from Strange now back to Harry and Molly, she lifts up a bare hand to explain, fingers wiggling a bit. "Skin on skin touch... I'll absorb the life energy outta someone, along with memories, personality traits and any inherit powers that they have, such as mutations or gifts from alien cultures... apparently." She's not entirely sure about that last one, but she's had a lot of conflicting information given to her by various science-types in the last year or year and a half, and she's horrible at science, so... yeah.

"I'll help however I can, but I don't figure me touchin' that thing is gonna do anything at all." And with a smirk she turns to walk off a bit to where she knows there's a waste receptical, or there used to be one when she lived here. As she walks to find it she talks back over her shoulder. "Doin' it the dirty way, is my favorite way!" But after explaining how her powers work, thats probably not that fun of a thing to hear for some people.

Molly Carpenter has posed:
"I can 'read' people too. It's just..." Molly trails off glancing over at Rogue. If she could do similar, then she was sure the woman would understand her reluctance to do so. Especially once Rogue explains precisely how hers works. "Sounds like some white court vampires in a way. The life energy part at least," she hastens to add with a little chuckle. "I can understand that."

Her attention shifts back to the flute and she sighs. "Okay then. I know about the main compulsion so I can brace myself against that and avoid it. If that second one is a different type though it might sneak through." Her lips purse together before she lets out a breath. "Guess we'll find out."

Okay. Time to do this."

Molly sits down on the floor cross legged leaving the flute floating above. A piece of chalk is taken out of her pocket to begin scritching equations on the floor itself. Again, and again. The equations all look the same until she has five iterations. "Safe to say this is the standard spell. You," she gestures with the chalk to Harry, "And you," she gestures to Strange, "Start looking for variations along with me." Glancing up toward Rogue she states, "If any of us start acting weird give us a good whack."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "That's the thing - No, Anna, join, a fourth focal point will help." Stephen says, as he doesn't sit, but he kneels down and then closes his eyes, but opens one to look at Rogue, "But do whack us but not too good." Strange says, knowing full well what Rogue can do. Or at least he has a good idea. Stephen looks to Molly and moves down from his knee to sit fully on the floor, but for a moment before he begins to rise up, still seated, eyes closed and the amulet on his chest opens up to reveal a third eye, washing the room in a golden glow. The glow reveals matrixes and spell work surrounding the flute like orbits and constellations all stacked one upon the other.

Harry Dresden has posed:
    Harry Dresden moves to a spot giving Rogue the forth spot so they are all standing equidistant from each other as the magical formuula start to show themselves the layers of magic from end to beginning glowing under the light of Doctor Stranges amulet. "Huh, easier than having this things spellwork burned into our souls." he comments to Molly before he lets his eyes go slightly unfocused.

     <<You catching any of this?>> He asks his stowaway, the angelic being nicknamed Lash appearing in his minds eye to speak. <<The spellwork is complex, as complex as any workings my brethren and I would have accomplished before our binding.>> she comments <<would explain why it is not degrading either.>> she adds

Rogue has posed:
After tossing her ice cream cup out she's putting her gloves back on securely and walking back to where the three of them are. "Fourth spot. Got it." Rogue says then, glancing at Molly, then to Harry and then back to Strange. She shows a slight grin then. "Don't ya'll worry, if things start goin' south, I'll be whacking ya with both hands!"

Yeah, she knows how she is. She just can't help herself.

The teenaged Avenger-tank kneels down to copy how the others are, or more specifically how Strange is since she's the most comfortable with him and his lessons (even if she failed almost all of them which is what lead to them getting frustrated with each other, which is what lead to her moving out).

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter takes a slow, deep breath as she opens her eyes to peer at the floating variations of spell swirling around it. "... I want to know how to do that for future reference," she states matter-of-fact. "I can 'see' things to begin with but that is so much easier." Took her awhile usually to suss out spells. This was... elaborate. She starts searching in her own manner as well eyes flitting here, and there, dismissing what she already knew to look for oddities and unusual bits.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Strange remains floating in the air with his eyes closed, waiting for a signal from Harry, or Rogue, or even Molly. The sorcerer is just being a conduit for which the others can work their magic in safety and with as much ease as possible. He will pay for this spell, he will pay dearly, but that's only for him to worry about.

Molly Carpenter has posed:
"...There!" Molly's voice rises triumphant as she sits up with back rigidly straight. Her hands plant on her knees and she leans forward to stare at the floating object with a grimace. "That's why it was so hard to... And why it affected Harry!"

Molly quickly gets to her feet, absently dusting her hands off on her thighs in the process. "Strange you can't ever touch this, ever. Ever ever. Or you Harry. It's a calling just like the original, except it's not for children. It's for power. It's calling out to try and lure in someone with power to..." She squints again, drawing a deep breath. "That's where it gets hazy. Not to die though, like the original. This one is to capture. Someone is trying to get ahold of someone with a large amount of power."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden grimaces.. "Maybe a siphon of some sort? IT wanted me to use my power, it could be draining it to send to the original spell caster.." he says thoughtfully "We might be able to use that to find them.." he adds thoughtfully "I'd need to check my refrence library, see what I can shake loose." he adds

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "We very much could use that to find them." Stephen says, his eyes still closed and his amulet still open, bathing the room in his eldrich light.

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter nods solemnly. "It creates a link, and a link can be followed both ways. Carefully," she adds. "I think I'd be safe if I touched it. I'm no where near the power of you guys... but I don't really want to either," she adds, quieter. "For now at least we've got an idea what it does, and can formulate how to find the caster. It's still active, so that person is still alive."

Rogue has posed:
And to think about an hour ago, Rogue was having some fun with friends from school after class, but now? She's back immersed into Harry Potterland and it feels rather... fun, but weird, weird but fun! Yeah. She just remains calm and listens to the others, not really knowing what they're talking about, but then again... why would she? She's the muscle on two different super-hero teams, and a failed student to Strange's teachings. "And then we find them, and I whack them!" Rogue follows up Molly's words.

Doctor Strange has posed:
And then, all the lights go out and we fade into blackness.