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Latest revision as of 06:32, 16 September 2018

Fightin' Crime without Pennies or Dimes
Date of Scene: 17 August 2018
Location: Starling
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Raijin, Black Canary

Raijin has posed:
It was getting to be late evening, the sun having long gone down. Time-wise, it was wednesday, 11pm, Starling City. Prime time for ciminals, even in a place like this. At least it's not in Gotham. Prime time for gotham starts at like...6pm.


Rayner had entered his superhero guise of Raijin, and had just finished taking down a group of criminals. Mostly. It was a drug trafficking ring. He was surrounded by unconscious bodies, with about four more guys just waiting for action. "Alright guys, let's make this quick." His hood was over his head and he cracked his knuckles.

Game on.

Black Canary has posed:

Just like that, the four thugs collapse, clutching their ears (blood visible) as a woman in a black leather bodysuit, fishnet stockings, with long blonde hari, and a wig appears out of seemingly nowhere, staring down at the thugs. "Down on the ground, hands behind your back. "Or I'll sing again." She taps her foot as three of them comply. One tried to get up and got kicked in the face. "Down." She gets a few zip-times out. She glances over. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" she finally asks.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner seems to cover his ears just lightly enough before he realizes the sonic cry wasn't aimed for him...but rather the thugs. With that said, Raijin looks to buxom blonde before him and...yes, he checks her out. "Name's Raijin. Just visiting. Been tracking these guys for a few days now. Tracked 'em here." he shrugs. "What about you? Who might you be?" he crosses his arms and approaches her.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary nods slowly. "I am Black Canary. And I've been monitoring this gang for a while. I was doing covert observation, hoping to find their supplier. I guess that mission will be delayed." She sighs softly. "Oh, I'm one of the local vigilantes. You're from out of town?" she asks. "Your fighting style was impressive from what I saw of it - it was hard to keep up. Some kind of speedster?"

Raijin has posed:
"Black Canary huh?" Raijin moves closer, hands falling to his side as he makes sure all the crooks are tied up and taken down. "I am. Cops will be here soon. Wanna tag along to a quiet spot?" he offers her, small smile on his face. "and thanks. Yeah, I'm fast. that's my schtick. Unique? No. Useful? hell yeah."

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary nods as she gestures for you to follow, until you see an antique motorcycle in an alley. "There's my baby," she coooos as she hops aboard. "Nothing like a classic Harley, souped up for all your crimefighting needs." She grins as she pats it. "There's a warehouse a few blocks away that I use for training. Try not to fall behind." She guns the Harley and zooms off, passing the police vehicles that are heading to the scene. (She left a calling card with a brief handwritten detail of what the thugs are up to.)

Raijin has posed:
Raijin smiles as Canary drives off in her harley. "Man, she's hot..." and with that ,Raijin uses his superspeed to literally move so fast that it just looks like he vanished. Soon enough, at that warehouse, Raijin would arrive to meet her. Joking around a bit as he knocks on one of the doors. "Hellooooo~? there a buxom blonde around?"

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary snorts. "I'd be careful. My boyfriend wouldn't like language like that," she states. She grins as she opens the warehouse. There's many different training dummies all around - some look like they've been exploded by something. "This is my little training facility I use. It's not much, but it's like a home away from home."

Raijin has posed:
Raijin shrugs. "Just a joke." He teases her as he approaches, cracking his neck. "Looks like fun, all and all." He smiles to her. "Hey, loks like it works." he takes note of her rather fit physique. "In New York, well..we just get glorified gyms."

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary shrugs. "Oh, I have my own gym. I have access to a place that has everything. But this is my little training area. Oh - you might see some of the dummies that look like something detonated them." She smiles. "I did that. Never laid a finger on them."

Raijin has posed:
Raijin whistles. "Yeah, I noticed that part...took it to heart when taking on those goons. I'm gonna guess...sonic voice? I don't see any wrist contraptions on you. Probably extremely helpful."

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary nods slowly. "Yes. I am a metahuman. I don't use my Canary Cry at full power unless I must. It... takes all the fun out of things. I did back then because I was worried about you."

Raijin has posed:
Raijin looks to Canary, moving closer. "Thought you'd say metahuman...though...why were you worried about little ole me?" he looks her right in the eyes then. Eyes admittedly wandering a bit.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary snaps her fingers. "Oy! Eyes up here." She smiles faintly. "Because you're an unknown quantity and you don't know the local night life like I do. These are my streets."

Raijin has posed:
Raijin's eyes move from...well, not her eyes, to her actual eyes and he smiles a bit. "Fair enough. Guess that makes sense. Soooo....what now?"

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary smiles. "Show me what you got." She gestures to the training dummy. "I'd love to see a speedster in action. Demonstrate some of your moves please."

Raijin has posed:
Rayner scoffs a bit. "You want me to show off all my tricks on the training dummy? Heh...a good magician never tells his secrets. Besides, All I know about you is that you scream really loud. Your house, //you// show me whatcha got." he grins as he walks up to the dummy.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary nods. "Fair." She moves over to it as she lays into it with a series of punches and kicks, ending with a powerful roundhouse kick that knocks the head of it clear off as she stretches. She says nothing else, eyebrow raised.

Raijin has posed:
Rayner seems to take a breath then as he watches Canary brutalize the poor thing. "Hm...fair point, fair point." he moves to another dummy, entering a clear Wing Chun martial arts stance, before unleashing his own blows on the dummy...striking at the neck and chest, and a bit towards the liver, before ending with a roundhouse kick that practically explodes the upper body of the dummy, cracking his neck. Super Strength at play there. he raises a brow at Canary.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary nods. "Mmmmmmm. As typical of those with super-strength, you rely on force instead of finesse. True, you get the job done against a training dummy or a normal person, but if you were faced against an equal in power, who had better physical skills, it would not go well."

Raijin has posed:
"You make it sound like I haven't fought anyone with better skills. and hey, you're the one who decided to start the one upsmanship by kicking off the head." Raijin quips back before checking his watch.

Black Canary has posed:
Black Canary shrugs. "You could use some training is all. Some refined skills would never hurt anyone." She smiles. "If you ever decide you want to take your training to the next level, come back and find me. I will make it worth your while." She nods as she sits down, writing a more detailed report on what happened.