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Latest revision as of 16:54, 16 September 2018

Go, Green Ranger, Go
Date of Scene: 19 August 2018
Location: New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Green Ranger, Starfire

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy Oliver is in the new york area far away from his normal home of angel grove. He's been visiting prospective colleges . He's looking for the best combination of palentology and nuclear engineering programs he can find. The search has been a hard yet fun one but Tommy has decided to take a break for a bit and get some Krispy Kreme donuts while he ponders his choices.

Starfire has posed:
Suddenly the door crashes in and a 8-foot-tall monster that looks like a stone golem lumbers in. He glares at everyone and heads for the cash register. Cinderblock picks it up entirely - and snags a few pre-packed boxes of donuts too, then crushes a few tables then runs out a plate-glass window.

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy snaps nto action jumping in with a diving kick to the sement looking monster. "Not today blockhead EEEYAAAHHHH!" He follows up with a succession of rapid roundhouse kicks. "sik sik ahyaahhhhh"

Starfire has posed:
It's like punching... a brick wall. Cinderblock looks down at some kid trying to stop him. Though there's some strength and technique there, Cinderblock just does a deep laughter and swings a stone arm to swat the pest away as he continues to lumber away with his ill-gotten goods, cash and donuts alike. Still chortling, the villain thinks he's getting a clean getaway.

Meanwhile, over at Titans Tower, Starfire is just getting an alert about this. "Cinderblock is up to the naughties again. I will go intercept. Send a message to the others - the others of the HIVE might be up to the no good." She then takes off from the Tower, to intercept.

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy is flung but manages to control his landing and roll safely back to his feet. "He's tougher than the blocks I break in the dojo thats for sure. But you aren't getting away!!"

Tommy pulls out his golden morpher and gets into position. "IT'S MORPHIN TIME!" He thrusts the morpher out in front of him "DRAGONZORD" He is instantly stransformed into the Green Mighty Morphin Power Ranger and he flips into action Diving at Cinderblock to strikehim with his dragon dagger and engage him in battle again.

Starfire has posed:
Cinderblock was extremely unimpressed with Tommy's martial arts prowess. The Green Ranger, however, draws more attention. Cinderblock's lazy - relying on strength and durability to get away with things. This foe, however, is not what he expected. Some person in green spandex - but it HURTS. Cinderblock roars, drops the register and donuts, and goes to engage the Ranger in melee, swinging those devastating arms and trying to connect.

Starfire has almost arrived, wearing her usual purple battle outfit. If one would look up, one would see a fiery streak in the sky like a meteor, approaching fast.

Green Ranger has posed:
Cinderblock moves too slow to land a clean hit on a power ranger. The Green ranger expertly dogdes his swinging arms and counters with dagger strikes and roundhouse kicks. But he does get caught by a lucky punch and it sends Tommy hurtling back This monster is strong if not fast or smart. "ahhhh" Tommy says as he flips to the ground and bounces back up. "you aren't getting away!" The Green ranger leaps at Cinderblock legs open trying to hit him with a lucha style hurrancanrana.

Starfire has posed:
And right as the Green Ranger is mid-flight, doing that weird gravity-defying kick... an emerald blast of energy comes from the sky and blasts into Cinderblock, distracting him so the Ranger's kick can do severe damage. Looking up, one would see an orange-skinned woman, wearing relatively little, with red hair like a living flame, eyes glowing red. "Cinderblock. When will you learn? The HIVE will never win!" She flings another emerald blast at the rock monster who's reeling from the combined attacks.

Green Ranger has posed:
The Green Ranger takes the chance to rush the monster and hit him with a flurry of strikes with all his might shouting and grunting as he goes. "eh yeah hit hit y'yaaaaaaahhhhh" The green ranger keeps rushing forward with strikes and then drops kicks him off his feet.

Tommy lands on his feet and looks to see Starfire there. "you're one of the teen titans arent you! I'm super honored to be fighting along side you"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r continues to blast Cinderblock from above with starbolts, flinging them from her hands and even firing them out of her eyes. Then Green Ranger knocks Cinderblock to his back and Starfire slams down feet-first like a kinetic missile at high speed right on Cinderblock's neck, and Cinderblock groans, grievously wounded. She points her hand at Cinderblock. "You are defeated. If you resist, I will finish taking off your head. I believe it would take you a long time to fix that. Close your eyes if you surrender and I will summon the authorities. Continue to fight... at your peril." She stares down at Cinderblock, her eyes glowing bright green, and Cinderblock shudders and closes eyes. "Wise." She gets her communiator out and sends a call for a containment unit. She stays standing on Cinderblock. "I am Starfire," she states, bowing. "I recognize that outfit. You are one of the Rangers of Power. You are far from your home..." She trails off. "Your assistance was appreciaetd. Once Cinderblock is contained..." She looks at the cash register and two boxes of donuts. "We have to find the home for this register and those vile donuts."

Green Ranger has posed:
"We usually destroy monsters that attack." The Green Ranger says "It seems cruel but its the only way more monsters are going to come we can't afford to keep them around. Rita and Zed will just make more." The Green Ranger has his dagger in hand looking like he is willing to finish cinder block if Starfire needs him to.

"We return the register and maybe we can be allowed to keep the donuts?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r raises an eyeborw, looking at you. "I am not sure what Cinderblock is for sure. I am not sure 'monster' is the word. From what I have heard, the monsters you fight are..." She frowns, trying to think of the word. "Created by your enemies?" She sounds uncertain. "It is very likely that Cinderblock was a human at one point that transformed into this state - or maybe just a mutant with a bad roll of the X-Factor. It's hard to tell." The containment unit comes up as Starfire helps put Cinderblock in the containment vehicle. They drive away, not recognizing the Ranger but thanking Starfire. She nods and mentioned that her friend helped. She then looks at you. "I will not touch those... donuts." They do not agree with me." She picks up the cash register. "Do you know which facility they belong to?" she finally asks, letting you grab the donuts.

Green Ranger has posed:
The power ranger nods "I see thats a good point perhaps he was human and we shouldn't destroy them heartlessly." He picks up the donuts and shrugs "I'm sorry to here that but they agree with me just fine. The register belongs to krispy kreme I was there when he attacked and robbed the place."

He follows her for a bit. "Hey when you get a chance I'd like to talk with you. I might be spending a lot fo time here soon and I'd like to work with the titans. I think I could be an asset."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods slowly. "What can I call you?" she finally asks. "My name is Koriand'r - but I will guess that you wish to keep your identity secret? I understand." She smiles faintly. "There is no point in hiding. I am... one of only two Tamaraneans on this whole world. We are very... distintive." She returns to the donut shop, sighing softly at the mess as she puts the register back where it belongs. "Are you alright?" she asks the shopkeep who nods slowly. She ponders. "A repair team is en route to help you fix everything." She then smiles, gesturing to the boxes of donuts. "I don't think they are in condition to be sold..." The shopkeep smiles and says that they can keep htem. And soon enough, the alien and the Ranger end up outside the shop, and Starfire leads you to a nearby park.

Green Ranger has posed:
As the enter the park Tommy demoprhs so he can walk talk and eat. "My names Tommy, tommy Oliver and as you saw I'm the green power ranger. its really cool that I ran into you. I think I might end up going to college here and that would put me far away from my team but I want to use my powers for good and to help out so I was hoping I could work with your team while in town. you know?"

Tommy eats the donuts as he walks with Starfire he tries to be subtle and polite about it but she can totally notice him checkingher out when he thinks she isn't looking. Tommy is a teenager with teenage attitude and hormones and Starfire is who she is looking how she does dressed the way she is. Tommy is respectful yes but still human.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods slowly. "It is lovely to meet you, Oliver. It's amazing that said costume grants you such powers." She nods slowly, watching you eat those wretched donuts. She would decline if you offered her one. "Is the rest of your team going to be fine without you? I suppose hte Zetaport can get you back there in an hour's time if necessary I suppose."

She does notice Tommy checking her out and subtly poses for him without seeming to, arching her back and winking. She does so enjoy people admiring her. "Do ou really like those things?" she asks, gesturing to the donuts.

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy nods "well the team is meant to be 5 and i'm the 6th. they could get along with out me if need be but if I'm needed they could teleport me there in a hurry" Tommy gestures to his communicator.

He blushes as you pose for him he feels busted red handed "I'm sorry miss I didn't mean I mena you're very good looking and well I'm just a dumb guy I suppose" but then you talk about donuts. "yeah there are warm and sweet and fluffy and buttery. but I guess thats not your thing or they don't agree with your alien body?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "I understand. We don't have a specific team. Whoever is available goes to face whatever mischief comes our way. Sometimes certain heroes are great against certain villains. Like those giant space fungi - I had to sit it out. My starbolts just made them stronger. That really was the bad feelings."

She winks when you blush. "They are bitter to me. And I do not mind. It is high praise among my people to ogle another." She smiles faintly. "Look all you wish." She fetches a small yellow object out of a pocket - a... mustard packet? She opens it and slurps it, sighing happily. "Truly, the greatest invention of the human race." She then hands you a card from another pocket. It has a picture of her in a pinup pose, signed. On the back is contact information for the Titans - address and phone number. "I think you might be a great asset to the team - though Robin would have to vet you first. He is the leader."

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy shakes his head and laughs to himslef at the contact card being her in a pin up pose. "you are something else." He raises an eyebrow at the mustard eating but he doesn't comment on it writing it off to her alien body being different to us. "I'm sure I will pass whatever test is put to me." Tommy takes a moment to take her in but then goes back to putting in real effort to look her in the eyes instead of her squishy parts. Luckily her face is just as beautiful as he body is arrousing so its not an impossible task. "So what is the team like? how could someone work to fit in?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles faintly. "Be yourself..." she states softly. "We are all strange to each other. A very diverse group. But we all manage to get along. I wish I would've brought the Silkie with me. My adorable little bumgorf." She smiles faintly as she looks over at you. "You are a very handsome man yourself, Tommy Oliver." She grins widely. "I hope we can learn to get along together - you'll have to meet more of the team before any decision can be made."

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy blushes a bit as he's complimented by the alien knock out. " Thanks Starfire are beyond beautiful. " But then Tommy nods with solemn determination in his eyes "Right I will do my best to meet the team and make the best impression I can. Ever since I joined the power Rangers I have wanted to be part of the greater super hero community. I am sure I can prove myself." Tommy takes being a hero and being a power ranger seriously as heck. Its almost like he is the powers he is the power ranger first and tommy second. He may have started as an unwilling villain but hes taken to the call to heroism like no other.