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Latest revision as of 22:39, 25 September 2018

Surfer, GL and the Crew - Knowhere
Date of Scene: 10 September 2018
Location: Knowhere
Synopsis: The Surfer starts on his quest to find his home and comes to Knowhere seeking someone to help...maybe Green Lantern?
Cast of Characters: Green Lantern (Jordan), Silver Surfer, Power Girl

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    It was a "day" like any other day on Knowhere! The people were working hard, the crime was rampant, the Collector was hosting another event tonight, and the alcohol was running like a river...well, at least, the not-so-good alcohol. Many different types of aliens were in this area, drinking, talking, and carousing. Making lots of noise. It was a "celebration"! A celebration for the joyous end of the work day! A time to get plastered, and a time to be easier to interrogate...er, interview!

    For a second week in a row, a emerald tinged Green Lantern was walking into the Burnout Pub. His eyes scan around, as though looking for someone specific. When Hal Jordan comes up short in the locating department, he sighs, loudly, and walks up to the bartender. The blue-skinned Kree? gives him a purple-tinged look of anger or maybe of hate. "Some of the real stuff, Jinx." Hal points his ring-hand index finger at the bartender. "Not that swill like last time please?"

Silver Surfer has posed:
Silver Surfer absorbs his board as he lands in front of the pub. As always he is stared at, aliens whispering about him as he passes. Fortunately no one has tried to attack him this time. He begins scanning the pub for at least a semi-friendly face in hopes of finding someone who has information about his homeworld. His appearance makes him standout, even here with visitors from around the galaxy.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    As Hal takes the drink from Jinx, he hears the commotion from behind him. Readying himself, just in case he needed to use his ring, Hal turns slowly, and looks over his right shoulder at the Surfer. Frowning, Hal concentrates at trying to remember if he had seen the silver-skinned alien before. Something about him was familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

    Taking a drink of the swill that the bartender had given him, Hal coughs, and nearly chokes on it. It was...potent, to say the least. The chuckling of amusement from the blue-skinned barkeep almost made him whip up a pair of will-powered something, to pull out his tongue...but not yet at least.


Silver Surfer has posed:
Silver Surfer soon finds himself at the bar. So far no one has been hospitable towards him. His behavior has changed much since he left Galactus's service, however few know that he is anything but the Herald of their doom. He addresses the barkeep, "I do not mean to disturb you, however I am searching for a planet that has gone missing, it is my homeworld. I am in a part of the galaxy that is unfamiliar to me and I am trying to get home. Would you by chance know of the planet Zenn-La?"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    With his elebows resting on the bar, and his drink now forgotten, Hal Jordan regards the silver man with an assessing view. Something, something, "Zenn-La? That is far away from here friend." Hal Jordan says, starting to remember now. "And gone I think...when was the last time you were anywhere near your home planet?" Hal Jordan then turns, and faces the man. "If I can help you in any way, I'll try. I'm Green Lantern." Hal looks the silver man up and down. "Welcome to Knowhere."

Silver Surfer has posed:
Silver Surfer turns to Hal, "The amount of time which has passed since I was there is unknown. I am formerly the Herald of Galactus, often call the Silver Surfer. My planet was spared annihilation by Galactus after I offered myself to him instead. I have since been freed of his control, however he would not tell me where Zenn-La is. I am.. cursed to wander the expanse in search of it."

Power Girl has posed:
    The flight across the accessible cosmos, for most, is difficult and time-consuming. For Power Girl, it's almost a leisurely stroll. Burning a trail of extreme-speed relativistic flight through solar systems and void spaces in the space of moments, Hal probably only hears of her approach by virtue of his ring- if it can- alerting him of some sort off cosmic bullet approaching Knowhere.

    It's shortly after that a six foot blonde, sans space-suit- sans space-ship no less- casually floats into an empty docking bay. On foot, now, her walk from the bay to the bar might actually take longer than her flight from Earth to Knowhere.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal blinks, and replies, simply with an, "Ahhhh." As that fills in a bunch of information he did not have before. "I thought as much friend. Former is good. Galactus is a...tough cookie to crack. I'd need the whole Corps to have any hope of defeating him. Well now, let's see." Hal frowns, and consults his ring.

    "Zenn-La is no longer on the Green Lantern Corp starcharts, from what my ring is telling me. It has...disappeared. Huh. Never heard it puzzled before." Hal frowns, and shakes his head. "Not going to be that easy I'm afraid, but I'll help if I can."

    Hal waves his right hand towards all the miscreants in the bar. "Most if not all these creatures won't be able to help you either. Someone who might...the Collector. If he will see you. I wouldn't count on it though."

Silver Surfer has posed:
Silver Surfer nods stoicly, "I understand. I have spoken to many with access to advanced star charting technology who have given me the same answer. However I have not heard of this Collector. Where might I find him?"

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    "I see. Yeah, not sure where Galactus might have hidden it...as for the Collector, he has a place here on Knowhere. I'd say, down this main drag, and through the arches..." Hal gives directions, and shakes his head. "I've been trying to catch him myself, but he is never around, or his "assistants" say he is busy. I have a mind to just force my way in, but I hear he is pretty...well, let's just say, not easy to talk to." Hal grins.