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Astral Flux: A Fistful of Dollars
Date of Scene: 15 September 2018
Location: Hellfire Club, New York City
Synopsis: Emma hosts a card game at the Hellfire Club to determine the winner of her bet with John. Everyone but Zatanna cheats. Emma wins.. because Illyana lets her?
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Constantine, Shadow King, Magik, Zatanna Zatara
Tinyplot: Astral Flux

Emma Frost has posed:
It turns out that even if you don't have rank, membership and a credit card that exceeds platinum will get you many things. Including a back room at the Hellfire Club. Of course, Emma was sincerely working on getting herself reinstated.. there was just something about "The White Queen" that rolled off of the tongue and pleased her.

However, first things first: The Bet.

John's wager had been a surprise, but wasnt something Emma was disinclined to honour, so arrangements were made, and tonight was the night... not that Emma intended on losing the bet. She might not cheat under normal circumstances, but there was just something delightful about leading the man on and leaving him disappointed... and then deciding whether she wanted to carry on after that or not.

Friday night. The air is sultry. The back room is already smudged with a thin blue-grey layer of cigaratte smoke. Several bottles of top notch scotch were on the sideboard, waiting. Cards and poker chips were also there, waiting, along with the box that would hold their buy ins.

Emma wasn't sure who all was showing up. She'd sent out invites and otherwise ignored the matter.

Now? She waits.

Constantine has posed:
John isn't a member either but Emma's perks it seem are transferable and so tonight he didn't have to bribe his way through the door, though he did get a fair bit of stink eye from the door staff all the same.

Shown into the back room, John, dressed as he always is, in his tan trenchcoat, button down, slacks and a tie hung loose around his neck, surveys the room and the pall of cigarette smoke that already hovers there and smiles, "Nice of you to make the place smell like home," he remarks with a grin for his host as he makes his way directly to the sideboard. "Hope you brought your dancing shoes, luv, cuz' not planning on losing tonight," John confides with confidence. "Get you a drink?" he asks as he reaches the sideboard.

Shadow King has posed:
Dr. Ken Arnold arrives with his two assistants. They aren't going to get to play, though: they go out to other areas of the building, with the other low-ranking people. Arnold is a tall, powerful presence usually, and he's no different this night. His suit is well tailored to slightly heavy frame, his mane of thick gray hair swept back, beard finely trimmed. Late fifties is likely the range for the man's age, though he has a robust quality. His eyes are dark and moody, but reserved.

A highly skilled plastic surgeon, Dr. Arnold is often pulled to working within the elite only, as his price tags and time is significant. He's worth it, though, most that have used his services would agree.

He settles at the table with an almost regal manner, drawing out a cigar, ordering a drink, and relaxing. For those that skim over him mentally, they will find very significant mental shields. Nobody will be reading HIS cards off his mind. "Ms. Frost," Arnold greets her, and looks to Constantine, without much expression: but it isn't negative. "Hello."

Magik has posed:
    For the last few weeks, Illyana Rasputin has been taking advantage of the luxuries that her title inside the Hellfire Club's Inner Circle affords her. And while the title means nothing to her, the obedience of those underneath the seat of the White Knight is shockingly staggering. When the Russian woman needs something, there is a Pawn not far from her clutches to utilize and order. They are more tame than the demons from the dimension of Limbo, and more fearful.

    Whether it is obedience or fear, Illyana has two pawns carry a black chest into the room. The two men walk slowly, almost struggling to the seat next to Emma Frost, and then sets the chest on the ground with an audible THUMP. The blonde demon looks nothing of the sort as she walks in behind the pawns in a crisp white pantsuit. Gold accessories compliment her attire as her false youth glistens.

    Passing those that have gathered thus far, she finds her seat nearby the chest and sits. A nod goes to Emma as she removes her jacket and reveals a blouse of gold chains covering her breasts. "White Queen, I hope all is well?" she asks, playing her role dutifully.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
To those who don't follow the world of stage magic (or the secret world of real occultism), Zatanna Zatara won't stand out at a Hellfire Club gathering. She only has the 'outer circle' base membership afforded to people for wealth and influence; one of the producers for one of her first TV specials sponsored her. She doesn't make use of the membership often, but every now and then it's good to go out, mingle, and play a high-stakes poker game.

The sorceress is in a black gown that's just saucy enough. Zatanna's jewelry is a set of magickal charms and wards, hiding her occult protection in plain sight. When she's shown into the back room, her eyes instantly fix on Constantine. "I didn't realize this place was so liberal with what 'elite' means," she teases the other magician as she passes him.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma, for her part, is dressed in her trademark white, with one notable exception, pinned just over her heart is a jewelled firefly - and to those with discerning eyes, the jewels within are, indeed, real. Today is ruby. A brilliance of red, upon her breast.

John gets a softly drawled greeting, "I rarely loose John. And do be a dear and pour me a tumbler. This is thirsty work and I find myself parched. Better yet, once you've poured, bring the bottle here and be a dear, won't you?"

The Dr, when he arrives, gives Emma a moment's pause - but only until he sits. There's something of a knowing smile from the woman, and an inclination of head that borders on reverent.. only it's much too aware for that. Soimething else underlies it.

Of course, then the others arrive one by one, and are given welcome, if only a nod, or a slight pursing of lips.

"John amuses me," she tells Zatanna. "He thinks he's going to win a bet. I'm inclined to indulge his little fantasy for the moment. Besides, he fetches and carries so delightfully."

Illyana gets a blossom of a smile, remarkably warm for Emma, "Oh my dear. Things are all manner of well. Better than, even. So delightful to see you. Now, if we're all settled, and everyone has bought in?"

Another of those blossoming smiles for John, "I've spotted you, my dear. You can owe me."

Constantine has posed:
John, gives a jaunty, "Squire," to the doctor as he arrives, lifting his unflled glass to the man.

The newer arrivals also get their due, Magik, the Pawns and the black chest get a raised eyebrow, though John's got more eyes for the chest than the woman that brought it, well at least until the jacket comes off, that blouse, it stands out.

"Magik, good to see you again," he remarks, before Zee makes her arrival.

The fellow sorcerer's tease is met with a grin, "Terrible how it's gone down hill, thinkin' of writing a letter," he says, "Get you a drink?" he asks nodding to the sideboard. He'd already filled his glass and one for Emma.

Emma's offer of staking him is met with a slight scoff, "Don't plan on owing by night's end," he promises grandly. "So, why not?"

He brings over the glass, and one for Zatanna if she wants one as well.

Shadow King has posed:
Dr. Arnold was definitely in to play poker. And there's some obvious leadership from him here as well, getting set up. He isn't interested in handling anyone's buy-in, but will prepare the table. He'll handle the cards with skill, propose that they play 'No Limit', which will allow players to go all-in at any time if they wish to instead of having their bets bound by the big blind; it will require them to always re-raise as much as a previous raise, and similar rules.

Dr. Arnold prepares his little play space, stacking his own chips after he acquires them, gaze lingers on Emma's firefly as if it amused him, private smile lingering but then dissolving into nothing behind the mask of his face and his cigar. If he's being read as something of a serious player, that probably is an accurate judgement. He's quiet for now, just listening to the other chat. That's also consistent for the man, though he will, after a little while, gently probe telepathically around the room while he shuffles. Just getting a taste for what everyone is thinking on the surface. Never can be too careful, after all.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"That'd be great, John," Zatanna says with a small smile. "Thank you." She's going to let Constantine be as charming as he likes. Indulging that part is fine. It's once he starts fishing for a favor that Zatanna knows to start putting the brakes on things...

With no Inner Circle ties, Zatanna has only a passing familiarity with most of the other people in the game. She's seen them around at Club parties, maybe exchanged some small talk, and maybe even observed the power they seem to hold over the staff. (Then again, every exclusive club has members like that...) Thus, she has no reason to suspect anything of her fellow players. The protections on her are against evil magick and the like, but her surface thoughts are easily skimmed. Mostly she's thinking about the game, about how she could sleight-of-hand her way into winning every pot -- except Constantine would probably try the same thing, and she figures she'll play by the rules until she suspects he isn't, and so forth... She IS a bit impressed by Magik's daring outfit, too, even if she doesn't say as much aloud.

Magik has posed:
    After Emma replies, Illyana's attention shifts to the two men standing behind her. Lifting a finger and pointing at the bar, one of the pawns approaches the sideboard and grabs a rocks glass. He adds two cubes of ice and pours a few healthy shots of scotch into the glass.

    As Illyana waits, she motions for the other pawn to approach and whispers into his ear when he does. He opens the chest to reveal actual treasure: gold coins, diamonds, pearls, all things seemingly expensive if appraised. There is also wrapped cash as well, but they seem less than appealing with the current items sharing space.

    "Constantine?" Illyana questions, tilting her head to the side slightly. "It seems you've found the right company within the club." When her words finish, the pawn arrives just in time and she retrieves the glass, scanning the room and giving all the players a once-over.

    "Doctor Arnold, you look very serious. Hopefully there is not too much riding on just this game. Although, your success proves you are well worth it for me to win." The glass rises as a cheers to him.

Constantine has posed:
"The very same," John answers Magik as he makes his way to the table giving Emma and Zee their drinks before circling back to sink into a seat, calling to the pawn getting Magik's drink, "Be a dear and bring me mine would you?" he says leaning back in his chair.

As for what John's thinking? Well Magik's choice of top features prominently, as does the real lucky rabbit's foot he's got stuffed in the left pocket of his trenchcoat. It wasn't a game winner, he hadn't had time to properly prep, but the thing should make a few hands break his way. The rest? Well like Zatanna had suspected, he had sleight of hand for that.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma takes her glass from John and gestures for all to sit. "Dr. ARnold, will you do us the pleasure?"

Her words are warm, and in rich tones.

"Ah, ever like yourself to bring the richese," Emma murmurs of the chest of treasure. "I almost feel like we should be hosting a pirate theme. I dare say you'd make a wonderful wench, Illyana."

"I trust we all k now one another? The rules are simple, we play for keeps. Do be careful not to wager what you can't afford, tears will get you no sympathy."

She reaches for a pack of cigarettes and lights herself one, taking a long draw upon it. "I can't remember why I ever gave this up."

Shadow King has posed:
Dr. Arnold puts the cards down and reclines a little more, simply drawing in the awareness of the room: and beyond that, out into other areas. He has something of a distant look. As if listening to far off things. However, when Illyana calls his attention back in, he chuckles softly and lifts a glass to her. "You are... too kind. Even if I lose all that I brought to play with, it is but a small admission fee to the enjoyment of this game with this fine group, and ultimately a drop in the bucket," Arnold says, at ease, gallant. There's a slippery quality in his eyes, a flutter of something else, something dark.

    "Though you might do well to convince me to exclusively be dealer, as I do not often lose, and I am well equipped to keep everyone ? honest," he teases quietly, with a shrug of his supple hands; surgeon's dexterity in the flow through his fingers. It is a not-very-subtle warning, to some degree. If he actually cares about honesty, at any rate.

Otherwise, Arnold waits for the other players to be ready, enjoying his drink and cigar. "Of course," he agrees when Emma asks him to start up the game. "Big and small blind bets, please," he directs to Emma and Magik to his left, as he's starting dealer. Each round, two blind bets are made from those to the left of the dealer to ensure there is money in the pot. Once those are made, he sleekly burns the top card by putting it aside, and deals two pocket cards face down to each player. He gestures to the third player at his left, for Zatanna, to bet, or fold, based on her two secret cards.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Emma and Magik have made their blind bets, and Zatanna already gets the impression that she's the person at the table with the least amount of cash to burn on this. Or pirate treasure, as the case may be. Sure, she's probably got a healthier bank balance than Constantine, but she knows Constantine, so she's sure that he's playing with someone else's money. Whether that someone else KNOWS, of course...

"I call," Zatanna says, putting her chips in (so to speak) to match the larger blind bet. She's not going to raise the stakes on anyone just yet. Especially because she came expecting a game with money being thrown around, not... doubloons. Still, she's got a good poker face, and doesn't look like she's under any pressure.

Magik has posed:
    The pawn looks at Constantine for a quick second, snapping his head in the man's direction, and then turning to have his eyes fall on Illyana. She is watching to see what he does and their glances connect, sending a small chill down the man's spine. "Do as he commands," Illyana says, swirling the amber colored liquor in the glass. The servant does as he is told, fetching and offering the glass to Constantine with a politeness that is keen for club hospitality.

    The doctor's words do not fall on deaf ears as the White Knight makes her bet and collects her two cards. There is no facial reaction when Illyana identifies the cards in her hand; however, an almost inaudible 'Hmm' releases from the pit of her throat. She lowers the cards back to the table and cold blue eyes fall on Zatanna. An analysis of the woman comes and goes, sensing the mystical aura of her wards. "Good girl."

Constantine has posed:
"Cheers mate," John says to the Pawn who delivers his drink. He takes a chip from his stack and tosses it to the man. "More if you keep 'em coming," he says, the chip reads: $500.00.

Yes, John is definitely playing with someone elses money tonight, with some sucker likely lined up to pay off his debt to Emma should he lose.

As for his two cards? John doesn't bother to look, meaning there's nothing to read on him, he's trusting to his little amulet, at least until the luck wears off.

"Raise," he says sliding a healthy stack of chips towards the centre of the table.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma, of course, doesn't look at her cardds. She's quite happy to place chips in front of her for the blind. And while she would normally pride herself upon not cheating, and playing teh game for the skill of it, tonight is just a bit different.

Not only is there the bet with John, but there's a familiarity to Dr. Arnold that goes beyond having run into him at the club. She's most certain in her belief in how she knows him.

She takes a drag on her cigarette, and picks up her scotch, taking a survey of those around her. And where possible, yes, she is brushing against those minds picking up glimpses of, if not their cards, their belief in the strength of those hands.

Yes, it's cheating. And terribly gauche, but Emma has other things foremost on her mind, and playing fair isn't one of those things.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna is the only Justice League member in the room, and it gives her a moral and ethical duty to be above the base cheating and general scoundrelry of SOME of her fellow players. As it turns out, though, she's pretty confident about her cards. Not EXTREMELY confident, but pretty confident.

More of Zatanna's thoughts are focused on Illyana's 'good girl' toward her. The dark-haired magician looks over and raises one eyebrow with no small amount of skepticism, and then lets out a laugh. "Right." She's dealt with worse from Hollywood execs, that much she can say for sure.

Shadow King has posed:
Dr. Arnold scowls at his cards, not bothering to mask anything evidently, but tosses in a bet to meet Constantine's raise. Then again, his cards won't really determine much until the flop: that's what matters. He then deals the 'Flop': the first 3 community cards to the center that all players will play off of. He deals a Jack of hearts and two Queens (clubs and diamonds), and whistles. "High powered start." He gestures for those who haven't folded to place their new bets in order: To check, to call, raise, or fold.

Magik has posed:
    Catching the chip, the pawn - who we are now calling Jeffery - returns to Illyana's side and adds it to her pile to gain her favor. Unfortunately, the blonde Russian does not look up or thank the man before she takes a sip from her drink. "Find something humorous, Zatanna, is it?" she asks, lowering her glass from her lips a bit.

    "You wouldn't happen to be related to a Satana, would you? Daughter of the Devil? Red hair, bad temper?" She pauses in thought, and then watches as the cards are revealed from the flop. "Either way, I raise," Illyana says, adding a couple hundred dollars to the pot.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma lazily looks at her cards, while inhaling on her cigarette - french inhaling. She does it like she's not even thinking about the fact,her hands reaching for a fistfull of chips which she tosses negligently into the middle to call. If her expression is anything to go by, she's bored. Which doesn't say much about her hand. She's played many a round here at the Club. You learn a trick or two.

It's the other trick or two folks should worry about.

Once her chips are in the middle, she reaches for her drink. "You know, John, we never did discuss what your wager was." A brow is lifted as she looks to the warlock. "That can't hardly be fair."

Constantine has posed:
John still hasn't looked at his cards, but he slides more chips towards the centre. "Call," he says.

Then he lifts a look in Emma's direction. "True 'nuff," he admits. "Best get that settled before this hand's over. Lest we start getting an idea of who's going to win this thing."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Can't say I think I have any Daughters of the Devil in my family tree," Zatanna says. She has an easy-going way of talking, even while doing high-stakes gambling. It's a practiced skill, the same way magicians are able to come off as totally personable and friendly while pulling illusions on random people off the street. "Mostly just Italians."

Zatanna isn't pulling off an illusion at the moment, other than to keep her feelings on her hand under wraps (psychic intrusion notwithstanding!). She calls again when it comes back around to her. She's not worried about the size of the pot just yet -- she came here with money she's able to lose. Besides, if she takes too much of a bath, she can always just ink a deal to go do a commercial in Japan. Her agents have some other clients who did that.

Shadow King has posed:
Dr. Arnold looks at the flop on the table, looks at his hand, and quietly folds. Emma possibly saw his hand if she looked: he had nothing really. He'll be out until the next new hand. He focuses, at least to some degree now, on the others. And does, actually, something else. He encourages.... gently. Very subtly. If anyone was tempted to cheat, well. Dr. Arnold's influence, a bare little brush of telepathic suggestion, might make it all the more tempting to go ahead and do it.

Catch other people cheating? Hardly. He'd like to see the whole table using their talents.

There is another round of bets, wherein a ten of hearts comes up. And finally, the last card, a nine of hearts. Now? It will come down to a last round of bets and raises and counter-raises, before they will find out who won. Dr. Arnold settles back to watch them all, eyes partially lidded. He doesn't ask about what is between Constantine and Emma: he has a feeling he'll learn soon enough.

To those sensitive to it, there is a darkened aura to the man while he exerts that suggestive pressure.

Emma Frost has posed:
The nudge really is something that Emma can ignore - only she really doesn't care to ignore it. In some respects, it's something of permission, or maybe even a request. One by one she reads the cards of her tablemates, picking them out of the minds of those seated there...

Until she hits Illyana.

Illyana who is going to put a damper on Emma's brilliant plan. She can't very well create the illusion that she's got the winning hand when Magik will see straight through it. Which leaves playing the table for it's straight up value.

And then a delightful little notion hits Emma, one that leaves her smiling.

More chips are tossed into the middle. "Now, what was that wager of yours again, John?"

While she waits for his answer, she empties her scotch, and holds it out for one of the pawns to take and refill it. She doesn't ask. Merely holds the glass expectantly, and waits for one to take it, hopefully before she gets bored and drops the thing on the floor - Emma might not be Inner Circle anymore, but her attitude hasn't changed an iota since, and she acts ever so much the White Queen she was. The White Queen she intends to be again.

Constantine has posed:
John feels the nudge and well, it never did take much to get John to do bad things. Tonight was no exception. He gives his cards a tap and exerts a little will and whatever his cards were before they become an ace and the queen of spades.

He draws his hand back, then, his move obvious to those reading minds and fiddles with his chips.

"Oh? Our bet? If I win I get to see you dance like you did back int he day. Your choice of venue."

John takes a sip of his drink.

Magik has posed:
    The subtle wafting of psychic suggestions is lost on the mind of Illyana Rasputin, but not for her servants however. Standing directly behind the White Knight, Emma's command for another drink - without actually commanding the pawn - drew the man's attention as he grabs the bottle of scotch and starts pouring her a refill. While he pours, he quickly whispers Illyana's two cards into the ear of the White Queen: Queen of Spades, Jack of Clubs. Afterwards, he stands to the side.

    Illyana is distracted, weaving a spell with dark magic. Finding the gaze of Dr. Arnold for a moment, the Russian stares at him. Her look is taunting, confident, but deeper inside her cold blue eyes house a hypnotic wave of energy. Her aim is to help him find it to benefit her allegiances. If Illyana is going to play a role, she might as well have some fun in the process.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Things are starting to feel ill at ease for Zatanna Zatara. One function of the wards and charms she wears is to act as a Spidey-Sense for bad juju, but she's also experienced enough that she can spot it on sight anyway.

There's the vibe given off by Dr. Arnold, in its subtle way. Then there's the vibe given off by Illyana, which is significantly less subtle. Constantine, of course, is his own entire spectrum of bad vibes, but right now he's not giving off a demonic aura so much as he's just kind of grossing Zee out by making weird bets with the senior blonde bombshell of the two at the table. Then there's the feeling in her head, the urge to just say a couple backward phrases and take these fools for everything they have, and gloat about it after...

Zatanna bites the inside of her mouth gently and then downs her entire drink, trying to wash this queasy, ill-at-ease feeling out of her head. Something's not right, but sometimes there's only one way to deal with that:


Shadow King has posed:
When Magik looks right at Dr. Arnold, she'll feel her magic move towards him, but whether anything was actually planted successfully may be hard to tell. He doesn't seem to react much to her either way, except to lift his brows a little, and try to keep the game moving. "Your bets?" he prompts of the table. Once they're finished all their raises, it'll be time to see who actually wins.

    A sideways look to Zatanna pulls Dr. Arnold's gaze, and he mentally leans on her more. Tempted to say a few words? Do it. Dooooooo iiiiiit. Otherwise, he watches Emma, and to some degree, the other 'minions' in the room. If everyone in this room is backstabbing by the end of the night, he'll have gotten his way....

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma smiles to herself as Illyana's hand is revealed to her.

"I was thinking, my dear," she tells the young Rook, "That if John there loses, that perhaps a fitting recompense would be for him to take on the task he would give me. I think he'd be delightful to see upon the stage, dancing, don't you?"

There's a subtle undercurrent to the woman's question.

"We could even make it something of a fund raiser. Don't you think?" The undercurrent, of course, is sussing out how far she can go. "It would be good for the club, don't you think?"

She looks about to say or do something, and then the moment passes, leaving Emma sitting up ever so slightly straighter.

To Arnold ~Oh, my. How intriguing. I shall enjoy this.~

Zatanna's final fold is noted with a small smile of concilliation. And John is merely regarded for his response to the idea of tit for tat dancing.

Magik has posed:
    Unsure if her crafted spell had any effect on Doctor Arnold, Illyana does not react noticeably. She does, however, see the man's brow rise in what appears to be curiosity, after what feels like a drainage in pieces of her magic. This causes gears to turn in her own mind. Not acting on her thoughts, Illyana makes a note to investigate.

    For now, she simply reveals her hand.

Constantine has posed:
It's all John can do to avoid blurting out 'Well bugger that for a game of soldiers' at Emma's counter offer, but then the vibes are pushing him on. Why buck at the terms when you can just cheat more?

He nods, "The DJ here got 'I Believe in Miracles' by Hot Chocolate? Thinking of going with a Full Monty theme," John says forcing a smile. "So, that's a yes," tapping his cards once more to change them to the missing two queens, instead of his previous hand, and then flipping them over.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna IS tempted to say something. In fact, she gives in to that temptation. The magically sensitive in the room might pick up on a spell being cast, as Zatanna sighs something, almost completely under her breath.

A moment later, one of the Club staff approaches, touching Zee's shoulder gently. "Ms. Zatara? There's a call for you from a Mr. Fox." Zatanna nods, and moves to get up.

"Sorry, gang. That's my manager -- if he's calling, I know better than to blow it off. Till next time, huh?" As Zatanna prepares to leave, she gives one last look to the table -- to Illyana and her bold outfit, to Emma and Constantine and their private contest, and to Dr. Arnold and his slightly foreboding aura. Something about him is triggering a familiar feeling. This is something to meditate on, but Zatanna is playing it cautious for now, and excusing herself from the danger zone.

Emma Frost has posed:
Zatanna has folded. That takes her out of the running.

John just pushed the limits of what he thinks the rest of those at the table will not notice. ~So many queens,~ Emma sends with amusement to what she now knows is the presence she felt upon the Astral Plane. ~I think you'll like this.~

Emma flips her cards one by one.. "I do believe the song is 'You Can Leave You Hat On'" Emma murmurs a corrections John's way. And while she'd originally intended on taking the high road, so to speak, that would have put a 6th Queen on the table - a thing John wouldn't notice, truly, as she nudged memories and vision right now to fit the hand she wants - but she would know. As would Illyana.

It was bad form. And terribly juvenile, if not crass. Instead, Emma draws cards to a low flush, ending on an 8.

"If you ask nicely, John, I bet Illyana over there might take you shopping. Find you the perfect hat. You don't plan on welching on the bet, now, do you?"

Of course Illyana can see the utter mishmash of cards Emma has - nothing close to a straight flush. Everyone else, though? Sees what Emma wants. Well, everyone but Dr. Arnold.

Shadow King has posed:
Dr. Arnold doesn't make noise either way about the five queens on the table. He waits to see what the players do and make of it all.

In theory, Illyana did win. She didn't cheat, and isn't using illusions. If the illusion holds, Emma won, she has a straight flush by all appearances. "A straight flush, hm? The river saved you," Dr. Arnold observes of what Emma shows them, with a whistle between his teeth. The 'river' being that final card, a heart. It would appear he's at least assisting or believing Emma's illusion, by his behavior.

But what will the others make of the 'extra' queen?

Magik has posed:
    As Emma reveals her hand and the cards don't match up to the winning hand, Illyana stays quiet and claps her hands in praise for the former Queen. Conniving, calculating, cold - it does not take Illyana long to understand what is going on.

    "Brava, my Queen," Illyana offers. "But it seems like we have a cheater in our midst. Would you like to tell us something, Constantine?" She turns to look at the man.

Constantine has posed:
There's a goodbye nod for Zatanna as she departs. Then there's the business with the cards, "Bugger," John says realizing his mistake too late. He takes a healthy gulp of his drink to help drown the bitter taste of embarassment and defeat, it's a familiar one, he's sad to say.

He taps the cards changing them back to whatever they were in the first place, he never did check, "Seemed a good idea at the time."

"So, guess we'll need to pick a time for my debut eh?" he asks the table. Let it not be said John was a sore loser.