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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2018/09/22 |Location=New York City |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1626, 24, 289, 1220 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1626|D...")
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Latest revision as of 05:56, 29 September 2018

Squirrel on Patrol
Date of Scene: 22 September 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Squirrel Girl, Starfire, Amarok, Stardust

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Evening! New York City! A small neighborhood within the large city. It's...pretty peaceful, actually. But patrolling along the rooftops, guarding that peace, is a sentinel of sensational superherodom: Squirrel Girl!

Who is currently sitting on top of Mrs. Broward's chimney and eating a peanut butter sandwich as she waits for a crime spree to break out. WHich wasn't likely. There was a good movie at the theater this week. Lots of people were probably on dates on Saturday night. Her bushy tail droops a bit at that and Monkey Joe, her bosom companion, scampers up onto her shoulder and pats her comfortingly.

"Least I always got you, MJ."

Starfire has posed:
One thing would draw the eye of any girl - or squirrel - or squirrel-girl. What looks like a red meteor flying... horizontally, from that odd T-shaped tower in the bay. It resolves into the relatively slow-flying form of a woman with orange skin, wearing purple - her hair looks like it's on fire and is leaving a contrail. She is looking around for trouble too, and flies right over the house you're perching on, her eyes having a faint green glow.

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green stands up on the chimney, using a hand to shadow her eyes, "Holy Brazil nuts, MJ, that's a...a...gosh, I'm not really sure what it is, but it's really pretty and definitely like superheroic and worth investigating. So...let's investigate, huh?" she says. She raises a hand and waves in greeting, a cheerful and fluffy figure on the roof.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r saw some motion as she changes course, moving to land gracefully on the rooftop. "Did you wave to me?" she asks softly. "I almost missed you - it's getting dark." She smiles softly. "I do not believe we have met. I am Koriand'r." She extends her right hand.

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green smiles and extends her own hand in return, taking Koriand'r's hand in a firm, vigorous grip, "Wow, that's a pretty name! I'm Squirrel Girl! It's nice to meet you. Yeah, I saw you flying and I was just like...I should say hi! She's a superperson like me," she says, nodding over her shoulder to her own thick and bushy tail.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r raises an eyebrow as she looks at it. She immediately reaches for the tail, wanting to run her hands through the luxurious fur. "I sometimes go by Starfire, but Koriand'r's my real name. There's not much point in a secret identity. Are you on a patrol or whatnot?"

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green giggles as her tail is brushed, "That's a little ticklish," she admits. "Yeah, I get that. I just like the name Squirrel Girl. My real name is Doreen. Nobody's going to put Doreen on a t-shirt. Well, somebody might. I wouldn't," she says.

"Yeah, basically. Just...keeping an eye on things. No crooks out ont he town tonight, at least here. Any luck on your end?"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r shakes her head. "No. The night is very slow." She ponders. "Oh, you have a pet! I have one too. I wish I would have brought the Silkie along with me, but he is not the fond of flying." She smiles softly. "Maybe I should go get him so he can meet your..." She squints at 'Monkey Joe'. "Squirrel?"

Squirrel Girl has posed:
She nods, "Squirrel, yes. This is Monkey Joe. He's an old friend of mine from back in Michigan. He came out with me when I relocated to New York," she says. "Most squirrels probably couldn't handle that, but Joe's kinda special. We've been friends a long time."

"I don't know what a Silkie is, but that sounds pretty nice. I like meeting pets!"

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles. "I will be the right back!" She then flies away, MUCH faster than she was before.

She returns in a few minutes, carring... a worm? Some kind of overgrown insect larva? She plops down where she was before, holding the... creature. "This is the Silkie!"

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green bends down a bit and takes a closer look, her head cocked, "I've never seen anything like it. That's neat. I'm guessing it's not from around here, huh?" she says. Monkey Joe looks a little dubious, hiding on Doreen's back and peeking out over her shoulder as she reaches down to pet the work.

Starfire has posed:
The Silkie gurgles happily and wiggles and drools... some kind of green fluid. "Yes, he's my little bumgorf. He's from Tamaran. My lost homeworld." She sighs. "Perhaps the only one of his kind in all the cosmos." She smiles softly. "Why is your pet nmaed Monkey when it is a Squirrel?"

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green smiles, "Because he's so mischievous. Monkeys sort of have that reputation. Or, at least, they did to me making my first animal friend as a lonely teenage mutant," she says. "I'm sorry he's the only one of his kind. THat must be lonely and hard. I'm glad you're his friend."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles. "Yeah... it's not easy. There's so few of us left. My sister ruined my whole planet. Anyway. Do you have... a team of heroes that you work with? Or are you by yourself?"

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green shakes her head, "Not on a team, no. I help out She-Hulk every now and then, because she's nice and...y'know, huge and scary so it's good to have her on your side. But I don't think a lot of the superfolks take me very seriously. Cause, y'know...squirrel."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "I would like to invite you to Titans Tower. We specialize in young heroes. What... kind of abilities do you have?" she finally asks as she starts licking the Silkie behind the 'ears', making him chitter and squirm happily.

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green grins as the Silkie responds so positively, "Well, let's see. I can talk to squirrels, obviously, and have lots of squirrel friends. I'm pretty strong and fast, way more than a regular person. I heal quick. I have this," she says, popping a little spike on the palm of her hand, "I can mess somebody up with that! And I can bite through most anything."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods as she opens her wristwatch. "Any Titans available to meet me? I have a potential new recruit. Please come to my location." She closes her watch. "Let's see who shows up. I think Amarok is available."

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green smiles, "I have no idea who that is, but sure, that'd be pretty awesome," she says. "And here I thought tonight's patrol was kind of a bust. I mean, I came across the friggin' HULK the other night, so it's hard to go back to just...shoplifters afterward. But still...stealing bad and all that."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r shrugs. "Don't tangle with the Hulk. He looks all cuddly, but he can literally throw you off of the planet." She smiles as she is just scritching the Silkie's belly. "Does Monkey Joe want to meet the Silkie?"

Amarok has posed:
A few moments after the call goes out, Amarok flips up over the side of the roof, landing with a light tap. He stands slowly, grapple gun being re-stowed as he does, and moves towards the pair, speaking in a quiet monotone only once he's just outside personal space range, "This better be important princess, I'm waiting on the second half of a drug deal..."

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green mutters something to Monkey Joe. It just sounds like chittering to them, but the squirrel, complete with his little aviator cap and small jacket that matches Doreen's, comes around slowly and gives the Silkie a wary stare.

"He's being a little scaredy cat. I think he's worried because he ate a couple of worms when he was a baby and they might hold a grudge."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r waves to Amarok. "Greetings, freind Amarok," she states. "I am meeting Squirrel Girl. And her pet Monkey Joke. The pets are making the friends... I hope." She smiles. "Tell Joe that Silkie is from another world. He doesn't have any ill will toward anyone."

Amarok has posed:
Amarok monotones out, "Ah, so lie to him, good plan." Just because it lacks any tonality doesn't mean it cant be snarky! Amarok turns his LED gaze on Squirrel Girl, staring her down for a few awkward moments before his monotone crackles back through the mask's speaker, "I think I heard about you on the news last night. You helped stop a bank robbery in Gotham....My thanks." He says as he holds out his hand for a shake.

Stardust has posed:
Kori's communicator buzzes with a response from Stardust, a hasty "Be right there." She has barely been around since the Fungus Showdown, so that may be slightly surprising, but sure enough just moments later, the pale white-gray, mildly glowing figure of Stardust streaks through the sky to join the meeting on the rooftop. She greets Amarok and Kori with a nod as she descends, not lightly, then peers curiously at Doreen.

    "Either you have a tail, or your ass is being attacked by a hairy snake. I hope it's a tail. Hi, I'm Stardust. You must be Captain Tail. Or possibly Captain Being-Bitten-On-The-Ass-By-A-Hairy-Snake." She too puts her hand out for a shake. "Pleased to meet ya."

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green takes the offered hand, "I did. Well, a little bit. Mostly I just helped a little bit. She-Hulk did the heavy lifting. She usually does!" she says.

"And I would never lie to Monkey Joe. We have a bond built on trust and a mutual enjoyment of roasted in-shell nuts."

Stardust's arrival gets a laugh and an offering of a hand as well, "It's a tail. Squirrel Girl! Nice to meet you."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r smiles. "Two of them arrived. As you can see, we are a strange group. They were the first ones to make contact with me when I arrived on this world. Though I am an alien, I have never been made unwelcome."

Amarok has posed:
Amarok grips the hand and gives it a single firm shake, "You did more than most, and that's all that matters." He continues in his monotone before hastily retracting his hand. Stardust's arrival is met with a horrible burst of static from Amarok's helmet in what can be assumed to be a grunt. He backs a few steps away to stand closer to the roof edge he arrived from, and continues his snark at Kori, "Despite my best efforts." .....What lovely camaraderie....Jerk.

Stardust has posed:
"Squirrel girl?" Stardust's mask exposes plenty enough to see her eyebrow raising. "Did you fall into a vat of radioactive squirrels or something? Are you a girl who's part squirrel, or a squirrel who's part girl? Do you specialize in nut-related crimes, or more general purpose?" She peers over Doreen's shoulder at Monkey Joe, studying his outfit with care. "And you have your very own miniature pilot. I assume that's what he is. Do you own a plane for him to fly? We have one or two in the hanger. I don't know what the rest of the Titans think, but personally I'm up for riding in a plane flown by a squirrel any day of the week. Robin may complain, but he's often not around."

    Some people might take that as hazing the potential recruit, but no. That's just how Stardust speaks.

    Also, she's totally serious about the plane thing.

"Word of warning: if you don't like pizza, we may not be the team for you," Stardust confides. "Also, final word on recruitment rest on our glorious leader. He's a Robin, with all that that entails. But don't worry, he's a puppy really. If he stabs you through the heart, it's just affection."

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green doesn't seem at all offended by Stardust's speculation. She just shrugs, "I'm just me. I don't know, I was born this way. Mom and Dad said I was a mutant, but a doctor friend of theirs said that wasn't technically true and then he tried to explain it and I fell asleep because I don't really care. I'm glad to be me. I'm lucky," she says.

"And who doesn't like pizza? I do tend to favor the vegetarian tip, just because I've gotten a little friendly with the animal kingdom and it feels a little weird. I mean, it shouldn't, goodness knows they wouldn't care in our shoes," she grins.

To Amorak, she nods, "It was pretty exciting. Bank robberies are neat...in a totally bad way that I don't approve of, naturally."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods slowly. Oh - one more thing. If you see a pizza box in the Tower with a purple star on the lid - you probably don't want to eat it." She giggles, and glances over at her two friends. They have probably both met the gastrointestional horror of Starfire Pizza. "I do like most of the same pizzas as humans... but I have very specific tastes at times. Just ask anyone who knows me."

Amarok has posed:
Amarok once more pipes in, "Dont be surprised to see Starfire drinking mustard......I dont get it, but she seems to enjoy it." He pauses and then focuses his gaze on Squirrel Girl, ".....Just stay away from my mushrooms, and we'll be fine." Either someone needs to sweep the Tower before the cops next come by, or that explains where all the mushroom pizza keeps disappearing to.

Stardust has posed:
"Translation: she slathers her pizzas in mustard," Stardust clarifies. "Just like everything else. It's actually not as bad as everyone makes out. I've nibbled the odd slice when nobody's looking. Apparently Starfire's taste buds have sweet and bitter crossed over or something." She glances speculatively at Kori. "I've heard there's a kind of berry that hyper-sensitizes the taste buds to sweetness. Like you eat some berries, and for the next fifteen minutes, lemons taste like a really sweet orange. I've been planning to slip her a few some time, just to see if she explodes."

    Next, Stardust turns her attention to Amarok. "Moon Moon. There is no shortage of mushrooms, believe me on this. I had to travel half way across the galaxy to ensure there was anything left on the planet /apart/ from mushrooms. We have cannisters of mushroom samples in the safe room. There's one just outside Mexico City that's larger than the tower. There is no need to hog the mushrooms."

    As she speaks, Stardust's eyes are locked on Monkey Joe. She seems fascinated. "Does he have an FAA license?"

Squirrel Girl has posed:
Doreen Green grins, "No purple star pizza. Try to remember it. And that's okay, I'm more of a peppers and onions girl myself. And maybe occasionally sausage, if I'm feeling meaty."

At the mustard, she just raises her hands, "I'm in no position to judge. You do you, I do me, we all get along just fine!"

To Stardust she smiles, "No, I just thought it looked cute on him. I wore one for a while, cause I had like this Amelia Earhart thing when I was thirteen and in my spunky tomboy history hero phase so I was all 'yeah, she's kinda like me', but my big butt doesn't fit very well in cockpits with the tail and everything."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods. "Yes, and I've been thinking of dripping Bitrex in your drink sometime. You know, the most bitter substance known. I actually have a bottle of it. It's bliss." She sighs softly. "Expensive. But worth it." She grins. Bitrex is the chemical that is used to make toxic substances bitter so people won't ingest it - that is put on children's fingernaisl so they won't chew it, and what makes Nintendo Switch carts horrible-tasting. She stares at Stardust. "If you want to go to war, I'll go." Her eyes narrow at her colleague.

Amarok has posed:
Amarok also focuses on Monkey Joe, "......I wont lie. Few things would make me happier than seeing your squirrel flying a tiny plane." Somehow, that being said in a robotic monotone makes such an innocent statement rather creepy. He keeps staring for a moment before tilting his head towards Colette, "I dont like those mushrooms. They taste like teriyaki sauce without any diluter." And then goes right back to focusing on the adorable squirrel......Not the girl, the squirrel on her shoulder.