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Latest revision as of 06:09, 29 September 2018

Watching the watcher
Date of Scene: 24 September 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: The identity of Harry's 'stalker' is found out.. what does Thomas Raith want..
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Thomas Raith, Molly Carpenter

Harry Dresden has posed:
     Harry Dresden lets Toots follow Thomas Raith around for several days using the faeries that work for the pizza he buys, the private investigator waits til he thinks it's the right time, so here he is five in the morning in downtown Bludhaven waiting at the local branch of the bank that Thomas has used three out of the last four nights to make his night deposit, having been here for about half an hour having had a Taxi drop him off a few blocks away. Hiding under a veil not nearly as good as what Molly can make but keeping him hidden as long as he doens't move too much he leans against a light pole in the abandoned parking lot it's bulb having burnt out about ten minutes ago while he stakes out the nighttime deposit box..

Thomas Raith has posed:
As promised, Thomas pulls up to the bank right on time. Toot had said that "His car isn't as nice as your's Harry. I mean it's all one color!" It's a late model Porsche 911, snow white. The thing looks like it could get a speeding ticket while parked. He whistles calmly to himself as he heads to the Night Drop, not an apparent care in the world.

Harry Dresden has posed:
     "That's my queue." Harry says as he lets his veil drop and calmly starts walking towards the Porsche Staff in his right hand, his left hand palming his pistol in his left duster pocket, he just calmly stands off to the side of the deposit lane leaning against a concrete pillar that will stop any attempts to run him over as he waits for Thomas to notice him. Which shouldn't take too terribly long seeing as how the on board navigator/sattellite radio already is starting to fritz out the top end electronics absolutely loving his magical presence... not..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith thumps the consoul once, twice then looks up and smiles broadly. "Why Harry! How great to see you again, it's been too long." He says getting out of the car. "I hope you're not here to rob me. You should know that'd be considered bank robbery since we are technically on their property..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Harry was acting odd. He wouldn't tell her exactly what he was up to... Which meant he was doing something that he felt might be potentially too dangerous for her to be invovled in. All the more reason to follow him now. HER veil was without flaw, and she stands leaning against a building watching the little hazy flicker of Harry's, and the approach of the Porche while sipping at a cup of hot chocolate to ward off the chill of the September night air. No sound, no sight, no hint of her... Except maybe a little tempting waft of her hot chocolate drifting in the wind. That could come from anywhere though. Hm. Harry Dresden and Thomas Raith. Interesting.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"At most it would be robbery of you, ATM's are bank property and folks aren't hit with bank robbery in those cases either. But no, that's not why I'm here." he says simply "I'd like to know why you're prying into my life. I felt we had an accord after Bianca's." he says simply his voice confident with a hint of annoyance.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith ahhs slightly, nodding in apparent understanding, then gestures with his deposit bag toward the night slot, indicating his desire to. "It was never my intention for you to feel invaded upon Harry. I hired Hank Dimes because, despite his excentricities, he has a well deserved reputation for discression. I do appologize for any...inconveniance he caused."

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter lurks. She lurks with the best of them. Though she does stride closer to the Porche as Thomas departs it to peer inside for any sign of weapons. Surely there might be some in spite of his own natural defenses of strength, speed, and just general vampiric catnip oomph. There's a little fritzing of the radio if it was left on, but that could just been seen as Harry's lingering presence as well, she hopes.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Having someone follow you around, putting together a dossier /is/ an invasion Raith.. Again, I'd like to know why you're sniffing around Me and my partner. If you've got any sort of plan to try and pull anything involving her or I, I promise you won't survive the attempt." he adds clenching his teeth the runes of his staff very very very lightly smoking with the scent of burning wood and sulfur though he sigils remain dark..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith blinks slightly and then he begins to chuckle, a chuckle that turns into a genuine laugh. A laugh tha brings a genuine tear to the White Court Vampires eye. "Harry, Harry.. Honestly, I promise you I have no interest in your little apprentice. In fact I'm rather impressed with you. You definately swung for the fences with that one." He moves to step past the wizard to make his bank deposit. "We've crossed paths Dresden. More then once in fact. Forgive me for being curious about someone willing to risk a war with an entire Vampire nation over a woman."

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Oh, that's a pretty knife. And one likely used before numerous times... Such an interesting artifact that Molly snatches up when she leans into the Porche. It vanishes into the confines of her veil as she steps back again leaving the rest of the car untouched. Though her head tips at the conversation and amusement from Thomas. What did he mean by that? Tucking her tongue into the corner of her lips she considers... and takes a breath.

Before Harry can speak, 'Harry' asks, "What do you mean, swung for the fences?" It was amazing how much it sounds like Harry. Even in his direction. Yet Harry would know... that wasn't him.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden's magic flares as he expands his magical senses looking for who ever it was pulling the ventriloquism act, his staff bursting into a sullen orange light as several more of the lights in the parking lot burn out the porche's radio if it was still on switching to GPS.. 'At the next intersection rise up to thirteen-thousand feet and head right' "Who's there?" he calls out eyes narrowing as he looks around starting to gather magic into himself for some evocation magic..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith's eyebrow raises as Harry speaks and he does two things of significance... The first, seemingly from nowhere he pulls out an old fashioned cavelry saber, the edge on the blade glimmering in the artificial light. The second thing to note, and would likely be of interest to someone observant enough to notice, he completely turns his back on Harry. It's something no predator would, or should do, turn your back on a threat...and yet Thomas has the utmost confidence that the Wizard would not shoot him in the back. "Well," Thomas says in a tone that is almost conversational, "I'd say its religious.. Angel face, breasts that were designed by God on a good day, legs that go all the way to heaven and a figure that will make a Saint stand up and take notice.

Molly Carpenter has posed:
"Certainly not your Faerie God Mother. Relax, Harry," comes Molly's voice from... around. Mostly around. "Did you really think I'd let you come out here alone? You men are so stubborn." With an audible sigh, Molly appears with arms crossed not too far from Harry. The length of her blonde dyed purple and blue hair had grown out a bit since she'd last touched up the color, and currently it was swept back over one shoulder to drape over the other. A blue and white checkered long-sleeve shirt is worn, along with a pair of skin tight jeans that lifted in ALL the right areas... and a pair of beaten up Burkenstock sandals that just kind of ruined the casual sexy look she had going on otherwise.

Lightly she clears her throat with eyebrows raising at Thomas' response. "Uh, Thanks?" God was she blushing? She was blushing.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Molly.." he says with a bit of an exasperated sigh both of relief and annoyance.. "I'd have rather you stayed hidden incase he had backup, spring up on them out of the shadows like The Grey Ghost." he says simply moving til he's standing next to Molly and slightly infront of her. "Mister Raith.. " he says simply his focus back on the vampire, his reaction not really registering to Harry at this time.. "You have your measure of me, don't test how accurate it is." he says simply looking back to Molly "LEts go, you park your bike near by? I took a Taxi.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
"Before you go Harry, there is another file you might consider looking at." He says calmly, heading back to his car. The saber vanishes to wherever he pulled it from and he leans over the door of the car and opens the glove box. "YOu wanna know why I hired Hank Dimes to check you out? Because I needed to be sure you were the type of man I need to help me save a damsel in distress. And she doesn't even know she is distressed yet.

Molly Carpenter has posed:
"Uhoh. He's singing your song, Harry," Molly states with a little sigh of exasperation. Was it due to him stepping in her way or... It was hard to tell. "A few blocks back," she explains in reference to where she parked her bike. "You want to stay and listen to this?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden just closes his eyes for a moment as he faces Molly, bringing his free hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose.. "Stars and stones." he says under his breath as he turns around to look at Thomas. "Who, what kind of trouble, and why Me?" he asks just watching Thomas with a wary look.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith hands the file over to HArry but rather then answer his question asks casually, "Is there a more...descreet place we can have this conversation... you know one that isn't in front of a main street bank?" he asks amusement in his voice and honest concern in his eyes.

Molly Carpenter has posed:
"I can make sure no one sees or hears," Molly offers to the pair with a bemused look flashed to Harry. "Otherwise I'd suggest Mac's. His place should still be open at this hour. That, or Donut Hut which I do not recommend, Harry, you will be up all night with a sugar high." More seriously she looks over to Thomas frowning at the tall vampire. "I don't trust you a hundred percent, but if you need help for someone... We'll listen."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden frowns at Molly "I'm not Karrin's partner Molls, the donut place would survive me.." he says taking the file and just stuffing it in one of his duster pockets by slightly arching the paperwork. "You know where our office is?" he asks Thomas. "Meet there in an hour?" he suggests not knowing quite how bad Bludhaven traffic may or may not be at this early hour..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly and steps away from the wizard and walks back to the car, "Can I offer you a lift back to your bike then Ms. CArpenter? I promise to be on my /very/ best behavior." only he doesn't ask where Molly is standing but rather asks the spot just to the right of the ATM.

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter glances to the side. Then to the other side. She suddenly looks very awkward, and perhaps just a hint uncomfortable. The Molly standing beside Harry clears her throat lightly. "I guess I need to work on hiding better from White Court," she mumbles with a soft, "Sorry," whispered to Harry before she just... poofs.

Standing to the right of the ATM, stolen Kukiri in hand by her side, Molly appears again. The real Molly this time. Her gaze skirts past him toward Harry to give a helpless shrug. Hey, she was still planning on keeping her location secret and offering backup. "I think I may pass on that ride, but thank you."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"We'll meet you there if you beat us to the office." Harry says just giving Molly a bit of a raised eyebrow though amusement shows in his eyes. "Care to be my ride Molly?" he asks politely "It'll be hell to find a pay phone to call for a taxi this time of night in this part of town." he says with a grimace..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks and holds out his hand to Molly for the return of his kukri before smirking and getting into his car, "Oh I won't beat you there. If you think I am going to miss the sight of you riding bitch on that bike, you are crazy." he says with barely contained laughter..

Molly Carpenter has posed:
Molly Carpenter swings the knife out toward Thomas to offer it back. So much for trying to disarm him--he clearly had a secondary weapon. "Interesting blades," she offers simply before grinning at Harry. "Sure. Follow me," she states giving a little circular spin of her finger in the air to indicate 'come on'.