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Black Sky: Taking Care of Business
Date of Scene: 25 September 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Elektra goes to outside sources to ensure that her Estate will be dispersed according to certain instructions upon the event of her eventual demise.
Cast of Characters: Elektra, She-Hulk
Tinyplot: Black Sky

Elektra has posed:
Elektra knew that things were winding down, and as she was putting the pieces of her soon to be departed life in order, there were a few final things that needed tending to: namely, her fortune and the companies under her control. However, there were some attendant problems with merely going to her usual staff of lawyers to set her house in order, so to speak: namely, even though her two lives were kept separate, she couldn't be certain that tales wouldn't make it back to the Hand, and in particular, Madame Gao.

In short, Elektra needed to find herself a lawyer who wouldn't, and couldn't be connected to Elektra Natchios, and could make what she needed to happen... happen.

Really, it was just chance that things fell into place. An attack. Word on the street of places that were damaged. A certain lawyer whose office would be relocated for the interim.. Elektra was quick to jump on that.

So it was that she found herself at the rented office of one Jennifer Walters, looking to have an appointment.

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk swivels her chair around as soon as she hears Elektra entering her rented office. She is green as always but is wearing a business suit, "Sooo I understand that you have an estate to clear up? Not my usual niche' but it doesn't sound too complicated going by what you said on the phone earlier. So is it spring cleaning? Dying relative? The bank your mortgage was taken out with being stingy?" She-Hulk often takes people aback by her mannerisms but she's known to be good at what she does despite her sometimes eccentric demeanor.

Elektra has posed:
Elektra, for her part, is dressed elegantly. Even in heels, she displays a certain lithe grace that speaks to training of some sort. Dancing, perhaps? That's the usual culprit (even if that's not the actual case when it comes to Elektra).

There's a soft laugh from the woman. "No, nothing so nefarious. When it comes to my estate, things are in no danger of falling apart. I merely wish to make certain my affairs are in order."

Her smile is something wry and apologetic, without cause, "I intend upon taking a journey, and it occurs to me that it would make most sense to assure that my affairs are in order before I leave. And, I'm sure that you can understand why a person in my position might wish to be circumspect about such matters. What with rumours tanking companies on the Stock Exchange for less than one CEO realizing she hasn't actually declared an heir."

One would chalk it up to the immortality that all youth believe they have, even if ultimately, her Estate would be cared for. Though there is a certain difference between cared for, and designating an heir.

"I know you handle delicate matters." Referring, of course, to the circumsepct care of Mutant and other such affairs. "I am in need of just such delicate handling."

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk nods, "Oh! Well I can definitely help you with that! I won't ask what journey you are referring to, it sounds like a long one, and it's always comforting to have the peace of mind to know that your property isn't being torn apart by greedy city officials and the like. Everyone knows how vultures circle over even a weary straggler if they think its' going to pass am I right?"

She isn't entirely sure that Elektra is hinting at her death or a trip to another part of the galaxy but her tendency to speak her mind MAY have been a tad too bold, "Right.. so tell me how I can give you that peace of mind.." She-Hulk is ready to listen!

Elektra has posed:
There is another of those soft laughs from the woman. It would seem that she's ever so slightly amused in her choice of lawyer.

"Something like that," she murmurs of the matter of peace of mind, and the possibility of it being a long trip.

"What I need from you is rather simple, with a small caveat. In short, I need a will drawn up, seeing to the dispersal of my estate, with the caveat that I have a specific date of filing in mind. I need there to be no record of this matter until that date."

Again with the apologetic smile.

"You must understand, the vultures, as you politely put it, would pounce if word were to get out, and I'm trying to make certain that certain third parties aren't taken advantage of before everything is set into its rightful place."

"Do you think this might be something that you can handle?"

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk nods, "You mean a deadman's switch? With a lag detonation?" Figuratively speaking of course, or is it? She-Hulk opens her laptop, "Definitely! Let's start with the opening salutation, doesn't have to be fancy, but it should definitely sound like 'you.' You wouldn't believe how many charlatans try to use the wording of a document to question its' authenticity."

Elektra has posed:
Elektra gives a small shrug. She's not unfamiliar with the workings and wranglings of lawyers - she employs enough of them, to do exactly what Jennifer is speaking of.. though to much different ends, and always in her favour. However, this is quite different.

"To begin with, I have a charitable foundation that I wish to ensure carries on. It is governed by its own Board, and does have it's own finances, but I wish to set aside a certain amount of monies otherwise to ensure that it's future will never be in danger."

In short, she's bequeathing funds to the Foundation.

"I also wish to have monies set aside for another organization that I believe in, that need to be dispersed annonymously. The sum will be significant, and it must be untraceable. To that end, I wish bonds drawn up with a certain portion of the money, and presented to the recipient, and the rest of the monies put into an account that the organization may draw upon, but which will revert back to my charitable Foundation should the other ever collapse."

Elektra pauses to ascertain that Jennifer follows and is able to make those requests happen.

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk repeats it all back to Elektra as she types it up, "Everything sounds good so far and I'll certainly let you be the judge of the rough draft and the final draft. Definitely want to make sure there's nothing that looks like a loophole right?"

Elektra has posed:
Elektra listens politely as her requests are read back to her. Everything she hears seems to line up precisely with what she's asked for, all of which leaves her nodding.

"Nice. Very good. I'll leave the tightening of any loopholes to you, but it sounds like you've got my instructions down."

Which leaves the larger matter: her companies, and the remainder of her personal Estate.

"I have here," And here, Elektra provides documentation for the companies under her control, plus all pertinant bank information, and deads, etc, for her Estate, "The paperwork there covers all the documentation you'll need. You'll see that there are a number of both named and numbered companies. I wish those to remain intact. I'm happy with the current running of them, and while I do understand future fluctuating needs, I wish a third party to assume my position on the Boards and to retain controlling interest in them. To whit, the proceeds and profits will be divied up as per my instructions, but I do not wish the companies to be sold off or collapsed on a whim. There are many who depend upon them, and I'd hate to see those people come to grief all in the name of corporate greed. I have instructions for advisors to be retained for that third party, their salaries to come out of the profits of the companies in question outright."

"As for my properties, and monies, those I am willing outright to the same third party." At which point, Jennifer will see that Matt Murdock is the named third party. "Any questions?"

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk continues typing as Elektra begins to specify how everything should be divided and settled. She does notice Murdock listed but doesn't say anything, discretion and all, "I think everything sounds pretty straightforward. Honestly I am glad to have a break from all the city drama I deal with on a daily basis. I mean you know about the whole Rhino thing but.. I am talking about lawyer stuff."

Elektra has posed:
Elektra gives a nod of understanding. "Oh, I can only imagine. And, of course, there will be a healthy stipend for yourself and your endeavours. I do appreciate the discretion with which I am asking you to undertake these matters, and do wish to see you fairly compensated for your care."

She makes certain that what Jennifer has transcribed so far complies with her wishes, and only adds the date with which she wishes things to be filed.

"I will be certain to come to your office that day, and sign the papers needed that you might file them. I trust you will keep things as off the records as possible until then. You will have access to what you need to purchase the bonds in question. And all that will remain will be some personal documents to add to the bequeathing should anything untoward happen to myself.

She says it with complete and utter sincerity, as though it were merely a circumstance she was preparing against in the most dire of circumstances, not one she's already planned for, and expects to happen. An eventuality that has an actual date.

"Other than that, there will merely be a few matters to deal with annoyances like funeral arrangements should such be necessary. Trifles, really. How much of a retainer do you need at this time?"

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk nods and continues typing, "Well well you certainly know how to make a lawyer feel appreciated!" She finishes typing as the question regarding the retainer amount is give, seemingly unphased by the talk of funeral arrangements and 'untoward circumstances', and then finally gives a fair amount, "Let's just go with a hundred dollars cash as retainer. I know you can pay the bills honey and all I'm worried about tonight is dinner after work and don't feel like swiping plastic this time."

Elektra has posed:
Elektra pulls a chequebook out of her clutch, and writes a sum that's considerably more than 100 dollars.

"Treat yourself nicely tonight. Consider it my gift to you."

And with that, the woman puts her things away, and stands.

"If there's nothing more?"

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk raises a brow at the check, "Well you REALLY know how to make a girl smile! I'll make sure you get a gold star on my favorite clients list wall.. it was back in my real office but I won't forget. And believe me, these records won't see the light of day until you want them to. Documents are way more patient than people and don't get claustrophobic."

She-Hulk saves everything and closes her laptop, "That about does it actually. I like to make sure clients don't have to spend hours and hours in this stuffy room.. and the other stuffy room. Believe me some of my colleages love to hear themselves talk.."

Elektra has posed:
Elektra extends her hand to Jennifer, closing the deal, so to speak.

"It has been a distinct pleasure. Thank-you for making this as painless as possible. I'd hoped to avoid the stuffy office."

She smiles and inclines her head.

"I'll be certain to spread the good word in the right circles, of your services."

She-Hulk has posed:
She-Hulk takes Elektra's offered hand, "Any time! And if you ever have to see another lawyer, I'll make sure to tell them that you're used to fast and painless service. I'm not kidding about those guys.. their touch and go rates aren't listed publicly."

Elektra has posed:
"Much appreciated, thank-you."

And with that handshake, and those parting words, Elektra sees herself out, and leaves the matter of lawyering to the lawyer. There are other things Elektra needs to set in motion. This was only one of them.