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How not to make friends and influence people.
Date of Scene: 03 October 2018
Location: Barbara Gordon's Apartment - Gotham City
Synopsis: June and Power Girl meet each other again in Babs apartment, Babs and Shadow try to keep things civil.
Cast of Characters: June Connor, Power Girl, Oracle, Shadow

June Connor has posed:
    It has to be here somewhere. June pulls the drawer out of the dresser, dropping it on the floor in frustration. Another drawer follows, unceremoniously plopping onto the floor. "Stupid bitch," she mutters, "Can't you do anything for fucks sake?" She tosses the clothing out of the drawers, looking through the rock t-shirts and shredded jeans contained within. She wears a pair of black jeans and a plain white T-shirt. Her hair has been buzzed short, perhaps a couple of weeks ago, and so instead of the fire engine red, it's now a more natural brown color.
     She goes to the bed, pulling up the mattress in the second bedroom of Babs' apartment, then drops it again. The room looks like a war zone that's been ransacked, and she stops, putting her hands on her hips, chewing on her tongue ring with annoyance, her eyes darting back and forth in thought.

Power Girl has posed:
    There arose, at that point, something of a noise from the general living area. As if a harsh wind had blown in from some side of the apartment, though which side is irrelevant as the windows are never- or if ever, very rarely- open. Such is the case now, and the major question of how, exactly, the living room sprouted a six-foot blonde in a half-cape is one left to mystery.

    That might be unsettling, admittedly, as Power Girl moves through the apartment for a few steps- and a few moments of silence- before she says anything. It's almost a half-minute before she actually -announces- her presence, somewhat assuming Barbara to have just known she was there.

    "Babs, I brought over some gadgets. I assume that everyone knows how to wear a wristwatch, right? Figure once everyone gets ahold of them, they'll think they're pretty neat."

June Connor has posed:
    June hears the gust, which blows her door open a little wider. She knits her brow, and then grabs her ninjato, stepping out onto the loft. She spots the cape wearing blonde down below, and her eyes go wide. She doesn't say anything, she just stares down. She had grown a little more accustomed to visitors showing up at Babs' place, but most of them were not kryptonians. Particularly kryptonians that June has had previous unpleasant interactions with. She doesn't speak, an unhappy, and uncertain looking curl coming to one side of her mouth, as if she isn't really sure what to do with the sight below her.

Power Girl has posed:
    The trouble sensors start to ping. Power Girl stands in the open area of the apartment for a few moments in silence, before she heads to a nearby countertop and sets some small parcel down onto it. There is, then, a small sigh.

    At first, she'd thought it was Babs just being occupied with something. Then, the noises started filtering in. Sound so minuscule that any other lifeform in the galaxy would not have noticed it. The beating of a heart, the almost deafening sound of even the most well-trained footsteps.

    To Power Girl, it's like a symphony playing the sound of a living being- one that she has figured probably isn't supposed to be here. After all, Babs would have said something.

    "I can hear you storming around up there. If you start running now, it'll take me more than half a second to catch you, which is a good record all things considered."

June Connor has posed:
    "The fuck are you doin' here?" June says, not even bothering to hide as she looks down from the loft, making her location easy to pinpoint. She lets the ninjato hang from her left hand loosely. Now that she knows who it is, there isn't much point in pretending she could defend herself. "Babs ain't here."

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl seemed almost nonchalant in the way she dismissed June as a non-threat, though admittedly... This isn't Metropolis. Chances are, nobody here is -really- a threat. Eventually, though, she does actually turn around, placing her hands on her hips and looking up at the woman on the second floor.

    Seconds to a Kryptonian can seem at once the length of a second, or an eternity, at their whim- and for a moment, Power Girl lets her perception of a second pull like taffy, the world around her freezing. It's in this moment that she looks into the room June had come from- through the wall and June herself no less- and it doesn't exactly take a Bat-relative to figure out that June is, at least, squatting here.

    "I'm here visiting a friend. What story are you selling her that she's letting you stick around?"

June Connor has posed:
    June frowns. "Oh, you know, the kind that a self-righteous bitch like yourself would see right through," June answers sarcastically. "I already said she ain't here, so guess you don't have anything to do here then," she comments. She's short in her response, and just stands like a statue, defiantly looking down her nose from the railing. By happenstance, she actually doesn't have any weapons tucked away her at the moment, only holding the ninjato she exited with. Not that she could do much with them even if she had them.

Oracle has posed:
    About that time there is a sound from the elevator, and a few moments later the doors slide open. In walks Barbara, backpack over her shoulder and cradling a bag of groceries in her arms. "Hello there, Power Girl. I see you've met June. Everyone getting acquainted?" She walks right in, setting the bag on the counter and letting the backpack slide casually to the floor.

Power Girl has posed:
    There's a momentary pause as Power Girl stares up at June. "Exactly the kind. It's good that you understand." she notes, offering a verbal suplex of sorts for June's sarcastic comment. Shortly after that, however, the elevator door opens.

    "Yeah, we were getting to know each other. Chatting, really. Trying to work out when to schedule your ambush-by-ninjas. You knew about that, right? The horde of ninjas that she has trying to kill her boyfriend?" There is pointing, and arm-folding, and condescension. So much condescension.

Shadow has posed:
    "We've met them," comes a sudden response as the shadows in the far corner of the room seem to shift and move before a tall humanoid figure in black cloak and hat steps out of them like a painting suddenly gaining a third dimension. "They've since upgraded to attempting to kill her, directly. She no longer serves them."

June Connor has posed:
    June's gaze shifts as Babs, and then the Shadow, enter. Shadows defense of her she seems to be enough in her view, and a justified, and smug return...not really grin, look of satisfaction, crosses her face. She doesn't say anything to add to the conversation, but instead just locks gaze on Power Girl with her own glare of condescension. She's higher up, so it helps.

Power Girl has posed:
    "Sure," she begins, "Now that the heat is on -her- back, she's looking for help." Her arms fold, again, which isn't really fair to anyone in the room for various reasons- but it highlights how stubborn she's being. As well as how right she is pretty sure she is. Her attention turns to Babs.

    "It took everything falling apart and them almost killing her boyfriend for her to ask anyone else to intervene. Does that -remind- you of anybody, from whom you -still- wouldn't tolerate it?" she asks, her gaze sort of sticking to Barbara, for a moment or two.

Oracle has posed:
    Barbara is pretty nonchalant, all things considered. She begins putting groceries away while she talks. The Shadow gets a nod as well as a small smile. "Oh, she still didn't really ask. We sort of had to bail her out. At some point we may put more serious pressure on the Foot, but we honestly have bigger fish to fry first." the redhead offers. "I hope everyone likes Italian, because I invested heavily into pasta today. And about seven different kinds of cheese."

Shadow has posed:
    "Lovely as that sounds, I'm afraid I can't stay," the Shadow replies, walking over to the table to deposit a USB key. "It seems the Bat has decreed I'm not welcome in Gotham. Therefore I'll have to rely on you to follow this up -- a drug smuggling ring has moved their operations from New York to here."

    With that, the figure touches a gloved finger to their hat in a half-salute towards Power Girl. "Good day to you, as well..."

June Connor has posed:
    "Who cares what that asshole says?" June responds to Natasha. "Batman doesn't rule this city." Well, he might, but June's not going to admit it. "And you're gonna give a 'good day' to someone who just flew in with a chip on her shoulder like that? And invite her to dinner?" She adds, looking at Babs. "Y'all are pussies, just cuz she's an invincible alien you play nice even if she's trashin' your teammate. I see how it is."

Power Girl has posed:
    Power Girl almost laughs. "That figures." she states, seemingly amused that they had to bail the girl out. The Shadow, though, that gets her goat. "You mean you don't know?" she offers, shaking her head. "-Nobody's- welcome in Gotham. Telling the Bat to -deal- with it is just step one."

    Running her gloved hands down her face, she turns her attention to Barbara. "I didn't really come here for dinner. I came here to deliver the watches. You can hand them out however you like, just make sure they go to the ones who'll need them." Power Girl hooks a thumb over her shoulder at June. "So give her three of them."

    There's a sigh, then. Of resignation. "Listen, I'm not going to keep doing this in her apartment. Not even for Italian."

Oracle has posed:
    A can of tomato sauce lands rather heavily on the counter, and Barbara's green eyes are narrowed. The redhead pauses long enough to ensure she has everyone's attention, then she speaks. "A couple of things, first. Power Girl AND Shadow, you are always welcome here. Batman does not control my houseguests. We'll talk about his 'work restrictions' some other time."

    Babs rounds on June next, pointing the can like it was a weapon. "And no matter what anyone here thinks, if it wasn't for Batman *I* wouldn't be where I am today. Which means, June, that you'd be in newly-set concrete holding up a goal post in some high school stadium. Batman and I don't always agree, especially when it comes to methods. But I do respect the work that he's doing."

    "And third, what was this about watches, Power Girl? If they're what I THINK they are, then thank you very much."

    Babs puts down the lethal can. Slowly.

     "Okay, who wants to open a bottle of wine while I get the pasta going?"

Shadow has posed:
    Blue eyes narrow under the brim of the Shadow's hat. "It's less a matter of who does or doesn't 'rule' this city, and more one of choosing which battles are worth fighting. As it stands, this one is not. Not yet," The Shadow explains to June before inclining their head towards Power Girl.

    "As for Power Girl... I believe she and Miss Gordon have been well acquainted quite a while already -- and courtesy is never unwise; it is only appropriate for your allies, and may confuse your enemies. You would do well to try it sometime."

    With that and another nod for Barbara, the Shadow turns to leave, losing depth as they go until only their shadow still moves along the wall into the lift, which starts descending apparently on its own accord...

June Connor has posed:
    "Fuck courtesy," June answers in a bite of a response. "First words outta her mouth to me ever were accusing me of murder, and she hasn't stopped since. I get it Babs, you like him, he's your mentor and whatever, that's cool, I'll back off that. I ain't never met him in person, so...but Miss Spandex? I thought you had bad choice of friends when you let /me/ crash here. But hell, I could use a drink, so sure." She rubs her hand across her short hair, as if expecting to run it through the locks of red that used to be there, and rounds the railing and starts down the stairs.

Power Girl has posed:
    "They're what you think they are. You know I won't go sneaking into a foreign compound that I could just as easily throw into the sun. There's only one button, if you think you need it, you probably do." she notes, her attention turning to June. "I said I wasn't going to do this in her apartment. We're done." she states, making her way towards one of the windows. Before long, she won't just be gone- she'll be in New York. She has the courtesy not to split the sound barrier inside, though. For now she's actually just walking.

Oracle has posed:
    Babs is accustomed to the Shadow's comings and goings, but she gives a finger-wave to the departing figure all the same. The redhead lets out a slow sigh. Who said bringing together a group of strong-minded, independent women would be easy?

    Mental note: Have June spend some time with Alfred learning manners.

    "Thank you for stopping by, Power Girl. And thanks very much for the watches." Now that their use is apparent, especially. She won't repeat the offer for dinner, since that door is pretty much closed. "June, find a bottle of merlot in the wine rack and open if, if you would." Barbara moves into the kitchen to get dinner going, then.

    "But don't eat too much. After dinner we're going to do some sparring."