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Latest revision as of 07:33, 16 October 2018

Tourney/Black Sky: An Old Master
Date of Scene: 10 October 2018
Location: Kairos Island
Synopsis: Richard Dragon and Elektra share some quiet moments together, wherein they discuss the future.
Cast of Characters: Dragon, Elektra
Tinyplot: Tourney
Tinyplot2: Black Sky

Dragon has posed:
It was late in the evening. Delightfully set lamps now light the paths and the arenas, as well as all the pathways in-between. It's quiet, most if not all of the competitors have retired for the night, even those who happen to be spectating.

Except for one Dragon.

Richard appears to be alone in a training ring, performing some Tai-Chi...if it was the most legendary tai-chi anyone had known to date. He moved slow, before he strikes at air, those who happened to be in the direction of his strikes might feel a good breeze from the Chi he's releasing. Then it's back to slow...like a wave.

He appears to be all by himself.

But certainly, who'd say no to company?

Elektra has posed:
Elektra comes upon her old Master (one of them) and watches for a time, before entering into a corner of the ring, and joining him in the slow dance of motions. She hasn't chi to offer in kind, but it is no matter. It's the practice that is the thing. The resolve of it.

Her motions are smooth and graceful - it's clear that whatever she is, or wherever her talents and training lie, she keeps up the basics. It is well known, every move you will ever need to make in combat comes from these very simple gestures of peace.

She closes her eyes as she allows the ritual of them to overtake her.

Dragon has posed:
Richard doesn't even react or change his steps to Elektra joining him, breathing softly as he bends himself like water...just as he had taught her to do so. they move in perfect unison, like a perfect work of art that is to be admired by all who look upon them.

Eventually though, the steps end and Richard brings his hands together and his feet, then, he opens his eyes and looks to Elektra.

"We meet again so soon. It's good to see you, Elektra." Dragon smiles to her, turning his body to look upon her more fully, his hands clasping behind his back. "How does the evening find you?"

Elektra has posed:
The motions and gestures help to calm Elektra. To recenter her where the turmoil of what was to come had begun to niggle at her over the course of the day. So it is that she spends a moment allowing it all to wash over her, that calm, before opening her eyes again, her body returning from the ritual back to reality.

"I could ask the same of you. The evening finds me as it finds us all, I suspect. Though I would add that I am not displeased with how thigns have been going. You've been enjoying your time here on Kairos?"

Dragon has posed:
Richard gives Elektra a warm smile as she tells him with everything. "Good to hear, good to hear. Oh, I have. The islands of Greece are beautiful. If I didn't feel attached to the Americas, I think I'd come down to eventually live here one day. Perhaps when my body fails me, and it's time to rest."

But lets be honest...that was a long ways yet.

He looks to her. "I couldn't quite sleep. Decided to come out and practice myself...reinvigorate the soul. Walk with me?"

Elektra has posed:
"They are beautiful," Elektra agrees. "I always loved that my father bought this place. When his estate came to me, this was the one thing I most looked forward to. Businesses come and go, but you can't replace this."

When he asks of her to walk along with him, Elektra nods, falling into step with him.

"Tell me, something weighs heavy upon your soul?"

Dragon has posed:
"Only partially." Richard says as he walks side by side with Elektra, looking to the horizon. "Our mutual friend, and your fellow student, who seems to go by 'Michael' now, appears to be experiencing a turmoil in his home city. He needs friends. Allies...and I fear I will have to leave a quiet life behind in order to help him."

He looks to Elektra. "You know him better than I, I feel. Do think he'll accept the help? He seems convinced that he'll have to do it alone."

Elektra has posed:
"Ah, yes. Our mutual friend. Well, if you know his past, you'll know he hasn't changed so very much since then. But I think you'll be able to convince him."

She gives a rueful smile.

"I believe that I may be responsible for his thinking in that matter. I'm afraid I haven't engendered myself to his friends. He knows the turmoil concerns myself. He expects it may be a lonesone battle ahead."

Dragon has posed:
Richard nods very softly. "He told me much of what happened to him. How he cannot see because of an accident. How more than a few followed. I know of his nature as well...which Is why I know he can overcome any obstacles that come after him. Better than even me."

Better than Richard Dragon?! That may have been a lie or the Grandmaster just being humble, but there it is. "How so? Do you fight alongside his enemies, Elektra?" He doesn't speak with a judgemental tone. But rather one that a father would ask his daughter. One a grandparent to their grandchild. As if trying to help guide them to do what they think is right.

Elektra has posed:
Dragon's assertion that Matt could overcome, even better than himself!, causes a quirk of brow from the woman. "You may be overstating that, but he has shown resiliancy. However, there at things you do not know."

Elektra shrugs.

"Do I fight alongside his enemies." Such an innocently sounding question. "It might be more proper to say that I am his enemy, Grandmaster. The story is rather complicated, but suffice to say his emotions blind him. His friends are not so generous with their observations."

Dragon has posed:
Richard seems to hum very softly as Elektra reveals that she is Matthew's enemy. She's the cause of his sorrow. "Hm...I see." He doesn't seem to judge, nor does he make any hostile action. "I have offered my help to him. But I don't want to fight one of my former students, regardless of whom stands with whom. There will always be two sides to every river before they unite in the grand sea." more philosophy.

He seems to smile to her softly.

Elektra has posed:
"I would not trouble yourself, Grandmaster. It's a small drop in an otherwise deep ocean. And, as it happens, your offer of help will not go amiss in the near future. I've arranged to have myself removed as an obstacle, freeing he and his friends up to do what they must."

Elekta speaks calmly, not an ounce of emotion to her voice, other that perhaps a soft acceptance.

"You asked if he would accept your help? It is my belief that if you go to him at the right time, he will take your help."

Dragon has posed:
Richard listens attentively to Elektra as she advises him and converses with him about the topic. "I see." He takes note of her choice. Before long he smiles to her.

"I've always been proud of you Elektra, since the day I taught you. You have a powerful intellect, but more importantly, unlike many...you have a heart. It is both way maker and history teacher. I have no doubt that you and Michael have a long path ahead. If either of you need me, I will be there to help."

Elektra has posed:
The mention of being proud of her causes Elektra to falter in her steps. Only momentarily, though, and then she carries on.

"I've had many good teachers," she remarks quietly. "Some better than others. It's a testament, really, to their skill that I'm still alive today."

She says that with some wry humour, but it is also nothing but the truth.

"Michael and I, well, these things are what they are. I wish him nothing but the best and brightest for his future. I have faith that things will be better this way."

Dragon has posed:
Richard knows his words have impact on her. He could have been an influential figure in Elektra's life or a father figure. Or his words were kind enough to even give her pause.

"You are alive today because you sought help in your quest to improve. All of us were happy to help." A smile on his face.

"Have you told him how you felt?" Richard can basically smell it on her. 'Fond' is a very nice way of describing certain things. "You two are powerful allies when you stand united."

Elektra has posed:
"Oh, Michael is very aware of where I stand with him." She smiles, and sighs softly. "We might have been allies once. The time for that is past, I'm afraid. Life happened. Decisions were made. Mistakes. The usual."

She shrugs it off.

Dragon has posed:
"Mhm...Life happened." Richard just knowingly smiles to her as he kept his hands clasped behind him. "Where there was, can always be again, Elektra. All one needs is a wish." He smiles before he turns to her. "Alas, It's been a long night. If you must rest, I won't keep you any longer to hear an old man speak." Richard chuckles lightly

Elektra has posed:
Elektra turns to him and inclines her head. "It had been a very long day. I think you for your time. And do, please, make your offer to Ma- .. well, I think we both know things.. Please, do make your offer after this weekend. I believe you'll find him ammenable to the offer then."

"It was quite lovely seeing you again. I have things to tend to for the morrow, though."

And with that, she takes her leave.