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Revision as of 17:00, 17 October 2018

Killer Croc (Scenesys ID: 7151)
Full Name: Waylon Jones
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Theme: DC (VFC)
Occupation: Criminal
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Gotham city
Education: Basic
Status: Active
Groups: Batman Family
Other Information
Apparent Age: 36 Actual Age: 36
Date of Birth 2 February 1990 Actor:
Height: 226.06 cm Weight: 311 kg
Hair Color: None Eye Color: Red
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Born with a genetic disorder that gave him reptilian features and caused his mother to die in childbirth, Waylon Jones was destined for a hard life. Abandoned by his father and abused by his foster family, Waylon became bitter and resentful. Escaping his family, he joined a traveling carnival as a strongman and alligator wrestler known as Killer Croc. There he found some level of comfort in his new life until he realized that no matter how impressive his feats of strength were. No matter how large the gator he took on...he would always be a freak. Once again growing bitter, he left the carnival and turned to crime. A monster with little in the way of formal education, he officially cast off the name Waylon Jones and became Killer Croc in truth; rumors following everywhere he goes of a living monster that moves in the night and preys on the weak and unsuspecting. More recently, these reports have become focused in Gotham City.



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Standing over seven feet tall with hulking muscles covered in thick scales; this massive creature is a nightmare come to life. His hulking frame is humanoid, but covered in dark green scales that lighten to yellowish white on his chest and stomach. His long arms are heavily muscled and the fingers on each of large hands are tipped with sharp claws. His face is a horrible cross between a man and a monster: though the irises of his eyes are the bright red color of fresh blood, they are human; making it worse when compared to the wide, flattened nose and impossibly large mouth filled with sharp, crooked teeth. The muscles in his neck ripple when he moves; hinting that a bite from this monster could prove deadly.

He wears little in the way of clothing. His upper body is exposed, though his thick scaly hide keeps him protected from the elements. A thicker row of plate-like scales runs from the base of his skull and down to his lower back, providing an extra layer of protection to the back of his head and spine. A torn and dirty pair of jeans is the only piece of clothing he wears; providing no protection but perhaps a bit of modesty. His large, clawed feet are also left bare.


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Born with the genetic disorder that would later be known as Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, Waylon Jones was destined for a hard life. His condition caused him to be born with features resembling those of a reptile. Patches of soft scales covered Waylon's body and his mouth, which was larger and wider than it should be, already held several small and very sharp teeth. His was a hard birth and it proved to be too much for his mother and she died moments after Waylon was born. Blaming the infant for his wife's death, his father denounced Waylon and gave up all rights to the boy. Soon after, he was placed in the care of a foster family. Unfortunately for him, things would not get any better. His new family proved to be abusive. They often berated and made fun of Waylon and kept him locked in the basement; only feeding him scraps of meat once a week as if he were an animal. He was often beaten and told he was less than human. A freak of nature that deserved to be punished.

As he grew, his disorder progressed. By the age of fifteen, Waylon was over six feet tall and incredibly strong. Finally, he decided he'd had enough and fought back; killing his foster parents and fleeing their home. After a few weeks on the run, Waylon stumbled across a traveling carnival. Lying about his age, he joined the show as a strongman and freak. He began capturing and wrestling dangerous animals, specifically alligators, for the amusement of the crowd under the name Killer Croc. For several years, Waylon remained with the carnival and was content. However his condition continued to advance. By the time he was twenty-five, his entire body was covered in thick scales and his large mouth was full of sharp, crooked teeth. Though he still retained a human appearance, he could no longer hide that there was something different about him. The crowds now seemed to be more interested in seeing the "croc freak" than his show. He no longer impressed them. They just wanted to see a monster. So he decided to give them one.

One night, Waylon decided he'd had enough. While taking on a particularly aggressive gator, a group of drunks in the crowd relentlessly harassed him from the stands. Waylon became distracted and the gator managed to take a bite out of his arm. Though it caused him little damage, Waylon was proud of his claim to have never been bitten in a decade of wrestling alligators. Furious, he lifted the gator and threw it through the cage and into the stands. He quickly followed it, heading straight for the drunks and tearing them apart. In a bloodlust, he attacked several others in the crowd before fleeing into the night.

Over the next decade, rumors have surfaced all over the country of a reptilian monster that haunts the night. A few sightings have been reported of a "crocodile man" but few have managed to actually see him. Having officially ditched the name Waylon Jones in favor of Killer Croc, he has been mostly content to live up to the rumors of a wandering monster. However recently, rumors have been coming more frequently out of Gotham City; as if Croc has decided to claim some territory as his own.


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Croc is bitter and quick to anger. He mostly keeps to himself; using his strength and nightmarish appearance to take what he wants from others. He's not very smart and isn't one to formulate any plans more complicated than 'smash and grab'. Because of this, his more likely to find himself working as hired muscle for someone else.


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The scales that have replaced Croc's skin are hard enough to resist most forms of melee damage. As a result, he can take a heck of a beating and keep on going. Small arms fire won't penetrate his skin from a moderate distance, but will punch through at close range. From long distances, even .50 weapons won't penetrate his skin. However, the impact of weapons and projectiles will still be felt and can distract and stun him and he is still susceptible to rockets and explosives.

Like his namesake, Croc is surprisingly fast for his size. His animalistic instincts allow him to react almost instantly to his surroundings; giving him an extra moment or two to react to attacks or sudden events. He's fast, but he's not a speedster. He might dodge a bullet or two with the help of a bit of luck, but he can't keep it up.

Croc's senses are vastly superior to a normal human's, especially his sense of smell. He can pick up a familiar scent or catch the scent of blood from more than a mile away if he's looking for it. He can also sense when someone is within his personal space; making it hard to sneak up on him unless he's focused on something else. His hearing is sharper than a human's, but he can't control or fine-tune it. There isn't much to be said about his sense of taste...he'll eat anything.

Croc has superhuman regenerative powers, allowing him to recover from injuries that would prove fatal to others. Minor wounds heal within a few hours while a broken bone or severed limb can take a day or more, depending on the severity. He can only regenerate his limbs and non-vital organs, however. A strong enough blow to his brain or heart would prove fatal without medical attention. Of course, these areas are protected by his armored skin.

As his condition progresses, Croc's strength increases dramatically. Currently, he is strong enough to lift and throw a standard-sized vehicle with some effort. He can go toe to toe with other moderately powered 'supers' and hold his own, though he doesn't have anything else to bring to the table besides his strength and toughness.


Croc's fingers and toes are each tipped with incredibly strong and sharp claws that are capable of rending armor and softer metals with ease without breaking. His teeth are also large and super durable, allowing him to bite through some objects. Cloth and wood doesn't stand a chance and some metals will barely slow him down. He can tear through concrete and use his claws to climb buildings. Though they are tough, his claws and teeth can be broken, but they'll regrow within a day or two.


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Croc spent years living and working in a traveling carnival. He's familiar with the inner workings of carnival living. He knows how many of the games work and how they go about their daily routines.

Through Croc isn't formally trained, he's learned how to defend himself and is a capable street fighter and wrestler. Combined with his increased strength and toughness, this makes him a formidable opponent. If he gets his long arms around someone, there is little hope of getting away unless the victim is a trained fighter or super powered. Though he often prefers hand-to-hand fighting, Croc's not above grabbing something and making it a weapon.

Because of his time spent wrestling alligators in the carnival, Croc has first-hand knowledge of how they tick. He knows how they move, how they react. He almost seems to know what they think. They also don't seem bothered by his presence unless he's provoking them. As long as he's not trying to body slam them, he can walk through a swamp full of gators without fear of being attacked.


Like his namesake, Croc is at home on land and in the water. He is an expert swimmer and can move through the water with ease. His reflexes and senses are even more in tune underwater. Also like a crocodile, his eyes are covered by clear lenses when he's underwater, allowing him to see without assistance.


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Though Croc has left the carnival life behind him, he still has some connections. If he ever needs a place to lay low, he only has to find the nearest troupe and he's got a place to stay.

Croc doesn't have much. The clothes on his back and whatever place he can find to call his own. Currently, he has made his lair in the sewers beneath Gotham City. He roams the tunnels; coming out at night to prey on unsuspecting victims. A large chamber deep within the bowels of the city serves as his den.

Croc doesn't have a gang or a crew. He mostly keeps to himself, coming out at night in search of food. He eats what he kills and if that happens to be a person, he takes from them what he wants and has a collection of various items such as wallets, phones, handguns, etc.


Though he prefers his solitude, Croc occasionally gets the urge for a little more excitement. Not one to come up with his own schemes, he sometimes offers his services as a 'super soldier' to other villains in need of some extra muscle. Since he has no need for money, Croc offers his strength in exchange for favors such as territory or access to food.


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Croc is kind of a monster. He can't just go walking down the street in the middle of the day without some serious disguising. Even with a good disguise, his height and bulk alone will still point him out as different than other normal people.

Let's face it, Croc is no mastermind. He spent his formative years locked in a basement and then working in a traveling sideshow. He's got a rudimentary education and basic understanding of things, but that's about it.

Croc has a short fuse and a low IQ. A dangerous combination. He can easily be pushed into a rage; resulting in mass destruction. Extremely loud noises can hurt and frustrate him to the point of a rage, as can particularly frustrating opponents. Though he takes full advantage of his condition, he's sensitive to comments and insults about it. If he's fighting someone that likes to run their mouth, there's a good chance he's going to rage out and start breaking anything and anyone that gets close by.

The disease that Croc suffers from isn't going anywhere. In fact, it's getting worse. As he gets older, the disease continues to progress; gradually turning him into more of an animal than a man. Though his strength and other attributes continue to increase, he is slowly becoming less and less human.

Croc's disease gives him some of the reptilian traits of man's ancestral species. Because of this, he's extremely sensitive to cold. He becomes increasingly fatigued and slows to the point of immobility when exposed to extreme cold. Higher temperatures don't seem to affect him, however extremely hot temps are just as bad for him as they are for most anyone else.


Because Croc's senses are more ...well, sensitive, extreme sensory overload is very possible. Bright light, especially sudden light, can temporarily blind and disorient him. Extremely loud noises can also harm him and will send him into a rage. His sense of taste is still unaffected. He will eat anything.


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Title Date Scene Summary
Two Killers Walk Into a Bar October 17th, 2018 Bullseye meets the massive Killer Croc at a villain-friendly watering hole. (OOC: Language warning)


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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Title Date Scene Summary
Monster on the Loose October 19th, 2018 There's a crocodile on the loose. A killer one.


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