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Latest revision as of 06:12, 22 October 2018

Ground Zero
Date of Scene: 16 October 2018
Location: Latveria
Synopsis: Faora crash-lands on earth. Doctor Doom assesses the situation and Faora sets on her own path.
Cast of Characters: Doctor Doom, Superwoman

Doctor Doom has posed:
It's late evening. about midnight.

The people of Latveria were celebrating Doomsday. Not the monster. But it's quite literally a massive celebration in regards to the founding of the nation itself many years ago. Doom seems to preside over the celebrations, Sitting in a throne as he watches the festivities sans-mask. A smile on his face, even as an invisible shield protects him from any kind of assassination attempt.

However...his suit's sensors pick up a multitude of things.

Namely, that there's an object breaking through the atmosphere. Putting on his mask, Doom opens a portal to the border of Latveria to witness the object. What was it?

Superwoman has posed:
    Even the portal gets him there in time to see a fireball streaking through the atmosphere, and a smoke trail left in it's wake. But his suit's sensors do pick up more than just a fireball.....a ship.

It's a small, one man craft. Even so, it still makes a rather nasty impact on the ground when it hits. It's not hard to find the ship either, since there is a pretty blacked path on the ground to where the craft landed. And when found, it's not broken up, but it IS smoking....like a metallic object pushing off radiant heat returning to normal temperature.....

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom notices the ship. How can you //not// notice it?! Thankfully, with a few pushes of the button, he manages to jam any signals wanting to try and track this themselves.

Eventually, he lifts a hand, as if to slow down it's momentum so it doesn't cause a massive explosion as to be noticeable...and provide a soft landing for whoever is inside such a contraption. Alien contact is always something that Doom takes an interest in.

and the materials he could receive therein.

Superwoman has posed:
    The momentum of the ship is difficult for anyone, short of a Hulk, to control. Slow it down he does, but it's still trying to stop a fully loaded 18 wheeler going downhill with no brakes.

Provided Doom does approach the ship after it 'lands'....he will notice that it's an unusual ship. Thrusters in the back, and...there really is only enough room for one person, a few clothes, and perhaps some provisions, but no real room to move.

When Doom approaches though, the top opens with a loud hiss....and someone actually sits up in the 'ship'.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom does indeed approach the downed ship, in his full garb as he makes no immediate hostile action. His eyes narrow. His hands charge with powerful black magic as the shuttle opens to reveal it's passenger, hidden in initial smoke.

Doom does not greet her with words, but rather with defensiveness. He may be in someone else's country, but if they are a danger to Latveria, they will be disposed of. No questions asked. But, he approaches closer. "Who are you." he says through his mask, a metallic voice that one could associate with some form of intimidation.

Superwoman has posed:
    The figure doesn't respond at first but simply seems to stretch out their arms and legs, as if it was in a long flight in the ship. The figure does does, eventually, reveal itself from the mist as female. Short black hair, all black outfit with some silver.

Soon, she does notice Doom....and she takes a couple of steps towards him...then speaks in a language that is definitely not from earth...

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom listens to Faora as she speaks in an alien tongue that he cannot speak or recognize. Thus, he cheats. Using his magics, he creates a sort of...'universal translation' that will last until he undoes the spell. Quicker than teaching her English.

"You are on earth. My name is Doctor Victor Von Doom. I am the King of the nation of Latveria. a neighboring nation to this one. I am the only one who has seen and made it to your craft. Who are you, and why are you here?"

Superwoman has posed:
    Faora listens quietly...and while the spell works, she still crosses her arms. "Victor Von Doom." She says finally.....partly in english. She is learning fast. "I am Faora, Doctor Doom." She does not say it's a pleasure, but it's clear intimidation isn't working.

Doctor Doom has posed:
Intimidation always passes on the ignorant.

But, Doom watches Faora. He doesn't say it's a pleasure either, but he speaks sternly. "You did not answer my question." his eyes seem to glow with green light. Magic...

Superwoman has posed:
    "I did. You asked who I was. As for why I'm here.....can you explain you explain how you came to be on earth? I'm assuming the ship plotted course for an inhabited planet.....and here I am." Faora says softly before walking her way over and getting herself a small snack. "other than that, if you're searching for a metaphysical meaning.....you have as much of an answer as I do."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doctor Doom seems to look skeptical. "There are many inhabited planets in the galaxy. Why this one?" he looks Faora in the eyes. "Metaphysical questions are a waste of time. We're here. that's all we need to know in order to do work." His eyes fall upon her.

"What planet are you from then?" she was an adult, rather than someone very young. It's not out of range for him to suspect she'd have full knowledge of her planet.

Superwoman has posed:
    "Krypton. I don't imagine you know much about it." Faora says taking a bite of her snack. She chews it slowly, as if savoring the flavor. "as for why this planet. I do not know. The computer set the distination. I did not."

Doctor Doom has posed:
"Correct." Doom simply stands still, watching her as she seems to be completely ignorant or simply ignoring the King of Latveria as she has a very nonchalant mentality to it all. "hm...you must be a soldier then." he comes under that assumption from her garb and her intense features. "You do not seem to have any kind of fear in your eyes. Tell me, is there any weapons aboard that shuttlecraft?"

Superwoman has posed:
    "I wasn't allowed to have any where I came from. Which is something I would not care to elaborate on. Yes, I am....was a soldier." Faora then takes a deep breath. "Hopefully, on....'Earth'....I can be something different."

Doctor Doom has posed:
Doom simply looked upon Faora. Is that....Pity in his eyes? "This is earth, not Krypton. No one could care less nor could they force you to remain a soldier. Be who you want to be. Pursue it with your whole heart and you will achieve your desire."

Superwoman has posed:
    "Defender of it's people then." Faora then sighs a bit. "But first, I should get acclimated to earth. Learn how it is and such before I even try." She then looks towards Doom and tilts her head. "Did you expect a threat when you came out here? Is that why you're in armor?"

Doctor Doom has posed:
Her question earns only a shake of the head. "No. I am the King of one of the most technologically advanced nations in the world. Merely an armor of station."

He then seems to turn on his heel as if to leave. Not a threat

Superwoman has posed:
    "Thank you for your Hospitality, Doctor Doom." Faora says before a gust of wind takes the snack out of her hand and makes it fall onto the ground. Thankfully, the wrapper keeps it off the ground. Faora bends over as the treat slips between the ship and the ground around it and Faora tries to reach in between the ship and the ground.

And the ship moves across the ground...very easily for Faora. She's able to pick up the treat, but she looks at the Ship...and the foot it moved when she pushes upon it.....munching upon the treat and finishing it. "it's going to take more time to acclimitize than I thought."