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Latest revision as of 08:34, 23 October 2018

T'challa fears the cute!
Date of Scene: 23 October 2018
Location: Four Freedom Plaza, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Black Panther, Invisible Woman

Black Panther has posed:
     The Wakandan King had given notice of his departure to arrive at the Fantastic Four Plaza to meet with Mr. Fantastic in regards to seeing if he can upgrade his Kimoyo beads....and to get a one up on his little sister, Shuri. Though Once he arrived? He wore the robes mixed with modern day clothing befitting of a King. Surroudning him were five Dora Milaje in equally modern clothing, though no doubt they had their traditional spears hidden away in some place or another that could be made apparent at a moments notice.
     Approaching the receptionist, who looks friendly enough, T'Challa bows his head. "Greetings." He spoke in his heavy accent. "I would like to know if Reed Richards or Susan Storm-Richards are in today? I have an appointment to see them." Though the receptionist may recognize the benevolent King, it may be his personal guard that throws her off.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    The receptionist smiles a bit to T'challa. "Yes. We do have you here for an appointment, King T'chall..."


That is the only warning T'challa has before he gets a tiny blur from the corner of his eye, a thump on his lower leg and a sudden 68 pound weight on his right leg. Then she sets her butt on T'challa's foot and looks up. "You're not a kitty! Yer a man. Phooey!"

It's then that Sue arrives from the elevator and looks at T'challa....and the blonde girl on his leg. "Valeria von Doom. You're not supposed to greet guests like that." 'The lady said he was a kitty....' "This is the King of Wakanda, Valeria." The girl looks up. 'He doesn't look like a rap artist to me.'

Black Panther has posed:
     T'Challa turns his head to find a little blonde lady coming to tackle-hug his leg. Though the King seems perturbed, the Dora Milaje Kingsguard, who are all women mind you, seem to smile and give her a little cute nods of their heads. Just fawning over her, but they maintain their warrior discipline...barely. "Well, in a manner of speaking, I suppose I could be called a cat." He playfully speaks with the girl.
     Then Susan arrives.
     Well, at least order seems to have come back to the area. But the name? The name gives T'Challa some degree of pause. Though he does look to the girl. "My sister is the one you should speak to if you want to know about rapping. She is very good at it." His eyes go up to Susan, whispering. "Von Doom? As in, in relation to the King of Latveria?"

Invisible Woman has posed:
    Sue chuckles and gestures for Valeria to join her. "Wakanda is a country, Valeria. It's a small, but respectable country in africa." 'Oh okay!' Then Sue looks to T'challa and sighs. "There's quite a bit of explaining to do, T'challa." She then looks to Valeria. "Can you get us stuff to eat, Valeria?" 'Kay! I'll get you some cookies!' She then trots over to one of the bodyguard. 'Come on! You can help!' And they're off to the elevator, if the guard allows.

Once they're gone, Sue sighs. "Valeria is Victor's daughter from an alternate dimension. And her mother is me." She pauses to let that sink in. "It's also a dimension where Reed went bad instead of Victor. And, believe it or not, THIS dimension's Victor found this out and....actually lightened up, then asked to be Valeria's godfather. You wouldn't believe how much of a softie he is with her. Just be careful, Valeria is very smart....VERY smart. She's reprogrammed Herbie twice already...."

Black Panther has posed:
     T'Challa seems to look upon Susan with a nod. "Thta is putting it very lightly, Susan." then Valeria is trying to drag off one of his soldiers, who appears to ask her King for permission. With a sigh, T'Challa nods, and Valeria manages to escape with one of his Dora Milaje. Now alone with Invisible Woman, Black Panther speaks openly.
     "Alternate or no, you must be very careful of Victor. You know who he is and what he's done. If this is his soft spot, you must be prepared to use her against him if you haven't already." when he hears of her intelligence, the King smiles. "Good. She has the wits of her parents and step-father."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "The Victor we have is not Valeria's victor, T'challa. and I am still wary of Doom. no matter whom he favors, he still needs to be watched. Valeria's even called him meanie to his face." Sue then chuckles. "There's more Valeria can do. Like your Kimoyo Beads? She could probably do something close to what Reed can do. But she'd likely paint it pink."

Black Panther has posed:
     T'Challa seems to frown just a little bit. "Just because they are from different dimensions or realities, does not mean that they can be trusted, Susan. We must not believe every word we hear. Everyone has their weaknesses." But then she talks about his kimoyo beads! Don't mess with the King's Kimoyo beads.
     "Paint them pink?! Oh no, no no no. I believe I will have to refrain from asking her for help, though I aprpeciate the volunteering."

Invisible Woman has posed:
     Sue chuckles. "We didn't ask for her help when she reprogrammed Herbie, T'challa. How often can you keep a five year old under control? You can't, is the answer." She then chuckles a bit. "All we have to do is teach Valeria how to be a good person, and not just do what she wants. And, while some of her antics are hilarious, she still pushes to see what she can do. Thankfully, she's taken a liking to cooking."

This is when Valeria returns with the guard...and carrying a plate full of cookies, and milk to drink.

The guard is blushing, since the cookies are in the shape of cat heads. But this is not why the guard is blushing. It's when the guard leans in, the reason why is clear. "My king....this little girl knows about vibranium....and she makes some wonderful cookies."

Black Panther has posed:
     T'Challa doesn't seem convinced, but...he will go along with her words. "Very well." And...his missing guard arrives? "It appears a member of my Dora Milaje has been captured by your daughter, Susan." He seems to take a small breath. "Very well, I suppose we will be indulging now."
     T'Challa moved rather easily to sit down on one of the many available seats, awaiting the cookiest to be brought. "She knows about Vibranium?" He looks to Valeria. Suspiciously.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "I'll make sure Reed sees to your beads, T'challa." Sue says softly before she takes a cookie.

The Dora Milaje looks to t'challa and shrugs before eating a cookie herself.

Valeria grins to T'challa. "Funny metal." She says chomping on a cookie. "The metal seems to abosrb kinetic energy and disperses it across it's form rather than reflect it. That's because of it's flexible bonding at a molecular level." She then smiles to T'challa. "Daddy and mommy had to have vibranium armor where I came from, King T'challa. Richards, from my dimension, did a lot of bad things. Including wiping out a village where a meteor landed in africa." She then takes a deep breath. "Killing a man that was rubber is difficult to do, King T'challa. I'm just glad my stepfather isn't that Richards." She then stares meaningfully at T'challa. "My original last name may be 'Von Doom', but I'm not this dimension's Victor." She then sets something on T'challa's lap. "Also, cats should really be on the lookout for mice." She then winks at T'challa.

What she set on T'challa's lap, was a remote control mouse.

Sue stares at Valeria. "Now what did I tell you about eavesdropping, young lady?" And Valeria balks a little, before lowering her head. 'not to do it.' And Sue sighs. "No video games tonight, Young lady. And now you should apologize to T'challa."

Valeria puts out a soft apology to T'challa, and it's pretty heartfelt too, but Sue looks to T'challa to say 'see what I mean?'

Black Panther has posed:
     T'Challa nods once to Sue. "Thank you." Though he then looks to Valeria as she describes how Doom and Susan had Vibranium armor in her dimension...which is always a terrible idea in his honest opinion for anyone else but the Wakandans to have such a thing. After all, such a tool can bring great corruption. But, T'Challa glances to Valeria as she tells him everything, before she gives him a remote control mouse.
     But, Susan's scolding of Valeria does cause a smile to come onto the King's face, patting her head lightly. "It is alright, little one. But, for now, I must leave. Please make sure that Mr. Richards has time to look at it. It is I design I mean to discuss with him." and with that, he rises to his feet.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    Sue looks to T'challa and smiles a bit. "Mothers still have great influence. It's...why I'm careful." Sue then sighs and takes the beads from T'challa. "I'll make sure Reed gets these and works on them for you, as best he can." Sue then gives T'challa a hug before she starts for the elevator.

Valeria, however, hangs back a little bit, and lightly tugs on T'challa's pants leg. She then gives him the mouse....the remote for it...and an earpiece. "Cats can be great hunters, but sometimes even they need a friend. PLus, the irony shouldn't be lost on you, King T'challa. Use it when you need to scout ahead." Valeria gives T'challa a smile that could melt the coldest of hearts (like Doom's), and turns to run for the elevator. "BEADS! YAY! I GET TO PAINT THEM PINK!"

And the elevator doors close.

Oh dear....