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Latest revision as of 06:34, 1 November 2018

Shake, Shudder and tumble.
Date of Scene: 31 October 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Hyperion, Professor Zoom

Kid has posed:
Even on these hellish roads, where crime happens at hours, children young and old still find time to make art in their street made homes. From hopscotch to 4-square, chalk was in season for the fall and many getting into the halloween spirit. On the roads and walls various monstrocities - some better made than others are drawn everywhere. From bats to snakes and haunted lake murals for those particular well versed in chalk drawings
    Some took a more traditional route in how they celebrated - people all over where dressed up as their favorite heros such as Thor, Superman, Wonder Woman and Rockett. Other as monsters and ghoals, witches, doctors and firefighters too!
    And watching this all, sitting atop a worn set of stairs was a large gorilla. Weather it was a very realistic costume or not is hard to say as he seems to simply sit there and watch, with aq parculiar grin upon his face as if he was planning something.

Hyperion has posed:
    Marcus is walking around the neighborhood. He's heard about the crime rate here, but it doesn't really bother him. He's in his civilian clothing, having forgone a costume since he usually wore one when he's working. Though he does chuckle at the odd assortment of dress the kids seem to get themselves into. Nobody should be dressed as him because he wasn't widely known yet. He's sipping from a plastic cup with a cover through a straw, having paused close to where Kid is sitting when he looks over at him and does a double take. "Hell of a costume."

Kid has posed:
    Kid looks dully over at Marcus as he gets a compliment. His lips curl as if he found it quite funny. He procedes to pull at his own head quite roughly, showing that it was definintly not comming off, before he begins to sign "It is not a costume." the watch on his wrist speaking for him as it translate the signs. And yet he cracks his knuckles and signs "But...things are about to get a bit more lively if yea like a show"

Professor Zoom has posed:
    Director Harrison Wells. He's usually very busy with work in Future Solutions, but has just finished a lecture at a science confence in the Kitchen. The black haired man had been walking along when the wrist-translator using ape was noticed. Ducking into an alleyway casually as he watches the duo, Harrison stands with his back to a wall as he listens from afar.

The trio down the alleyway noticed him, of course... and were cautiously heading in his direction.

Hyperion has posed:
    Marcus peers at the gorilla for a moment, his eyes flash yellow briefly before he hmms. "Guess it's not just a monkey suit. No one looks twice this time of year, huh?" At the comment about there being a show, Marcus raises a brow slowly. "Lively huh. I admit to being curious as to what you mean by that..." He notices movement out of the corner of his eye, but thinks nothing of it for now.

Kid has posed:
    "Exactly, which is nice, to not have folks stareing." the introduction of sapient gorillas was still fairly new. As in only this past summer did they become known and than accepted into the UN - as such not even close to a common sight.
    He signs "Just watch and see Bumblebee" he tells marcus as he lays back, scratching his belly. It started subtle at first - the wink of a chalk person, the flutter of a bats wing....and than the chalk-born creations begin 'comming to life' as it where. Skeletons begin to dance, knocking their skulls into the next wall to be caught by others.
    People are startled a bit at first unsure what to make of the phenomon - but than quite entertained at the drawings comming to life it seems! In truth it was simply a psychic illusion Kid was producing. He smiles still in a good moode.
    He signs as he keeps up the illusion "Like I said, enjoy the show" granted something was on his radar now. His ears twitch as he senses an all too familiar psychic vibe - trouble. Criminal. Hostile. "...while it lasts"

Hyperion has posed:
    As the drawings seem to come to life, Marcus is startled before looking back at the gorilla. Well, the people don't seem to be freaking out. Not to mention, he can't actually hear them move. But what he does hear is three heartbeats moving towards an alley. That's not uncommon..except that someone is already there. He turns to look in that direction, simultaneously looking through solid matter and enhancing the image by zooming onto the man in the alley.

Professor Zoom has posed:
    It's around the time the skeletons start to 'dance' that the would-be muggers are startled... but then one of them pulls out a pistol, discreetly using the distraction to point it at Harrison as he himself looks in the direction of the 'show'. "Your money or your life... and no funny business, pal."

Harrison had heard the oncoming trio of course... but he didn't think much of them as they came near. One eye was kept on them from the corner of his eye. Then, when the gun is pointed at him, Harrison turned to regard them. Rather than the terror one would associate with such a thing, Harrison gives from mild amusement... to a mild annoyance as he looks to them. "Interesting timing..." is all Harrison offers the trio. He stands there, hands to his sides as he watches them.

Kid has posed:
"Something on your mind Bumblebee?" Kid signs to Marcus as he notices the guy stareing in a particualr direction. A few of the older folks begin to dance Thriller with the chalk skeletons. Some of the braver try to even grab a few of the moving pictures, only to find their hands passed right through. This seem to eliminate further worry about any something wicked going on.

But that many illusions was not a walk in the park. A few wave good buy and conviently move back to where they come from...and go still. A bit of pressure off Kid.

Hyperion has posed:
    Marcus nods towards Kid absently. "Yeah. A man is being mugged in an alley. Please excuse me." And then he is suddenly gone. One moment he was standing there and the next he was gone, a gust of wind the only sign of his passing. He looms in the alleyway, all 6'4, 400+ pounds of muscle. "Not interesting timing. Unfortunate timing on their part." His eyes glow crimson in the gloom.

Professor Zoom has posed:
    "Uh... is that superman?" One of the muggers asks, dumbly, "No you fool, superman does his thing in Metropolis. This is someone else." Another replies, incredulously.

The pistol is still aimed at Harrison at this point, whom is standing still, just watching.

"Uh... we'll be on our way, then. Sorry to bother you." The first replies to Hyperion... and they slowly start to back down the alley once more. Apparently hoping to just walk away.

Kid has posed:
    Kid blinks. One moment Marcus is there, the next moment he is gone. Well, the show was over, he may as well check this out! He hops off the stone stairs and quite casaully heads over to the alley, hands in his pockets. He looks to Marcus...the three muggers, and than Harrison, before letting out a grunt of wonder. He doesn't sign anything, or speak, merely watches to see where this goes, perhaps being even entertained.

Hyperion has posed:
    Marcus expels crimson beams from his eyes, using his Atomic Vision to melt the gun. "Superman is more apt to let you go. I am definitely not him." He then rapidly attempts to tap them on the foreheads with his finger. He's not trying to hurt them, just incapacitate. Alpha Flight keeps warning him to stop doing things like this when he's not in costume, but he wasn't very well going to let the man get shot. "You okay, sir?" He asks Harrison.

Professor Zoom has posed:
    They're normal human muggers, they didn't stance a chance of not being knocked out in a tap from Hyperion. All three go out like lights, though the one with the gun has a fearful expression when the crimson beams start to melt his pistol. A glock from the looks of it.

Harrison, who has been standing there this whole time, watches the display... and gives a slight, barely there smile when Hyperion asks his question, "I'm fine, Sir. I guess the supers are still out in force." Harrison looks up to Hyperion, before he looks to the muggers, "guess I'm going to need to give a statement... oh well." Harrison doesn't bother to disguise the annoyance in his voice at the idea. Then, he turns, and offers a hand to Hyperion, "Harrison Wells, Director of Future Solutions."

Kid has posed:
A Director...of Future solutions. Interesting. Kid finally signs up "The hell where you doing in a back ally in hells kitchen of all places?" the watch beeps out. He walks over to the knocked out muggers and looks mighty impressed. "Damn. Now THAT's a finger flick!" he picks up one of said muggers and looks him over and drops him again "Eh statement sucks. Just walk away I say" Kid signs.

Hyperion has posed:
    Marcus shakes the offered hand. "Hyperion. Relatively unknown Canadian." He glances around and then shrugs, "I'm inclined to agree the kid in the monkey suit." A small smirk. "I say walk away. Though why did you duck in here to begin with? It might have been bad if I hadn't seen them drawing a gun on you, eh?" He's definitely Canadian. "What's your name, ape man?" He asks. He's not meaning it in a bad way, though it's obvious he doesn't know what to call him.

Kid has posed:
Kid let out a beastial chuckle. It doesn't seem Kid minds at all. Ape man, monkey suit, at the end of the day thier just words, and it not like their being said to be mean. He signs "Jua. Though folks just call me Kid normally" he answer in regards to Marcus question.

Professor Zoom has posed:
    "I was just going home from a conference nearby. I was asked to lecture on some applications for technological innovation coming it in a few years." Harrison looks down the street and over to where the skeletons are, "Then, those showed up... with all the scary stuff popping up lately-" His right hand gestures to the illusionary skellies, "-I ducked in here in case I needed to get out of dodge." He looks back to Hyperion, "turns out I was stuck between a rock and a hard place."

Hyperion has posed:
    Hyperion nods once. "Yeah the skeletons would have freaked me out a little if Kid here hadn't told me they were harmless. The kids seemed to enjoy it as well." He pats the man on the shoulder gently. "Just try to be a little more careful in the future, Mr. Wells. Stay out of dark alleys, yeah?" He turns to walk away before he pauses and turns to Kid. "How did the thing with the skeletons happen anyways?"

Kid has posed:
Kid looks between Hyperion and Wells. He signs "...what are yalls, a bunch of wimps? Their chalk made skeletons for crying out loud. Damn. Would hate to see you two face off agaist real ones!" these ones didn't even look real! But he signed such in a good humored fashion. "But to answer your question BumbleBee - Magic" he flashes a large smile. He figured a little mystery for this day of mischiouf was in order.

Professor Zoom has posed:
    Harrison stares at Kid for a moment longer, before he looks back to Hyperion, "you've got a lively one there." Harrison states with a hint of amusement, before he starts to head out of the alleyway and back on his way, "I have an appointment in a few hours. I appreciate the help!" Harrison shouts as he starts to head back to Midtown.

Hyperion has posed:
    Hyperion waves at Wells. "No problem." He chuckles towards Kid. "I wasn't worried for myself, I wasd wondering if they were safe for the kids." He thumps the gorilla softly on the chest. "Magic though? I think it's fascinating. I'll see you around, yeah?" He bends his knees slightly and propels himself skywards, rapidly moving out of sight as he flies away.