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Tourney/Black Sky: Completely Off the Record
Date of Scene: 16 October 2018
Location: Kairos Island
Synopsis: A gut feeling pays off, and Elektra gets Barbara Gordon (and some as yet unnamed friends!) on board to help decimate the Hand.
Cast of Characters: Elektra, Oracle
Tinyplot: Tourney
Tinyplot2: Black Sky

Elektra has posed:
Elektra knew that there were guests on the island who weren't competing - that was kind of the point, wasn't it? They'd come to watch. To learn. To exchange ideas... And in some cases, egos.

So it wasn't surprising to the woman when a chance encounter on the last day of the Tournament had her running into a certain redhead.

And that, my friends, is where things get interesting.

Oracle has posed:
A global-scale martial arts tournament is underway and NONE of the Bat-clan is interested? Seriously? Granted, Barbara Gordon knows better than to put on the black and yellow, but that doesn't mean she isn't at least academically interested.

That's what she tells herself, anyway.

The tall, athletic redhead is lingering near one of the Tournament venues, complete with a copy of the tournament bracket that she updates as the bouts are completed. She's dressed comfortably in stretch skinny jeans, flats, and a cap sleeve tee under a light jacket. An oversized bag and librarian glasses complete the attire.

Elektra has posed:
To br frank, in her current getup, Barbara stands out. Almost painfully so. Few and far between on the island at this time are carrying around oversized bags. Or wearing such painfully dismal glasses.. However, as Elektra well knows, there are those who accompanied others for various reasons.

She's not sure what has her stopping by the redhead and taking interest in her, but perhaps it's the mundanity of it all.

"Enjoying yourself?"

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon makes a bit of a show of studying the roster, even biting her lower lip for effect. She looks up at the sound, doing an excellent job of pretending to be startled. It would fool most people, but not someone very adept at reading body language.

To the Grecian brunette it's clearly an act. As much as the glasses that the redhead doesn't need.

Barbara looks up and smiles, not quite sheepishly. "Oh I am, yes. After all, it's not often you get the chance to see anything like this level of competition." She pauses, looking the other woman over a moment before asking. "Are you with the Tournament?"

Elektra has posed:
Elektra gives an odd sort of smile, one that doesn't truly reach her eyes, but what measure of it that does make it there is somewhat.. saddened, it might be thought. However, that seems utterly at odds with the rest of her demeanour.

"You might say I'm with the Tournament, though I was disqualified the first round." She gives a soft laugh at that. "No matter. I never intended upon advancing. I'm quite happy with the final field. It will be interesting to see who makes it to the final bout. They're all excellent artists in their own right."

The woman smiles again, though this time there is no sadness to it, and it doesn't linger in her eyes or gestures. "I don't believe we've met? I'm Elektra Natchios, your host. Kairos is my island. This is my Tournament."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon's eyes widen, crimson brows lifting in appreciation. "So you're IN the Tournament, then. Wow." She blinks at that, fumbling to shift the roster from right hand to her left. "Oh *you're* Elektra Natchios. Barbara Gordon. Very pleased to meet you."

And yes, she pronounces the Greek surname with all the proper inflections.

"I'm something of an ...enthusiast, myself."

Elektra has posed:
"Something of?" Elektra murmurs with an arch of brow. The arch could be for either the proper accent, or merely being questioning of the 'something of' part. It's really hard to tell.

Likely both.

"A pleasure, Barbara. Though I'm curious. When you say something of an enthusiast, am I to infer that you prefer to watch, or are we merely understating our own talents in light of the larger gathering here?"

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon shrugs lightly, a small smile touching conservatively-colored lips. "Oh, I always enjoy watching. I mean I've had a few lessons here and there. 'Self Defense Week' at the Y, that sort of thing. I seriously doubt that I'd get very far with THIS crowd."

Again, she's good. Very good. Her body language and stance and general physique suggest otherwise.

"What about you? I know it's your tournament and everything, but you did compete after all."

Elektra has posed:
"I suffice," Elektra says negligently. "My father put me into lessons when I was a child, hoping to bring me focus. It was a practice I've carried on. But you, no desire to see how well you'd do? Not even in a friendly sparring match?"

Elektra reads the body signs of the other woman - you don't get to be Elektra's class of martial artist and assassin without learning more than a little bit about body language and the other nuances that identify threats and skills within others. It was a skill that had kept her alive more than once. And this Barbara was sending off mixed signals.

Not that Elektra herself wasn't doing the very same thing to those who knew enough to read the signs.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon is definitely hiding something, both from the way she carries herself to her expressions. The words tell the lie, but her body isn't fully committed to it.

"A friendly sparring match?" A thumb hooks casually into the shoulder strap of the oversized bag. The thing probably holds at least an electronic tablet. Or a notebook computer. Perhaps a filing cabinet.

Truth be told, Barbara is dying a little inside with every match she watches. Wondering how SHE would measure up. After all, she didn't become Batgirl because Bruse finally managed to wear her down and talk her into it.

"I'm curious, yes. What did you have in mind, Elektra?"

Elektra has posed:
Elektra gives an amused laugh.

"Well, I did engineer this particular experience to scout out talent. I had thought to take a student." She shrugs. "I wouldn't consider it untoward to suggest that if you were willing, we might spar."

Amusement is betrayed upon her lips, but only at the edges, where the corners of her mouth refuse to remain in a disinterested line.

Oracle has posed:
The bag lowers, dangling lightly by the straps from Barbara's fingers. Her forearm ripples and there is more than sufficient strength in her upper arm and shoulder to hold the heavy bag.

"Then I'm willing, and amenable to your suggestion." she replies, her answer carrying with it some of the sing-song cadence of martial arts formality.

"Can we go someplace? I'd prefer not to have an audience."

Elektra has posed:
Elektra considers Barbara's words, and while she might not otherwise have done so, something tells her to follow this course of action.

"I do have a place that the guests are not invited to. We can continue there if you wish?"

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon nods slowly to the island's hostess. Replacing the bag, she adjusts it on her shoulder. "I knew someone a long time ago who said 'you don't truly know someone until you've sparred with them'." Okay, so perhaps not so VERY long ago, anyway. "Lead the way, then."

Elektra has posed:
There's a knowing sort of smile from Elektra in return to that. "Someone once told me you didn't know yourself until you'd sparred with someone. I suppose it's almost the same sentiment. Come. I'll show you a place."

It was, to be sure, a private place for Elektra, but instinct told her it was also the right choice. And while she'd been reaised not to trust emotions, instinct was an entirely different thing.

She leads Barbara along towards the villa, and then, takes her around to the treeline, where it doesn't seem there is any purpose to their meandering. Except that there is a cut between the trees, that is hidden from view, leading to a path into the ravine. At the bottom of the ravine, a small clearing surrounded by trees, and nestled within that, a private dojo.

Elektra bids Barbara enter, and goes about lighting candles and incense, paying respect to the elements at each of the small altars set for just that purpose. The candles leave the dojo lit with a soft light, added to by the soft infusion of sunlight through the ricepaper blinds in the windows. In all, the place is simple, open, and clean.

Elektra makes her way to the middle of the dojo and kneels down to collect herself. It's a side of the woman few get to see, but it seems in this place that is what she does, and she would prefer to respect the ritual, than hide from the woman she has brought.

"My father built this for me when I was a child," she informs once she has bowed and risen. "Before his death. We shared some summers here. It became a treasured place."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara is oddly relaxed as she follows Elektra. Yes, she knows the woman is likely a cutting-edge martial artist. Yes, she's going off alone to spar with the woman. Yes, this could be a trap. Yes, yes, yes.

Elektra isn't the only one who trusts her instincts, however. Babs has encountered plenty of people in her tenure as Batgirl, some genuinely bad and others who were wolves in sheep's clothing. Seeing the dojo seals the deal for her.

Honorable combat between honorable opponents.

Barbara carefully sets down her pack and removes her shoes before stepping into the dojo. Loose jewelry goes next. "It is truly a beautiful place, Elektra, and I can understand why it would be special to you. Thank you for inviting me here."

Elektra has posed:
For her part, Elektra has little in the way of needing to prepare for a fight. She's always been aware of that - in her profession, small mistakes like a loose dangle could spell disaster. So, to, here on the island. Elektra has dressed simply, but elegantly, nothing to all attention to herself, but again, nothing to interfere with what could always be the inevitable altercation.

She waits with utmost patience for Barbara to ready herself, noting the other woman's care and precision. How her body moves. The other's own awareness of her occupying space, and what needs to be done to enter into this engagement.

Some would say that Elektra is a wolf in wolf's clothing. Others, perhaps might allow she'd seen a sheep before. Some, fewer still, might say that beneath it all, there is no wolf, and if not a sheep, at least an enigma with elements of both.

In truth, she struggles. She should be neither by training. Emotion should never have entered into the equation. Which still may put her with the wolves, were you to consider her assassin; and yet, there is the public side of the woman who had set up the Hugo Foundation, and secretly funded part of Claire Temple's clinic in Clinton.

In between that all is Elektra, neither Natchios, or Fist Who Rules the Hand, uncertain of which reality is actually her.

"It seemed the place. You don't strike me, somehow, as either the public spaces for the Tournament, nor did the beach seem fitting. Sometimes private and respectful is the answer. I trust you werne't looking for a chance to prove yourself to others?"

Oracle has posed:
There are preparations that Barbara could undertake before the combat, to be perfectly honest. Bruce put her through a crash-course of multiple styles, supplementing her own background in jiu-jitsu. On the streets in cape and cowl, it's extremely rare that the bad guys give you time to stretch or run through a quick kata, after all.

Barbara rolls her neck around slowly arching her back and stretching her arms. Just enough to get loose, really, without giving too much away. She either lacks true experience or she's holding back.

"You're right, of course. There is nothing for me to prove to the others in the tournament." Like that a librarian can hold her own in deadly combat. "Again, I thank you for the choice of this place." And for the discretion.

The redhead brings feet together and arms at her sides, holding eye contact as she bows formally.

Elektra has posed:
"Perhaps not prove to them, but I'm sure it would have been enlightening." The implication being to others, but she leaves it vague that it might include Barbara herself.. as though Elektra were still going along with the interested Librarian routine. "One can always learn by watching another."

Elektra takes a few moments to stretch as well, though it really isn't a warmup. That, too, is a factor of her training. You don't always get that luxury. Still, she offers, "Shall we test one another before entering into the thing fully? I'm certain I would be glad of the opportunity to limber up." She smiles knowingly. "Less chance for accidental injury."

Guessing, fully now, that the other isn't a slouch - she might not be upper tier, but there is too much about the woman that suggests she knows well more than she's letting on. Elektra's words gauged to both be true offerings, and subtle commentary on what she believes of her opponent.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon smiles at the offer, but then shakes her head. "I would prefer a cold introduction, if you don't mind. It's a much better way to get acquainted." She doesn't know about Elektra's secondary occupation, and certainly not her full capability. But Babs can pretty well guess that she's in for a good fight if Elektra even entered into this tournament.

After all, Damian is in the final round and Babs has sparred with Damian.

"But if it makes you feel better, I promise not to hurt you." The redhead's smile becomes playful now. Game on.

Elektra has posed:
Oh if Barbara only knew.. Damian and Elektra hadn't sparred, but it had been a close thing. Instead, they exchanged verbal mettle and acnowledged the other in ways that left them in a place of respect. Of course, Elektra knows who Robin is, and what he's done.. and he? He's been left with little illusion as to herself. Though that encounter had come before the tournament.

The Tournament itself had been filled with similar revelations, though.

As for herself, Elektra had entered on a whim. A number short had left an opening. Though she'd wondered at the wisdom of the assigning of her partner. She considered, now, that the thing had been deliberate. A testing of the woman. Elektra held no illusions that all of the fights had been random; but then again, they were all out of her hands.

"I promise not to cry too much when I hurt you, seeing as we're being so kind and all..."

Elektra begins a catlike pace about the sparring area, considering her first in. The game might be on, but she still has the luxury here. This isn't some street brawl, or back alley assassination. And when she sees her in, she moves, simple but efficient strikes at the woman, aimed to set her off balance, and a low sweeping of legs for a finish.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon chuckles and settles into a ready-stance that's almost casual. Balanced and poised and conservative. The redhead seems to favor tae kwon do, but her stance suggests other influences as well. Barbara circles slowly, keeping distance and facing all the while.

Yes, she's waiting for the attack.

The opening strikes are blocked, neatly and efficiently. Perhaps a bit too easily, if anything. And when the leg sweep comes in to finish, Barbara goes down.

No, it's not a fall. It's completely intentional. She rolls with the sweep, moving quickly *towards* Elektra to scissor her legs in a take-down attempt.

Elektra has posed:
There's something of a chuckle in return from Elektra when the other woman goes down. Not because she's downed, but because it's a tell. And expected. Or, at the very least, had been hoped for.

Of course Elektra isn't about to be taken down that easily, at least not yet, and certainly not by an opening move. She executes seeveral easy flips backwards, and once momentum is gained, stops in place, and jumps *up* and into a forward roll over the space taht Barbara is aiming her body at.

"Nice. You've done this before."

This time, it is Elektra who waits.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon's scissors-maneuver is quick, but it's hit or miss. And once it doesn't succeed she quickly regains her feet. Green eyes are bright once Elektra settles a little ways away.

Oh, what she wouldn't give for a couple of batarangs! Truth be told, it's been a while since Barbara has fought without her full compliment of gear. And in a way, it's refreshing. Simpler.

"So have you." she replies, breathing a little faster. And yes, she realizes now that the other woman is returning the favor on the attack. It would be impolite to keep her hostess waiting.

Taking a page out of Batman's book, Barbara simply wades in. The strikes begin simply, as Elektra's before, but gradually pick up speed. And it isn't long before she applies regular punctuation in the form of kicks which, as close as the two women are, shows a level of strength and flexibility and control that doesn't come from self-defense class at the Y.

Elektra has posed:
"Well, yes," Elektra admits with the faintest inclination of head. "A few times." A few hundred times at least.

She's ready for the attack when it comes, though she's not sure what form it will take. Barbara's style, if she guesses it correctly, will come at her fast and furious. Kicks and blows. And she's not disappointed.

It gives Elektra something to settle into as she looks into her own opening to counter attack.

The kicks are blocked - not without impact. The sounds of flesh on flesh reverberate through the room. In return, Elektra strikes out with her counter hand as blows are blocked and strikes of foot aimed at knees.

Elektra is good. Quite good. As is Barbara, it seems.

Elektra looks for an in, finds one in the form of a foot aimed at her head, and makes a move, grabbing the leg, and swinging round to deliver a full on elbow strike to Barbara's chest.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon sees the grab coming a split second too late, taking the elbow to the chest with a loud <whoof!>. Yeah, the gloves are off now!

Using the momentum from taking the elbow to the chest, Babs pivots and twists. The foot she was balancing on swings up and over to finish what the captured foot started. She prepares to catch herself upon outstretched hands when she goes down.

Yeah, that's definitely NOT a standard YMCA maneuver. Tae kwon do with some advanced jiu jitsu sprinkled in. It's a sacrifice play, of course, intended to either connect and break the hold or to distract. After all, who in their right mind kicks with their only free leg?

Elektra has posed:
The move doesn't precisely catch Elektra off guard - it's a counter - it's more that Barbara would or wouldn't know it, and then to be able to pull it off. The amount of training needed for that...

The blow lands solidly into Elektra, snapping the woman's head, and, as hoped for, breaks Elektra's hold on the other woman.

"The YMCA, you said?" Elektra laughs softly as she works her jaw back into a more comfortable position. "That must be some membership you have."

Indeed, the gloves are off, and there is no more holding back.

Elektra advances with a flurry of kicks and strikes of her own, her body a blur of smooth motion. It's clear she's done this long enough that the moves are second nature, much as taking a breath or walking down the stairs might be. There is no pause or stop between motions, just a fluid glie between strike and strike, sweep and kick.

Her intent: to push Barabara as hard and as far as the other will go.

Oracle has posed:
"Gold member..." is all Barbara can reply before the barrage begins. The redhead is well-trained indeed, and soon all facade of being in amateur status slips away. She's good, alright. Professionally trained at the very least, with some experience to boot.

But good as she is, Barbara isn't exactly an elite Foot ninja. She keeps up remarkably well, but soon block-and-counter becomes little more than defensive maneuvers. She tries, once, to change things up with a judo hold but the response is enough to discourage trying it again.

The redhead lasts much longer than most would, and once she's fighting at her limit she tries something else unusual. Stepping back after taking a particularly solid hit, she taps the floor quickly with her back foot and raises her hand. It's not a request to stop, but rather to pause.

"Show me how you did that, again?"

Elektra has posed:
It's probably best that Barbara isn't a Foot ninja. There might be issues!

However, there is something rather calming and enjoyble about the sparring mtch - even if all pretense of amateur is gone between the two.

The request to pause does take Elektra by surprise, but respecting the request, she steps back and holds. "Fair enough. We shall move through it slowly, first? Step by step."

And, indeed, Elektra comes, and helps position the other woman as to where she would normallly be to take the blow, and then moves slowly through her actions, showing her, at several points, what she's doing. And then again - this time stopping to move Barbara through the counters.

She gets her to repeats the motions, slowly until they've both moved through them and felt both the responses, but how and where the strike will hit.

"I was taught you should never be afraid of a hit. There will always be times where taking the strike will allow you the inside edge you need to end the fight. If you don't know what it will feel like when it comes, you'll always be at a disadvantage."

"Again? Only in real time?"

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon watches closely as the sparring match becomes a lesson. Braced, she moves through the action and nods as Elektra walks her through the counters as well. The redhead is a fast learner as well.

"Oh believe me, I've taken plenty of hits. At least as a librarian, I dress conservatively enough to hide the bruises." And even while they're talking, Babs practices both the strike and the counters a few times to get them into short-term muscle memory.

Drawing a deep breath, she exhales in a chuff and nods. "Again." she replies. And lesson becomes practice.

Elektra has posed:
And wht started as a sparring match quickly becomes a series of lessons between the women - to be sure, Elektra has the bulk of the moves to share, but Barbara is no slouch, and Elektra isnt too proud to ask for insight into what the other woman can do either.

It was good to see the dojo being used for one of its intended purpsoses again: teaching and learning.
    here comes a point though, where Elektra notes her guest is tiring, and that further lessons will only result in more mistakes than value. To be fair, they've been this for some time. Longer than most would have lasted against the assassin.

"I think you lie a little bit about your training. Barbara was it?" She chuckles nowingly. "Just where does a librarian go to learn such things?"

As though a spoiled rich girl socialite has much better excuse for how she's ended up as good as she is.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara is breathing heavily as the two step aside and out of the combat area, now. She chuckles softly, nodding. "I could go for some hydration, and perhaps a towel as well." she replies.

"Ordinarily I don't let people know my capabilities, but you've more than earned it. Let's just say that I've had professional training. And that this librarian has a 'night job' in Gotham City."

Running fingers through her damp locks, she looks at Elektra and offers. "You are amazing, by the way. And that's coming from someone who's fought some VERY good martial artists."

Elektra has posed:
"Anight job, hrm? In Gotham. Oh, that does lend to certain possibilities."

She walks over to a small, screened off area, and comes back with two towels. "Towels we can do. Hydration may have to wait until we're back at the villa. This area wasn't expected to see much use during the Tournament."

Though, oddly enough, it had. Elektra bringing select folks here to have provate discussions and to finalize plans that were set in motion.

She smiles, inclining her head as she hands over a towel to her opponent. "I've had some extensive training. Particular and specific. You wouldn't be the only one with a night job. At least not one so illustrious if I don't miss my mark."

She looks about the dojo. "My father paid for private tutors when I was a young girl. He felt it might help me focus on my studies. I was always something of the precocious, and rather distracted and bored. After his death, I entered into practice rather more seriously. I think it would be fair to say there are few of my calibre. Enough to keep me on my toes. You aren't bad. I can see you've had very good training. Few bad habits. Quick thinking on your feet. And you're not afraid to land a blow. You'd be surprised how many are."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon accepts the towel with a smile of thanks, dabbing the back of her neck. "I definitely agree that you're in an elite class, Elektra." she offers. "And after you've taken a few hits you become less shy about dishing them out."

"Listen, while I have a high amount of professional curiosity about your night job, that's your secret. And I won't pry." For a librarian, that's asking a lot. Then again, Babs only offered so much about her own noctournal activities.

Elektra has posed:
Elektra pats her own skin in the places where she's particularly sweaty, using that as a distraction as she speaks. "Professional curiousity about my night job? You did say you were a librarian. I find that rather intriguing, putting those two things together." She flicks a glance over the other's way, the faintest of smiles hovering at the edges of her lips. "It might be sufficient to say there are those who shouldn't walk the streets at night, and leave it at that."

It's an offering that carries no moral weight, while utterly suggesting she's keeping the streets safe. And while she has participated in that endeavour, not all her noctural wanderings have been so altruistic.

"Occupational hazard," Elektra offers by way of apology with regards to the being less shy after taking a few hits. "I hadn't meant to up the ante quite so drastically so soon, but I would hazard those classes of yours weren't at any youth club, public or private, and you held your own. I wouldn't have continued otherwise."

The point hadn't been to beat the other woman into the ground or humiliate her, but to test her edges and evaluate her. Barbara hadn't been found wanting. It was almost a shame Elektra wasn't able to take a student after all.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon smiles wryly at that, acknowledging the speculation with a nod. "Let's just say I've trained with some of Gotham's best, which means the *world's* best." And she says this with some authority as well.

"Don't apologize for upping the ante, though. We both knew it would get to that point eventually; I'd just figured that I would be the one who ended up pulling punches and giving lessons."

But at least she can acknowledge a good ass-kicking.

"And I somehow don't doubt that you could WIN the tournament if you really wanted to. I do have to ask, however. Do you test ALL the new people you meet this way?"

Elektra has posed:
"Ah," Elektra nods knowingly. "Then I suppose we have a mutual friend." At least one. "Interesting. No worries, there's a certain amount of discretion agreed to that benefits both parties. I would expect you to fall under that blanket."

Not that she knows *who* Barbara is, but that training pedigree suggests that she might wish to place the red head into that small box and act accordingly.

"I do try to remain an enigma. Truthfully, most wouldn't know I carry such skills beyond a passing note in my bio that I had lessons as a precious child. I prefer to keep it that way. The point isn't to broadcast." She shrugs, and holds out her hand for the other's towel, intending on tucking them away against being laundered later. "As to your question, no. I don't actually invite new people to do many things at all. You understand secrets." She's not beating around the bush here, either, it would seem. "I took a calculated risk with you. I think it paid off. Most people I meet get the standard bored rich girl, or the all business CEO with a splash of disdain thrown in. It keeps people where I need them to be."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon continues patting her sweat-damp hair while the two talk, her breathing coming under control fairly quickly. She laughs softly as well. Enigmas? It's almost a pre-requisite to becoming one of the Bat Clan, after all.

"A woman who not only plays the game but plays *with* the game. I knew there was something I liked about you, Elektra." the redhead offers softly. "I wasn't going to buy either of those lines, of course. Thank you for not trying them on me."

Elektra has posed:
"It's a hobby?" Elektra offers with an amused laugh.

"You didn't seem the type. I've had to learn to read people." It was an occupational hazard both in business, and in her secret life as well. "You didn't read as someone who would buy those lines, and certainly not one who would have followed me here and given as good as she got if I'd tried them. I was curious. You spoke words that didn't match the read. I was either going to be wrong or pleasantly surprised."

Her smile says which she discovered.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon smiles a little at that, nodding slowly. "I'd say you've become pretty good at reading people, actually." she replies. "And I'm glad to see things worked out for the better, at least I hope so." She pauses, then. "So what DO we do from here? I keep my secrets and you go on keeping yours?"

Elektra has posed:
It was be very good at reading people, or be very dead in Elektra's line of work. Still, she didn't take her skills for granted.

"It seems about the way it should work, yes?" The woman inclines her head fractionally. "I see no point in outing the other." And not just because she didn't have a precise identity on Barbara; there was also the small matter of the modicum of respect the other had earned in that short sparring bout they'd engaged in.

"Had you other ideas?"

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon's smile takes on a knowing look, now, and she bends to reach into her backpack. "Yes, actually." Pulling out a simple card, it's green on one side and black on the other. The green side has black letters; a phone number.

She passes it over. "This number will always reach me, 24/7. I don't give these cards to just anyone, and it's a mark well worth keeping."

Elektra has posed:
The card is taken and considered before being flipped away with efficient ease.

"Sadly, I don't have cards to return the favour. But if you're ever in need of a back to lean against in a back alley, I'd consider it a compliment."

Neglecting the fact that the odds of her being alive and kicking and making that happen were nil at this point. Still, it was a polite fantasy to offer, and were things not set in motion as they were, the offer would have been more than sincere.

The tall dark-haired woman pauses, and considers a thing. "Actually, I do have something of a proposition for you. If you're interested. Something of a clean up job."

Oracle has posed:
The redhead lifts a brow at that. "And I'd consider it an honor." on the subject of someone to cover her back, that is. Babs looks very curious, now. She finishes dabbing with the towel, draping it over her shoulder.

"A proposition? Under other circumstances a person could take that way out of context, of course. At least until you spoil the innuendo by calling it a clean up job."

Expression becoming wry, she adds. "Consider me interested."

Elektra has posed:
Elektra is fairly certain they've not been followed here. She's not sure yet why Madame Gao isn't having her keepers trail her to this particular location, but so far all indications have been that the dojo is something of sanctuary. A place Elektra will be allowed to enter and exist in without the eagle-eyed supervision she's getting elsewhere on the island.

"First, let me apologize for what will seem a great deception." And it was, when you came down to it. "Not really the way I intended on divulging this particular secret, but in order for you to understand the import of what I will ask of you, you need to know that I am the Hand. Specifically, the Fist that Rules the Hand."

She makes a wry and apologetic face. "Well, I was. Now it's more or less academic as to who runs them. But it does afford me a unique position at the moment."

She waits to see how Barbara is taking this, then saying quietly, "I want you to help me destroy them."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara Gordon has heard of the Hand, of course, and the mere mention of the group is enough to raise both crimson brows. "Destroy them?" Destroy THE premier group of assassins on the East Coast?

Bruce would object, of course. But then again, the Birds were meant to cross lines of fair play and honor. She looks thoughtful for a moment.

"I will want to bring others into this endeavor. But let's talk about what you need."

The waters are going to have to wait a little bit longer, it seems.