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The Librarian: It's Not the Yellow Pages, But...
Date of Scene: 23 October 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Willow hunts down some magical support for the upcoming hunt to find the Librarian and the items he's searching for. It could have gone worse?
Cast of Characters: Willow Rosenberg, Deadwatch
Tinyplot: The Librarian

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
With the information that Sam and Buffy had gotten back from the head of the Order who were trying to stop what they were all now dubbing "Blue Guy", Willow had some precise things she could ply her magical trade upon and search for. So to speak.

She knew the items they wanted, but they also knew that there were things in play that went beyond what went bump in the night and in Sam and Buffy's territory, and were well into Willow and John's. Only, preliminary searches had shown Willow that they were going to need more than what she could bring to bear - still learning, as she was, and John's.

Luckily, Willow had skills for that. Or more precisely, to help them find someone who might be able to help them with the more magical side of things. And, as luck would have it, the man was a PI.

So it was, with trepidation, and a cheery smile forced upon her face, that Willow finds his office and knocks on the door.

Deadwatch has posed:
And by office she means what once was a 30's speakeasy, long lost and abandoned to time. A door, for some reason almost never seen by anyone, at the botton of a set of stairs along one of the older buildings in Gotham's seedier part of town. Maybe it's something mystically inherent about the place. Or maybe it has to do with the chain of occupants who have inhabited it since it closed almost a hundred years ago. Whatever it was, or has been, it is now definately (sorta) an office. Home to Gotham's /OFFICIAL/ (if there is anything offcial about it) Sorcerous son, Nolan Voight... Also known as The Darkwatch.. Well, not really known. HOPEFULLY not known.

And At this moment Nolan is sitting at one of the couches off the old stage (where his circles is a set) fumbling with a smartphone. A rather nice one.. A Starkphone.. It looks brand new, and it's box (and present wrapping?) is on teh small table in front of him. "I /LIKE/, my KORDphone, damnit... WHo cares if it was almost ten years out of date..." he gripes.. then stop, looks up, and frowns at the empty space next to him. "I am NOT a luddite!" he rants, about to say something else and stops when he hears a knock at the door. He Blinks at the door.. Then at several empty spaces around the main room. "any of you expecting anyone?" he asks, slowly. After another moments silence he shoots a look at the door again. "I swear, you lot are totally useless.." he gripes and then makes a motion at teh door. All thirteen locks and deadbolts open in sequence.

"Enter freely, if ye mean no harm." He intones... Not just words but words of power, that if any supernatural entity who crosses his threshold and does offer harm they will be temporairily stripped of their power. Because That is the Old Hospitality. And it is enforced by the Unseelie Accords..

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
It's a surprised 'O' of mouth that Willow makes standing outside Nolan's door as he gives that entreatment. The door, however she has to open herself, and she does, peeking around the corner of it, "Oh, hi. Uh.. that's some really old school warding you're employing. Do you find yourself being visited by that many things that can't cross that barrier?"

She gives a tiny wee frown, "I'm going to come in now, if that's okay. Just me and my laptop. Promise."

Okay, and some sage. And a few candles. Fine, and a bagel with lox, but in her defense, she was hungry. She just hadn't brought enough for two unless they shared, and she wasn't about to use that as a bribe to come in.. or should she?

"I have a bagel we could share?"

Deadwatch has posed:
Okay, of all the creatures (Both Human and not, and trust him some Humans are more 'creature' than the creatures are) Nolan expexted to cross his threshold a girl who looked to be barely into her twenties.. Well, not one NOT dressed like a streetwalker. Not that he has many of THOSE come here. And not for THOSE reasons. They are HIS clients and he is NOT their's.

No, this girl seems almost... mousy.. and nerdy. A a we bit too yuppily dressed to be a local. At least for HIS neighbourhood. "I'd bet that barrier against almost any demon you can name, /young/ lady. " he says, not mentioning a certain demoness (as he lovingly thinks of her) who is the ONLY being who flaunts the damned thing, then narrows his eyes. "Wait,,, how do you/know about the ward?" he asks, "and who /are/ you? How did you /find/ this place...." he stops as his Sight reveals some of the answers.. Witch. If the new agey sage and candles didn't give it away.

"Should I be wary of Witches bearing gifts and laptops?" he asks slowly, also pointing out he KNOWS what she is so.. no funny business."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow bobs her way into Nolan's, grinning broadly now, and taking care to shut the door behind her. "Oh, the wards? They're kind of my thing, actually. But it was you. Your greeting. That's really old school stuff. Handles most things, especially the ones old enough to know what breaking those accords means."

And, yes, she's dressed.. well, not quite yuppily. More like what would happen if Yuppy and FlowerPower had a love child. She's very much her own free spirit.

"As for how I found it, well, you're in the yellow pages, aren't you?"

Total flat out lie, considering you couldn't look up the google search she'd done on him. Investigative Mystic wans't really its own class there. Besides, her way was faster and cut through all the side ads she had no interest in.

There's a light giggle as he pegs her as a witch. "You're not one of those who think we should all be burned at the stake, are you?" Because Sam had given full on thoughts to banishing her until they'd settled his mind on the fact that not all, in fact not even most, witches gleaned their power from demons.

She certainly hadn't.

Deadwatch has posed:
The redhead sorcerer with the mismatched eyes furrows his brows a bit more as she closes the door behind her, commenting on his greetings. "This is /Gotham/. If the few things strong enough to even tickle those wards ain't old, it's /dark/ enough for then to know what it means as well..."

"And no, I don't have my number in the yellow pages. I have a few ensorceled business cards stuck up around only for people who NEED to see them to be ABLE to see. And are you OLD enough to know what yellowpages are? Who are/ you again?" he asks the Yippy girl. Thats Hippy/Yuppy. It's a real term!

He then raises those once furrowed brows. "And why would I want to burn witches? Most of the time their worst crimes are being Vampire the masuerade playing, slightly overweight lipstick lesbians brqacticing wicca.. and not realizing that WICCA never existed." he grumps.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow looks surprised, "Wow, Gotham is that bad? I thought only Bludhaven had wandering monsters as a regular occurence.. oh wait. Maybe I shouldn't have said that. Can we pretend I didn't say that, maybe?" Suddely uncertain if she's given away some sort of trade secret to this one here. Mind you, he did have some pretty impressive wards going on, not to mention words of power.

"Hrm. So you're not going to buy the yellow pages thing." Willow nods to herself, but only for a moment as the ensorcelled cards grabs her attention. "Cards, huh? Could I have one? And that must have been what my search hooked into. I wondered." She rolls her eyes. "D'uh. The Yellow Pages went digital years ago."

Belatedly, she realizes she's not introduced herself. Mostly because he's not very happy about that fact and is just this shy of yelling at her about it. "Oh. I'm Willow. Pleased to meet you." She bobs something that's almost a curtsey and offers him her hand to shake. "I'm harmless. It's my room mate you have to worry about." And while she says it jokingly, it's one of those jokes, you know? Where you just can't be sure how much she actually might mean it. Or why.

Deadwatch has posed:
The medium comtinues to scrutinize the young woman, as if he is trying to break through some kind of illusion, which usually his sight would have eqasily peeled back without much effort, but she's just too... Discomboobulated to be true. She can't TRULY be this... naive? odd?

"No we can't pretend you didn't say that. It's not like I don't know how bad Bludhaven is. I've been avoiding that shithole since I was a kid. But thats all monster monster, not /human/ monsters. Oh we have enough monster monsters here but it's the HUMAN ones you need to watch out for. There is a REASON demons fear to tread in this city." he warns her... then facepalms as she brings up 'digital'.

"I swear.. It's gonna be one of those nights.." he mutters, then looks up to the empty seat nex to him. "What do you mean I keep saying that. I don'y say that...." he grouses at nothing... a moment passes. "I do not sound like a broken record, damnit... Yes I know what a /record/ is... Oh for the love of.. Go! Get out!" he says, making a shooing motion at nothing, then looks back at the witch and sighs, seemingly not caring if she saw him talking to the air or not. It's HIS home, damnit.

"FIne, fine. Nice to meet you Willow... I guess." he says, ignoring the part about roommates. "I'm Nolan. Have a seat, if youre staying. And why were you looking for me, again?" he asks, ignoring also the part about giving her a busienss card. "And just so you know, I don't have wi-fi." he says, motioning to her laptop.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow's eyes widen ever so wide as Nolan spells his meaning out about monsters. "Ohhh! I would never have thought about that. I mean, I did think about that, but my building is pretty nice. But how do wards keep human monsters out? Aren't they just bad people?"

Because, yes, Willow is that niave and discombobulted, despite the fact that she's seen and dealt with way more than anyone her age really should have on the front of the arcane and unusual. Not to mention creepy and supernatural.

Willow just blinks at him while he talks to empty air. Well, okay at first she thinks he's talking to her, but as he continues on, and especially when he makes shooing gestures, she's pretty sure he isn't telling her to leave. "Who are you talking to? And, oh! I wanted to ask for you help."

She sits down beside him without ceremony, and pulls her laptop out of her bag. "No wi-fi, huh?" Her laptop is considered. She'd never actually tried what she could do without actual wifi. For all she knew it would still work. Still, she'd pulled the laptop out to show him what she wanted him for, and those pages were saved to her harddrive. That she didn't need wi-fi for. (Even if she was now curious).

"You were yelling at someone. Saying you didn't say those things." Expectantly, without asking outright what he'd meant.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight leans back on his couch, and kicks his leg up on the coffeetable... a leg to which is strapped over the pantleg an old fashioned metal leg brace, wityh leather straps and a sturrup that hooks under his shoe. He winces with pain as he does so, but then seems to relax just as quickly and regards his... guest once more.

"I'm talking to the /other/ wards. You know, the ones who are SUPPOSED to KEEP my place SAFE when the GLAMOUR DOESN'T WORK! " he calls out, sarastically. There is, of course, no answer.

"It's not lsavery when you are /paid/! Not my fault if you can't negotiate worth crap!" Okay, maybe something DID answer, because he answered back, then fixes those mismatched eyes on Willow and pointedly does NOT answer he question aout whom he may or may not jhave been talking to. Let her make her Own deductions.

"So.. Fine. You need help.. And you brought a laptop. I don't know nuthin about computers except how to erase my browser cache. SO what do need help from /me/ for? Don't you have friends on The Facebook or The Tweets or something who can help?" Yes, he said it like an old man. Makes you wonder if he says The Pornhub.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
A giggles escapes the girl. "The Tweets? You did not just say the Tweets. Oh wow. You really are a dinosaur, aren't you?" She's utterly amused and tickled pink that Nolan, for all her search suggested he wasn't any sort of a slouch when it came to magic.. was an absolute dork when it came to modern tech and social networks. "Oh, I didn't find you with Tweets. And I can take care of my own computer, thank you very much."

She watches him shift position, and notes the wince, making a small, considered sound of discovery. "You'd think that would have come up in the search," she ponders of the left brace. "Is that made of cold steel or iron? Because that would be really handy, wouldn't it?" Not to mention *heavy* to drag around. So maybe not so handy.

"And your wards are just fine. I'm assuming you mean the ones against scrying?" Willow winces a little as she asks that. "It's not really their fault. Or your fault. That's kind of my specialty." And it is. If magic has prodigies, Willow is one in that field.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight squints when she mentions Scrying... "I'm in my early thirties. I am NOT old." he grouses. "And No.. Not those kind of wards. I mean wards as in beings who are my wards.. Such as /Ghosts/." he says. "You know. The dead. The dearly departed. The ones who haven't crossed over yet. The ones who watch you in your shower /every day/ because they are all PEEPING TOMS.." he says, hoping to embarrases THIS potential peeping tom, with her revelation about her own peeping.

He then looks at the leg brace. "So you can scry me, but you can't look at my /medical/ records? Well /thats/ reassuring. Nice to see gubberment money at work." And she hasn't brought up his police record either.. So thats always a plus. "Cold iron and cold steel is a myth. All iron is cold. Thats why you don't see many fae in cities, except gremlins. The term is just some fancy way of saying iron. As long as it has at least a twenty or twenty five percent iron content, even alloys will effect them." See! he's a FONT of knowlegde! "So what is it you /need/, Miss willow. As entertaining as this is, I am truly a busy man." Yes, because busy men tend to be sitting around trying to install apps on a new cellphone.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
The look Willow gives Nolan leaves him in no doubt (or should leave him in no doubt) as to just how old she thinks early thirties is. It's eye rolling in that patented way of youth, who will /never/ be /that/ old. Never in a million years.

"OH. That kind of ward." She pauses thoughtfully. "Like ghost ghosts? Isn't that, well, annoying?" Because really, your own personal hauntings must be some kind of hell. "You could do something about that, you know. I know people."

That whoosh sound you hear, though, is the sound of Willow not equating what she does with the same thing as being a Peeping Tom. "They do not watch me!" she protests, though in truth she has no clue. Only now she'll think about that every time she showers. It might be awkward for a time until she figures out she can't actually shower with her clothes on, and besides, is she never going to get naked in her life ever again?

She begins opening some files on her laptop. "So, there's this book. Actually, it's not a book, but they did bind it into one for awhile. We're just nto sure if it's in pieces still, but I think so because I can't find one location, for it. Just a lot of echoes I'm trying to narrow down. You wouldn't believe how hard that is to do, anyway. Now talk about wards. But Buffy says this thing wants to be found, so something else must be going on..."

That's really about where she notices him (likely) staring at her babbling, and the StarkPhone blinking in setup mode. "Say, did you need help with that? Maybe make a trade for helping us?"

Because if there was one thing that Willow was, it was broke.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight almost grins, seeing that shift in her aura... Self concious youg lady thinking about being peeped on by ghosts? He knew that would strike a chord. He so loves planting these little gems in people's minds.. No magic involved either. "Oh yes, they do watch. They see /everything/. Thats why /I/ don't need a fancy computer to learn things. I see ghosts. I hear ghosts. And best of all, they listen to me. Terrible gossips, too.. Begging for attention... They'll tell you anything, really, if you're willing to... negotiate with them." he says smoothly, piling it one.. grinning even more.

Wanda would probably gibbsmack him right now.

He looks at his phone a moment, that dreaded present he promised that same wanda he loved, which she got for him when his old phone developed just one too many cracks in it's screen. "You're saying you'll help get this peice of.. I mean this WONDERFUL phone working for me, the waqy I want it, if I help you find a book... Thats not a book.. which you have no idea where it is and is leaving some sort of echoes around which you can't find on your laptop..." he says, slowly... "gee.. I dunno..."

He pauses a moment...

"shhhh, I'm /negotiating/..." he whispers to the side.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow makes a face. "There is nothing wrong with using a computer." She sounds, if not indignant, slightly self-conscious that her magic can be used through tech that way, totally bypassing the fact that she is fairly unique in her technomancy. And that it really wasn't using the computer per se, but a part of her spell casting. "You're not supposed to negotiate with ghosts," she says quietly. "Most of them will twist your words and their own."

Her pout doesn't last too long, though, blinking owlishly at him as he runs through the informtion she's given him as though she's made perfect sense and why isn't he following it? "I'm good with phones," she agrees. "I can set you up lickety split." She's about to say 'for free' because she's nice like that, only she catches herself at the last minute as it would rather defeat the purpose of her visit here and negate her only bargaining chip. "If you help, that is."

Knowing full well she'll help him anyway. Because Willow.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight rolls his eyes as the yong witch presumes to tell /him/ how to deal with Lost Souls. "Teach yer grandmother to sucks eggs, kid. I've been dealing with ghosts since before you were born. Trust me on this. You're getting yourself mixed up with demons and /spirits/. Spirits ad ghosts are hardly the same thing and as for demons well..." he makes a meh gesuture with his bad hand and sits back on his cushion.

And then he holds out his phone to her, sighing. "fine, set me up. I'll help you find whatever this book is. But I'd sure liek more information on it before I start traisping about The Dark looking for somethig that /supposedly/ wants to be found.. because there are lots of books out there that want to be fund.. That doesn't mean they want to be found by /us/." he points out.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow happily takes the phone, totally wearing an 'I win' smile. If only because she's helping him set up his tech and not having to watch him struggle through it, with the added bonus she figured she had him intrigued.

"My.. gosh, I guess he's my teacher, but he's also kind of one of our Watchers.. anyway, he was asked to help. The book is supposed to be able to summon or banish demons and a bunch of other things. It was, to the best of my knowledge, written as a series of treastices? Kind of. There isn't a whole lot of information about it other than if you have the book, and the items that go along with it you can use it for those purposes. I think the book was written long before the items became associated with it, because I can't find them referenced the same way as it is."

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight frowns a bit when she mentions Wqatchers, and very wary look crosses his face as he crosses his arms against his chest. "Watchers... with a capitol W.." he says and squints at Willow. "As in the secret organisation that watches over the devoted to tracking and combating malevolent supernatural entities, locating individuals with the talents required to fight such beings, and then sending said powered individuals out to do their dirty work while they stay in the background and reap the benefits, like collecting powerfu arifacts and uch, to 'keep them out of the hands of mortal men' but, surprisingly keeping these items and powrs in their own."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow's lips form a small 'oh' of 'I probably didn't mean to say that, did I'.

"Uhhhh... maybe? Say, what was it you were trying to set up on this thing anyway? I can probably find you a bunch of other apps you might like."

She's not avoiding the question. Nope. Not at all. Not even a little bit.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight uh huhs... "Tinder, Caper, Uber... Basically any app that ends in 'er. And a phtovault so I can store.. well.. never you mind what I will be storing on it." he says, eyes still drilling into the young woman.

"I'm going to warn you, kid.. Be careful of The Watchers. They ain't exactly... Kosher. I've met more then a few lost souls of those that have fallen afoul of the council. And Not all of these souls were guilty."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Too late," Willow says cheerily. "And besides, what are you going to do? Offer to take over my training instead? I didn't think you did things like that."

Okay, he'd said no such thing, but it wasn't like Nolan was displaying all that many social features like polite conversation and welcoming gestures. She was fairly certain he was even more of a curmudgeon than Giles or John. Then again, if she spent her entire life with ghosts, maybe she'd be cranky too.

"I can set all that up for you. I can make it so that your photos auto sort, too, so that you can find the ones you want more easily. Just put a few lines of code in and things will tag when you take them, and they'll go where you want. And Oh! There's this cool app that you can order dinners through. Not that we use it, because really, it costs way too much to have things delivered, but you can get food from just about anywhere. You might want.." She continues to babble away as she finds him apps, head bent over his phone as she does her magic.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight makes a face at /that/. "I am on one's mentor. I aib't exactly what you would call a people person.. Unless you are dead." he tells her, then pauses as if he heard something and scowls at the empty space on teh couch next to him. "I /am/ charming and you /know/ it." he gripes.. pauses again, and then exhales loudly. "YEah yeah, laugh it up..." he mutters and then looks back to Willow.

"Yeah. probably best you don't autosort my pictures.." he mumbles. "But the food ordering app sounds fine so long as you put in teh restaurants with the best food. Like, expensive restaurants." He may live in a dark and sort of dungeony place but Nolan's favourite thing in the whole wide world is /good/ food. Well, it's his second second thing.. Or maybe third. "so who all is involved in the possible future fiasco?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Right. No autosort." She mutters to herself, as she removes the app, "He might have told me before I set that up. But noooo." Secretly she thinks he's got some collection of dirty pictures he's trying to hide, and is wondering why he wouldn't want those sorted away, but it's not her problem. She adds a few other social networking apps, and, as an added measure, tosses the Yellow Pages directory onto his phone as well. Plus a mapping app. A weather app. An app that points out all the local parks and trails (not that she thinks he'll use that, but it makes her happy to think he might possibly some day, and maybe will enjoy a park bench and the view because of it).

There's an almost impish grin as the young woman looks over at him, and says with as straight a face as she can possibly manage before the giggles get her, "You're not a people person? I'd never have noticed." Then again, she lives with The Slayer. Willow was used to periodic terseness from time to time, and generally ignored it in favour of pizza and chocolate offerings, and her own sunny nature.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight isn't trying to /hide/ dirty pictures. No, he just likes to keep them /seperate/ from the rest of his stuff. Also, he needs a place to keep pictures of supernatural crap he encounters, again sperated from more mundane stuff. Also. he notes that she /didn't/ answer his question and raises a brow ever so slightly.

"Ground control to space cadet!" he calls out. "seems to me I ain;t the only one who has a few issues on he social circuit. I asked who else have you roped into this rodeo with your naiviette and charm?" he asks dryly.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow blinks at Nolan. "Oh, I'm not organizing this show. John knows the.. well, he says he's an angel, but I don't know. I haven't met him. But there's Buffy, and me, and Sam - he's a Hunter." She feels rather less bad about dropping Sam's secret, even though she's leaving out Buffy's. "Oh, John. And uh, I guess you? Maybe Faith and Dawn. But we needed more magic support. That's why I looked you up."

She beams.

"Magic support."

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight frowns a bit now. "John.... WOuld you mean a John with an outragrous liverpoolian accent, smokes like a chimney, and tries to shag anything with a puasle.. or at least a postal adress? Also like sto say 'Mate' a lot?" he asks, slowly. Then his brows furrow even more. "wait.. You guys have an /angel/? And you say it's dangerous talking to /ghosts/?" he exhales loudly and runs his hands down his face.

"Magical Support... Thats gonna be the least of your problems..."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow giggles. "You said shag."

For a while there really is nothing sensible coming out of the girl as she lets that word amuse her. It's really quite endearing. Or might be were Nolan anyone else but Nolan.

Finally, though, she gathers herself back together and nods. "That is very much John. John Constantine. He doesn't like it when I call him sir or Mr. Constantine. Something about that was his father or would be if he knew who his father was. And he /says/ Castiel is an angel, but I'm not sure."

Her brow furrows. "I really should look that up." Because for all she knew, the supposed angel was telling the truth.

Deadwatch has posed:
"Oh for christ's sake.." NOlan moans, covering his syes and inhaling deeply when she all but tells him wchich John this is. "John Fu.../Freaking/ Constantine.." he gripes, and corrects himself quickly since she is basicaly a kid to him, and one from the burbs. "Thqat man should NOT be allowed around kids.. Hell, even /he/ knows that..." he says, hanging is head. "This is gonna be soooooooo much fun."

GHe then makes a.. neutral gesture. "Castiel.. Okay, there is someone I didn't think I'd cross paths with again... I mean, for an angel he's pretty Low key and all.. Sadly he dresses just /like/ John.."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Oh, it's okay," Willow chirps. "Giles made him make promises. I don't think John was happy about it, but I think he owed Giles a favour or something." She shrugs. "He's kind of bound now."

She's more interested that he knows Castiel. "So he's real? The angel, I mean. Okay, I mean, he must be a real /person/, but is he really an angel?" She makes it seems like it's such an incredulous thing, even if she's the one who hangs out with The Slayer, and hunts down things that go bump in the night. Angels, on a scale of mundane to bump in the night, were relatively innocuous. At least they hadn't had to banish any.

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight uh huhs, looking as if he is taking the idea of John being bound (and not by bondage gear) to NOT act like John, with a grain of salt. A TEENY grain of salt even. "Riiiiight. Okay. SUre. We'll see how long THAT lasts.." he mumbles, shaking his head.

As to Castiel... "Yes, Castiel is real. And yes, he is an angel, for whatever that means or is worth. Angels are strange things, Kid. No two the same, and never the same TWICE themselves. They are beings of, supposedly, divine grace but ALL religions have angels. Not just the christians. Teh christian ones just get better press copy, much of it overhyped, or outright lies to make them seem better then they really are."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow nods as she listens. "You know what's odd? You know John, right?" Of course he did. It was patently obvious. "Why would an angel get him to help him? Aren't they creatures of good?"

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight Frowns. "and what, you're implying John is /evil/?" he asks. "Angels aren't good, Kid. Nor really evil. They serve a /higher/ power. A power that really doesn't care about us beynd some, probably, lingering guilt far back in it's omnipotent mind. A power that encompasses bot god and evil and more.. and less."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Nooooooo, not exactly evil." Because if he were evil, Giles wouldn't have left him looking over the kids as Nolan so quaintly put it. "But he's not really the most ethical of people, is he?"

Okay, Willow's sole experiences with that were his business card, his drinking, foul mouth, and as Nolan had pointed out as a 'new' fact - he shagged anything that wasn't nailed down. It wasn't evil, but it certainly wasn't angelic.

Nolan's words give her pause, though. "So, what you're saying is they're.. I guess it's not ammoral, but our idea of good and bad doesn't really register to them?" She looks thoughful. "Then how do they give us rules to follow if that isn't their concept of good and holy?" Willow shakes her head. "Sounds bossy to me."

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight snorts now. "Ethics? Kid, there is no such THING as ethics. Ethics are teh rules set down by whomever runs a society, the conquering class. There is not 'ethics' in nature. It is a contrivance. An artificial structure. If a higher power made ethics a law, then we'd be following it as it wold be encoded into us. We don't. We fight ethics, for and against." he tells her.

"Who knows how it truly registers to them. They are angels. Constructs made to enforce divine purpose. If one of them was told to cure everyone with cancer they would. If one of them were ordered to wipe out all right handed kids, they would. Thats why you need to be careful, because they feel their purpose is just, just because it's what they were TOLD to do."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow nods to herself, again looking thoughtful. "I wonder what they've got on John to make him work with them." Because she doesn't know his story either.

Belatedly, she remembers Nolan's phone. "Oh! I think I put everything you need on it. And set it to swipe open only to your fingerprint. You'll have to swipe it to set it now, but that's pretty easy." Willow pauses. "You do know how to swipe the phone screen, right?"

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight squints at her a moment, then reaches foreward to PLUCK the phone from her hand. "Yes.. Yes I know how to 'swipe', thank you very much. You make it sound like i was raised in the 1990s." he grumbles and looks at his screen.. and /swipes/ it like a /boss/.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow lets him grab the phone away. "You look like you were raised in the 90's" she mumbles under her breath. She tries very, very hard not to smirk or giggle at him. It was almost getting to be too easy to make him grumble like that. "You know, you're really not as cranky as you pretend to be, are you? You just don't like people getting close to you."

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight doesn't look /up/ from his screen as he /expertly/ one hand thumbs his Vmail address in so his contacts can sink from, gasp, the CLOUD. It's only like three contacts but, hey... It's something. The main one seems to be someone called Sexy'n'Scarlet.

"Oh trust me, I can be VERY cranky. I'm just floating on a nice cloud of pircocet at the moment." he says matter of factly. "and no, before you ask, I'm not an addict. I have a perscription." he adds, then finally looks up after having typed somethin.. a text.. to someone.

SOmewhere, someone's phone is vibrating, and a message is asking "what colour underwear are you wearing?"

"But o, I don;t like many people getting close to me. I'm picky. You would be too if you spent your childhood on the streets and the only NICE people you knew were all dead."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Oh, you really have to be careful with those things. They're addictive." Willow totally misses the irony of that statement. She might be a little impressed with his one thumbed punching in of his Vmail address, and is reassured he'll be able to handle the modifications she did to his phone.

As for the somewhere someone's phone... a text comes back ~I'm not sure. They're yours. What colour are they?~ And, perhaps incredibly saucily, there's a photo. ~Looks like white to me~

It's likely a good thing Willow doesn't see any of that interchange as she might not recover from the blushing it would require.

"I guess that would be kind of terrible. Sometimes it seems like that for us, too. The nice people, I mean. Only, not the dead part. But you wouldn't believe the number of monsters we run into."

Deadwatch has posed:
Nolan Voight smirks... Oh yes, he smirks as she sends him a picture back. And he swipes it ITO the photvault and loks up innocently at Willow. "Like I said, it's perscription. It's eithe rtake them or live in mostly unbearble pain." he says matter of factly.

"Monsters are everwhere, Kid. Remember that. And more of them have a human face then not. You learn that you will live longer, though you may have to pick up a drinking habit.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
The smirk is noted, not that Willow knows what evoked it, but it still seems like it's probably a good thing. He's not grousing at her anymore at any rate.

"We're not allowed to kill the human ones," she says very sensibly. "I'm not sure I want to develop a drinking habit, though. That sounds kind of nasty." Not to mention, if she hung around Buffy long enough, the odds of 'live longer' got significantly reduced. Not that she'd really thought about that before, and if she had, it had been along the lines of keeping her beste alive longer with her own presence. It was a complicated sort of realization.