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Latest revision as of 04:42, 6 November 2018

Amazon and an Asgardian walk into a bar...
Date of Scene: 06 November 2018
Location: Metropolis - A Pool Hall.
Synopsis: Helena hires Grace as a Personal Bodyguard, and interest is taken.
Cast of Characters: Battleborn, Grace Choi

Battleborn has posed:
It's not a seedy dive, but it's also not some high class place. More middile of the road if anything. The place? It's called the Q simply because it's both a bar, and pool hall. It's got some 80's rock playing on the jukebox, and the sounds of billiard balls hitting one another can be heard.

Major Helena Shepard, or Battleborn if you follow the happenings of public heroes, which she is deffinately one, is sitting at the bar with a half drank mug of beer in front of her and an open pack of cigarettes on the bar, though she currently doesnt have one lit. She did put out an add for a Bodybuard, not that she needs one, but she did say that trainning time was also required, and no men need apply, because someone like Helena, is NOT going to be guarded by the softer gender.

Grace Choi has posed:
Grace Choi makes her way into the bar, a familiar haunt for her. She recognizes Helena, both from the news and from the ad. She hadn't come here with any intent, just a crossing of paths, but has to admit that she could use a little extra cash in the old account. The last bar she worked at may have burned down under questionable circumstances when Grace threw out a pyrokinetic drunk. Grace didn't burn, but the place did, awfully well.

Grace makes her way up to the bar and raps on the wood top, "Whiskey, neat, three fingers," she says. "Ice it and I'll break your hand," she says, although the tone is teasing..

Battleborn has posed:
"All ice does is get in the way, and takes the sting out of it." Helena says as she turns her head to Reguard Grace, an apprasing eye as well as an approving one. "Haven't seen you around before, I'd remember a pretty face on top of a sculpled master peice like that." She says as she downs the rest of her beer, guiness by the looks of it, and another mug is brought her way.

"Names Helena." She says with a smile, at the moment her long black coat is off, revealing her undershit and the muscles and curved underneath, though, there is also tattoos, nordic from the looks of them, down her arms and along her neck.

Grace Choi has posed:
Grace Choi has her own tattoos, Amazon of a particular tribe, running down her shoulders and the length of her formidable arms. She wears a wifebeater and a pair of cargo pants, her leather jacket draped over a stool as she settles in. She looms and draws a few eyes, massive as she is, her golden skin almost glowing under the lights of the bar.

"I'm familiar," she says. "Grace. I hear you're looking to hire some muscle, although you look like you've got plenty to me."

Battleborn has posed:
"Why thankyou, I'm in the Gym every morning." Helena says with a smile. "It's for appearence, besides, people are already walking into a negative when they see a six and a half foot tall woman, imagine adding seven more feet of pure feminine muscle to that.' She says with a wink. "That and you'd probably make a wonderful sparring partner." She says as she flicks out her lighter. "You mind if I smoke?" She says, her particular genetics makes it to she heals from the effects of smoking, and drinking, Asgardians and their vices.

Grace Choi has posed:
Grace Choi shakes her head, "Nah, you do you. I might even bum one later. Not many places let you smoke indoors these days," she says. Her own Amazonian metabolism has similar benefits.

"Yeah, I ain't much good for jobs where you wanna blend in. People tend to notice me. But they also figure pretty quick not to mess. That's what people in the bodyguardin' business call a deterrent," she grins.

Battleborn has posed:
Lighting that cigarette, a menthol by the aroma, she exhales and looks up at the ceiling. "Detterents are usefull, unless you wanna pick a fight, then it's just no fun." Helena says as she looks back at Grace with a smile. "Besides, I'm not the kind of person to 'blend in' to anything. If you want the job, I don;t need a demonstration to know you're capable." She says as she extends her hand, in more of a clasping motion than a shaking one. "Six figures sound about right?"

Grace Choi has posed:
Grace Choi takes the hand and gives it a firm squeeze of her own in return. Not showing off, but she figures she wants to get a taste of what she's paying for. "Sounds good to me. And I get it, sometimes picking a fight is half the fun. On the other hand, if someone ain't up to giving me a fucking workout, maybe I'd rather they just not waste my time. Most of the folks I end up fighting, it ain't exactly sporting."

Battleborn has posed:
Helena Shepard smiles. "Well, I figure you can punch through steel, same as me." She says as she lets the hand go, but also let's it hang off the bar. "And don't get me started on what I could do with a kick." Marching and all that, she has to have the lower parts of her clothes custom made. "But yeah, I am usual up at six Am and in the gym, or the times when I have to go on duty for the corps, that's usualy when the real fun starts." She says with a wink, last time it was zombies, before that it was robots, and even before that a mechanical bull, though, she did that one on her own time.

Grace Choi has posed:
Grace Choi grins, "More power to ya. I could never take people telling me when to wake up, how to make my bed, all that shit. Don't get me wrong, I work for ya, I'll take my orders - mostly, long as you don't ask me to do nothin' sick. But I don't figure you want a hired killer," she said.

"I don't really need to work out much. Benefit of good genes. But I still do it now and again, just for the looks on the faces of the muscleheads."

Battleborn has posed:
Helena Shepard smiles and finishes her smoke and puts it out. "Well, I'm only half asguardian, so I do have to work out, still much stronger than a normal human, but that also means that pumping alot of iron is how i keep my mack truck like strength." She says. "And I can kill on my own, but only those who deserve it." She says as she finishes her mug of beer. "Nope, just look tough and back me up in a fight, maybe a kiss or two." She says with a very playful wink.

Grace Choi has posed:
Grace Choi grins, "Didn't realize it was that sort of arrangement," she says. "I don't mind a bit of flirtin', long as it's not tied to the job. I've been a whore before in my life. I didn't care for it. And the people who pimped me got broken hard," she says, with a taste of steel on her tongue.

But then she smiles, "But I don't imagine we'll have that problem."

Battleborn has posed:
Helena Shepard shakes her head. "I pay you to look mean and bust heads. The kisses are your choice if you want them or not." She says with a smile. Leaning forward, though she still has to look slightly up at Grace, but now she knows what normal people might feel like when they have to look up at her, they might be annoyed, but Helena is almost in awe.

Grace Choi has posed:
Grace Choi grins and looks down, "Well, then, on a strictly choice basis, I'd say you might find me interested," she says, taking her drink and downing it in a single gulp. "You pass out a lot of kisses to first time hires or you givin' me the special treatment?"

Battleborn has posed:
Helena Shepard chuckles as she leans up and kisses Grace on the corner of the mouth. "Deffinately special treatment." She says with a wink, and she doesn't move away, prefering to see how comfortable Grace is. "Most people don't interest me much, so when someone does have my interest, the rare time that happens, I tend to go with my gut instinct, like I did just now."

Grace Choi has posed:
Grace Choi permits the kiss, that corner of her mouth turning up as she lets her space be invaded. Grace isn't exactly the shy or reserved type, so she just casually cups a hand at the small of Helena's back and encourages her to stay. "You don't know me yet. I might be boring as fuck."

Battleborn has posed:
Helena smiles and easily slides sideays into Grace's lap, her arms slipping around the taller woman's shoulders as she looks into her eyes. "I doubt that, and I'm sure getting to know you will be about as fun." She says with a smile.