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Latest revision as of 07:11, 26 November 2018

Visitors from Heaven
Date of Scene: 22 November 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Alek wants to learn more about aliens.
Cast of Characters: Smart Alek, Mon-El

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek stands outside of a Internet Cafe, he seems to be staring into space.. eyes flickering back and forth between invisible things. A few people simply take a glance and try not to stare. He mumbles as he stands there, "Lots of articles on visitors from other worlds.." Behind him, an empty computer inside the internet cafe seems to be working by itself, surfing various websites on aliens and such. It rapidly switching pages like one of those screensavers.

Mon-El has posed:
    As Alek is rapidly sifting through the internet for information about extraterrestrial beings, he happens to come across something interesting. Apparently some time ago, SHIELD had been hacked, and some of its Index entries had been leaked online. One of them looks pretty familiar... as a matter of fact it appears to be about Lar Gand, that alien he met just the other day. Apparently, according to SHIELD at the time of the leak, he was considered a high-level threat and possessed power equal in caliber to that of Superman's.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek blinks a bit... as he reads the files, why didn't he ever dig into this stuff before. He shakes his head a bit, always a kick about authorities hiding stuff from the general population. His eyes seem to roll a bit and the screen inside indicates a download in progress. It stops and his eyes return back to normal... He tries to recall if he senses a cellphone on him before.. if he did, he'd probably make a phone call to him, would like to hear his side to this.

Mon-El has posed:
    There is no need for trying to call Lar, because as soon as Alek finishes reading the file he finds the Daxamite walking right past him, looking to enter the cafe where the computer he'd been using to surf the net was.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "Interesting Timing as he sees Lar walk right past him, He speaks, "Hey..." he says quietly and then he stumbles forward and more stumbling words escape, "Hi again." he gives a wave to Lar, "wierd meeting you again.. I was just.. hoping to bump into you." he pauses, "You don't read minds do you?""

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar turns around when Alek greets him. "Oh, hello again. Uh, you know I don't think I ever got your name." He shakes his head. "Nope, I'm no telepath. Why do you ask?"

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "Alek Simon." He offers a hand, "Well, I was doing research on visitors from other planets... and suddenly you appeared. It's nice to meet you again, I find the idea life found a way elsewhere really cool." he smiles, "You mind talking about stuff? I don't want me to appear to be someone dissecting you, just.. very curious.""

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar takes the offered handshake carefully, nodding. "Nice to meet you, Alek." he chuckles. "Well the universe is so massive, it's hard to believe that there wouldn't be -anything- else alive out there at all, right?"

    "Uh, depends on what kind of 'stuff' you want me to talk about?" he asks.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek is perhaps a bit too inquisitive as he does a light molecular scan of the hand that was presented. He doesn't linger though, he does seem distracted a moment, "Well, so... you have enhanced senses right? Is that cause our atmosphere is different? I know in my case, my brain is a little different design then the typical human." he nods, "Lacking certain parts, larger other parts."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods. "It's not because of the atmosphere per se, it's more because of the yellow solar radiation emitted by Earth's star, Sol." he explains to Alek. "I am a lot like Superman in that way." Though there are other ways that he's not, which he is a bit more reluctant to go into detail about just yet.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek hmms, "So your cells must be able to utilize it as a secondary power source... very cool. It must have been interesting when you first experienced it..." he shrugs, "I grew up with my abilities, I just understood them more.. I used to call protons big guys and electrons little guys.. Now I know what they are. I see streams colors that I know are chemicals... and blinking lights that are radio transmissions.. However..." he sighs a bit, "My senses shift a bit.. sometimes I start tasting or smelling things instead."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Yeahhh..." Lar admits, shaking his head at that comment. "It was very disconcerting, to say the least. The hard part was filtering through hearing and seeing practically everything all at once. I got splitting headaches at first. Headaches that sometimes triggered my thermal vision." he frowns. "I mentioned that last time, didn't I?"

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "Thermal Vision... So like.. Superman.. then so like beam of light that is concentrated solar light Or is it more like Microwave length waves? I also mentioned, I'd like to study your molecules more. I..." he looks down at his hand, "I didn't look when we shook hands before.. I don't like prying without permission.""

Mon-El has posed:
    "Exactly like Superman." Lar replies, and as he does, a distinct red glow begins in his pupils and fills his eyes quickly. The light intensifies until it can even be seen slightly through the skin around it, even to an unaided human eye. But of course he doesn't actually risk firing it at anything before it fades away quickly. That probably wouldn't make the cafe's owners very happy.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek watches the eyes light up on Mon-El, to his vision however it's even more energetic.. sparkles of various interactions from the heat and light on the surrounding area. He watches and oohs a bit, "Photons... Laser. So I guess your able to concentrate the sun and shoot it back out. That is so cool.. I can't do that.. most I can do is my little trick with electronics, radios, stuff."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Basically." Lar replies, shrugging at Alek's description. "Everyone's abilities come in handy sometimes, trust me." he encourages. "I've worked with a diverse team before, if you can cooperate well together, you can do almost anything. You helped keep people remarkably calm at the Hugo Building that one time...normally they would've been in a panicked mess and trampling over each other. I couldn't have done that. I'm a lot better at freaking people out." he chuckles.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "I kinda just buried myself under my bench from what I remember... and called the police, but Thank you for the credit.." he chuckles, "So.. how is your relationship with the man in blue.. Superman anyway? You guys team up against anyone?""

Mon-El has posed:
    "Sometimes." Lar replies. "I haven't spoken to him in a while." he admits. "Oh, don't discredit yourself. You won't feel useful in every situation. Like I don't either, to be honest. Can't exactly punch, fly, or laser vision yourself out of absolutely everything."

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek nods, "Well, I can't do any of that.. but I do hope to find ways to help." he looks at his watch, "ooh, I need to go... See you around... Umm, what was your name again?"

Mon-El has posed:
    "Lar." he replies, smiling. "I won't keep you then. It was nice talking to you again." Then he leaves the cafe, rocketing up into the sky once outside.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek watches the flier take off, "Neat." he watches him go and he turns and begins his own trek back. "The flighting is harder to understand, not certain how he does that." he shrugs as he heads off