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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2018/11/23 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=87, 289, 353, 1320, 1220, 1274 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:8...")
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Latest revision as of 07:23, 26 November 2018

Conflictive Concurrences
Date of Scene: 23 November 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: 87, Amarok, Beast Boy, Brick, Stardust, Breath

Vorpal (87) has posed:
It is currently twenty-one degrees outside of the tower. Light has begun to ebb as the days grow shorter, and the general weather conditions aren't the kind that make hanging out on the roof appealing, so the lobby is Vorpal's chosen place of operations, for now.

He walks towards his makeshift work station, where multiple sheets of paper have been strewn about. A laptop rests on one of the side tables, showing a strange website or two, centered mostly about runes.

The Cheshire cat walks towards his seat, having refreshed his dose of hot cocoa. Since the last portal encounter, he has been scarce- staying out of sight and raiding books and books and books on strange subjects.

It occurs to him that a good amount of research might be cut down by consulting Raven, but... he's not quite keen on disturbing her. Just yet.

"Hmph. We need to get better chocolate," he says as he tastes the new dose, sitting down on the armchair. "Maybe I can get some of the mexican ones that come in little tablets. This stuff is swill..."

Amarok has posed:
"Check the back of the cupboard above the fridge, I've got a stash of german dark in there." Comes a sudden voice from behind Vorpal. Stepping from the corner is Amarok, fully armed and armored as always, where he came from, who can say? "....Just thought I'd tell you, we convinced Raven to come back....I've already filed the report, you can read it at your leisure."

Beast Boy has posed:
     A green hawk lands on a lamppost in front of Titans Tower, staring and cantering its head clockwise and back. A couple of thoughts racing through his head. Things that should have been said, things he should have done.

  "Well, no time like the present." He comments, nipping at a spot under his wing.

  The hawk turns into the familiar form, the fauxhawk wearing, slightly snaggletoothed Beast Boy. The changeling opens the door, and sticks his head in. "Hey...umm, can I come in?"

Brick has posed:
The hole opening in the air behind Beast Boy does not go BOOOOOOM! like it should. Instead theres a sort of almost-defeated sounding "fwoumph" like a tuba being played backwards followed by a sharp rubber band twang, also backwards. Brick Marsten steps through the tube which then fades away as if it were imaginary.

He puts a hand on the door above Beast Boy's hand.

"I don't know, but if you can't, then physics is broken."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Good job on the chocolate," Vorpal says appreciatively, "I'll down this last batch and then I'll put that one out."

He reaches for his laptop to tap it out of sleep mode, and then begins to type in a query before Amarok speaks again.

"Good job with Raven. I look forward to reading the report... I can't imagine she was very happy at being found." He shakes his head and stares at the screen. "I don't get her ninety nine percent of the time."

And then the cat freezes. He knows the voice, of course, he would recognize it anywhere.

He reaches for the chocolate and sits back on the chair, crossing one leg over the other and finally looking up in the direction of the voice.

"Well, if it isn't Garfield," he says in a tone that to most trained ears would sound cordial, even friendly, even if the smile doesn't quite exactly reach his eyes. "This is a surprise, I didn't know you were in the neighborhood."

He saw it in the news last night, in fact. "This is a nice surprise visit." He watched Gar saying that he might visit the Titans during that press conference. He was only hoping it would be at a point where he *wasn't* in the tower.

For a moment he considers trying one of his Cheshire grins, but instead opts to sip his cocoa, as he is not quite certain he can keep it from turning scary.

"Oh, hey, Brick!" Vorpal says, some relief showing up in his voice,

Amarok has posed:
Amarok responds to Beast Boy's somewhat meek arrival by spinning around and aiming a knife to throw at his face.....Good to be home, eh? At the sight of him and the arriving Brick, Amarok eases up and slides the knife back into it's sheath before turning back to Vorpal, ".....I think I might...." He responds to Vorpal's comment about not getting Raven, the standard monotone cracking just enough to sound mildly melancholic.

Beast Boy has posed:
     Gar comes in, shaking off the cold a bit before he looks back to Brick. "Yeah, well. It was more of a should I, than a can I."

  Once he's in, Gar makes his first comment. "I'm sorry." He says, his green eyes looking slightly away from Vorpal.

  A couple moments of silence before he starts for the door again, only to stop himself.

Brick has posed:
"Not bad moves, grasshopper, now all you need is to conquer Mount Subtlety so you won't set off every sniper, and you might be trusted to go under-cover as a bodyguard," Brick says to Amarok. He walks over to Vorpal and side-arm-hugs him while (in an actual demonstration of The Subtle) Brick and Maire Boit are also quick-scanning the logs of tower activity -- which meand that he learns that Amarok talked Raven into coming back. Good. Nice to know that someone was able to find a connection with the Beshadowed One.

"Wait is that the last stash of dark chocolate? Gnrf. Maire, could you check to see if the Shopping Drone repairs are completed?"


"Oh, good. Let me send it off to Callebaut, we need another five kilogram block of their 70-30-38NV-132 and a ... huh, they only have the 2.5 kg of the Gold label. Well get that."

Brick has moved out of the line of potential fire, because one does not stand in the midst of a cat-fight and order chocolate, unles one is invincible, and Brick is only invulnerable part-time.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal leans into the hug, lingering a little too long perhaps, to gather some strength for what is to come. With a nod to Dan, he says "Maybe you can explain her to me sometime, then..."

"Garfield." Vorpal speaks up just as Gar stops himself, and he walks slowly to the green guy, arms crossed across his chest. "You didn't come in here to walk out right away. That's just rude."

He takes a deep breath, keeping the knives from rising up to his throat. "So... you're here...?"

Amarok has posed:
Amarok ignores Brick entirely, keeping his focus on Vorpal, "....You dont want to understand....Trust me." The monotone is back, cold and calculated....Perhaps even slightly offended....weird. He then turns back to Beast Boy, ".....Well? Get in here. It's cold outside."

Beast Boy has posed:
     Gar holds himself a bit, grinding his jaw a bit. "Yeah...I uhh, just got done with the movie. And before that...there was a lot of stuff going on."

  One thing is for sure, the normally cheerful Titan has his tail between his legs, figuratively, he was his normal humanoid form right now. "I was in a very bad place...mentally. I had to be sure of something."

Brick has posed:
"That's cute. You think I don't understand already," Brick says blandly. He closes his eyes and lets the interface run some more reports while he finishes the last edits of the recording of the last ridiculous stunt he did for his "Don't do this at home" Youtube channel. Yes, it IS one that you cannot do at home. It can only be done on the sunward side of Mercury, if you can survive there.

"And, uplink activate. Thanks, Maire Boit."


Stardust has posed:
"I don't care what you say, it's clearly your fault." Colette's voice, as it so often does, precedes her. "It's windy, you are The Breath, ergo it is your fault." The doors swing open again, and Colette follows her voice in, holding the door open for, presumably, Lyssa. "All this mention of cold fronts and isobars and meteorological depressions is an irrelevance. You did it. You blew too hard, and broke the weather. I am quite clear about it!"

    Colette looks up, still holding the door open, and glances around at the crowd. Particularly the green member. "Hello tall, green and random. Long time no see. What brings you to these parts?" She watches Vorpal, with a degree of concern.

Breath has posed:
Breath wanders in with a helpless shrug to everybody else. "Well, okay, but how do you want me to fix it? Iunno, I mean, I don't remember blowing at any clouds or weather symbols or anything.. Wouldn't I have had to find, yanno, a big H or C or something up there?"

She looks around and immediately stands a bit straighter, adding a little bit of extra sway to that last step before stopping and biting her lip, glancing around at everybody, including the green guy she doesn't remember actually meeting. "So.. Hiyah. Wassup?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal frowns and finds himself uncertain as to what to do. Fortunately, Colette comes in with Breath, and that breaks the tension... a little. "Oh, hey, ladies, welcome home."

He notices Colette's glance, which prompts him to say "Here, Gar, take a seat and I'll get you some of that German chocolate. We can chat." See? Perfect host achievement unlocked.

He steps away rather hurriedly, and brings the hot chocolate back rather quickly. "Here you go, you can sit on one of these chairs that look comfortable but only lie to you."

Brick has posed:
"That's cute. You think I don't understand already," Brick says blandly. He closes his eyes and lets the interface run some more reports while he finishes the last edits of the recording of the last ridiculous stunt he did for his "Don't do this at home" Youtube channel. Yes, it IS one that you cannot do at home. It can only be done on the sunward side of Mercury, if you can survive there.

"And, uplink activate. Thanks, Maire Boit."


Amarok has posed:
Amarok looks Beast Boy over carefully as he gives his somber explaination, "....As far as I'm concerned, no explanation is needed. You needed time off, you took it, you're back. Getting mad at you for that would be childish." Very understanding, for an emotionless monotone worthy of a robot. Colette and Breath's arrival draws his attention to them and garners a grunt, but nothing further.

Beast Boy has posed:
     Beast Boy was expecting much more anger from Vorpal. Gar attempts to make himself comfy on a chair, but he just keeps adjusting. "Heya!" He says, waving to everyone he hasn't met before.

  He accepts the hot chocolate, taking a sip before continuing. "So, what about you guys? How have things been?"

Brick has posed:
*PING! PING PING PING!* Maire Boit narrrates. Whether or not Beast Boy can understand the comment is another question entirely. The language includes telempathic imagery, if you're able to catch that, and Gar might be.

"Don't forget the giant space mushrooms eating the entire planet and the Asgardian refugees crash-landing in, what was it, Iowa?" Brick adds.

Stardust has posed:
"Yeah, space mushrooms," Colette says. "We went into space, BeeBee. You missed it, it was cool. Also we have a portal infestation and Rae may be about to destroy the world, but apart from that, everything's normal." She gives a quick shake of her head. "Wait, all that counts as normal too."

    Colette looks from Brick to Breath. "So, guys? When there's a joke and the punchline is 'Probably Beast Boy'? This is who we're talking about. BeeBee? Meet Brick and Breath, our newest members. Brick is hard as a Brick and does science things. Breath blows. I mean sucks. I mean she has a vast lung capacity."

Breath has posed:
Breath smiles at Beast Boy and clicks over that way, tilting her shoulders back a bit self consciously so she doesn't look quite so much like a linebacker in a skirt and lipstick, in that way she tends to overcompensate from time to time when something has gone askew. "Hi there. I don't think we've met." She tilts her head a bit and tilts her head back at Brick. "Plus the monster and the portally things and the... whatever else. Aaaand.... That's.... shockingly rude sounding, but. Yanno. Totally accurate. I totally win at birthday cake wishes."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"And I am slowly losing my mind because a fairy cat put something in there that is trying very hard to get out," Vorpal adds, taking a sip of his chocolate, slowly. "Also, Robin stabbed me in the stomach."

He doesn't provide context, because he might just enjoy confusing Beast Boy. He follows up with "Are you returning to the Titans, or are you just resting your wings before leaving again?" There was a tightness that crept into Tommy's voice right there, and his perfectly neutral expression became a little less so for a moment, but then everything falls back in place.

Amarok has posed:
"Well, if Raven's to be believed, everyone in the universe is about to die.....So there's that...." Adds in Amarok to Beast Boy's query for news. Colette's response draws his attention over, ".....Where was....Oh, right, hospital...." He never leaves his monotone as he asks, and quickly shrugs off the remembrance. Colette's description of Breath is met with a tired groan, ".....What she's TRYING to say.....Is that Breath is capable of power inhalations and exhalations." Vorpal's question garners a look to him, then an expectant look to Beast Boy.

Beast Boy has posed:
     The news of doom and gloom only gets Gar to nod some, that is until Colette mentions some very funny things. "Hehehe, I think I know what you really mean." He gives a toothy grin, his bottom canines much more pronounced than other humans. "I wanted to let everyone know I was back in town. I may be splitting my time with the Doom Patrol too. They missed my waffles."

Brick has posed:
Another "fwunk" noise happens from apparently two feet in front of Brick, as a sphere the size of a beach ball pops into place from nowhere. It hovers in place (no "brick" jokes please, Mr. Adams) and Brick Marsten opens his eyes again, suspending his interfaces with a snapped finger.

"Chocolate resupply is here," Brick notes, and taps on the sphere. A section of it vanishes downward in an entirely unrealistic fashion and sitting on it are THREE things, not the expected two. First, a wrapped large-ish block the size of a good sized cheddar cheese, second, a goild-foil packet with disks of pure chocolate inside, and third, a red-foil bag containing 3 pounds of excellent, well balanced, sweetened dark chocolate powder suitable for serving with hot water or hot milk.

"There. The world is back in balance," Brick says as he puts the three items into their proper places in the kitchenette. "My work here is done."

Stardust has posed:
"When I mentioned the portal infestation?" Colette says, watching the arrival of chocolate. "I didn't mean Brick. However, Brick too. Brick makes portals. Like Vorp. And some mystery people possibly from the future. Making portals is very in. Did you learn to make portals yet, Beasty?"

    Colette follows the chocolate into the kitchenette to investigate it more closely. "Well. That is exactly what I said, Moon Moon. Lung capacity. Also, breaking the weather. Breathmints totally broke the weather. She needs to do whatever she did to break it in reverse, or the weather will stay like this forever."

    Colette comes out of the kitchenette area, not having purloined any chocolate for later examination at all. "Aaaanyhow, I am sure Vorp and Gar have a lot to catch up on, and I'm not totally convinced I want to be at ground zero for that, so I'm gonna go hit things in the danger room for a little while. Nobody each each other while I'm gone."

    Colette marches over to the empty elevator shaft and hovers up it in a standing position, as if there were an invisible elevator carrying her. She waves until her hand disappears, at which point she does not immediately start her investigations into the chocolate which she did not purloin.

Breath has posed:
Breath squees. "Oooh! You're the one they blame everything on! It's such an honor. Anyways, I'm, yanno. Around. This looks pretty crowded here. So like, iunno. You probably have stuff you want to discuss. And I'm in the way. I mean, unless you need me for something. Or whatever." She looks around. "I'm grabbing a bite to eat. Later." She waggles her fingers in a girly wave and slips over to the lift, calling an elevator. She can't just float up without making a mess.

Amarok has posed:
Amarok nods to Colette as she takes her leave and then looks to the room at large, "...And I have better things to do." He says after a brief pause before turning and walking out the lobby door and off into the freezing night air.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"That wasn't quite a straightforward answer," the cat observes, finishing his cocoa and setting the glass down. He rests his chin on his hands and watches as the team presence dwindles down. It's as if they feared he was going to cause a scene.

He shakes his head. "You're in town and splitting time between movies and the Doom Patrol, or?"

Beast Boy has posed:
     The mention of 'ground zero' gets Gar to lower his ears metaphorically. "You turn into a rhino one time and you never live it down..." He says with a giggle. He turns to Vorpal, a sadness him his eye. "Sorry. I mean, I wanted to come back here, help out. And help out the Doom Patrol too, I'm not flying off anywhere on you." Beast Boy's smile comes back, just a bit. "That is, if you'll have me." His throat purrs just a bit as he finishes the cocoa.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
And the question finally comes. It is a proper Herculean effort that keeps Vorpal from showing anything much on his face or in his voice. He seems to take the question in stride, but often things aren't what they seem with him. "I don't see why the Titans wouldn't have you," he answers, shifting from the personal to the group as if that had been the level all along. "You're still a Titan in the rosters and your room is as you left it. I'm sure." He adds, because he hasn't been in there since.

He pushes off from the chair and gathers his things, "I have a test in the morning so I should get to bed. Welcome back to the team."

He strides towards the elevator, seemingly cool as a cucumber. "You know where to find me if you want to catch up."

Beast Boy has posed:
     Beast Boy can feel the tension. Of course, he deserves it. "Well, that's a start. I.." He looks back to Vorpal. "I did you wrong, Tommy." He comments, looking to the Cheshire. "I'll let you rest. But I owe you an explanation."