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Latest revision as of 16:36, 26 November 2018

Black Sky: There Might Have Been Ninja...
Date of Scene: 25 October 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: A hacker an archer and the Devil of Hell's Kitchen drop in on Claire's clinic.
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Hawkeye (Bishop), Claire Temple
Tinyplot: Black Sky

Daredevil has posed:
Stick had gone his own way after escaping the tunnels the old man was hurt, but he had been confident he could patch himself up.

As for the rest, Kate had a gunshot graze to her shoulder and Genus had an arrow in his arm and knife wounds in his calfs. All suspiciously ninja related injuries in Genus' case.

That's why, despite the wounded, Matt took care with getting the pair to Claire's clinic, making sure that the Hand wasn't anywhere on their tail.

After some weaving through the city streets and ample use of Matt's senses, he felt confident in leading them the rest of the way to Claire's back door and knocking.

"This is going to get," he searches for the word. "Interesting, but she'll definitely be able to help," he explains.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate quirks a brow at Matt. "Interesting? In what way?" Kate got the feeling that some of that bubbling under the surface anger that Claire bristled with at a couple of their last meetings might be involved in the 'interesting' part of things. "She's going to be angry with you, isn't she?"

Kate, of course, didn't include herself in the 'angry at' portion.

Claire Temple has posed:
Academically, Claire fully understands the purpose of a back door to her clinic. It lets hazardous wastes leave the site safely, for example. It allows the more clandestine of her patients to stop in with a greatly reduced degree of disturbance. Still, when she hears that knock, she wonders why she didn't just have a brick wall there in its place.

"Tell me you didn't..." she begins as she goes to undo the massive deadbolt with a loud thunk.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate's arm is throbbing, but it's not bleeding anymore. Small mercies, right? And she's maybe not quite as twitchy as Matt is being about things, but then again, he's a whole different calibre of vigilante, and she doesn't deal with the Hand on a daily basis.

Her main concern is keeping Genus safe, getting him treatment, and getting him to SHIELD. Not necessarily in that order. Except all three of them have significant injuries, so the clinic did make the most sense as a first stop. Especially as one of them *coughMattcough* has a secret identity. Kate? Not so much. More like an open secret identity.

She mutters as an aside to Matt, "You've done this before, haven't you? I'm guessing there is going to be a lot of butt kissing and apologies involved in this little venture?"

Daredevil has posed:
Genus is looking worse for wear, leaning against the wall, his arm bandaged with a shirt he had in his bag. The circticious route they took to get here hadnd't done any favours for the wounds in his legs either.

"I don't care if were yelled at, I just need to sit down."

"Well get you inside in a moment, they're coming," Matt says hearing Claire's footsteps through the heavy door.

"And yeah, I've done this before, and probably. The person who runs this place, she's a good person and I've put her through a lot to help me, so she's going to be pissed, but I think she'll help. Besides, it's not like we can make it to the Triskelion on foot.," he says meaning Genus couldn't. The kid had been pushed to his limit.

When the door begins to open, he says, "I did," he admits right off, getting to the point. "But we're not followed and we have two people who need some help."

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire sighs as she holds the door open, one hand on her hip. "Well, that's about as close to magic words as anyone's going to get tonight," she says. After the group enters, she closes the large, opaque, heavy door with a similar thunk.

"Find a gurney with a sheet on it, please," she says, waving down a relatively nondescript hallway to indicate the route to the generally acknowledged clinical space, "And please don't go out to bleed in the waiting room."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate helps Genus into the clinic and over to a gurney before finding herself a place to sit. "He's got some leg wounds as well," she points out, likely needlessly.

She smirks Matt's way. "Wow, you really do do this an awful lot. Magic words and everything."

Daredevil has posed:
Genus happily accepts Kate's help up, letting out a sigh as he sits on the sheet covered gurney. "God you have no idea how good that feels," he says. "And hey," he calls to Claire. "She's hit too," he nods at Kate's shoulder. "I think I sort of shot her."

He'd pieced it together on the walk.

Matt for his part, enters last giving the street a final sweep of his senses before stepping in leaning against the wall. "Yeah, he took an arrow in the arm, some stab wounds to his calfs," he looks to Kate. "And yeah, wound to the shoulder."

For a change Matt barely has a mark on him. "Not for any trying on my part," he offers with a tired smile. "But yeah."

"And thank you Claire, seriously."

Claire Temple has posed:
Claire gives Genus a canted look, eyebrows raised. "Sort of shot her?" She turns a look toward Matt. "You into some kind of new fun and games that makes getting shot a thing with degrees?" She pulls on a pair of gloves and begins to move toward Genus' legs for a closer look, but then thinks better of it as she notes the blood dripping onto the floor. She waves for him to pull his legs up onto the gurney and reaches out a hand to help keep him steady as he turns to pull up the bleeding limbs.

She turns to look at Kate's shoulder with a frown. "Yeah, Matt's a frequent flyer," she allows, "Although it's not usually a mass casualty event." At this point, she's made a call on who gets the first round of treatment, and Kate appears stable. Claire huffs a deep sigh and shakes her head as she turns back to Genus.

"And all of this joyous goodness came to happen how, exactly? I get the sort of shot part, and I'll accept the arrows part, because there's not much choice. But what the hell were you people *doing*?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate gives a shrug and grins at Genus. "Yeah. You kinda shot me. But it's okay, you were sort of jumped out of nowhere. But dude, you really should not be allowed to handle firearms. You are /baaaaad/ with them."

At least he'd only hit her arm, right?

She looks to Matt to offer explanations as to how they'd all gotten into this mess, as she wasn't sure how classified any of it was.

Daredevil has posed:
"I think.," Genus says. "It was crazy down there."

Genus makes a face, at Kate. "It was dark! I can usually aim."

He submits to the inspection of his legs. "I don't think they hit me that bad," he says. "But walking from damn near Harlem to Hell's Kitchen didn't help," he shoots a look at Matt.

"I don't drive," Matt offers in wry deadpan.

He feels Kate's look and hear's Claire's question. "We were rescuing Genus here from the Hand," he says. "They didn't follow us, some other people are dealing with that," he says knowing Stick would have his people out to keep the Hand busy.

"But Genus has information that can take them down," Matt finishes.

Genus waves weakly, "Hey."