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(Hela breaks free from Odin's prison to find the state of Asgardian things in complete disarray, she also discovers she has brothers, and one of them already claimed the throne.)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 02:55, 4 December 2018

Hela On Earth: What Happened To Asgard
Date of Scene: 02 December 2018
Location: Norway, site of New Asgard
Synopsis: With Odin's death, and after overcoming a challenge to her throne, Hela breaks free of the spell banishing her to her realms. But instead of Asgard, she arrives in Norway, at the site of New Asgard. She encounters the new King of Asgard, Thor and his brother Loki, the three learning they are all siblings. Lady Sif arrives on scene to help the King. In the end, there's a tacit agreement to avoid a Throne War for the time being, with willingness to get to know more about one another. Perhaps they could come to an arrangement.
Cast of Characters: Loki, Thor, Hela, Sif

Loki has posed:
    "Sure, sure. Enjoy," Loki rolls his eyes skyward. If they could roll all the way back into his head, they probably would have. His smile is elusive, controlled: whatever is happening, despite his snarking commentary, is well within an area he feels he has power over. He steps forward, neatly straightening the tips of his sleeves at his wrists with a slight additional brush of lint from one of them. Loki is not is disguise at this time, there is no reason for it, this is home turf, and they are heading elsewhere.

    "They /are/ expecting me?" Loki presses with an aloof quality, doubtful, of Thor.

Thor has posed:
    The Shadow King was vanquished and the world had felt the repercussions of such though many a mortal mind could not recognize it for what it was. They simply knew that their dreams were clearer, their thoughts less harried with long shadows and grim forbidding feelings. And, in part, they owed this freedom to the Trickster of Asgard who in a moment of dire battle turned upon the Shadow King and was able to acquire one of the Six. Instantly it had been hidden, even as the world's heroes still battled the remaining fungal creatures that defied them.
    Few of those heroes would know exactly how victory was gained that day. And fewer still knew where the stone had ended. In the hands of the being who has invaded New York. In the hands of the lie-smith and trickster. And for a time it might have seemed to the Fates that the world teetered on another moment of peril. Yet, for whatever reason, the stone had left Loki's hand and been granted to Thor Odinson.
    Holding it in one hand, the gem gleamed as it caught the light just so, the yellow crystalline egg seemed to pulse with a subtle power that Loki could likely feel. But Thor, Thor held it if it were an oddity, worthy of consideration but somehow seemed... puzzling to the blond one-eyed deity. He opened a locket that hung around his neck, the stone placed within and then hidden behind the silvered casing. It was then that he finally answered his brother.
    "Aye, they know without you then matters would have gone poorly and defeat would have taken us. Do not worry, brother." A small smile as Thor starts to slap him on the shoulder companionably, but then checks the movement to just pat-pat, remembering Loki's injury. "All shall be well."

Hela has posed:
Whether the stone serves to draw oddities and anomalies, or the new King of Asgard and his brother were themselves a draw for the same. A swirling dark mist appeared of thin air, slowly spreading, expanding, before revealing an obsidian ethereal that slowly swung open.

From within a green glow seeped out into the world, a dark, foreboding, feminine figure standing about 7' started to walk out.

Her manner of dress, very much Asgardian, green and gold in motiff, and most certainly belonging to a warrior. A regal armor, befitting the royal family. The gate closes once she steps out, before dissipating away, as the swirling black mist fades from existence, leaving the woman there as if she always was just there.

Her stern green gaze surveys the land, before stopping on Thor and Loki, her lips curving into a slanted smile, "Asgardians...finally, but why on Midgard..." the question asked is a challenging one, as she takes measure of Thor and Loki.

Loki has posed:
    "Worry? What, me? Hardly; this went very well last time," Loki deadpans partially under his breath to Thor. "I do want to set up a small mind---" Loki pauses, as the mist churns and spits out the stranger. "...link," Loki finishes, more quietly, just as she's now upon them. Loki's position was slightly back, getting pat-patted by the much larger and broader Thor, and he doesn't move from there yet. He observes the arrival with a thoughtful and restrained quality. Patient and watchful, always, no brash movements or choices from Loki yet. He'll see what Thor does.

    At least there's small benefits to Thor being King presently, like that one. Loki may as well make good use of them.

Thor has posed:
    Just as the mist starts to swirl into being behind his back, just as the clouds above start to darken subtly, Loki might well see a subtle furrow to the tall Asgardian's brow. It's as if something felt ill at ease for him. Then he turns around, his cape looped up and partially over his shoulder, Mjolnir at his hip... the monarch is armed and armored, but he does not draw. Instead he rounds upon the tall lithe figure of the woman in the black and green.
    High above them the clouds darken, a tell-tale sign for many of the other Asgardians far below upon the Kvalvika plain in that settlement that houses them. Yet they assuredly have no idea as to what has just come upon them.
    "I bid you greetings, traveler. You stand upon the land of New Asgard and speak to the sons of Odin." His voice is deep, strong, and something in his manner almost makes him seem taller. His one good eye seems to glean subtly with a hint of something beyond the norm as he addresses the newly appeared woman in a voice that seems fit to authority like a well-tailored glove.
    "What brings you to us?"

Hela has posed:
Hela's eyes soon focus more on Thor's form rather than Loki, taking particularly keen interest in Mjolnir at his hip, "my word..." she seems quite surprised, her eyes opening wider, as a pained expression of longing overtakes her for a moment, "there you are beautiful," she speaks, it seems, not to Thor so much as Mjolnir itself.

She soon lifts her gaze to level with Thor's eyes, "so you're somehow worthy, are you?" Having been imprisoned for millenia or several, she hasn't quite been kept up to date on the fact she has brothers now. Just the same as her brothers likely never heard that she exists. Tragic what ego can do to a family.

But despite her somewhat aggressive, not quite greeting to Thor, and utter disregard of Loki to this point, Hela is greeted, and has the decorum to return the gesture, "as I bid you, but I am no traveler." She stops there, as Thor speaks a term that irks her to no end, "New Asgard? Why would there be New Asgard?" Her tone of voice is now demanding, her eyes narrowing with displeasure.

Then the introduction comes, the Asgardian men before her, sons of Odin, and disdain takes over her visage. "Sons of Odin, are you...?" She sneers, "I guess a daughter wasn't good enough. Well, seeing as I am here, I take it two sons weren't enough to keep the old fool alive, were they now...?"

Asked what brings her forth, she answers straight and to the point, "the death of my father does..."

Loki has posed:
    "Asgard is no longer in the state you might remember it, unfortunately," Loki offers smoothly from the side, not defensive. Explanation, and silver tongue comes very easy; Loki is relaxed on the surface. He doesn't have a problem, necessarily, with being ignored in some situations, but he will insert his 'help' here, just to see where things go. Besides, if Thor takes up a very defensive stance, Loki being friendly may be important later.
    "Would you give us a name by which to address you?" Loki asks, polite, with a tilt of head and incline of hand and palm smoothly to her. He'll treat her respectfully, and mask nearly all of the subtle concerned flicker he sent to his brother.

Thor has posed:
    It's likely Loki can pick it up. The widening of his good eye, the flaring of nostrils, the way his jaw tenses. Thor's anger bubbles forth and upwards to the surface and in ages past that would be the signal he would take to realize matters had gone too far. The signal that the berserker might be but the life of one moment away. Yet, it might also surprise some to see that this anger is contained. It is controlled as the Thunderer rests his hand upon the pommel of the hammer at his side.
    There is a subtle play of power, the eldritch whisper of energy that comes to life as Mjolnir responds to the hint of battle upon the wind. Yet it seems to hesitate upon an age old feeling presented in the voice of the woman before the sons of Odin. To those not magically inclined they would likely not sense it, but to those with a feeling for the tendrils of power they would feel it there. Just a small sliver between Mjolnir and Hela, though its bond to Thor is still strong.
    "If our words confuse you, then know you return the favor, Lady." He turns his head and nods towards Loki, "Aye. A name. I am Thor, King of Asgard. And this is my brother, Loki." As he speaks there is a strength in the words and with now an angry ocean behind him it provides an intensity to his speech.

Sif has posed:
    In the camp below, Sif is working with some of the warriors doing labor in the camp as opposed to fighting. They haven't banned her yet since she seems able to wield a hammer without it being a weapon. As the lights above begin to swirl and glow on the cliffside far above, she turns her head that direction with a frown. Then the clouds begin to roll in, a sure sign that something is going on since that is not matching the weather that had been going on for the day.
    "Prepare for action. I'll find out what is going on." She moves to the side to grab her breastplate, throwing it on and grabbing sword and shield.
    A moment of concentration, a prayer sent skyward that this works, then she draws her powers around her and teleports. A moment later, she appears to the opposite side of Thor.
    She does not attack but she does take a moment to look at all the parties involved, keeping her attention fully on the stranger in their midst.

Hela has posed:
When Loki speaks, Hela turns her glower upon him, but the look in her eyes softens into dismay when she hears his words. "Asgard...? The might that defeated the Nine Realms in conquest...is no longer as I remember how...?" While she tries to keep a measured tone, someone with the keen ability of Loki to read others, may well realize how distraught she is at the very thought. When asked how she'd like to be addressed, she looks absolutely stunned. Turning her gaze from Loki to Thor, wondering if he might clue Loki in.

"You would strike me...with Mjolnir?" Hela looks shocked and intrigued at the thought, her right hand clenches in preparation of movement when she sees Thor's hand resting upon Mjolnir's pommel. A gesture she reads as intent.

"King..." Hela looks pained as she repeats the title, glaring now at Thor, but rather than state her case, she is once again baffled as Thor himself seems entirely unaware of who she is.

She shifts, her hand now moving to press at her temple, as she seems struggling to contain some rage within herself. While she looks calm outwardly, Loki may be sharp enough to note there's an eerie sense of foreboding anger in Hela, just as there is in Thor, perhaps they might be related after all. "Are you to tell me that a King of Asgard has no knowledge of my name? Madness!" She snaps, as a green cape materializes from her shoulders, "I am Hela Odinsdottir. Queen of Hel and Niflheim, and the Goddess of Death," she ever so slightly shakes in her attempt to contain her rage as she announces herself. "By right, I should be first in line to Odin's Throne," she hisses, and yet she doesn't challenge Thor there and then. She is aware of how much she doesn't know, and so has no point in challenging for the throne when she knows nothing of the man she would need to challenge. A man who more likely than not is her brother, if he speaks the truth of being Odinson.

Loki has posed:
    Loki takes in a great deal shown to him, but is also ready for manipulations. Both Hela's, or his own. Which could go in various directions, absolutely. He's being ignored and overlooked to some degree as a secondary, and he's fine with using that to subtly cue some of his defensive magic. If Thor can resist trying to continue to pat him, it might be worth something.

    Besides, there may also be a battle pitched here with all of the pride-stomping that's happening so far. Loki extends a small look across to Sif, passing along something of his awareness of the possibility of this erupting very quickly. The coincidence of the meeting happening NOW, whatever it all is, occuring directly after the movement of a powerful and infinite relic, does not escape Loki's awareness, not at all, either.

    For what it's worth, though, Loki likes games. And learning what her story is? Interesting. "Pray assist us, this is very unusual to us. Have you been... elsewhere, for a reason we should know?" Loki inquires, always up for discussion, and a little bit of distracting away from what might be a challenge for the throne of Asgard. Better to figure out more, before that comes.

    A flutter of illusion, just for Thor, also occurs: a subtle signal normally used for when Loki wants to confer with him. Hopefully Thor will read it correctly: there's more here, and Loki probably knows some of the answer to the question he asked. The trickster does play his word 'games.'

Thor has posed:
    For those that know Thor they might be able to tell the change that has come upon him. This last year has seen him mature, to become more patient and dare some say it wise, at least in taking different approaches towards what ills have befallen his people. But now, for some reason he seems to stand taller, his features regal and in many ways akin to his father. Oh not the father that Hela knew in the ancient times when Asgard was being built by blade and blood, but in the times before when she could look on him and could perhaps harbor no doubt that this man. This being, was determined to see his people live, survive, and crawl forth from whatever ills had tormented them.
    It was in every subtle nuance, every line in his features, the way he stood and the steady rhythm of his speech as he addressed Hela, declared sister and of the line of Odin. The anger is gone as he holds up a hand, though Mjolnir gives a low and faint /whom/ as if wishing to be in its wielder's grip. "Bide a moment, Lady Hela." He looks towards Sif and his smile is there, warm for a moment but somehow... benevolent, like the time when she had fallen in her youth from the wooden horse she trained upon and Odin had lifted her back up and walked on without a word.
    Then his bright blue eye is drawn by the flicker of illusion, drawn to meet Loki's gaze and for just a slim instant the trickster might see Frigga's smile in Thor's features as the day when she had taught him the first cantrip that set him on his path in life. "I do not know why, brother. But I believe her. I... /know/ she speaks the truth."
    He turns back towards Sif and introduces the woman. "Lady Sif, this is... Hela. Daughter of Odin. And no. I am afraid we know not of you, nor your fate."
    He straightens up, and his features shift slightly sympathetic as he looks upon the woman who seems simultaneously enraged... and distraught. He uncurls a hand towards her, "I know not what you must be thinking, Hela. But it seems... there is much we must say. And much we would hear of you."

Sif has posed:
    Odinsdottir? That can't be. They'd know about it! Wouldn't they?
    Sif keeps any commentary to that effect silent as she listens to each speak. Her purpose here is to protect her friend. And King. More the former in truth. Though now it is her duty to do that which she has done forever: Watch his back.
    As Thor looks upon her that way, she blinks in surprise and for a moment is distracted from Hela. So strange. If this were a battle, she would be dead. Hopefully that won't be the case.
    The introductions bring her gaze back to the stranger, the woman who may be Odin's first born. She gives a nod and a brief but respectful. "It is an honor to meet you."

Hela has posed:
Hela takes note when Sif joins the gathered, but just as she seems to slight Loki, she does the same with Sif. Her full attention beset on the man who would call himself King of Asgard, and further adds insult to injury by wielding Mjolnir. It's like the cosmos itself choose to mock her, even as she finally broke through Odin's barrier. And what does she come out to if not everything in shambles, as could be expected, following Odin's very poor decisions and puzzling change of heart. They were the greatest, the fiercest, feared among all the realms, and now to hear of New Asgard? Of brothers she never knew she had? Another wielding Mjolnir in her stead...? So much is so very wrong in her eyes.

Loki, ever the silver tongued God of Mischief, does well to distract Hela with his choice of words. "Assist you?" Hela finally sets her full attention on Loki, similarly to Thor, a wouldbe brother. "That I have. Not of choice, I promise you that much. Were it my choice, Odin would still reign and Asgard would rule all realms, not a mere nine."

The pause Loki gave her to answer a question, breaks a moment from the challenge for the throne that was hanging in the air. Giving Hela a moment to reconsider Thor, when her attention returns to him with his words. "A moment, I can spare," she says with a flourish of her arm towards the proclaimed King of Asgard. And yet as she looks at him, there is a resemblance she cannot question. A certain regal self assertion that seems recognizable, as Hela entertains, "I could see some resemblance to father, maybe your claim isn't that far fetched."

Strange, but as Hela started to believe in Thor's claim, it seems he has taken a similar acceptance to her own. Something was either affecting this encounter, a deus ex machina effect, that seemingly sprung out of nowhere. Was it Loki? Something else? Whatever the case, Hela seems to ease her challenging stance just a tad.

"So father's dead," Hela remarks in such a non-chalant manner, one might wonder if Odin was her father at all, "and now I have two brothers instead. Any more brothers I should know about?" She asks half in jest, but with sincere undertones. Finding one has two brothers out of the blue leaves room to question whether there might be more still.

"So King Thor, Prince Loki, and Lady Sif," Hela goes over the dramatis personae, before turning her gaze on Sif, "and what are you than? A sister I knew not about?"

Her attention soon returns to Thor, "so...brother," she starts, before begrudgingly adding, "King..." though the distaste is clear in her voice. She's still no doubt, considering whether she wishes to challenge for what she feels is hers by right or not. "It seems there is much to discuss, I expect an audience, in private." Though after a moment's pause, she peers in Loki's direction, and adds, "he may attend if he so wishes, after all, we apparently are siblings the three of us...we should be able to get along, is that not so?" There is a slight derision in her last remark, and yet, she stops all potential confrontation there. "I will come to see you when I'm ready, I must mull this over!" It's an assertion, and with it she disappears in a green swirling mist, just as she came.

Loki has posed:
    "I'm /certain/ we can all come to an arrangement," Loki says, wheedling with easy persuasion, slick to the end.

    And she's gone. He clears his throat just a little bit, and turns towards both Sif, and Thor. Loki might also be doing some spellcraft to ward and watch for this 'Hela' returning. And where she went. But they have a relic to get elsewhere, right away. It's increasingly important, now.

    "Well, now. This REALLY can't wait," Loki comments, and promptly, suddenly, throws open a gateway, with a flare and thrust of hands downwards. It's a slightly excessive show of extreme magic, but being downplayed in the company of the 'king' by a new aggressive sibling might have gotten to him a little. His expression is nonplussed, though, and he gestures for Thor to lead. "After you," to Thor.

    Loki gives a slight liquid look to Sif, and seems to 'relent', lifting a little paper bird from his sleeve. It flutters over near her. "Let us know if we need to come back, and I'll bring us in an instant," states the prince.

    Well, he'll send Thor, at least.
