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(After a 'Danger Room' Session in the gym, the girls relax, Boom-Boom goes off.)
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Bughunters Triumphant!
Date of Scene: 31 August 2017
Location: Backyard, Xavier's Institute
Synopsis: After a 'Danger Room' Session in the gym, the girls relax, Boom-Boom goes off.
Cast of Characters: Tendril, Boom-Boom, Moonstar, Black Rose, Beast, Deadzone

Tendril has posed:
    It's about fifteen minutes or so later, and the victorious Warriors of The Chrome Centipede have adjourned to the backyard at the lounge chair and fancy table area, after pausing to snag a few sixpacks of cola and a small cooler from the kitchen, with just enough ice in it to keep things cool. Not to mention Alexia completely raiding the fridge for a bunch of leftover sandwiches from lunch, which have been stacked in a pyramid on the main table.

    It's starting to get dark by now, but the carefully arranged lights keep the area comfortably well lit, while the scent of the blooming flowers leave a pleasant mixed sweet scent in the air. The umbrellas are up currently at the tables, having been left that way from the heat of the day. Now they're just a possible means of avoiding unexpected rain storms.

    Lexi of course snags several sandwiches, tendrils sprouting out frm her sides and back to wrap around a few, before she moves over to plop down on a lounge chair with a sigh.

    Followed by a squeak as she jerks up, then rubs her butt where the insects caught it with a stun blast. "OOoooowww..." she whines a bit.

Boom-Boom has posed:
Boomer has an ice pack on the back of her head, but she's in good spirits. She's nursing a soda. "Fun, huh? I kinda like the shivers from coming down after an adrenaline high like that." She plops herself down somewhere and instantly regrets it. "Owww."

Moonstar has posed:
Danielle grins as she's changed out of her armor and jumpsuit, wearing a pair of denim shorts that go to above her knees, as well as a black Nine Inch Nails T-shirt. "Yeah, those stings can hurt if you don't wear armor for 'em." She smiles at Lexi, snatching a diet Coke, "But still you did pretty good for a first time. We were all pretty rusty the first time we went through it."

Black Rose has posed:
    "If you hadn't run off," Yana tells Aelxia again, "I could've buffeted you from that sting. But nope." She almost seems a little sadistically happy that Alexia got 'punished' for running off for cover. She sips her cola, contentedly, and carries a single sandwhich, piled high, in her other hand as she settles into one of the comfortable chairs. "But really, I've never seen anything like Ellie's abilities, before. That was pretty awesome. I wonder if I increased her speed, if she'd be even more potent?" It's a topic for thought, and discussion, later.
    Then she's looking over at Dani, "Also? Making arrows and spears out of thin air? Nice." And to Boom-Boom. "That was -a lot- of fun. Yes. I'm almost ready to go again. It's like one of those dangerous rides at the park."

Beast has posed:
It's been a long day. Summer vacation is literally waning and the school fully opens up again in scant few days. So that means many of the teachers have been prepping their courses and such. Being not only the Biochemistry teacher but the /head/ of the sciences department, as well as being the head medical providier and technician and.. well you get it.. Hank has been very busy. Not just that but...

Hank and tatum stroll around the buikding from teh garage, linked arm in arm talking. At least, it MIGHT be hank. The scientist, if it is really him, looks remarkably different.. In a less formal, more casual garb of slacks and an polo shirt. And not sporting any fur. None at all. So some students would probably do a double take. He still has pretty much the same dimensions, even his feet and hands are still large, but he looks HUMAN, not feline sapien or whatever he is.

"That third house was my favourite, so far.." he intones lightly to his partner as they close in on the patio. "The backyard was quite minute in size compared to the neighbours but utterly delightful in the fact that it had fifteen a fifteen foot tall hedge fence.. and the hot tub was a very nice touch.. The basement also had teh best accoustics so far, fitting well into the parameters you specified for your music room. My major problem is the outlying garage seems a little small to house any sort of laboratry or workshop I would find useful..." and on and on he drones... as they step up onto the lit patio...

Deadzone has posed:
The goth and the egghead walk side by side, arm in arm. She wrinkles her nose and shakes her head. "But that's just it. The backyard was tiny. So, no garden. At least not for vegetable or herbs. The bathroom was lovely though. And... I liked that one room that looked out onto the backyard. It would be a nice room for a guest room."

Seeing the assembled students, she gestures with her chin to them to point them out to Dr. McCoy. "We'll find the perfect place eventually. It's a shame that one house... " She then stops talking, frowning. Apparently she just brought up a tender subject.

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi responds with the utmost civility and decorum.

    That is to say, she sticks her tongue out at Dani for suggesting 'if she ONLY had awesome Valkyrie armor she'd be fine', and then again to Yana at the cheerfulness for her pain. She pouts at the group in general...it's a good one! Lower lip quivering just enough, eyes all kittenish, like she could burst into tears at any moment.

    "You all are -mean-. Except Boomer. She's nice and soft for landing on." the mauve girl proclaims, then breaks into a giggle as she snags a drink of her own, starting to unwrap one of the sandwiches to stuff in the endless maw that is a teenage stomach augmented by a vastly accelerated metabolism. "Besides, I didn't KNOW ya were gonna buffet me like that....it's not like it's, like, obvious when ya do it Yana. Yer kinda subtle over th' rest of us when ya do stuff with your powers."

    She glances over as Hank and Tatum make their way out of the back door, then waves cheerfully to the pair. "Hey professor and professora! Ya out for a stroll?"

Boom-Boom has posed:
"Oh, leave her alone." Tabby says to Yana, a little irritated. "We hadn't all worked together before and you didn't go over any S-O-Ps beforehand. How was she to know what you wanted?" there's a little bit of a growl in her voice, too. She doesn't look at Alexia, though.

"Good shots there, boss." Tabby says to Dani, her tone changing to approval. "As usual." She puts the cold can to her forehead. "F'n head. Geez." She gives Lexi a wink after that landing comment. "Watch it, woman." but she has a little soft grin.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani laughs softly, looking between Lexi and Tabby, "I am not mean. I'm just trying to make sure you are as ready as possible." She grins and sips her soda, though the grin slips just a little as she sees Hank and Tatum waling in. Giving them a slight nod, she takes another drink of her soda, her mood shifting just a touch towards a bit more neutrality.

Black Rose has posed:
    No doubt Yana's picture and marks - all high, and private school'd, up until now, had crossed Hank and Tatum's desks as they had the other instructors when Yana decided to fully committ to Xavier's. Still, she doesn't know them, so she waves a bit, greeting with, "Hi," and a smile.
    Then, she's looking over at Tabitha, "If I didn't tease her," she says towards the girl who makes things go Boom, "She'd think something was wrong. Alexia and Dani are the two main reasons I chose to come here, instead of going to Emma Frost's Academy of Tomorrow, honestly." And that's mostly true. The 'Danger Room' they were just in was the final nail in the coffin. She adds, "Besides. I think Lex is more awesome then she gives herself credit for." And that, likely, is why Yana was pushing her a bit.
    She cants her head at Alexia, then, shrugging, "Well, it's not as flashy as Boom-Boom's or Ellie's, no," she agrees, wholeheartedly. "But Kinetic Manipulation is a whole different ball of wax, too. And if people don't see you as a threat, and you can be? Well. That's one up for me."
    She takes a sip of her drink, looking back to Tabby, not afraid to admit she doesn't know by asking, "What's S-O-P? I mean, you're right. If I think it generally means what I think you're hinting at. We didn't plan anything out. Should have."

Beast has posed:
Hank pats Tatum's hand, understanding what she was thinking. She was refering to the house next to the people who came out to say hi, all happy at a prospective new neighbour, but then he walked up.. all blue and furry and.. well..

"It's nothing to worry about, Tatum. I assure you. At least they were quite civil, if a bit cold. It is not something I am unused to. But the world /is/ changing. We've worked long and hard on that, and we /will/ find a place where the neighbours won't mind Us.." though he really means 'Me' since she at least LOOKS human.. He only looks human when he is touching her.

He turns his head as he hears them being called and smiles at Alexia. "Ah, Miss Nemo. No we were not out walking, per se. We were just.. house hunting.." he blushes a bit, a reaction that right now people can actually /see/.

He then looks to the other girls and offers his best smile.. a strange thing to see without the cat face. "And how are all of you this evening?" he asks them all. He looks at Dani, just a moment longer than the rest, even the impressive Yana whom he has commited her record to memory... There is an apologetic look on his face, but beyond that he is too stubborn to say anything about their argument. he does, however, nod respectfully at her.

Boom-Boom has posed:
"Standard Operating Procedures." Boom-Boom adds. "You were the leader. You should have given us a basic plan, like where we should fall back to in case we had to rally, junk like that." She squeezes her eyes shut a minute, then looks at Yana again, levelly. "You didn't do any of that, so you don't have any room to criticize anyone." She shrugs. "I think you should let the people know what they're doin' to take charge, like Moonstar." and she jerks a thumb towards Dani. She starts to stand, a little wobbly-kneed. "So, leave her alone!" and she tosses the icepack and opens her hand, there's a little ball of plasma there. "Do you hear what I'm sayin'?" she doesn't throw it, though.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani glances at Tabby, "Hey, it's a learning experience for everyone Tabbycat. Yana didn't know what I could do, or really what any of us could do. It's a perfectly good way to find out. Heck, that's what it is there for, so we don't have something happen out there that gets us hurt or worse." She does smile a little bit to herself, as she makes a mental note about something.

Then she looks back at Hank, catching the look, and... well, she's been here long enough to know Hank, and she nods right back to him, "Hey teachers, been house hunting? Find anything good?" She smiles a bit, maybe not as brightly as she would normally do before she and Hank had that... um, disagreement, but she's trying to make peace. Really.

Deadzone has posed:
Tatum isn't used to dealing with mutant haters targetting her directly. Years from now, she and Hank will likely laugh over the matter and how he had to be the voice of reason and pull her away as the goth lost her temper and started yelling at the potential neighbors and tell them exactly what she thinks using as many colourful metaphors as she could think of.

Walking over to the students and hearing what the girls are talking about, the younger of the two teachers feels a need to butt in. "Personally, I think that not planning things works best. Out there, outside of these grounds, even the best laid plans seem to go awry when it comes to combat. You have to learn to adapt in a combat situation. And quickly. That's why we have you train in the 'gym'. Sometimes you don't get the luxury of knowing who you end up fighting with. So you have to adapt on the spot for that too."

She then changes the subject to the coming semester. "So, who am I going to be seeing this year?"

Beast has posed:
It isn't that Hank is the voice of reason (though he totally is usually) it's just that he has thick skin... er.. fur. And he has spent his entire life even BEFORE the fur being a visible mutant so... He is used to it. He doesn't like it, no, but he is used to it.

He looks to his girlfriend and raised a brow. "You /have/ to plan /some/ things, my love.." he reminds her. "Even if your plan goes to, as they say, pot at least you have a basis to work from." He looks between the girls, especially Tabitha.. ensing some tension. "Now now girls, please... We are all friends here.." he says, trying to disarm them with a smile.

He then looks to Dani and blushes again. "Oh, yes.. Yes we were house hunting. SOmething not to far away, of course but.." he too is trying to make peace.. so.. "It seems that for as long as this school has been here, not all the town residents are ready for a blue furred american to move next door..." he then mumbles under his breath.. "..Probably think I will uriniate on their petunias..." Okay, so NOT super thick skinned..

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi gets a noticeable flush at Yana's commentary, getting a bit quiet for a moment as she focuses on her sandwich, just listening to Boom Boom and Yana as they discuss plans, then looking a little alarmed as Tabitha starts to get more in Yana's face. "Boomster, it's cool...she's tryin' ta help." She says, reaching over to touch Tabitha's arm. "C'mon..."

    She sighs. "I know I suck at this stuff., but don't get mad at each other over it, k?" She mmms. "...an SOP does sound kinda good, though. An' I should probably just...I mean, we should know more about how each other's powers work too. Tricks an' stuff we can do, right?"

    As Tatum inserts her two cents, she nods a bit in agreement. "Yeah, like, we didn't know that thing was gonna pop back up at the end! We couldn't plan for that, right? An I didn't show ya what I could do before that really, just you knew I could do tendrils an' stuff. An' climb." And other things involving breaking and entering she's not going to mention in front of teachers.

    She looks a bit more unsure as Taum asks about course. "Oh. Right...I should...kinda sign up for that stuff, shuldn't I?" she syas sheepishly.

Deadzone has posed:
Ms. O'Neal looks to Hank and shakes her head. "While it's nice to have a plan, it's not always possible. When the riots happened in M-Town, we had no idea what anyone was capable of. All we knew is we wanted to mitigate the damage done to either side so it didn't escalate. And that's my point. Sometimes, in the real world, you are tossed into a situation where you don't know anything but your own capabilities."

She smirks as Beast mutters about petunias and leans in for a moment before she stops and turns away. No need to embarass the non-furred science professor in front of the students with a public display of affection.

Black Rose has posed:
    For her part, Yana isn't showing hardly any tension. Maybe a bit of confusion, mixed with mild irritation, but that's all. She doesn't get up out of her chair, as Boom-Boom tosses the icepack and brandishes the little plasma ball that remains in her hands. "Like I said," she reminds Tabitha, calmly, "I -asked- for that to get to know everyone better. And, nobody else was taking charge, so, I did. Someone needed to." She looks, briefly over at Dani, as Tabitha suggests Dani should've led, pointing out, "You're Lex's friend. I get that. But, so am I. And I'd like to see her reach her potential." Briefly, she glances at Alexia, smiles, "Because she is freaking awesome."
    Then Tatum and Hank have her attention. "I'm Yana Asarov, pleased to meet both of you. I just signed up, last minute. Ms. Grey took me on a tour last week. I came here really to reach my own limits, figure out how far I can push my abilities." At least she's honest about it. "Dani and Alexia talked me into coming here, for the most part. And Magneto had some good things to say about the place, too," she remembers, suddenly.

Boom-Boom has posed:
Boom-Boom closes her hand again and the time-bomb blinks out of existance at Alexia's call for calm. No boom today. Boom tomorrow. Always a boom tomorrow. "You _don't_ suck at this, is what I'm sayin'. Maybe a little green, but we all are when we start doin' team crap." She shrugs. "I jus' wan' her to lay off you. She made her damn point." She tosses her pretty-much-empty can at Yana's feet. "Whatever." and she turns on her heel. "Really. Whatever. Why don't you jus' kiss her right in front of everyone and get it over with!" That was clearly meant for Yana. She starts to stomp out, muttering curses under her breath.

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi looks..flummoxed. Both by the other girls insisting she could be better, or that she is great, or...well, a whole bunch of things she wouldn't have said about herself. Flummoxed is a a good word, and further applies as Boom Boom goes 'boom', losing her temper. "C'mon, what..." Lex starts to say, before her half-hearted attempt to step in the middle is cut off.

    She then turns bright red at the insinuation, however. "What? H-hey!" the mauve mutant girl sputters, then as the can hits the ground, she doesn't seem to know what to do for a moment, starting to get to her feet, then Dani gets there first. She looks between Yana and Tabitha, looking horribly embarrassed now. "I just...um...I..ah, gotta....go...to...to the restroom." she stammers, getting to her feet, then quick times it as she bolts right past the two near the door, fleeing for the interior. "B-be back!" she shoots over her shoulder, before she disappears inside.


Beast has posed:
Hank rolls his eyes and looks at Tatum, though it is an affectionate eyeroll. "Tatum my dear.. We can agree to disagree on this." he tells her, softly. "Because even when I improvise, it is from a place where I had made plans and have refitted them to meet the task at hand."&

HE looks to yana now and smiles. "Yes, Ms. Grey informed us of your arrival... and your quite impressive scholastic record precedes you..." he then raises his brow a moment. "And if you push your training in teh use of yoru abilities as much as your other endvurs, you will probably meet your goals but please remember... Xavier's is not just about learning to use your abilities to their fullest and responsibly, it is also where you learn NOT to use them as well. Trust me, that can be just as important."

He frowns as Tabitha stomps away and raises that brow of his again. "Okay, I know there was a not-argument about something, but I am not sure what the specuifics are.." he says slowly.. Because Hank is sometimes clueless about certain things.. like social interactions between young girls. And then Alexia seems to Flee as well.


Moonstar has posed:
Dani blinks, and looks at Tabby, "Hey, wait up a bit!" She hustles after Tabitha stomping off, lowering her voice a bit so that no one else can hear... though Rahne might pick up her mood through the link.

"You're right, Tabbycat, Lexi is really nice. And she's gonna learn. We all do. And if Yana wants to learn to be a leader, she's gonna have to learn from her mistakes too. We all do. And keep doing it." Then she pauses, and adds, "You... really like Lexi, huh?" She smiles a bit, not a mocking smile, more of a 'yeah, I can understand that' expression as she regards the blonde.

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabitha Smith slows down and lets Dani catch up to her. She turns and mutters animatedly to the other young woman, motioning to Yana to indicate her now and then. She looks frustrated as she speaks low.

Black Rose has posed:
    Yana, for her part, is watching all of this happen almost as if it were happening to someone else, instead of her being in the center of it all -- which, apparently, she is.
    "I asked for everyone to stay grouped, and Lex ran off for cover, split," she explains. "I made a joke that she wouldn't have gotten hit if she'd stayed with everyone else, admitted I could've started off the session better by making a plan, aaaaand," she looks over at Tabitha and Dani, and then at the trailing body of Alexia, "Apparently now I'm supposed to kiss her, or something. And, I'm bad, and evil, and rotten for saying Lex doesn't acknowledge her full potential." She looks up at both Hank and Tatum, brushes her blue hair out of her left eye a little, "So, if that helps any?"
    She doesn't seem to think it will.

    "So, I'm off to a great start, here."

Deadzone has posed:
"Well, not everyone is as smart as you and plans everything like some sort of chess match where you are planning everything 5 moves ahead and see every contingency. Some people's combat style is a little more... improvised." Meaning her. Yes, the two teachers couldn't be more different, and yet their differences seem to make them all the more attached to each other. "But yes, we will agree to disagree."

She slips her arm free from Hank's and his fur starts to return, making him look the way he normally does. "Yeah, sometimes knowing how to do things without powers is handy. Which is why that tends to be the focus of the workouts in the gym with me." Ah yes, fighting with no powers. That would be the Null's specialization, wouldn't it?

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabitha stutters something out, then turns away from Dani. "My stupid head. Ugh. I feel like I'm gonna puke."

Beast has posed:
If there wwas a comical sound accompanying his transfermation, it would best be describes as a hairy *FUMP*.. like in cartoons when a cat who is wet shakes itself and it's fur puffs out. IN this case the fure ripples down his arms, up his face, his nose shifting into a snout... He seems to get a BIT broader at the shoulders and his feet are thankfully bare since they now have claws.

He looks between Tatuim and Yana, raising a brow.. No, it doesn't help TOO much, the younger woman's explanation but only because he wasn't there.. And Kissing? Ooookay. "Maybe.. this is a conversation best had with a councellor..." or another female.. He tugs at his collar and looks over at Dani and Tabitha nearer the house.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani blinks, then laughs a bit, saying something quietly to Tabitha before shaking her head, looking really amused at /something/. What she says isn't exactly clear...

Black Rose has posed:
    Still at least appearing mildly confused to Tabitha's outburst, Yana shrugs, "At least I know Ellie's pretty cool. But," she nods to Tatum, "Yes. That's why my father had me learn Sambo - Russian martial arts. Not only because such compliments my abilities, but in case I ever run dry, I do have something to fall back on. I'm quite good at it, but will still be keeping up my training until I can be officially called a Master. Another year or two, maybe." She smiles at Tatum, "Be glad to spar with you."
    Her drink finished, she comments, "Honing my abilities is really my primary goal, though. But, my father's made it quite clear I need to keep my grades up to remain here. So you don't have to worry about that." She smiles, ruefully, towards Tatum and Hank both. Then she cranes her head towards the direction that Alexia went.

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabitha rubs her eyes, Tired. Yeah, that's it. No, she's not crying. Never that. Her shoulders slump, though... her sudden fury spent. "Why do these things happen to me, Dani? It's not fair. I'm jus' tryin' to make it through the day and this crap..." but she doesn't finish her thought. "She doesn't... see? She ran off. I scared her off." and she sighs. "Better that way anyway, right? Tell her I'm sorry, willya?" And she reaches to pat Dani on the shoulder. "Hey go back and relax. I'm fine. Really." and she raises her chin, plastering on a weak smile to prove it. Yeah, right. "Go on, huh?"

Beast has posed:
Hank looks like he wants to answer Yana about her fathers expectation but... His watch starts to beep. A real nice smart-type watch. He looks at it and grimaces, then shakes his head. "it's the Realtor. She sent us a message.. lets go see what they want.." he tells his girlfriend then smiles at yana. "Sorry to run off.. responsibilities and all that. We'll see you in class." he says then, on more look at the other girls who are still somewhat nearby, he shakes his head and leads Tatum into the house.

Tendril has posed:
    It's taken a bit for Lexi to compose herself. She actualy DID got to the bathroom, mostly to splash water on her face and stare at the mirror a bit until she was sure her flush was mostly gone. Gawwd. She make herself look like a TOTAL idiot now. She sighs, then bumps her head against the wall, in slow, but firm, taps. Grrr.

    "Okay, okay, okay..." the girl says, peering into her own golden eyes. "Okay. Tabitha didn't blow Yana up, and no one died this time. So win? Right?" She huffs, then heads back out of the bathroom, creeping up to the door so she can peer out slightly, to see if the coast is clear. Like Punxsutawney Phil, she emerges from her hideaway...if she sees awkward, she may flee back inside. And there will be three more months of Kwanzaa. Or something.

    This means she's just in time to see Tabitha starting to turn her way, as she sort of freezes, watching her, unsure what to do now. Is it better if she goes back? Should she say something? What about the others? Is Tabby mad at her now? She didn't....what did she do?

Moonstar has posed:
Dani looks at Tabitha, "Come on, how about we both go back. Because honestly, it's for the best. Or else I'm going to ask her for you." She grins slyly, and Tabby should know that look is one that shows that Danielle is NOT bluffing. She then looks over at Alexia when she comes out, and gives the other girl a cheerful wave.

Black Rose has posed:
    Slowly, but surely, the party - if it even ever was one, is dying down. And Yana's out of soda. So, she grabs another, and sets it to the side to take a bite of her sandwhich before she, too, spots Alexia. She watches the other girl, but doesn't seem to attempt to persuade Alexia to come over towards her, or not. But she is where the sandwhiches are. And they are tasty sandwhiches.

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabitha sighs. "Yeah, yeah." she shakes her head. "You and your stupid makin' sense. Alright." and she follows where Dani leads. She grabs Moonstar's arm, though, as she spies Alexia again. "Don't you dare!" that to Dani, of course. She looks back to Yana. "I guess I'm sorry." she calls over. "It's my head, after gettin' knocked down and stuff. Guess I'm on edge."

Tendril has posed:
    The wave from Dani helps, it's like a little 'all clear', as the mauve-skinned girl relaxes a little bit. Seeing that things seem to have calmed down (and no one sees her and promptly breaks into laughter, crushing her teeny tiny teenage ego), Lex slips back outside, creeping quietly back over to her chair. And the sandwiches. Because all she needs is her stomach to rumble loudly and she's on her way to the triumvirate of embarrassing things you can do in public. There's probably more than three, but three's more than enough!

    She slips back into her seat, not interrupting the apology, then picks up her half opened sandwich and begins gnawing on it, a little self-consciously. But she's HUNGRY, dammit.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani grins, "Yeah, well, that's why they pay me..." She blinks, "Wait, they don't pay me. Well, that's why they should pay me the big bucks, anyway. And we did pretty well overall for a Danger Room scenario. Especially since half of us didn't know the other half and none of us really knew what the others could do."

Dani smiles at Yana, "So yeah, let's table tactical discussion for now, we can talk about it later. First, sandwiches! Because I know I'm starving." With that, she snatches a sandwich, retrieving her diet Coke as she gives Lexi a grin.

Black Rose has posed:
    Yana almost starts to say something, then thinks better of it as the 'apology' comes from Tabitha, "No problem," she says, sounding sincere enough. And, rather than risking starting a whole new debacle over what went right, or wrong, she instead offers Alexia, "Welcome back," cheerfully enough.
    Dani gets a nod, "So, anyone going to the Jack White concert in a couple weeks?" She asks, to change the topic of conversation.

Boom-Boom has posed:
Boomski knows better than to not eat after a battle, so she goes to collect a sandwich and some kind of drink. She sits, shoulders still slumped and sullenly but methodically eats, almost mechanically. "Jack White is like six hundred years old." she mentions.

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi relaxes more at the grin, then Yana's welcome, squirming a bit as she sits crosslegged, rapidly devouring the sanwiches, then swallowing the last of it down. Her eyes flick over to Tabby, noting the sullenness and feeling a bit guilty. Because obviously this must have been something she did. She just..isn't sure exactly what it was. There's a flicker of worry across her face before she decides to try to not focus on it, a tendril sprouting out to snag another sandwich as she starts to unwrap it "What kind of music does he even do?" she asks, curiosity in her voice. "I mean...I don't...remember hearing his stuff. I think." she adds, tilting her head.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani hmmms a bit, "Well, six hundred years means he's learned a lot about music, Tabbycat." She grins over at Boomer, then looks at Yana, "Actually, that sounds pretty cool, I didn't know he was gonna be in town, but now I think I might try to head out for it." Then Dani looks at Lexi, "Plus, we need to plan the next movie night."

Black Rose has posed:
    "I'll get us some tickets, then, if you want to go," Yana tells Dani. "I know a guy who can get us some good seats, usually in first five rows." She adds, "If either of you," meaning Alexia and Tabitha, "Want to go, let me know soon." She gets up, after licking her fingers, having finished off her sandwhich. She tells Alexia, "I'll drop by your room later, and give you a thumbdrive of a few of his albums. Rock and roll. Some hard stuff. Acoustic. All over the place in the genre. He's really good."
    She pauses, then shrugs, "Anyways, I should get going." No specific reason why, "See you around," she says, in general. She stops, looking to Dani, "You, especially. You owe me." She smiles to Dani, and then, shoving her hands into her hoodie, she pulls out her LexPod, stuffs some earbuds in, and mosies back to the mansion.

Boom-Boom has posed:
Her food finished, Tabitha leans back on her hands to look to the sky, glancing at the others now and then, but mostly at the sky. "I made a list of movies showing. I don't know what you nerds like. Probably some stupid science documentary or somethin'."

Tendril has posed:
    Alexia smiles at Yana. "Sure, feel free?" she says curiously. "Oh yeah, and you both are totally invited to movie night! Whenever we figure out what we're watching an' stuff...." she insists, at Dani's reminder. "Have a good night?" She watches her head back inside, waving, before returning her attention back to the other girls. "A list of movies?" she says with interest. "Really? Hey, we don't watch that stuff. I mean, all th' time." She pauses. "Some are kinda cool though." She shakes her head. "But! What are your top, um, five then?" she asks.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani smiles, "Well, I think I should probably go grab a shower... but Lexi, please correct Tabby on the types of movies that go into our movie nights, if you please." She grins at Tabitha and Lexi, "Have fun talking movies, you two." With that, she makes her way back towards the mansion, waving to the pair as she heads in, grabbing another diet coke as she goes.

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabitha looks down at her shoelaces. "Hey, sorry 'bout earlier. It was... yeah, I hit my head and stuff. Sorry." she rubs at her nose and sniffles a moment. "Dani's okay, y'know? She's got a good heart. Good person to have as a roommate."

Tendril has posed:
    Alexia looks suprised as Dani gets up. "Oh, right, um, I'll see ya back at th' room later then?" She smiles briefly, waving as she goes off, then looks over at Tabby, sipping from her drink, then straightens at the sniffle, her brow furrowing a bit. "Yeah, she's cool. Never had a roomie before. Kinda suprised she hasn't got sick of me followin' her everywhere, but I didn't know a lot of people at first, an' I like hangin' with her. When she's not off in town, I guess she's got friends she visits a lot or somethin'."

    The girl hesistates, then gets up, walking over a bit closer. "...does it hurt?" she says, a little worry in her voice. "I could take a look, if it's a bad bump..." Though honestly, it's more the sniffle than anything else that draws her closer, hovering a little over the chair like she's not sure precisely where to go next.

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabby shrugs. "I don't know if there's really a bump, but you can check if... if you want." She rubs at a spot on the back of her head. "I think my brain just got jostled around." and she sighs a bit. "I probably should have McCoy or someone check for a concussion."

Tendril has posed:
    The other girl tilts her head, then carefully seats herself next to you on the lounge chair, perching on the edge. Kind of levitating, almost, if needed. Or that'd be the tendrils that are proping her up as she folds her legs crosslegged. "...it's....it's fine, too, don't sweat it." she adds, a bit more awkwardly. "It's okay. Yana's just...really kinda type A, y'know? She keeps poking me to do more with my powers. " She huffs a bit. "I think it's because her family is super competitive or somethin', so she feels like she's gotta push everyone around her. It's...not like -that- though, we're just friends."

    She leans in a bit closer, shifting so she can get a look at the spot that you've touched. "I don't....see one, I think...I mean, there's no blood."

    Then you feel her fingers very gently touch the area, probing carefully as she leans in more towards you. "...does this hurt?"

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabitha winces at a certain spot. "Ow. That does." but she's not angry or snapping about it. "Yeah, well... she doesn't seem to just want to be 'just friends'. She... I think she likes you. Like _like_ likes you." and she looks down again. "She can push you without being a bitch about it, you know? If she wants to be a leader she needs to learn to criticize team members away from everyone else so it doesn't tear anyone down in public."

Tendril has posed:
    Alexia jerks her fingers back immediately at the ow. "Sorry!" she says immediatley, then frowns a bit, leaning around to where she can see your eyes again. "...why, because she's tryin' ta' convince me I can do more stuff than I have been?" She sounds a bit bemused. "She's just..." She frowns a bit. "...she's a little overprotective sometimes. Cuz she...met me when I was in trouble, an' now I think she always thinks of me that way, LIke..." She grumbles. "...like a little sister or somethin' she's gotta push constantly to keep her from slackin', y'know? An' I'm older than her!"

    She sighs a bit. "...anyway."

    There's a long hesistation, then she says slowly. "...why are ya mad about that, anyway?" Her golden eyes are curious as she peers at you. A little bit of uncertainty in them, like she's unsure if she should be asking..

Boom-Boom has posed:
"I jus' wanted her to lay off you, okay?" Tabby says, a little exasperated. "She was bein' a douchebag to you... an' I didn't like that. Okay? Is that alright? She didn't have any right to be mean to you, harpin' on the same bull over and over and then trying to pretend she was being helpful." She exhales loudly. "An' I saw the way she was looking at you, all sparkly-eyed and junk." she wrinkles her nose. "... maybe I didn't like that either?" that last part lower and quieter, a little above a whisper.

Tendril has posed:
    The other girl twitches her lips at the first part of your explanation, her lips parting as she prepares to say something back..then the last part derails her train of thought, her eyes widening a little as her breath catches for a moment. "...you...didn't like it?" she says after a moment, in a soft, questioning tone, like she's feeling her way with the question.

    And whoa, that sandwich suddenly seems to have turned to butterflies fluttering everywhere. She's imagining that, right? She...she must be, people don't look at her like that.

    ...do they? Does...she?


Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabitha shrugs, noncomittantly. "I guess I didn't like it, no." She sighs. "Dani, why did you leave me here?" she groans. A careful look to Lexi. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you off earlier. I... well, now you know why they call me 'Boom-Boom'... it's not just for my powers." she looks down again. "I'm glad you're okay, though. You were up pretty high. Glad you didn't twist an ankle or aything." and she smiles, just a touch. "'cause I'd have had to come bring you treats and ice and stuff for your ankle if you sprained it. So, you saved me the trouble."

Tendril has posed:
    The other girl leans back, getting a faint flush as she scratches her cheek. Y-yeah, she's hearing things. Obviously, she decides. "...I thought it was somethin' I did...." she admits afer a moment. "An'...I didn't...I just needed ta go and..." she stammers a bit, before she takes a breath. "...you didn't scare me. I...just didn't know what ta do." She shifts a bit, looking down. "An' I just...I leave if it gets weird, cuz I don't know what ta do, and it feels weird. I run away."

    She sighs a bit. "..it's kinda my thing, I guess." she says, embarrassedly.

    She glances up at you, then smiles a bit. "...you were a nice landing spot...." she says slowly, a little teasingly. "But I wouldn't mind you bringing treats and ice an' stuff anyway! I don't get spoiled lots.' she says as she leans back on her hands.

Boom-Boom has posed:
"I didn't mind bein' in a pile with you." Boomer admits. She turns a bit to look at Lexi, leaning back as the other girl is. She puts her chin in her hand and rests her elbow on her own knee as she watches Alexia. "I guess I could do that, Foxy. I think Ice Queen will be jealous, though." she smirks a little at that. "Maybe that's not such a bad thing. She could probably use being knocked down a peg or two, huh?"

Tendril has posed:
    "Yana is the Ice Queen? Heh, yes, that sounds right." Lexi says with a giggle. "Cool as ice."

    She shifts a bit then leans forwards, unconsciously copying your posture as she pulls up a knee on top of the lounge, hugging it as she rests her chin on top. "Maybe. Ya think she'd be that upset if she found out ya were bringin' me treats? Because she's secretly th' Ice Cream Queen too?"

Boom-Boom has posed:
"No, because she wants to feed you grapes while you lounge beside the pool and prob'ly do lots of other stuff that my virgin ears aren't allowed to hear about so I won't mention 'em." She tilts her head. "... your eyes are cool."

Tendril has posed:
    Lexi lets out a little snerk, before she covers her mouth, giggling a bit, then blinks a bit, those eyes returning to yours. "...really?" she says softly. "Th-thanks..." She tilts her head, gazing back at you, a little bit of extra color brushing her cheeks again as she wiggles. "...I like yours too. Baby blues..." She says shyly, then smiles a little at you.

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabby smiles, this time genuine and unguarded. "Yeah? Yours are like the moon out over the lake, all gold and stuff - huge just before it goes down." and she rubs her forehead. "Listen to me. I sound like a Hallmark card or some lame junk like that. Maybe I knocked somethin' loose in here, huh?"

Tendril has posed:
    "Nono!" Lexi protests. "Th-that was....um..." She looks down a little, definitely flushing again now. She can feel she is. "...no one ever says stuff like that about my eyes...it's....it's really pretty. Like moons." she says, feeling a weird mix of embarrassments and a weird sort of delight, all mixed in her chest somewhere.

    She flicks her eyes back up, peeking at you through her lashes without tilting her head up. "...yours are...like a lake. One of those pretty ones, where they're a beautiful blue, where...ya can't see the bottom, but the sun reflects off it just right, an' it's all...blue an' shiny. But..like, dark sometimes, an' ya wonder what's in there...."

Boom-Boom has posed:
"You're funny." Tabby says. "Funny." but she smiles. She hugs herself. "I think it's gettin' chilly out here. "You're sweet, too." She reaches out, as if to touch Lexi's hair but she stops herself.

Tendril has posed:
    Those eyes shimer a bit in the available light, as she peers at you, then as you reach, she inhales. Her breath catchs as your hand reaches out, then stops, as she breathes out softly again

    But before it can be pulled back, her lips part as she murmurs softly. "You can touch it. I-I...I don't mind." She smiles a little at you, then shifts her knee down so its on its side against the chair, before she leans in slowly towards your hand, then holds still.

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabitha does touch the silvery hair, then. "It's cool too." and she sighs. "Look, I know I'm bein' weird. I'm sorry. It's jus'... oh, I don't know what it is." and she looks away, but doesn't take her hand back, just touching Alexia's hair. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to make you think I'm a stalker or somethin'. Sorry if I'm makin' you uncomfortable."

Tendril has posed:
    As your fingers brush over her hair, it feels...odd. The strands are coarse, but somehow soft to the touch, very smooth.

    More importantly, when you leave your hand there long enough, you feels her hair shift under your touch. A slow rippling motion, like a breeze passing over it, as a few strands start to lightly curl against your fingertips.

    Lexi's eyes slit, as she breathes in and out quietly, before she looks up. "...you're not a stalker." she says softly. "..for thinking my eyes are pretty....or wanting to touch my hair."

    She hesistates for a moment, then admits softly. "...I've had a stalker. I don't want him to touch, or say things about me, but....I feel..." She stumbles over her thoughts a bit, trying to explain it. "I don't feel like I wanna to run away when it's you. You feel...safe." she murmurs. "It doesn't feel weird." She peers up at you, not moving to dislodge your hand as she smiles softly at you.

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabby smiles a bit again at the encouragement, or at least the non-rejection. She lets the tendrils do as they will, though she shivers again at the feeling. "Thanks. I feel like... like I want to keep you safe." her chin firms. "Point him out to me and I'll blow him up real good for you."

Tendril has posed:
    Those golden eyes flick up to yours, in faint suprise, before they soften again. "...I believe ya...." she says with a smile, then shakes her head slighty. "...he's...he's dead now though. Can't bother me or other girls anymore." She shivers under your touch. "...was a fuckin' creep, kept...wantin' me for his weird movies."

    Her eyes start to drift close again, the strands under your fingers gently curling around your fingers more...it's more your fingers are brushed through her hair, rather than resting on it. She makes a faint noise, shifting as she leans more towards your touch, her head tilting up against your hand a little, a soft, content little sigh escaping her lips before she can stop it. She flushes. "...sorry, it's..it's nice..." she says, a bit sheepishly.

Boom-Boom has posed:
Tabitha lets her fingers drift through the silvery stuff, then. She touches Lexi's cheek. "Yeah... nice." She holds her head again with the other hand. "Foxy, my head hurts..." and she's quiet a moment. "I maybe should go see the doc or somethin'. I'll prob'ly do somethin' we'll both regret if I stay, anyway."

Tendril has posed:
"Mmmmm..." Lexi shifts a bit, tilting her head at the brief touch, her eyes slitting slightly, before she sits up, different feelings warring a bit in her head.

    Concern wins out, as she says softly "Okay. I'll go with ya. In case ya get dizzy." She slips back to her feet, offering you a hand to tug you up, stopping for a moment to meet your eyes. There's a slight vulnerability in them now, before she berates herself inside her head. Be...daring. Say it.

    "Tabby...m-m-maybe..." she murmurs softly. "When I'm not worried about your head.... She licks her lips a little nervously. "...you should do it anyway...and see what we actually regret...or don't."

Boom-Boom has posed:
There's a moment as she is pulled up, a moment of unguarded vulnerability. "Okay." she almost whispers. "I'm sorry. I'm stupid." and she puts her smirking mask back on as protection. She turns back to the mansion. "Thanks for lookin' out for me. Don't worry, though. I've had worse."

Tendril has posed:
    Her lips twitch a bit. "Stop saying you're stupid." Lexi chides quietly, then smiles a bit. "Sure...doesn't mean I shouldn't care now though." she adds agreeably, starting to walk back twards the mansion.

    And this time...she doesn't let of your hand....