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(Cassandra shows off her new Spoiler to Dinah, and later, Barbara.)
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Latest revision as of 04:00, 14 August 2017

The Three Amigas
Date of Scene: 06 August 2017
Location: Dinah's Loft, Gotham City
Synopsis: Cassandra shows off her new Spoiler to Dinah, and later, Barbara.
Cast of Characters: Black Canary, Batgirl (Cain), Spoiler, Oracle

Black Canary has posed:
    It's been about a week since Cassandra and Dinah independently starts looking into the outright execution of a few dozen thugs during their recent incident at the city zoo. It's been a matter of looking for other signs of similar weapons being used, comparing shell cases, hitting the streets for rumors in the underworld, all these things. It's about time for them to check in with each other, so Dinah reached out to Cassandra to come by her loft to exchange notes, and when she mentioned bringing another of the Bat team, Dinah acquiesced without really saying boo. She was assuming it was the new Robin (why not Batboy? Really?) or maybe Nightwing.

    She's currently sitting in her living room, flicking through a tablet with some difficulty, having left her balcony door open for any visitors.

    It's not like they ever knock and use the front door, after all.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Batgirl had met Stephanie at their appointed 'spot', which was the rooftop on where they had first met. At least once, if not twice a week, Batgirl had 'gone around' with Spoiler, to make sure the other girl wasn't getting in too deep over her head. And she was sure, by now, that Batman knew about Spoiler. He hadn't brought it up yet.
    And it was time that Spoiler - well, maybe got some help with those training wheels besides that of the rather vocabularly limited Batgirl who had found, impossibly, a friend within the young blonde girl.
    And when she drops down onto Dinah's balcony, she signals Spoiler to do the same. Then, Batgirl walks right into Dinah's apartment, because. Well. Dinah left the door open. And, why not?

Spoiler has posed:
    "You told her I was what?!" The conversation had been rather one-sided on the way over towards...somewhere. After all, Cassandra wasn't necessarily the most talkative. Fortunately for her, Stephanie is. "And we are just going to go right on over there? Oookay, then." Steph, in her purple and black garb of Spoiler, followed behind Batgirl well enough. Those incognito training sessions masquerading as joint patrols were helping, certainly. And Spoiler was certainly a quick learner.

    And so, when the signal was given to drop down onto a balcony, Spoiler only partially hesitates. After all, it was Batgirl doing the signalling...and really, what is the worst that could happen? Besides Stephanie getting tossed over the railing, that is, which might have been a thought fleeting through her mind as she drops onto the balcony. But..then the female Bat figure just walks on in. Is...is that supposed to happen?

    "Hmm...you sure we are just supposed to walk in?" So much for any sort of surprise. But, judging from the fact that the door was left open, the notion of surprise was tossed out of the window. The girl takes a tentative step in. "Hmm...hiya. Batgirl said to come here." Well...not so much said as led here. But...same thing.

Black Canary has posed:
    As Batgirl just walks right, Dinah looks up, with a slight bit of relief. She is not a techie person. She lets Babs handle that, but the tablet was getting on her nerves a bit. She does blink a bit as a girl she hasn't seen before follows Batgirl in, leaning forward where she's sitting crosslegged on her couch. She's certainly not in uniform, just a black tank top, grey seat shorts, and barefoot other than that. "Batgirl...and friend." she says, looking faintly amused. "Hi there. I'm Dinah." she says to Spoiler. "I don't think I've run into you before."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Batgirl then closes the door behind herself. And, draws the curtains. It's not like anyone -saw- her go in. She's too damn good for that. But, she doesn't need anyone watching, or catching a peek of Batgirl parading around in Dinah's loft, either. And, it's then for the first time in their recent friendship that Batgirl does something. And that something is -- she removes her cowl. To show her face. An asian girl, beneath that mask, with short, almost pixie-cropped black hair, and deep brown eyes. She nods, pointing to Stephanie, then pointing to Dinah as if to say, 'Go on. Introduce yourselves'.
    She crosses her arms. Waiting. Looking from one to the other, as if parental over this entire matter.

Spoiler has posed:
    Well...if one could see the blink of surprise behind the black mask that Stephanie wears, it would be apparent that there is just a moment of shock in the unmasking. Of course, Cassandra would pick up on it. Seeing how Batgirl unmasked, a gloved hand reaches up, brushing off the purple hood and pulling the opaque mask off. Beneath that a ponytail of blonde hair, green eyes and an otherwise unremarkable female face. Young, though. can't be no more than late teens at best. With the mask off in her hand, Stephanie offers a shrug and a slightly lopsided smile. "I'm Stephanie. It...it's nice to meet you, Dinah."

    Stephanie casts a sideline glance to Batgirl, as if to say 'that what you wanted?'. The girl does seem just a bit awkward. Obviously not used to the whole revealing secret identity thing.

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah's eyes twinkle. "Nice to meet you too, Stephanie. Sorry, didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just don't the point of using the heroing names when we're in private." she says simply, but reaches up to tap herself. "But so you know....Black Canary, when I'm wearing the gear." She motions to the rest of the couch or the chairs pulled up by them. "Make yourself comfortable. Want some water, or soda?" she says, hopping up and padding over to the kitchen.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Cassandra moves to hold Stephanie's hand, briefly. She squeezes. And even Dinah, whose known Cassandra for such a short time, might recognize that such is a rather odd behavior for the rather distant girl. The by-the-book, dead-serious girl. She gives Dinah a pointed, almost protective look, before letting Stephanie's hand go. She does not still yet speak, though. Not yet. Instead, she sets her mask down on the nearest table. And she begins moving the couch, back against the wall. And the coffee table, also. Dinah might recognize the reason behind this.

Spoiler has posed:
    The name Dinah might not have given Stephanie any clues. However, Black Canary? That certainly catches Stephanie's attention. Her eyes get huge, then she turns to Cassandra even as Cass squeezes Steph's hand. "You didn't tell me we were going to see the Black Canary!" Fortunately, Stephanie doesn't fangirl too much, as that hand squeeze does keep the girl grounded in reality. Right. Just standing in Black Canary's loft with Batgirl holding onto her hand. This...is just normal.

    Of course it is.

    "Oh...well...I use Spoiler, when I am out, you know, doing this sort of thing. But...not *this*! No...when fighting crime or whatever." Stephanie winces at the oh-so-not smooth way she just handled that.

Black Canary has posed:
    "Spoiler..." Dinah says thoughfully, noting Cassandra's behavior and filing it away. Interesting. "Good name..." She smiles a bit, politely not acknowledging the nervousness, just opening the fridge to just snag three water bottles as she brings them back and sets them on the coffee table in front of the couch, resuming her former position as she pulls her legs up crosslegged again.

    "Welcome to the the city then, I suppose." she say thoughfully, leaning back. "Did she..." And she nods towards Cassandra. "Let you know what we've been looking into here?" She might as well be sure what Stephanie does or does not know, befoe she starts going on too far. Easier to fill in the blank spots now.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    "Hard," Cassandra evokes to Dinah, then. It's a -part- of the reason why she brought Stephanie here, afterall. Someone to help her talk to her friend, maybe. She considers further, then points to the two of them, her and Stephanie, and points outside to indicate they have been patrolling.
    She registers Stephanie's reaction to the Canary, and files it away herself. The girl is clearly impressed with such heroes. She wonders, mostly to herself, how Stephanie will react to meeting the first Batgirl.
    "Friend," she says, forcibly, to Dinah. Because. It's important.

Spoiler has posed:
    "She's right. It's a little hard to talk to each other. I mean, she reads me like an open book, which I am still trying to figure out how, but harder to read her." Stephanie pauses, watching Cass, then offers a nod. "We were patrolling around, looking. But, for what exactly we really didn't clarify." Stephanie is getting a bit better at reading the non-verbal cues...but still is working on it, it seems.

    There is a small smile...a true smile...given towards Dinah as she nods over to Cassandra. "We kinda ran into each other one night and helped each other...then been friends ever since." It is the explanation, such as it is, offered for the 'Friend' comment from Cassandra. "But, anyways, to answer the question simply....no. Not really. But, guessing she thinks I can help, otherwise she wouldn't have brought me here."

    It seems that Stephanie learned something about Cassandra rather quickly. Cass only does things for a specific reason.

Oracle has posed:
    Babs is nothing if not polite... in that she knocks before opening the door to Dinah's place, calling out with her voice full of good cheer. "Heyyy, party people! I brought cookie dough ice cream, because I'm like... the -best- friend around, I am totally like Lois Lane, but for... ice cream bringing instead of reporting! Or the Lex Luthor but not for... like... bald corporate suit guy!"

    Of course, once Babs gets far enough in to see Dinah... and... actual 'people' for that party people line... well, she coughs and her cheeks flush a pink. "I... uhm... am... the... Booster Gold of knowing when you have visitors?" She grins sheepishly and bobs her head to Cass and Steph. "So... uh... what's up, girls?"

    Oh yeah. Smooooth entrance, Babs... this totally isn't going in that 'top 10 cringiest moments' line of thought that creeps up sometimes.

Black Canary has posed:
    Okay, she was wrong, Dinah muses amusedly to herself. There IS on Bat type who actually uses the front door. "Hi Babs..." she says, her lips twitching up despite herself. "Yes, definitely visitors, though if you want to grab a seat, it might be good to have you sit in too." She glances at the other two girls. "...have you been introduced?" she says slowly, not sure who knows who.

    This being why she usually tries not to use codenames when off the clock. It's just confusing after a while who cares and who doesn't if people know their real names and such. "Feel free to put the ice cream in the freezer though." she adds her eyes definitely twinkling again at that. Friends who bring you ice cream are worth their weight in cookie dough, after all.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Cassandra easily reads Barbara's embarassment, her head tilted as she the original title holder of Batgirl's body language. Here is someone who knows Cassandra better than anyone, perhaps, besides Cassandra herself. "No," she tells Dinah, flatly. Her face is set, just a little, in determination. She tells Barabara the same thing she told Black Canary, as she once again takes Stephanie's hand. Something Barbara has, likely, never seen Cassandra do. Ever. Since Barbara found her. Took her in.
    She says this as if ready to defend Stephanie from even Barbara.

Spoiler has posed:
    Okay....now even Stephanie picked up on that protective stance of Cassandra's. The hand holding is not really noticed that much...not nearly as much as the firm, unwavering way that Cassandra conveyed the single word of 'Friend' again. There is a pause, then Stephanie clears her throat and shakes her head. "Hmm...no. We haven't met yet."

    Stephanie shifts slightly towards Cassandra, though Steph really is trying to be open and cordial. She turns to Barbara, and offers a greeting. "I'm Stephanie." Yes...just concentrate on the blonde hair and green eyes. Pay no mind to the purple and black costume on Stephanie, nor the black mask that is tucked into her belt. Because that is totally normal.

Oracle has posed:
    Barbara puts the ice cream into the freezer in a blur, nearly... after all, she doesn't want it partway thawing! And then she's turning around and staring at Steph and Cass like Cass just said something about space aliens from beyond the moon. "You... wow! You found a friend! That's -great-! I mean... it's not like there aren't -any- friendly people in Gotham, but... still, this is great!" She claps her hands and nearly skips over to stand by Dinah, glancing at her own friend with a wide grin.

    She clearly notices the mask and suit as she chirps out, "You can even share a hobby! Rooftops are -so- boring alone. You can't even really read a book. Even -audiobooks- are trouble... like... seriously, just... ugh. Rooftop stakeouts are the -worst- alone." She jerks her head towards Dinah, "I mean, I -used- to try and phone -her- when I was bored, but oh my god the -minutes- I used up... but... friends are good! I'm... uh... I -was-... also in a costume! It was also purple. So like... good choice, Stephanie. I'm Barbara by the way, but my friends call me Babs."

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah raises a brow this time at the repeated warning, looking thoughfully at Cassandra. Then nods slightly in acknowledgement. Hmm. She's guessing not many friends, if she's so fierce about being protective of her in a situation like this. Then again, she gets that Cassandra may not be the most socially adapt people anyway. "Let her get a word in edgewise Babs." she says, shaking her head amusedly. She'll start explaining in a moment, but she figures she should let this...settle a little before moving on.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    There is some relaxation, when Barbara does not go into a speech to Stephanie about why a girl like her should not be a hero, or scolding Cassandra for showing her face to Stephanie, or bringing Stephanie to Dinah's home. She nods again, once, and then she seems to almost ask Barbara, "Tell?" There's a quiet permission given, there. And, Cassandra gestures to both Stephanie, and to Dinah. It's not like Cassandra can really explain her past. Or, say her own name very well.

Spoiler has posed:
    "Ummm....okay?" It *was* a lot of rapid-fire information sent to Stephanie's direction, but there is a bit of a visual relaxation in the purple figure's stance. "so. Friends good. Everyone wears or has worn a costume. And...stakeouts are boring. Sounds like I caught everything?" Oh...one more thing. "Nice to meet you, Barbara." Yup, no nickname. Not yet. They just met, after all. There is no question as to who the alter ego was for the new arrival, but it is apparent that Stephanie is thinking on that one. There is that small tell...that far-away gaze that breaks momentarily as Stephanie processes the information.

    That processing that stops when Stephanie blinks and turns to Cassandra. "Tell me what?"

Oracle has posed:
    Babs gives a little nod to Cass, clearing her throat softly. Clearly she's thinking how best to explain this... closer to Cass's level of communication than her own... verbosity. "Cass is... -was-... trained extensively in combat skills. Like... if Batman had focused all his attentions from birth on fighting. Excluding everything else, including speech." She sighs, face almost grimacing, but she tries to hold it back, even as her eyes flash with suppressed anger. "Her father was... thorough and brutal in his methods, and so she's still learning to speak... and... a variety of other social skills. But she's a perfectly fine roommate. I'm... tutoring her, I suppose?" She reaches out to give Cass an almost tentative little squeeze on the shoulder. "But... a friend already is... -such- amazing progress. I'll have to get you all keys to my place once it's set up for... uhm... supporting our mutual hobby, yes?"

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah settles back as Babs goes into an interesting explanation, for her as well as Stephanie, a definite spark of interest in her eyes, not interrupting. Until the end, where she says, in a genty prodding voice. "She might also mean, tell her the name you go under..or went under." The blonde is finding this sort of fun, it's been a while since she's had more than one person at a time visiting. And then infrequently, until recently.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Cassandra nods, slowly, to what Barbara says. To all of it. As if to agree to it. There is some relief that shows, however momentarily, in her own body language before she goes quiet again, however, Barbara might be more attuned to recognize the glance between Stephanie and herself, and Stephanie and Dinah. As if Cassandra were trying to - well, get a message across. Without alerting Stephanie.

Spoiler has posed:
    Stephanie is all smiles...but something catches her as all the girls talk. Something about wearing the color purple...and wearing costumes...and supporting mutual hobbies. But, one thing more than anything is the talk of mentoring. And, while Stephanie doesn't say anything out loud, at least, not yet...the slow dawning of realization is sweeping over the girl. She shifts, as the eyes move from Cassandra, to Barbara, then to Dinah...and then back to Cassandra. No, she isn't going to say it outloud. But, if Barbara is mentoring Cassandra...and Cassandra is Batgirl, then the logic is pointing to one conclusion.

    At least, Stephanie didn't squeal. Or pass out. Yet.

Oracle has posed:
    Babs lets out a little noise, almost a startled little squeak. "Oh... uhm... right!" She clears her throat softly, tensing up a little, like she has to resist the urge to press her shoulders back and -pose- like she's on some sort of recruiting poster. "I... ah... was Batgirl. The... purple one? With the snappy cape?" She sighs and murmurs out, "It's... I mean, it's not a big deal, really. I mean, okay, I guess telling you is -sort- of a big deal, but like... no pressure!"

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah looks like she's mulling something over in her mind as she watches the three interact. She's kind of enjoying it a bit, though she looks at Cassandra, then glances to Spoiler, then back to Cassandra, tilting her head a bit as she taps a finger to her own chest, a questioning expression on her face. As if making sure she has permission.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    "Safe," confirms Batgirl, who has been around all three. And, implictly trusts all three. Barbara, at the least, would find some measure of relief in this if she hadn't already. It's hard for anyone to get a lie, or mask secret motives from her. She was just too good at reading. She looks at both Barbara, and Dinah then. As if waiting, or perhaps silently insisting somewhat behind Stephanie's back that one of them -- do something.

Spoiler has posed:
    "No pressure." There is almost a giggle in those words as Stephanie echoes them, shaking her head in minor disbelief. "Well, let me just say that I at least wasn't surprised when you said it, Barbara. The Batgirl reveal. Of course, I was floored when I put two and two together just before the admission, but yeah. You know. That happens."

    A hand reaches out, to steady the purple-clad one. "I...hope you don't mind if I sit down? I mean, it isn't everyday you meet...you know....you." There's the snarkiness that Cassandra is familiar with...and a realization that the snark is there to buy time. Which is why Steph seems to snark a lot.

Oracle has posed:
    Babs lets out a little laugh and crosses her arms under her chest with a thoughtful little twist of her lips. Her gaze flicks between all three other women and then she gives Cass a little nod... and then Dinah a little wink and nod and an oh so subtle little point/thumbs up towards Steph.

    "Well! I guess we need to find you a mentor, Steph! I mean... you know, someone to train you, so you and Cass can then go out together and learn from each other and all that. It's a surprisingly effective method! It definitely beats the old 'Just go out after classes and try some stuff' method -I- used, that's for sure." She sighs with mock-wistfulness, "But then, you don't get to experience the joys of learning that sometimes you need more than twenty feet of grappling rope when you're dangling off a building like a schmuck..."

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah's lips twitch at that. "Actually...I seem to be short of students lately." the blonde says in a faint drawl, her eyes finding Stephanie's. "....I know Bats gets testy about new girls on the rooftops...but I know a few things." she says, modestly. "I could give you some pointers...tighten up your stances, that sort of thing." She tilts her head, her expression turning more serious. "...if you're willing to commit to it. I don't make it easy, but I won't try to break you either. I'll push you as far as I think you can go, though."

    Her legs unfold as she sets her bare feet on the floor, leaning fowards. "What do you think?" she says, watching the other blonde. "I mean...we blondes have to stick together, you know?" That twinkle back in her eyes.

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    More relief for Cassandra. Sure, she could fight with Spoiler, now and then. But, chances were the girl would go out on her own. And Cassandra knew that Spoiler wasn't as good as her. Good, yes. But, she knew of the more real threats out there, too. And she clearly wanted her friend to have - well, protection. "Yes," she says, emphatically, and in agreement, now.

Spoiler has posed:
    "You know you just described my method?" Stephanie shifts in her spot....first the left, then the right foot. "And...I tend to use the fire escapes more. Because I did the dangling, too, and most buildings have the fire escapes." So, yeah, seems there is more in common than just fashionable color palatte selections. And...it also confirms for Cassandra what she suspected....that Stephanie does go out on her own.

    And then the bomb drops, at least for Stephanie. When Dinah steps out and offers...not just a token gesture, but seriously offers, with the whole warning about it being tough, then it becomes all rather real. And, judging from the huge smile and the wided-eyed expression, Stephanie is all for it. "I think hell yes! Oh my God, I never would have expected this, like...at all!

Oracle has posed:
    Babs lets out a little huff, using it to stifle a giggle. "Oh... right. Fire escapes... ugh... -leg day-..." She claps her hands next, a wild little flurry of applause, "Ohhh! My first time seeing a mentor-mentee agreement happening! See? I -knew- it was going to happen and that's totally why I had ice cream. I'm just that plugged in." She nods solemnly and then shuffles side to side herself.

    "But no... seriously, Dinah's like... great, Stephanie! You're going to learn a lot!" She giggles softly and hums out, cupping her chin and murmuring to herself. "We should probably come up with some contests eventually. You know, a friendly little wager or something. But that's for the future!"

Black Canary has posed:
"What, like betwen the three of you?" Dinah says, raising a brow at Babs. "Hmmm. That could be fun. I'll have to think of a way to make it fair." She shrugs her shoulders, then looks back to Stephanie. "...right. Tomorrow then. Are you in school still? Or is your schedule fairly open?" She's not going to say every night or every morning...see: probably running around rooftops or sleeping after running around rooftops.

Spoiler has posed:
    There is a cautious glance back towards Cassandra as Stephanie turns to regard Dinah. "Hmm...I'm going to college. But, I'm flexible and everything! I will make it work..." And, it would seem that Stephanie is being rather serious with that regard. Then again, she did create a costume and started running around on rooftops on her own, so she might have a different level of commitment than the average college student.

    Then, after a pause, Stephanie continues. "Hmm....I know that we are all getting our bets in, but...I thought there was some investigational notes to compare? Unless this whole impromptu mentoring thing was actually planned the whole time?" Obviously, Stephanie didn't catch Cassandra's prompting before. "Or we can totally continue to geek out over which polymer of rope feels the best through gloves or whatever." The snark is there...but this time, coupled with a wry grin. Steph is finding her footing quick enough

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Cassandra, meanwhile, reaches into her utility belt and pulls out her grappling gun. Then, promptly, she hands it Stephanie without a word. Her motorcycle isn't -too- far off. And, well. Batman has lots. He'll notice it's missing. And, she figures he'll know why. But, that seems to be a fallout she's prepared to deal with, considering she now has the backing of both Barbara and Dinah.

Oracle has posed:
    Babs stares at Dinah like she has an extra head, "What?! No! Between them, with like... us as coaches! There's no way I'm going to keep up with them in a rooftop race or something! I mean, I guess if I like... borrow and jerryrig a bunch of stuff from the cave into like... cheating devices. But that seems an unfair basis for a bet."

    She points between Steph and Cass and grins wider, "See? They're already comparing rope types and sharing equipment and stuff, and in no time at all they'll want to have the whole friendly rivalry thing going on! It'll be great!"

Black Canary has posed:
    Cassie's gift makes Dinah smiles softly as she watches it. "...that requires a little bit of practice to use. So we'll work on that first." she notes goodnaturedly, then peers at Babs. "Hmm, I suppose -we-..." she says, stressing the pronoun. "...can come up with something then. Are you going to join the faculty as a adjunct professor of Rooftopology too?" She grins at her friend, before looking back at Stephanie. "Ah, right. Well. We'll say...come by tomorrow evening, if we're going to do some rope work. Less questions at night."

    She leans forward. "As for what we're looking into...you may have heard about the attack on the city zoo last week? Moreau's White Roses tried to steal a pair of komodo dragons, took some hostages...Cass - " She pauses, tilting her head as she looks at the quiet girl. "And I were there and engaged them." She frowns. "The problem is, while we were inside, someone -else- engaged the gang members outside. And did it with a lot of gunfire. Grenades. And doubltapped all the downed gangers before they left." Her eyes glitter. "And murder is not something that's something we want to see any vigilante doing."

Spoiler has posed:
    The gift of the grappling gun is met with a chuckle. Stephanie just shakes her head and giggles in Cassandra's direction. "Yeah, yeah, I know....you don't like waiting for me to climb the fire escapes. But think of all the cardio I get for free, while you just fire and hold on tight. You have to admit, I am getting a better workout." The flicker of a wink is given as Stephanie does take the gun and stows it away in a pouch. Seems Steph knows not to refuse gifts, especially when they come from trained assassins that can kill her with a paper clip. "Tomorrow night....rope work. Got it."

    Speaking of getting things, Stephanie uses that logical mind of hers and leaps to an educated guess. "Ah...so we're " Steph indicates Cass and herself, " here to see if we can determine who did the deed, so to speak. Yeah, that would definitely be a bad situation for everyone involved. " A pause, then an offer. "We could certainly see if we can find the culprit. I mean, it should be somewhat okay. Not really that hard, i would think."

Batgirl (Cain) has posed:
    Cassandra seems pleased with this. She picks up her mask, dons it, and fits it over herself again. She nods to Stephanie, then to Barbara and Dinah each, before turning to exit the loft, and head back to her motorcycle. Tonight's mission? A success. Spoiler is spoiled.

Oracle has posed:
    Babs frowns, a little more seriously and murmurs out. "Hm... okay, well, at least someone using guns and grenades -narrows- our list down. Not Ivy, no plants... not Joker or Harley, no... ridiculous novelty toys or Joker gas... maybe Two-Face? Could be a vigilante, but... well, it's -awkward- to ask the ones who might kill 'Hey, shoot up any gangs lately?' without hurting feelings if they haven't." She clicks her tongue and nods her head to Cass, watching her begin to walk out, "Keep in touch if you see anything, Cass! I'll leave some breakfast for you."

Black Canary has posed:
    Dinah watches Cass exit, throwing a wave her way at least. Still an odd girl, but a sweet one, if, as she thinks, she brought Spoiler here to help her friend. She turns her attention to the other two girls, motioning them to the chairs and the bottles of water. "Have a seat, have a drink, and let me lay out what we know so far..." she begins, picking up her tablet to bring up some pictures of the crime scene as the others lean in close, in a explanation and planning session that will go on for hours....but when it's done, they'll have a plan. And the hunt will begin.