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Latest revision as of 17:20, 13 December 2018

Black Sky: Guess What Happened to Your Sweet Baboo!
Date of Scene: 11 December 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Daredevil, Stick
Tinyplot: Black Sky

Daredevil has posed:
It was a rare quiet night at Chez Murdock, Matt was seated on his couch decked out in a hoodie and sweats, wrapping presents for Christmas. Which for Matt meant taking the wrapping paper on faith, he had no clue what it looked like. Or for that matter which side was supposed to face out, but he was going to do it anyhow. That's what people did right? Wrap presents for their friends. It was normal and right now Matt could use a little normal.

The rum he'd mixed with egg nog wasn't bad either.

Stick has posed:
     Stick had done his investigating, and there was enough concern within him that he had made his way over to Matt's apartment.

  When the Old Man made it top the door, Stick rapped on it with his cane. This was of course, only a nicety, should Matt decide to not answer, other means will be taken to enter the Murdock home. "Don't make me do it, Matty." He comments to only himself, though he knew full well that Matt could hear him.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt hears the tap on his upper door despite Bing Crosby crooning 'White Christmas' on his phone. Matt turns it off and makes his way up the stairs, cautiously at first until his senses tell him what he needs to know.

"Stick," he says to himself on the stairs. There's a moment where Matt felt like he was eight again, worried about what his mentor would say about the presents, the drink, all those little signs of Matt having a life outside the war. That thought died a quick death and Matt pressed on to open the door.

"Hey, what brings you by?" he asks stepping out of the way to let the old man in out of the cold. A much warmer welcome than he usually gives, but things had settled between them lately. At least on Matt's end.

Stick has posed:
     Once the Old Man is let in, and the door is closed, Stick walks into the kitchen, helping himself to a cold beer. A healthy swig taken off the green bottle before he talks up. "You know Elektra...had plans for us. Well, it looks like Madame Gao had plans for her too."

  The Grandmaster made it sound serious, not flippant or said lightly. Evidence of that would be the fact that he went straight for the beer.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt nods down the stairs to the waiting living room.

The trip down gives him time to process that. "Right. but Elektra, she stopped those plans when she died. She made sure she was out of Gao's reach."

There's a hesitance in those final words that suggest Matt doubts them now. Whether by reading his old mentor just plain pessimism.

In the back of his mind he can sense the presents, the drink, the phone loaded with Christmas songs over by the couch, but in this moment they could not seem further away.

Stick has posed:
     "During our skirmishes with the Hand, there were some casualties, on both sides. Killed differently than the others, assassinated." Another long swig of the beer before he continues.

  "I looked into the murders, and found the one that made them happen." His voice was a little grave there, and that in of itself should be enough to put anyone on edge. "Black Sky...it was both everything I wanted...and everything I didn't."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt's attention drifts back to Stick as the old man begins to lay it out.

He listens carefully, listening to the man's heart just in case this was some game.

Then he says it, those two words: Black Sky

Matt's spine straightens and his mouth goes dry. "That's impossible," he says, his mind desperate to deny the truth. "There's only supposed to be one per century. There's no way there could be another."

Stick has posed:
     A wry laugh from Stick rings thought the apartment before Stick explains even further. "Seems like Gao didn't need a new generation. She used this generation's."

  The beer is finished, and thrown in the bin before he stares Matt down. "She had no idea who I was. She thought of nothing but the glory of the kill. No emotions, no Elektra, only the Black Sky."

Daredevil has posed:
Even though Matt can hear the steady thump of Stick's heart, he turns away saying, "That's not funny," he says at first with Stick laughing and saying Gao was somehow using Elektra.

The rest though lands like lead in the bottom of his gut. He turns back to Stick. "That's not possible. They tricked you, or she was a clone or something. Elektra's dead Stick, I was there when she died, I felt her die, I feel it everytime I go to sleep. She can't be back Stick, she can't be she's gone."

Stick has posed:
     Stick goes into a bit of an angered tone. "I sure as shit didn't think it was funny when she was about to slice me like a stuck pig. I had to heal a cut on her wrist before she saw me as anyhting but a warrior for her to kill."

  Then Stick raises a finger to Matt. "AND, I think she could have done it too." It was true, very little people would be able to go toe to toe with Stick. "Get it through your head Matty, Madame Gao somehow got to Elektra's body and got her woken up and started her on Black Sky. Fuck I hardly know how it works, but it happened, and she's sure as shit out there and not playing either side, she culls the herd, Hand or Chaste, Mentor...or lover." That last part delivered very cautiously, he hated sounding sentimental, but this was serious.

Daredevil has posed:
The anger begets anger. "That can't be Elektra!" he shouts. "She's dead, Stick. She's dead."

He still doesn't believe it but the fact Stick believes the words are true sinks in. Matt takes off his shades and runs his hands over his face. His senses travels back to his spot on the sofa abandoned to get the door. It felt like sight of land drifting further and further away as he's pulled by the tide. But God did he want to get back there...

"I know you believe what you felt, but..." what? What exlpanation did he have for any of it?

He clenches his fist, teeth gritting. "Did she smell the same? Sound the same? Are you /sure/ it's her."

Stick has posed:
     "She had no heartbeat. But her voice...it was the same, except lifeless." Stick comments, huffing. "She smelled of blood, that garbage lapsang souchong that Gao likes, clove oil from her katanas, and nothing else that stood out, but I know her when I see her, goddammit, I trained her, I have heard every inch of her body strike and sweep through the air." Stick starts breathing deeply, calming himself.

  "I admit, I wanted Black Sky for myself...but this was disgusting. I wouldn't even tell you about this if I wasn't fucking sure I knew it was her."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt believes Stick then. The anger, his words, all of it came together to form a cage of plausibility around Matt that he couldn't escape.

He thought he would cry, or that he should cry, but the tears wouldn't come. He was denied even that release.

"So, what then? We have to put down the thing in Elektra's body?" his stomach curdled at the thought. He wasn't afraid, he was just disgusted, and tired, oh so tired.

He wasn't sure what answer he wanted. On one hand, he hoped it wouldn't be that on the other, a purpose would help right now. Give him focus so the rest of his feelings wouldn't worm their way in and paralyze him.

Stick has posed:
     Stick thinks about the question that Matt had proposed to him. It would be no small task to kill Black Sky...but what if...

  "What if we can bring her back? Our Elektra? If it was possible to turn her into this...thing, who's to say we can't take her back?" The thought was crazy, but so is someone who was very much dead returning to life into a super-zombie.

Daredevil has posed:
Hearing the question Matt turns sharply. "What?" he asks.

Was that even possible? To turn whatever the Hand made Elektra into back into the women they both knew.

"Is there a way?" he asks, almost breathlessly. It's almost too much to hope for and at this point Matt's not sure he can take more disapointment.

Stick has posed:
     Stick gives a slight shrug. "I honestly don't know, Matt. But there may be someone who does." He takes a moment to think, surely there may be someone he knows that would be able to give more insight to this situation.

  "Dragon may know someone, as much as it hurts me to say it." Stick admits. "Worst case Matt, we will have to take her down. I'll do it, when the time comes, if the time comes."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt nods slowly, he was tired, this information was overwhelming, but it was Elektra and if there was any chance he could get her back, he'd jump at it.

"We can ask Dragon," he agrees, moving to find where he left his phone. "There's another person I want to ask too, he's old, very old, he might have resources we don't."

He finds the phone and picks it up with hands that are almost trembling with emotion. "And Stick, let's not make any decisions about that yet." If the Black Sky was just a thing in Elektra's body, the rules didn't apply. More than that, Elektra had been Stick's student and practically family, it would be a hard job to do, even for him.

He turns back to Stick then, having calmed his shaking hands. "Shall I make some phone calls?"

Stick has posed:
     The kind of autonomic response that happens when talking about someone as connected to you as Elektra was to Stick was unable to be hidden, his heartbeat shifted, his breathing slowed. "I know." Is all he responds to his contingency planning.

  "Call who you can, I will check on my end if there is anything that can be done, you know how to contact me if you find anything out."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt can sense it, the change in Stick. He recognizes it for what it is. For a moment he's frozen, wondering if he should reach out and offer the comfort the old man never offered him.

"Stick," Matt begins before the rest of the words catch in his throat. There was still too much hurt and too many memories to say it all now. "I'll let you know if I hear anything. Do you think she knows I'm here?"

He wasn't afraid of that possibility, but he wasn't sure what he'd do if he found himself face to face with her.

Stick has posed:
     Stick doesn't allow himself to stay saddened for long. Once the moment passes, he is back to business. "Matt, she didn't even know who I was. I doubt she remembers anything before that harpy woke her up." Obviously he didn't have any respect for Madame Gao.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt nods, unsure if he's happy or sad about the fact Elektra would unlikely be finding her way here.

"Alright, thanks Stick," he says for the re-assurance. "Still might start sleeping at Fogwell's for a bit anyhow."

He starts searching through contacts on his phone, the phone reading out the names as his fingers hover over them. "I'll let you know if I hear anything, and if not, meet at Fogwell's in three days?"

Stick has posed:
     Stick gives his neck a slight pop before he starts walking to the door. "Sounds like a plan." He starts to walk the way up to the steps and out the front door. "Oh, and next time put more bourbon in that eggnog, it's the only way to drink that shit." He says, just having to get that dig in before he goes off.

Daredevil has posed:
The dig actually makes Matt 'heh' with amusement. It was something normal to hold onto, Stick would always be a bit of a dick.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Stick," Matt says lightly as he lets the man go.