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Latest revision as of 21:20, 21 December 2018

Pied Piper: Trial And Error
Date of Scene: 18 December 2018
Location: Genosha
Synopsis: Sam and Illyana seek out Magneto to ask questions about the Black Sleep. They meet the Scarlet Witch while there.
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Magik, Magneto, Scarlet Witch
Tinyplot: Pied Piper

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will pop into the city via Illyana's stepping disk, and looks over to her as he says "Yea, your right coming in uniform would probably get us to see him real quick, but with alot more fuss. AH say we go to a government building and pass the word up we are here to see him. If we have to we flash the X, if we getting the run around.

Magik has posed:
    "It isn't like when he was at Xavier's, Sam," Illyana argues as she glances around. She brought them to a corner near a main roadway, not even really getting a second glance from the residents there as the duo appeared out of that glowing disc. "We can't just go into his office. He's running a country now. I doubt they will let us just go in and see him. Maybe we should've called first."
    The second question is Where is the government building they might need to go to? She breaks out her phone and does a quick search.

Magneto has posed:
     Genosha's Hammer Bat is the seat of the government in Genosha, on a high cliff sits the Royal Palace, and parliament sits closer to the crescent bay. Luckily enough near the two emissaries from Xavier's.

  The area looks very modern, much different from the war torn Genosha of a few years ago. Illyana's search would come up with a listing for both the Palace and for Parliament, and contacts for each. It seems that public inquires can be taken at Parliament. Even though the two stepped out of a glowing disk, people don't seem very apprehensive about their sojourn into Hammer Bay. Even now Mutants we're flying above them, using their gifts openly, and without abandon, as long as it wasn't destroying something or harming others.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will smile over at her, as he says "Ah am sure we get word to him we want to see him, and it is to try to help he will see us. And if not then we can always buzz the capital. Pretty sure, if I go blastin around the outside of the palace, he would come out to have words with us." He smiles at her.

Magik has posed:
Despite herself, Illyana has to laugh. "Or get you shot at by their defenses. Yet, either way, you probably are right. Maybe we should've just ported directly into the Royal Palace."
    She motions to the side. "Parliament is this way. Let's go see what we can find out." And she leads them off that direction since it is closer, all the way up to the building proper.

Magneto has posed:
     As the two Mutants enter parliament, a young blue man looks their way. "Welcome! Anything I can help you with?" He asks them, he seems to be not much older than eighteen, his neck had an apparatus around it, and the telltale bubbling through the acrylic showed two sets of gills on either side of his neck. The device allows this fellow to breathe, apparently.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will nods and says "Yes, my name is Samuel Guthrie, and this is Illyana Rasputin. We are in need to talk to Mag... Err " He hmms and seems to poner what to call the man and decided to go back to "Magneto, about some possible assistance to those of the nation here. He knows us, and I believe if you could forward that message to him, he would see us.

Magneto has posed:
     "Sure if you...wait, Magneto? King Magneto? Umm..." He writes down the names, and looks into a small handbook. "Gee, I...sorry, I never thought I'd be trying to get someone to see him, this is so cool!" He flips through some pages, and picks up the phone. "Let me see if this actually works..." He comments to the two and a brief conversation is had with someone in the other line. "Samuel Guthrie...and a Illyana Rasputin, yeah. No, they're right in front of me. Okay." Once the conversation ends, he looks to the two. "Umm, they said they are sending a car over." He comments, and smiles. "If you don't mind waiting, they will take you to see him."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and looks over to Illyana, and says "See, easy, I knew he would see us.

Magik has posed:
For a long moment, Illyana stares at the gentleman who just assisted them. At first, she's pretty sure it has to be a joke. But the smile and lack of anyone snickering in the area nearby has her realizing it is. "Seriously? I mean, not that I'm complaining but..." She shakes her head and looks over to Sam.
    "Remind me to take you with me to buy lottery tickets. You may be lucky or something."

Magneto has posed:
     Sooner than later, the car approaches outside, ready to pick up the two. The chauffeur, holds the door for the two and makes sure the door is secure. Inside however, was the King himself. He watches Sam and Illyana with a bit of smile on his face. "Samuel, and Illyana. Good afternoon!" He comments, even before he was crowned he had that sense of grandeur that only a King can truly show off. "Welcome to Genosha." He comments, dressed in a military looking formal uniform, adorned with gold epaulets and fringes, various medals adorn his chest, symbols of his command. His helmet, now silver and black, sits atop his head, embellished with the points of a crown.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look to Illyana, and says "Lucky, I don't know about that, but if ya se me as a lucky charm, I get half." He jokes and as he clims, into the car, he blinks not having expected Magneto himself in the car. "Um, hello Sir. Thank you for seeing us."

Magik has posed:
Following Sam into the car, Illyana looks just as surprised as her companion. "We didn't expect to be able to see you. Well, I didn't," she admits, since Sam had all the belief in the world they would. "It's good to see you. I apologize for the sudden dropping in. And thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule..." Since she's sure it is busy being a ruler of an entire country. "...but we wanted to consult with you on something."

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto holds up a hand. "No worries at all. When I heard your names, I had figured there was a reason. Now, tell me, what concerns you so much that you travelled half across the world to find out?"

  King Erik hadn't mentioned the things that were concerning even him about his own Kingdom. But such was the burden of a King.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Well, to be honest sir, we were wondering if you have heard about the sleeping epidimic that is going about the world. We were trying to do some research on it, and one of our students back at the mansion's mother has ben stricken by it. Hearing about it from her got me wondering if it was just effecting humans, or mutants, and or others as well. So I figured who would know more if it was effecting mutants, and even the percentage, than the king of Genosha.

Magik has posed:
"With the way it is spreading, we were wondering about what could be the cause. It doesn't seem like there is a single contact point so it can't be something like a virus," Illyana hypothosizes. "Even if it was something caused by a powered person, they would have to be able to reach the entire planet. Possible. Or something like magic might be involved."

Magneto has posed:
     "Yes, what the social media is calling the Black Sleep. It has affected some of my own, and even humans who live here still. I can send you what my people have learned of it. But alas, we aren't close to relieving the problem."

  Magneto holds a hand to his chin, he had been occupied with this issue much as of late.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Well, we have a theory we would like to try, and ... " He thinks how to say this "We would like to find someone who maybe has an enhances physical side. If you remember the incident with the Demon Bear, Illyana's sword woke the two who has been bewitched into sleeping."

Magik has posed:
"Humans too?" Illyana asks as she glances over to Sam. "So much for it being only mutants. I wonder about aliens too." Then she glances back over to Magneto as she continues.

"We are wondering if it is magical in nature, if the Soulsword might be able to break the spells. It wouldn't be a fix for the problem but at least it would be able to help a person at a time. "

Magneto has posed:
     "I am unaware of any such revelation, Illyana. But Occam's Razor, would leave magic as a possibly source. It doesn't seem pathological in nature, at least from what my best medical minds can gather currently."

  Magneto's car had reached their destination, the Royal Palace. "Come, I will give you what information I have on the issue." He offers, exiting the limousine.

  The palace was grand, fit for a King and his Kingdom, and Magneto's Office was decorated accordingly. "If the source is indeed magic in nature, there are better avenues to go down. But I can at least point you in the correct direction."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Meanwhile, Wanda has popped in (literally) for one of her infrequent visits. And, as usually, it's all rather without fanfare or prior warning, which is how she's managed to find herself alone in the palace. Specifically, Magneto's office.

And while she's prepared to give him a surprise greeting, "Papa! You are back! I was wondering if.." She stops, because, of course, he isnt alone. "Oh. I am sorry. I did not know you had the company. I should.. Hrm."

She should leave she thinks, but then again, she did come to visit, and this is, after all, her home. So, instead, she offers the guests a smile. "I should introduce myself and say hello properly. I do hope my Papa is treating you well?"

It should be noted that while she's done a fine job of greeting, she's failed to introduce herself.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look to Magneto as they walk and says "Well we are just trying to help, and something both the professor, and you taught us, is to try to help those under our care. If it is not magical, I believe te sword will have no effect on them right Illyana?" He will check with her to make sure, and as the woman speaks up he will stop a brow raised a moment, maybe having not realized Wanda was Magneto's daughter, maybe wondering if he messed up a surprise visit.

Magik has posed:
"Exactly. The sword won't harm a person. So the worst that happens is nothing. The best that happens, a person wakes up. And I guess even more, we learn if it is magic in natu--" Her voice goes silent as Illyana realizes they just walked in on someone. Someone who looks vaguely familiar. Isn't she one of the Avengers?

Magneto has posed:
     "It pleases me to know someone was paying attention during my lectures, Samuel. "Wanda, dear. I was just thinking about you." He comments, glad to this happenstance. "Samuel 'Cannonball' Guthrie, Illyana 'Magik' Rasputin, allow me to introduce Her Royal Highness Princess Wanda of Genosha, The Scarlet Witch."

  "Wanda, liebschen, there is a malady that has been affecting both mutant and human alike. The news calls it the Black Sleep. Those who have fallen ill have been in a state of sleep, unable to wake up, the cause, it seems is not any pathogen we know of. It seems the issue could be magical in nature. And if so, it is sadly out of even my own reach."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda gives a light laugh, and kisses her father's cheek, wiping the gesture away with ease and amusement. "That is such a mouthful. So many names when it is most easy to just say Wanda."

It's clear she holds a profound fondness for the man.

The guests are nodded to, each in turn, and smiled at. Her father's words drawing that smile away as she listens. "Oh, that does not sound very good at all. They are our people?" Ours could mean anything from mutants, to Genoshans, or some category only Wanda knows. "Very not good at all. Is there a thing we can do to help?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "It seems it is a world wide epedimic, the only ones AH have heard of cured is a rumor of a girl in norway Ah believe it is who has ben able to wake them. At the last count it is over a thousand people have been effected. I know the mother on a girl at the school has ben afflicted, and it got me thinking about it. We came to your father here for we hope some ability to learn and perhaps help those here as well."

Magik has posed:
"It's a pleasure to meet you," Illyana says to the Princess, not sure if she should bow or curtsey or just do what she did. So she opts for what she just did and hopes it doesn't offend.

"If it is magic, I can start trying to do some research, see if I can track the source of the spell." It might involve spending a bit of time in Limbo where she is more powerful but it would give them a course of action. "This all hinges on that big if though. Are there any afflicted nearby we might be able to try waking?"

Magneto has posed:
     "You have my blessing to try it, Illyana. But you must also get consent from the next of kin. The hospital in Magdaville is where we have given space to those who've fallen ill."

  Magneto takes off his helmet for the time being, sitting at the chair at his desk, pulling up the briefing he was given from his advisors. "I can arrange for a car to take you there if you wish."

  "Mutants and humans, dear. A mix of Genoshans, but I suspect the afflicted in the United States is of course higher."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda clucks lightly under her tongue, looking concerned. "Oh, that is very bad indeed."

To Illyana, whose clear uncertainty at how to greet her leaves an amused smile on Wanda's lips, "I do know some magic. It is perhaps that I might be able to help you?" Though rightly some magic is a bit of a misnomer. And there are other things she can do - though it's all slightly moot until there's a better sense of what they're dealing with.

Samuel she tilts her head at as he speaks, "My Papa is very much concerned with the wellbeing of mutants. Not that he'd deny others help, too. Especially our people. they are very important to him. But, I am curious, you are Cannonball? I do understand Magik, but you, you are an enigma. Please tell me they do not shoot you out of a real canon, like at the circus."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will smile and blush a bit as he says "Na Ma'am, Ah fly, and while blasting away, I am pretty much invulnerable. Ah got the name, as I am somwhat of a human cannonbal, and blast through things. It was a name given to me originaly by a bad man, but Ah try to prove it an honorable name, and it is kinda fitting."

Magneto has posed:
     A USB drive removed from the computer, and Magneto hands it to Cannonball. "Mister Guthrie, this is what we know of the Black Sleep."

  Then to his daughter, Magneto places a sturdy supportive hand on her shoulder. "If you can help, I'm sure it would be appreciated. Likewise with myself, if the need arise." There was a reason why he was known as a hero in this country, not just for fighting, but the well being of his people.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Sam's explanation has Wanda continuing to smile. "Oh! Then not so much about the circus." A pause. "I do know someone who came from the circus. But he is not someone who flies."

She shrugs, and then nods to her father, "I will do all I can Papa. At least if they do wish my help. It is the very smallest I can do."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "We know someone who did as well, and amazing acrobat, and he has helped me learn a bit about some aerial acrobatics. If you hcan be of help it would be greatly appreciated. Illyana is more the expert of magic than me, so she would eb the one who would know how you could help. Ah am more just the one who blunders into things and trys to fix them.

Magik has posed:
"It would be a honor to work with you," Illyana says honestly to Wanda, a little surprised the woman would even offer. She's a princess of a country and an Avenger. To think she'd take time to figure out spells with Illy? A bit awe inspiring if she were prone to such things. Not that she is. Or at least, not that she'll ever admit. "We could maybe go over to this hospital and see if they would consent to me at least trying? If it works, I could maybe take care of everyone in that ward? If not, we go back to the drawing board."

Magneto has posed:
     "Do as you most see fit. I have an appointment I must keep, but I will follow up later." He comments, picking up the crowned helmet and placing it back atop his head. "My best wishes to you all." He adds, giving a nod to everyone.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda tells Magneto, "I will come have the proper visit with you once I am done helping Ma-"

She pauses, and turns to ILlyana. "Do you prefer Illyana, or Magik? Either way, I will help you first, and visit with my Papa second. I think he will be okay until I am done. Besides, I am very curious what it is you are able to do. Perhaps I will learn a thing."