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(Dinah interrupts Frank's stakeout.)
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Revision as of 06:27, 26 December 2018

Boxing Day in BC
Date of Scene: 26 December 2018
Location: Starling City
Synopsis: Dinah interrupts Frank's stakeout.
Cast of Characters: Punisher, Black Canary

Punisher has posed:
War Journal Entry: 24 December, 2026
Starling City, British Columbia, Canada

Starling City. Home of the Green Arrow and favourite vacation spot of one Tony Fozetti. Tony likes to think of himself as an artist so he comes here to visit the art festival every year. And to get away from the hustle of the Big Apple. Fozetti is a tough one to flush out in New York. Shouldn't be so hard to haul him in here, though.


December in Canada usually isn't something that most would call pleasant, but thankfully Fozetti likes the relatively mild climate of British Columbia over the numbing cold of Newfoundland and Labrador. It's even warmer here than back home, even if the locals don't necessarily appreciate the chill in the air. The Christmas spirit will have to keep them warm if their parkas and designer gloves don't quite cut it.

Frank Castle, however, is quite comfortable sitting outside of the small cafe he found. A large, insulated tumbler is in front of him, filled with simple, black coffee. It'll cool quickly, but here, sitting in the sun with the wind blocked by the coffee shop, it's quite pleasant. Even more-so since the rest of the patrons of the shop don't want to sit outside. This is the best view of the outdoor art show without actually being inside of the art show, though, and so Frank sits and waits with his black knit cap pulled down over his ears and his breath barely visible in the brisk, December air.

Black Canary has posed:
The coffee shop is not the only building of interest in this sector. There's a flower shop too, closed for the holiday weekend. A cab is dropped off nearby and a woman wearing a fur coat comes out. Blonde hair, blue eyes, a leather choker around her throat. She looks around nervously, as if expecting to be ambushed, as she moves to the door of the flower shop, gets some keys out and tries to work the lock. "Damnit, the key's bent..."

Punisher has posed:
The passing cab draws Frank's attention for a moment. Could be carrying Fozetti. Once the cab stops and the blonde steps up, Frank turns his attention back toward the art show. A quick drink of the coffee follows before Frank reaches up to rub at the top of his head. "Come on, Fozetti. Where the hell you at?"

With a deep sigh, Frank sits back and crosses his arms over his chest. He casts a short look around the area again and his eyes fall once more on the blonde woman who is now struggling with the key to the flower shop. Frank pauses a moment, watching her and considering, before he stands up and starts moving toward the shop, coffee in hand. He makes sure to keep a dozen or so feet away when he speaks.

"Ma'am? You okay? Need any help?"

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake sighs softly. "So ridiculous... something's wrong with the lock. No locksmiths are open tonight. I have a delivery that I have to log in." She pulls the key out, sighing softly. She shakes her head. "Unless you know how to pick a lock without breaking anything, not sure what's going on." She just shakes her head. "Let me go get some coffee." She smiles faintly as she goes off to get a cup of black coffee and then returns to you. "I'm Dinah," she finally states, extending her hand.

Punisher has posed:
Castle takes a look at the key when Dinah pulls it out of the lock and then over at the door. He reaches up again, this time to scratch at the back of his neck. "Well, I wouldn't say..." And then Dinah is gone toward the coffee shop. There's no way that he's going to touch the door without the owner there to cover for him, so Frank just waits for Dinah to return.

"Frank," he offers when she gets back, offering a hand to her in return. That name sounds familiar, especially in conjunction with Starling City. "Dinah Drake?" He chuckles a bit and turns toward the door with a muttered, "Perfect..."

The coffee is placed on the ground next to the door and squats in front of the door as he unzips his jacket and reaches inside. He pulls out a small pouch full of tools and starts to work on the door. "If the cops show, you've got to explain this."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake shrugs. "Yes, Dinah Drake. Slipping away without the paparazzi catching on isn't easy these days. Sometimes it just makes me want to scream... and that would probably cause more problems then it's worth. There's no alarm. And I'm right here - this is my business. I know it's almost nothing compared to my boyfriend's, but it's still important to me."

Punisher has posed:
There is a soft click from the door as the lock opens. The tools are replaced in the pouch and Frank slips it back into his inner pocket. He zips up his jacket, dusts his hands off on his pant leg, and then stands up, grabbing his coffee again as he does. With his free hand, Frank reaches out and opens the door before he motions for Dinah to enter.

"Here you are, ma'am. And, if I'm not out of line, it ain't the size of what you have to yourself. As long as it's yours and it makes you proud."

Black Canary has posed:
Opening the door would make a bell ring. She walks in, nodding as she clicks the lights on. "Welcome to Sherwood Florist. I had a late-night delivery and I just have to get them in the refrigerators before I can get back." She smiles faintly. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Frank. Care to come in?"

Punisher has posed:
Frank takes a moment to look back over his shoulder toward the spot where he was sitting and and the art show he was casing. "I..." It would, at least, be a bit warmer inside the shop. "Sure. Thanks."

Frank steps inside the shop and closes the door behind him. He takes a sip of his cooling drink and stops just inside the shop. It allows him to keep an eye on what is happening across the way through the window in the door.

"So... Uh... Must be a busy time of the year? All these holidays."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake nods. "Yes - but all the orders are gone. It was very hectic, but made all the deliveries. Now I just have to restock for typical winter fare - and consider what to make on clearance. Anyway..." She squints. "What's so interesting over there?" she finally asks, moving over to peek out the window too. "Some art show?"

Punisher has posed:
Frank pulls his gaze away from the show and back over to Dinah. "Huh? Oh. Yeah. A buddy of mine is in town and he's a bit of an art fan. Was going to meet him there, but he's late. Just been keeping an eye out for him." Turning away from the door, Castle takes a few steps into the shop, away from the door and Dinah. "Got any peonies? They were my wife's favourite. Wouldn't mind picking some up for her before heading home. If you got any."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake nods. "They're one of my favorites..." She hmmmms softly. "Any prefernce on color? Let me check the invoice - they're in the fridges on the left wall by the Robin Hood painting." She flips through the paperwork. "In here - I can feel... normal. The outside is... strange. Everyone suddenly cares about me."

Punisher has posed:
"Yeah. Strange is certainly one way of putting it..."

Frank moves over to the fridge he was directed toward and looks inside. "Any colour you have will do. I know you're running low on stock. Just trying to help you get rid of a bit more."

The door of the fridge is opened and Frank pulls out half a dozen flowers. Some of them match, but they're mostly a mix of various shades. "I'm sure you got somewhere else to be, now that you've been able to straighten out your books. Thanks... uh... Thanks for the flowers."

Black Canary has posed:
Dinah Drake smiles as she goes to check you out. "Thanks. Anyway - give me a moment to go over everything and then we can go see that art show. Ollie's tastes are more for opera and ballet - street art is something that I don't get to expereince much of these days."

Punisher has posed:
"Uh... Yeah. Yeah, alright." Frank puts the money for the flowers on the counter. "Never had much need for the opera or the ballet." Frank finishes off the rest of his coffee and clicks the tumbler closed before sticking it into his pocket. With his thumb, he points toward the door. "I'm going to wait outside. I'm, uh, not good with enclosed places." Frank gives a half-smile and then rubs at his forehead with his thumb. "So, meet you there."

Frank heads out of the shop and takes one more look inside. Once he's sure that Dinah is occupied with the paperwork, he turns and heads down the street and ducks into an alley. The mission is already compromised. Fozetti will need to wait.