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Vacation Blues
Date of Scene: 29 December 2018
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: A casual meeting in the Rec Room during the Christmas break drives home some truths to Emma, and opens up lines of conversation in unexpected places.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Cannonball, Magik, Kaydin LeGraize

Emma Frost has posed:
Christmas came and went with about as much fanfare as one might expect. Which is to say a lot, and not enough. For the students and staff left at Xavier's over the holidays, there had been a tree, and presents (though nobody knew exactly who they had come from - and many suspected Xavier himself, though they'd both be right and wrong), and a full on holiday meal. Now, in the twilight hours between Christmas and New Year's Eve, things were quiet at the school. Terribly so.

Emma finds herself alone in the rec room, which was both not unexpected, but also unusual in that it wasn't a room she generally frequented. Standing at the window, she looks out over the back yard where someone has set up an ice rink - this time it's a thing she can't claim the credit for.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking into the rec room, wearing a pair of jeans and his Lila Cheney shirt, at least this one has sleeves, so the Prof can't complain to much. His hair is damp telling of a recent shower. He walks in looking around a brow raised at seeing Emma, but he nods in greeting to her, as he heads over behind the bar.

Magik has posed:
A moment later, the front door can be heard opening but not closing. Then there is a loud repeated stomping of boots on the entry mat. Only after that does the door close and footsteps can be heard approaching. Illyana peeks into the Rec Room as he goes past then quickly reverses her steps upon seeing who is inside. She steps into the room. "Good evening."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma doesn't turn from her perusal of the outdoor skating rink, even if her lips quirk up at the edges ever so faintly. She can see Sam's reflection in the window. And Illyana's later, besides.

"Illyana. Out for an evening walk?" The question comes on rather dry tones, though for Emma, it positively bristles with interest, given the depths of bored disinterest she can achieve if she wishes. "I trust everyone has had a good holiday?"

She turns from the window and inclines her head to Samuel.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie grabs himself a soda, and offers one to Illyana first, before asking Emma "Would you like something?" He will say "Somewhat a rough one, Ah flew down for Christmas morning, but not spending it at home is rough. But had to work, being the new guy can suck.

Magik has posed:
Illyana accepts one of the drinks with a smile to her old teammate, sitting down on one of the stools by the bar with it. "It was a good holiday. I spent it with my brat." The term might be spelled like an American word but the pronunciation made it sound like 'Braht', a Russian word for brother. "It was good to be with Piotr for a holiday. It has happened too rarely in the past." Specifically, eight years that kept her from being at her brother's side. She glanced at Sam in surprise. "You flew all the way down and back? You should have spoken to me. I could have transported you."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma listens to the conversation with a hint of a smile upon her lips. Only a hint, mind you. And a lift of her coffee mug to Samuel. "I've a drink already," she says enigmatically. Giving Illyana a probing look at the mention of transport. "Should I ask? Or would that be better phrased, dare I ask?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Well Ah did not want to take away from your time with Pete, and Ah figured if I left around dark I would make it in time, and if any kids saw a blur in the sky might think it was the jolly fat man." He will nod to Emma and open his own drink taking a sip. "Ma, and the kids would have loved seeing ya again though, ah probably should have.

Magik has posed:
"I still can't keep track of them all," Illyana admits to Sam with a smirk. He has so many siblings, it can get tricky. "I would hate to offend by calling one the wrong name. You'd have to put nametags on them all." That image amuses her and she giggles slightly before looking back to Emma, her mood sobering a bit with the change of person she's focused on. "It would've just taken a moment to use a stepping disc. A stop in Limbo and on to Kentucky. Although I can see why he would hope to make the little ones think he was Santa," she adds, glancing back to the best big brother a kid could have. Well, besides hers.

Emma Frost has posed:
That semi-amused look remains on Emma's features, and she moves back into the room proper, finding herself a seat. "I take it you've decided I wasn't responsible for the Apocalypse descending upon the mansion, Illyana? I'm not sure if I should be relieved or disappointed."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "We have given others a second chance, and Ah recoken if the Prof, and the others think your ok here, we have to at least give you a chance." He says showing he is thinking simmilar to Illyana "But there is something Ah need to ask you."

Magik has posed:
"Only because I learned they were alright," Illyana says with a slightly saccharine sweet smile. In other words, she still hasn't written off Emma being the bearer of evil. Sam's words hit home though and her smile fades as she glances away, rebuked without him even knowing it. That's the goodness of Sam. It helps keep her in check sometimes. She does glance over to him curiously, wondering what he needed to speak to Emma about...and not above just sitting there to listen in either.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma quirks a brow at Illyana. "I suppose I'll have to accept what small mercies I can. It would certainly be too much to expect you to realize you might be wrong about a few things." She gives a sigh that carries notes of 'ah.. youth..' to it, but doesn't look otherwise bothered by the young mutant's barely tolerating her.

Samuel gets a shrewd look, the woman gauging him before murmuring, "How insightful." Because, truly, of all the receptions she'd gotten here at Xavier's, most had been rather more of the flavour of the one Illyana gave her - distrusting, and waiting for the other shoe to fall, only to reveal they'd been right about Emma all along.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, to her, and says "Ah know alot of folks abot here, are gonna think of Illyana and Ah here as kids, the junior class and all. But we are here to help the kids who are going through things like we did. We are staff here now, no longer the x-babies, many thought of us as when we were the New Mutants. We have faced life and death situations like most everyone who is in attendance in this school, and Ah would ask, you treat us as you would another of the facility. Tell me Miss Frost, what would your reaction have been if you had stepped up to try to help one of the students, and I stepped up, and started putting my two cents in?

Emma Frost has posed:
"Young man, I'm not certain if you're implying I've done that, which, as it happens, I'm not aware of what incident you feel your toes were stepped upon, or if it's a legitimate question. To which, if it is, I can only say you wouldn't have been the first in my sojourn here to step forward and question both my authority or my expertise, let alone my motives."

In other words, yes, yes Emma has been stepped up to and been stopped by others while trying to do just that - help the students. The actual and only reason she's at Xavier's in the first place.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look to her, and says "The incident with Andrea, Ah was trying to help her, and Ah do believe you were trying to help her as well, but you came over like Ah was not able to handle it. If Illyana, and Ah are to gain the trust of the younger students, they need to see us as someone they can talk to. To be honest, you may have even helped there as often the younger classmen will rebel and not want to hear what their elders have to say. We saw that in that she got upset when I compared her to Rahne. And maybe it is our past, but it sure as heck, felt like you were coming over to be "The kid aint gonna be able to do this, I had better take over. I just want to make sure, we treat one another as colleges, and give one another the respect one with give any other college.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    A blur of motion and blue lightning can be seen as something moves out of the room and in the room and out and in before stopping at the soda fountain. It's Kaydin and he is getting himself a cold soda, having worked up a sweat running across the country. Once his soda was gotten he turns to realize there are others here.. "Oh...hi...." He says as Emma frost is regarded with a wary glance, sipping his soda and trying to mind his own business.

Emma Frost has posed:
"As you say," Emma says dryly to Samuel. Her gaze flicking to Kaydin as he whizzes on in. "And perhaps that is my signal to say goodnight to all and leave you to more pleasant and relaxed conversation."

Standing, "If you'll all excuse me?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over as the bolt of lighting and blur ends up a person beside him at he bar. He does tense a bit, prehaps prepared for afight but seeing it is one of the students he relaxes a bit. He will look back to Emma, and says "Ah do think you were trying to help her. Ah will say thank you for that." He will leave it at that as the woman moves to leave. He wil look to Kayydin and says Kaydin Legraize?" As he it trying to get it right from memory.

Magik has posed:
For her part, Illyana listens politely to the conversation. She is a fellow instructor, sort of, so she understands the points from both sides. With the arrival of the speedster, she blinks in surprise as she hops off the barstool, taking her soda with her as she stands. This isn't one of the students she's met. Come to think of it, there are very few she's met.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Thats me." Kaydin says as he sips his soda and looks to Samuel. "Are you one of the new teachers? I been meaning to re-enroll with the school, I been away dealing with personal stuff...I figured out how I gained my abilities." Kaydin says as he turns to look to Emma and watches her, as if expecting her to do something other then leave

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma pauses, having not made it from her seat, giving Samuel a calm look, "Of course I was trying to help her. That's my job here, as much as it's yours. There was no intent to usurp your position."

She gives a short little laugh then.

"And there we have it, don't we? The crux of the matter. I'm here at Xavier's for one thing, and one thing only - the students. And when that ceases to be an area within which I'm allowed to function, or when that fails, then I shall, and should, remove myself from the premises. Infighting is counter to anything we wish to accompish, if I make my read of this correctly."

Kaydin gets the almmost benign remains of that short laugh, as it tempers to a cool smile. "Illyana and Samuel have been contracted by the school to work directly with the students. Yourself included, I believe. Leaving those such as myself to pore over your horrible equations and bad spelling. Besides, I don't believe you fall within the purview of my powers, Kaydin. I think you can relax now."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to Emma, and says "Then hopefully we will be able to work together and help the students find their paths." He will look over to Kayden, and says "You can call me Sam, and Illyana and Ah are part teacher part guidance councler, I guess you would say. We were students here ourselves for our high school years, and Ah am even adding some college courses that ah believe will aid me, taught by some of the other students here.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Nothing personal Miss Frost but you really dont relax when someone can erase who you are if you anger them...no more would you relax if I could kill you with a thought. I will try though to relax." Kaydin says as he takes a deep breath and tries to calm himself. He then nods to Samuel and looks to Illyana and then to frost. "Granted it seems like the hot girls are the ones who can do the most damage." He says as he sips his soda. "My powers is a magical connection with what is called the Speed force. My tribe has always had a connection and a ritual to connect others to the speedforce in exchange for their lives...My grandfather gave his life to give me this connection in an attempt to have me change the way the world treats our tribe." He says calmly. "I am from a small town on a reservation a short distance from Seattle."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the yung man, and says "But couldn't you?" He will look tot he man, and says "We all have powers that put us in someways easier to hurt others than your normal person. Yes a telepath, can look at you and make you think your a rubber chicken if they want, you said your a speedster, how many people could you slice and dice befor they had a chance to react? Me, I could fly through tanks, and knock holes the size of wrecing balls in things. Our powers could most always be used to harm others, but we are here to help one another not just learn to use them, but also learn the responsibilities in using them. Miss Frost could make you drop your pants and dance like a chicken, but so could a good many here. We need to trust those here who are tring to help us, and to be honest, if you are worried about telepaths, here is probably the best place to be, you will be taught to resist some telepathic thrusts, and also, having more than one telepath around would kep them honest, as others could see what they were doing. " He will then say "Mind if I ask, what tribe? One of our best friends if Cheyenne.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma looks positively insulted. "I do not make people think they're rubber chickens. Hardly." Though even as she says it, the corners of her lips twitch, and the blue of her eyes takes on an unmistakable twinkling cast. It's entirely possible she's just never thought of making someone think they were a rubber chicken before. ...and as quickly as that moment comes, it's gone, and Emma is back to looking her rather usual cool self.

Kaydin warrants reassurances, "My dear boy, you are, for want of a better word, a child. I could hardly hold myself to any standard of pride were I to stoop to take my anger, let alone my abilities out upon you. I make it a policy to save my exertion for those who either deserve my ire, or need my help. I see that I have failed in my attempts to make myself more accessible here at the school."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Duwamish I am Duwamish...My mother was Duwamish, my father is white." Kaydin explains to Samuel and he turns to Emma and looks like he is hurt for being afraid of her. "I can run to anywhere on the planet. If you want something or for me to take you anywhere, Miss Frost, just ask and I will do what I can. I am sorry..." He says softly as he looks to his drink and tries to be sincere.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the young man and says "Telepaths can take some getting used to, and I honestly believe that there is something that many people fear about telepaths on an instinctual level, but those here follow a code. To tell ya the truth when we got here we were all sorta spooked when the Prof would talk to us telepathicly. And Would wonder if he could hear our thoughts all the time. Dani showed it in her butting heads with him, and I think Berto, would think scandalous thoughts around him, just to see if he could shock him.

Magik has posed:
"There are a lot scarier things out there than telepaths," Illyana offers from her spot over by the bar. She finishes off her soda and moves to toss the can in the recycling bin as she speaks. "And telepaths are scared of others in their own ways. Can you imagine being forced to block your mind at all times just to keep out the thoughts of everyone around you so you don't go insane? That's what they have to do. It's got to be tough." See? She paid attention.

She does glance over at Emma though, giving a shake of her head. "Just because someone fears you doesn't mean you aren't accessible. We trained under Magneto. If you want a situation where there was a healthy does of fear with the respect that he gained from us through time, that's the perfect example."

Emma Frost has posed:
"It's rather more than a code," Emma explains patiently. "Though there is that as well. It's exhausting listening to the thoughts and stray minutae of everyone's minds. It's rather akin to what schizophrenics must experience, if not worse. One of the first things we learn to do is shield ourselves from that, to create a barrier that keeps such things out."

There's a hint of amusement directed at Kaydin, "Trust me when I say this, I have no desire to know what thoughts run through the mind of a teen-aged boy any more than you likely wish to know what goes through mine."

Illyana gets a tip of head to, and Emma, because standing there with her coffee mug of scotch can either stay or leave, but only one of those options actually leads to continuing this conversation, sits again, deciding to stay.

"Telepaths, as a general breed, are something of control freaks. We don't like people in our heads. It's rather the most invasive and intimate thing a person can do to us." A nod, then, "Ah, yes. Erik. A dear friend. Now there's a person to strike fear into the hearts of men and mutants alike."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin nods to Samuel and then the bob marley song I shot the sheriff starts playing in his pocket. He pulls his phone out and sighs. "I need to go meet my brother back in seattle...He is part of the sheriff department and the reason why I have a criminal record...if you will excuse me." He says as he drinks his soda down and blurs out of the room, leaving a blast of blue lightning around his blurred body as he vanishes at top speed.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will try to get out before the guy leaves "Stop by my room, when you get back in, we will set up the re-enrollment." But the guy is gone quick, and he looks over and says "Now, that may take some getting used to.

Magik has posed:
"It always does. Something new that we didn't have in our little group," Illyana comments as the boy is gone as fast as he arrived. "Do they have enough room for the amount of Pop Tarts necessary to keep up that level of metabolism?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma watches the boy speed off, and sighs. "Well, and then there were three."

She considers Illyana. "I wasn't aware you were so cognizant of telepaths and their unique problems. Most feel we spend our hours gleaning whatever we can from every Tom, Dick, and Harry. As though our existence were solely to listen in on others."

Both are considered, "I believe I may owe you both an apology. And I do believe I may be failing at my mission here at Xavier's. Which was never my intent."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles to Illyana, and says "May have to add another wing on." He looks over to Emma, and says "At different times, we were scared of both the Prof, and Magneto, heck, there was a time, when technically the prof was trying to kill us, not of his own will mind you. It is part of why we are back. Ah was the oldest of the first class of new mutants, and Illyana, well she knows a thing or two about feeling different than others." He will reach over and put a hand reasureingly on her shoulder. "We have ben through what these kids are going through. With the original x-men is was a trial and error thing, there was not an older group for them to look up to and either be upset with that they were the stars, or afraid of or hero worship. With us, there was. We know what it is like to be in the X-men's shadow, never intended to be out fighting evil mutants and sentinels, but it happening. We know what it is like to be determined to go help a friend, and sneak out." He looks to Illyana "No teleport, but Kaydin may make up for it." He comments about an earlier conversation they had. We are hoping to bridge the gap some, and give them someone they can see more as equals, to talk to and seek advice from.

Magik has posed:
At the reassuring squeeze of her shoulder, Illyana gives Sam a grateful smile. Around many, she is a bit standoffish. But with her New Mutant teammates,the ones she grew up with and learned to trust, she is open and willing to share those emotions. It took some time for her to reach that point after her upbringing. She does not at the speedster making up for the lack of a teleporter then adds her own bit to answer Emma's curiosity. "We were trained in ways to block our minds from telepaths, although obviously they won't always work. Being around telepaths, learning from them, we learned a bit. Throw in that I'm a big blank space when I was alone with them and they could drop their shields, they explained why that was a blessing of sorts."

Emma Frost has posed:
"I ran away," Emma says quietly. "I followed a man, well, a boy, really, thinking he'd solve all my problems. Turns out he was much like any other young boy, which is to say disappointing. But for a time I believed in it all. I did any number of things I'm not proud of, with no excuses other than he was the only family I had."

There's something of a shrug from the woman, who sips from her coffee mug. "My parents were less than thrilled to learn what their daughter could do. In fact, if it weren't for other misfortune, it's unlikely I'd be where I am today. They still are ashamed of it. It's the secret that has no name in my parent's house." She speaks of it clinically. And it's true - Emma is well known in the business world, but not as a mutant.

"There was a time I relished the fear I could put into the hearts of men. And then it became all so boring. Power is meaningless if that's all it means. Fear is a poor substitute for connection and community. It was one of the reasons I worked so hard for the Academy. It's why I came here with my tail between my legs when I lost it. There was a boy - a single, beautifully minded boy who has the potential to lead us all to where we want to be in the future. Places the likes of Erik or Charles or I can't. I came here for Julien."

As she speaks, she drifts in thought, almost unaware of how frank she's being, only to snap back and consider Illyana. "A null, you say?" Curiousity warring with being impressed. "If you are what you say, then, yes, that is a blessing to those like myself. We bear one of the few powers that there is no letting your guards down with. I can see why you were given such stringent training."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and says "Yea, it can be good and bad, Illy is the hardest of us to track down and if she wants to be hid, she is darn near unfindable, but that cause she cheats." He again grins at her, and then says "We all make mistakes Miss Frost, when Ah first met the professor, Ah did not know it at the time, but Ah helped a man by the name of Donald Pierce capture the professor, and if it had not been for the other new mutants, Ah may have been responsible for the death of a good man. The professor, gave me a second chance, and let me join the New Mutants and thats where I met my second family.

Magik has posed:
As they are opening up, Illyana immediately wants to withdraw, to hide away the details of herself. But Sam is there. He and the others are the reason she is as well adjusted as she's become. "And he gave me a chance despite what I am."

She glances to Sam, needing to know he is there with her as she gives back what Emma gave to them--the truth of herself. "I'm not precisely a null. Telepaths simply can't penetrate my mind. The Professor could barely pick up any thoughts and that was with me trying to allow him to see them, when I arrived back in this world."

She glances down then focuses those glacier blue eyes on Emma. "When I was seven years old, Sam and the others were teens. I was kidnapped by a demonic being to a realm called Limbo. Imagine all the stories of Hell, complete with demons. That's what Limbo is like. The one who kidnapped me was named Belasco. He wanted to escape Limbo, to come to Earth. To do so, he had to complete an amulet which required Bloodstones, tainted pieces of a pure soul." Her lips twist in a wry smirk. "I lived there for eight years, during which time my soul was ripped into pieces, one by one. He managed to get three of the stones before I managed to defeat him with my Soulsword. Which is precisely what it sounds like, a sword I manifested out of a pure piece of my soul. I am a blend of both, with a bit more of the darkness than the light these days. My friends," she focuses on Sam with a fond smile. "Keep me on the path of light." She looks back to Emma. "So we all have our demons to bear, pun fully intended. Mine just happens to be literally."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma gives Illyana a sympathetic smile. Or something akin - it's close enough that it's meaning lies there. "Perhaps one of the harsher stories I've heard of ours. But ultimately, aren't we all a little like that? Ripped from things we know and love and thrust into a reality that's twisted and hurtful until we learn that the pain of it doesn't define us? That we define it?"

"We can be so much. So very much, if only we understand that. I'm glad the children will have those working with them who understand their stories." Knowing that she'd been unable to reach them as she'd wished.