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Latest revision as of 04:33, 5 January 2019

Blue really is my color
Date of Scene: 30 December 2018
Location: Avengers Mansion, New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Quicksilver, Wasp (van Dyne), Captain America, War Machine

Quicksilver has posed:
Quiet day today.

That's never quite a good thing, but at the Avengers Mansion? that's relaxation extraordinaire right there. Especially in the Den. Where avengers often go to just relax. watch TV. sit and read abook. off the job, as it were. But, even the peace and quiet of the Mansion is disrupted by their resident speedster.

Pietro Maximoff, has returned!

Running in with a streak of blue following him, Pietro comes to a firm stop, wearing a black track jacket with a fingerless glove on his right hand. some blue jeans, and some white running shoes. He gives a little smile to all (or any) present. "Suppose I'm home now."

and it's about damn time for Pietro.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet's borrowed the den for some work. That is to say, she's appropriated an entire table which is covered in scrap fabrics, sketch pads, colored pencils, and a slim, high-end tablet.

She startles when Pietro appears, yelping a bit. Clad in a blooming red skirt, grey leggings, and a vastly oversized ivory sweater, her outfit simultaneously screams 'casual' and 'haute fashion'.

"Pietro!" She laughs, brushing away her surprise. "You scared the heck outta me!" she scolds him, wagging a finger. Janet bounces towards him with an enthusiastic hug. This proves to be a cover for laying a spread of clothing patterns and colors against his chest. "Be a lamb and hold these for me? I have an idea and I need to see it with my eyes," she says. Janet reaches for her sketchpad and colored pencils and starts immediately drawing on the empty sheet of paper without waiting for a 'yea' or 'nay'.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks to Janet when she's startled and he just smiles charmingly at her, giving a little flourish of a bow. "I aim to startle." then...he's being handed things? "Oh wait,but don't I have a say in all of thi-" no, Pietro, no you don't.

He's now carrying a cover of clothing that she's giving to him and starts drawing. "Um....for starters, orange, pink, and yellow are definitely not my colors." he's eitehr white, black, or blue. Nothing else. It changes everything!

"s-so how have you been, Janet?"

Captain America has posed:
For his bulk, Steve can be a sneaky one -- and so, through a side entrance, he returns from a little shopping trip at the local store. Target, home of the gods and all paltry goods, and a definite improvement upon what he used to peruse way back when. He steps into view of the room in which Janet and Pietro are involved in their fashionable task and freezes. Maybe if he doesn't move, they won't see him?

Rather, maybe Janet won't see him. The big bulls-eye on the plastic bag he's carrying doesn't help. He's civilian today under that brown fleece-lined bomber jacket and, as such, a fair target. A little wince on his part and he slooooowly turns around on sneakered-feet to see if he can escape before being noticed -- all tall, broad-shouldered, blond Captain of him.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet pauses when Pietro starts dictating color choices at her. The petite woman narrows her eyes menacingly, which is saying something with that little pixie cut of hers. She brushes bangs away from her forehead, a little un-necessarily.

"...Okay!" she acquiesces, and just like that the little stormcloud vanishes. "I'll take that under advisement, *and* as a challenge. Power-clashing is a thing, dear, I'm sure we could make it work."

"Steve Rogers!" she bellows. It's not the volume so much as the *tone* that whiplashes at his back. "I see you sneaking out! You get over here right now, buster brown!" Ignoring her own demand, a half-second later she's flitting over to Steve and wraps around his arm enthusiastically. "What'd you get me from Target?" she inquires, immediately trying to peer into the shopping bag.

War Machine has posed:
     Outside there's a quiet kathump. It's not very noticeable at all. Just barely loud enough to be noticeable. Nothing after to note the sound as anything strange.

     Shortly after Rhodes walks in through another door acting as if everything is perfectly normal. His stance is slightly warbley like he just got socked to one side but he's fine otherwise everything perfectly fine nothing to see here.

     "Good work on the distraction Steve, while you've got her busy I'll sneak by unnoticed and snag some cookies." Spoken in a calm manner with a bit of a friendly smile crossing his face as it seems once again he arrives about the same time as someone else.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro decides to set the clothes down on one of the couches, and then with a blue blur, he's just...gone.

about one second later, he's back with coffee. Looking at Steve and Rhodey with a small smile. "Oh, hello you two. It is good tos ee you again." Pietro says with his strong accent, dressed in a black track jacket with blue jeans, white running shoes, and a single fingerless glove on his right hand.

"It's been awhile, but I figure it was time to come back."

Captain America has posed:
Caught, red-handed. He's clearly not as light-footed as he hoped. Steve winces more at that sudden upswing in volume and turns in place. A quiet 'oof', more jest than true reaction, at the collision against his side, and he opens the bag to let Janet see inside. There won't be stopping the curious pestering otherwise.

"I needed more socks and razor blades," he explains, wrinkling his nose in a half-smile. "Nothing exciting." He looks up at Rhodey's arrival and grins at the man. "Tactics in your favor, Rhodey. Grab me one while you're in the kitchen?"

The rush of wind is something Steve associates with the young silver-haired speedster and after blinking and tracking for his presence in the room, he sees him properly again. "Pietro, hey. It's been a while. Good to have you back," the Captain replies to the young man in honest good cheer.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet looks disappointed. "Aww. You should have told me you were going to Target. I love hitting up those big shopping centers, they've got all the goofy little kitschy stuff. The clothes are garbage, but, isn't everything?" she says, wrinkling the upturn of her nose.

She turns when she hears James' voice, and rolls her eyes past a tolerant, amused smile. "Rhodey, you're about as sneaky as an elephant in a china shop," she informs him. "But get me cookies too, while you're at it?" she asks of him before he can get too far away.

"Where did... swatches..." she bites the side of her mouth and casts around for Pietro. The fact he's not holding the clothing swatches clearly throws her for a loop. "Hey, where did those samples go?" she asks of him.

War Machine has posed:
     "You know me, stealthy as a brick." Rhodes says with a shrug moving past and going over to the kitchen to grab some cookies for everyone. "Wonder if there are any of the triple chocolate cookies Lila tried to make left." Hands going into the pockets of his bomber jacket.

     Outside a small hole is left in the ground where he made impact backside first. Well admittedly it's a really damn big hole but still, it's hidden behind some bushes so it'll be fine. These things happen all the time anyway so the bots will be able to take care of it.

     As Rhodes walks he gives a light wave to Pietro. "Take it this is more a 'hey how's it going' and less a 'hey I'm taking over the world' sort of visit right?" As he ducks away into the kitchen for a quick moment out of sight and out of mind.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro smiles to Captain America, before he gives him a cup of joe. "Here you go, Steve." then Pietro sips his own cup of coffee before he looks to Janet. Looking past her to the couch where all of her samples were and he just smiles somewhat scaredly. "Oh...erm..they are on the couch." he points behind her, and simply slooowwwwly starts stepping backwards. Like he's about to get the hell out of dodge if she didn't want her samples on the ground.

"You must undertand, they're not my colors." he looks at Rhodey and he nods. "I'm what you call, reformed. Thank Wanda....and..me for finally getting some common sense. It's actually what I wanted to talk to Steve about."

Captain America has posed:
"I'll let you know next time," replies Steve to Janet as he closes the bag. Taking the offered cup of coffee means transferring handles to one set of closed fingers and he lifts it in silent gratitude towads Pietro. A quick glance towards Rhodey disappearing into the kitchen and then back to the fashionista and the speedster. He takes a sip of the drink and makes a quiet, content sound.

"Thanks for not doctoring it. No sugar and cream for me," he tells those two. Pietro gets a calm, interested regard now. "You need a sounding board?"

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet's gathering the clothing samples up as soon as she sees them, fretting over the bundle like a duck over her eggs. She lays them out in order with a finicky sort of precision, as if it matters a lot which ones go where. "I'll take some of the Thin Mints, if there are any left!" she calls after Rhodey.

While Steve and Pietro talk, she bustles over (head barely reaching their shoulders) and starts laying out the scraps of cloth against the two men. "Hold these, thank you," she directs. The fact that the men are talking and that Steve's hands are full seem lost on her. Brow furrowed, she's deeply in thought as she chews the inside of her cheek and rearranges the fabrics in ways that make sense only to her personal sense of color and style.

War Machine has posed:
     "Long as you're not doing the whole run so fast you suffocate people thing." Called back from the kitchen, the voice of Rhodes at least doesn't sound too super concerned, then again if it were an issue the other avengers could handle it. "Hey who filled the cookie jar with oatmeal raisin?" Asked after a moment.

     "Not complaining, just thought we had other cookies left" Voice growing closer with each light step. "Trust me, the blue works better for you anyway, long as you don't go exclusively neon body suit." Coming round the corner he's got a small plate that Rhodes has loaded up to the brim with cookies. "Don't think it would really be your style."

Quicksilver has posed:
This again?!

Pietro is suddenly put clothes on by Janet. You would think he'd be used to this by now, and so he just looks around, covered by colors that really don't suit him. They don't match his white hair OR his blue eyes. Whyyyyy. Maybe he should just...run. none of them could follow him if he did.

"But..yes, Steve. soundboard would be nice. I'm uh...trying to more actively change all the things I've done. and to help protect my sister. I would like to work wit hthe avengers more often." he looks to James then.

"Twinkie?" he blurs again, and less than a second later he's back, same exact spot. Janet's cloth samples still on him. "Twinkie?" yes, he's offering it to James

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Ooh, thank you dear!" Janet beams a brilliant smile up at Pietro. "You're a peach." Clearly she's as accustomed to his disappearing act as she is to her own. She unwraps the Twinkie and takes a *very* small bite, just enough to expose the cream in the center. It's set aside, and abruptly silvery tailor needles are flickering right next to Pietro's chest as Janet starts pinning and folding the small swatches to one another, using him as a backrest!

"Oh he's way too pale for yellow," Janet agrees. "And he's got that sort of rough Central European skin, it's this really subtle--" She bounces off and dives into a pile of six-square inch cloth samples, and comes up with more shades of green than can really be counted. "So *yellow* as a base color, that won't work. But he's got those wonderful olive undertones, doesn't he?" she asks James, giving Pietro a critical look. "So you can use just a *dab* of yellow to play off of that."

She pauses. "We're all glad you're back, Pietro," she says, sincerely. "I know things haven't been easy. God knows I've had to make some tough decisions, things that didn't work out the way I planned. What matters is that you're here, now." She pats his sternum twice and smiles up at him, winningly.

Abruptly she swings a pair of heavy fabric scissors through the air and clacks them twice. Where was she even holding them?! "Now hold still, I need to prune some threads."

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodes shrugs replacing the Twinkie in Pietro's hand with a cookie. Oatmeal Raisin since apparently that's the only kind left. A quick motion of his hand sends the twinkie into a back pocket for the time being as he looks towards the others. "Long as it's not a bright black and yellow jumpsuit I guess."

     He snags a tray from the corner of the room. Moving back towards the center he keeps talking. "Just keep it simple nice blue and silver throw on some goggles and call it a day." The plate of cookies is set on top of the table and he moves back looking over towards the master of fashion. "Anything's better than prison orange."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro Maximoff says, "Oatmeal. Raisin. Cookie?

Pietro is suddenly being used as a board! She's pinning things to him! but at least she undrstands, and Pietro gives her a warm smile. "I'm glad to be back, Janet. You look good, as always by the way." earn those cool points Pietro! but then she's talking about a nasty color like *YELLOW*. "....really? Yellow still?" then he sees the scissors. "Just don't cut me...or I'll run you around the world." he could do it too. In about 3 minutes at not his max speed.

then he looks to James. "You are not helping.""

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Hey!" The scissors clack in the air right near Pietro's nose, but they're being aimed at James. "Do I come over there and tell you how to do Army stuff? No I do not!" she says, cutting him off with an answer to her own question. "I'm not designing super hero clothing. This is for my summer fashion line. I've got to get it ready before Spring hits so we can get into production and be ready for the summer debut. We're doing Milan this year."

The scissors flash near Pietro again and she cuts through a few more pieces of cloth, pinning them all together and holding it up to the light. "Hold these," she says absently, pushing the remaining scraps into Pietro's chest to be held. She moves back to the table she's commandeered and sits down with an ankle tucked under her, leaning on the desk with her elbow and sketching rapidly with her colored pencils on a fresh sheet. Her brow furrows, but the big motions of her hand clearly indicate some inspiration!

War Machine has posed:
     "Considering I was in the Marines not the Army." Rhodes bites into a cookie of his own leaving behind the tray on the table. "Everyone knows superhero costumes are the next hit fashion trend" even added as he moves over and plops himself down on a nice bit of furniture relaxing out chilaxing out and acting all cool.

     "So, Pietro." He leans forward on the chair a bit hands down in his lap. "That's a no on the prison orange?" Asked in a completely straight faced manner before he finally cracks a bit of a smile setting up into a more professional posture.

Captain America has posed:
With Janet's attention on poor Pietro now, and Steve having put forth the transparent air of the listening ear, he's able to slowly begin to slide towards Rhodey. Maybe he can make it to a chair instead of being subjected to more pieces of fabric?

"I don't see why you can't talk with Tony as well. As I was telling Janet a while back, we can use all the hands we can get. The mansion's back now, but there's something else." A pull of his mouth to one side in concern as he glances at everyone. "This whole...sleeping business. That's getting out of control. Wanda was critical in retrieving the mansion back from another dimension. Think she could have ideas on how to combat this sleeping problem? I'd go to Doctor Strange, but he's been out of the house...or something. Out of dimension?" Almost to a chair...almost!

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro leans his head way back when Janet clacks the scissors like....RIGHT IN HIS FACE as he's being used as a modeling board. "Look, Janet..." then he's holding scissors. He sighs. His least favorite colors are literally yellow and pink. Red is Wanda's color, and he won't rip off his sister. but Blue, white, and black are his favorite combinations clearly. But, he looks over to James, and he frowns.

Then smiles.

"Nope." has any prison ever successfully HELD Pietro? Ask anyone, he can get out of it quick enough and probably take out everyone inside while he's at it.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Same thing," Janet waves Rhodey off dismissively. "Uniforms, machine guns, boots, marching, yelling, blah blah blah." She finishes her sketch and rips the paper away. Its' examined with a critical eye, then tossed aside onto a pile of similar rejected concepts. "Bring me up to speed on the sleep thing?" she requests. "I am not keeping up with my news alerts and I think Steve said... something about it." She frowns, tapping her pencil against her cheek with thoughtfully narrowed eyes. "Wasn't that you?"

Captain America has posed:
Safe in a chair! Steve settles into the comfortable plush wing-backed seat and sets the Target bag next to his feet on the floor. Another sip of his coffee before he explains, "If you've been watching the news, people are falling asleep and not waking up again. It's...like a coma, but not." A shrug of those broad shoulders. "We don't know if it's being caused by magic or not. There's apparently someone over in Europe who can wake people up, but that's been hear-say. I've hear that she both can and can't, that she's full of snake oil. I'd go to Strange, but..." He frowns and shakes his head. There's been no luck there.

Quicksilver has posed:
Peitro looks over to Steve and he smiles to him, but looks conflicted. "While I would see Stark..I do not trust him as I trust you." Pietro still looks to Steve then, before hie eyes shift back to Janet. "They are not same-" then Janet just goes on her tangent, causing Pietro to look at Steve and James in a 'help me plz' kind of way.

"I don't know."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Little out of my baliwick," Janet confesses with a shrug. "If Strange says he can't fix it, though, I admit to being a *little* concerned. He's pulled us out of some tight spots over the last few years."

She frowns. "Do we know who this hocus-pocus witch lady is? We could go over in one of the jets. Would take a day, day and a half, tops. Get her to lay out the truth one way or another. Even some crazy lies have a little basis in truth. Maybe she knows just enough about the sleeping sickness to point us in the right direction, if nothing else."

Captain America has posed:
"I didn't hear Doctor Strange say he can't fix it. I haven't had a chance to ask him," Steve clarifies further before scratching at the back of his neck, eyes averted to one side. "I haven't gotten her name yet, but the newscasts have called her 'Miracle Elle'. Norway, if I remember correctly. If you can think of anyone who could help, send 'em our way." The Captain means the proveribal 'our', as in the Avengers as a whole.

He glances at Pietro and smiles almost apologetically. "You know I'd speak up for you, but I also gotta let Tony know you're back and interested. We're a team." In this, he's steadfast. "Not that I'll be able to tag along with anyone investingating Elle, not...not without good reason. I've got something to deal with here first." His jaw sets and he takes a long sip of coffee to attempt to hide the passing lack of composure.

War Machine has posed:
     "And don't look at me to speak up for you." Rhodes holds his hands up having just finished a bite of cookie. Damn these things are better than they have right to be. It's always a surprise how this place gets the best cookies. "Last guy I spoke up for turned out to be a dragon in disguise." Hands going back down after he lets out a bit of a light chuckle.

     "Still mad about losing that quinjett" Looking off into the distance for a moment Rhodes is lost in memory before shaking himself back to reality. "Speaking of sleep I need to call up the Babysitter before I get heading" He taps down onto his watch, pulling out a pair of glasses.

     "Lila's been being difficult since the party" Rhodes with strange sunglasses isn't exactly the MOST natural thing in the world but at least they're aviators which works with the whole pilot thing. "Refused to go to bed last night, so she's been wiped out most the day." He presses a button on the side of the glasses a little power indicator flashing for a brief instant as the computer kicks on.

     "Need to make sure she was able to get to recital in time." He adds more under his breath.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks at Steve in a 'come on man' kind of way, but he seems to cheer up when he says that Steve will speak for Pietro and sponsor him. "Thank you Steve. I appreciate that." his accent peeking through yet again, before he looks to James. "Well you know what, I tried to give you a twinkie sir." He says with a heap of arrogance before he chuckles. running a hand through his silver hair.

Then he looks to Janet. He doesn't know anything about hocus pocus aside from what Wanda has often done. So he shrugs. "I never have trusted magic. But perhaps I should trust a man like Strange. He's helped in the past as well." though he narrows his eyes. "...could you actually make me a new suit? mine is a littlte beat up." he smiles to Janet. "Except blue, white, andblack please."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet PERKS, eyes going wide and a beatific smile crossing her face. She puts a hand on the table and smoothly vaults it, disappearing into a flickering of wings that buzz across the room. She *pops* into full size right in front of Pietro, arresting her motion at the last moment before she just collides with the speedster.

"I can ABSOLUTELY make you a new super suit." She produces a tape measure from somewhere (Fun fact: Janet's skirts sell super well because they have *pockets*). The cloth ruler is unrolled and she starts clambering on Pietro, almost running laps around him to get his measurements. "We could go with the classics. Boots, gloves, lightning bolt."

"No, that's stupid," she says, tossing the idea aside as soon as she says it. "Wings on the shoes?" She rests her chin on the back of her wrist, supporting her elbow with her other hand.

"Too Central City. And no track suits."

"Hm. I'm seeing... black. And grey. Vertical piping," she says, still circling. She moves the tape cloth so fast she's almost whipping the metal bob at the end through the air. "Sneakers, not boots. You've got those runner's shoulders. Baseball tee?" she wonders aloud. "Something fitted, won't slow you down..." Her eyes gleam with the possibilities!

Captain America has posed:
"Didn't lose the Quinjet..." It's almost a growl from the blond and he sighs sharply. However, the rescue from gloom is nigh!

The sudden ferocity of the fashionista's interest in a new suit for the speedster is enough to make Steve avert a laugh into his coffee cup. It sounds like a cough...for the most part, and he sets aside the mug, clearing his throat as if he really had managed to accidentally inhale some of his drink.

"You're in for it now," he tells Pietro with a wicked grin in passing. He then cranes his head to see if he can tell what Rhodey's up to at the computer. "Dance recital?" he asks of the Colonel.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro is in trouble and he knows it. He looks to Steve, and he sighs lightly, but hey...who better than Janet to ask for a new costume?

Glancingback to Janet, he looks like he's about to speak every single time she's about to give an idea...but then he's tacklehugged, and extensively measured. Stiff-arms are pondered.

But nay!

the colors she's listed off so far are actually pretty good. he does think about the track shoes thing. "hmm...boots might be better..especially boots with protection for the ankles."

War Machine has posed:
     "Yeah, she's been big into trying a little bit of everything." Rhodes chuckles waiting for the other end to pick up. "I think it's good for her, get a feel for what she actually wants to do." He goes to take another cookie before putting it back down, reaching into his jacket and pulling out the twinkie he had taken from Pietro earlier.

     "Wish she was better about making friends though" He unwraps it and just calmly eats the thing, presuming it's not secretly some super ultra terrifying weapon of destruction. "It's hard when she refuses to speak to anyone, even her councilor."

     Rhodes is quiet for a moment as the other end picks up. "Hey, Sharon, I was j-"His expression shifts as he comes back to a stand hands going down into his pockets.

     He starts walking back over towards the kitchen speaking in a calm voice. "Calm down, it's alright, just tell me what happened." A single hand going into his pocket. "Is she alright?" He asks. "What'd the paramedics say?" Rhodes runs a hand down his face. "Why didn't you call me?" He just takes off the glasses and flips them shut now standing in the midst of the room.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet has been accused of being self-centered, and even a little vapid and shallow. But Rhodey's tone cuts through her creative fog. She puts a palm against Pietro's sternum for balance and half-turns on the balls of her feet to look at the aviator.

"Rhodey? What's wrong?" she says with dismay in her voice. "Something we can help with?" Janet's medical expertise is limited to basic Avenger's field medicine, but there's that part of her that impulsively offers help before she even knows what the trouble is.

Captain America has posed:
Steve rises from his chair at the dismay in the Colonel's voice. He can't quite make out what's being said on the other end of the line, but it's clear as day that something has befallen young Lila.

"Rhodey, if you have to go to her, go. Everything's locked down here," says the Captain with quiet authority of tone. He looks to Janet and Pietro and nods once, implicating them both as part of the Keep Calm Team.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodey just throws the pair of glasses back onto the chair. A low sigh escaping his lips as he just tries to keep himself calm. "That's not exactly going to be much help right now." Spoken as he taps his watch to actively hang up the call. He runs a single hand through his short hair in thought.

     "She passed out trying to go down the stairs and..." He shakes his head one side to the other clearing his throat. "They admitted her to the hospital" He takes a look down towards the twinkie. "Same situation as the others far as brain scans go."

     For a moment it looks like he's going to throw it on the ground. the yellow puffed up cake rises up with his arm as he lifts it higher. Then he brings it to his mouth. He takes it, and he eats it.

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro looks alarmingly to James. "I can run and make sure she is truly alright. If need be, I can attempt to restart anything-" then the situation is explained in full, looking at James worriedly. "Are you sure you don't need me to..."

He goes silent now, before he looks to Steve. Then to Janet. Pietro never wished he could have healing powers to go with his speed..but it was at this time where he wished he did.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
If there's one thing Janet can't stand, it's everyone standing around looking at each other.

"Go!" she exclaims, her voice a little shrill. She flails her hands at Rhodey. "Kiddo's in the hospital, go! Fly! The world isn't going to end in the next hour!" She tries to usher Rhodes out, with about as much success as a kitten trying to herd a mastiff. "We'll hold down the fort here-- you just CALL us if there's any change, okay?" she admonishes him. "We don't wanna be out of the loop. There's no point in being a superhero if you can't call up supherheroes in an emergency, right?!"

Captain America has posed:
"She's got a point, Rhodey." Steve speaks up in his enviably even tone, his voice seeming quiet in comparison. "If Lila's fallen to a bout of the Sleep, it doesn't mean that she isn't scared -- that she can't hear you. She needs someone nearby who she trusts, even if she's non-responsive. She's also a minor. They'll need to speak to her guardian. Go," he encourages. "You can call and update me once you're there. I can pass on word to the rest of the team, see if anyone's learned anything new recently."

Quicksilver has posed:
Pietro shrugs off the cloth that Janet had given him, and he walks up to Rhodey. "I will take you. What hospital?" It was easy. Quicksilver was the fastest avenger on the ground, and he could take James straight to the hospital in seconds. Rhodey might just feel a little motion sick, but he can get it done.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodes doesn't even fight it at this point. He just picks back up the sunglasses all the while being pushed on by Janet without actually being moved. He puts them back into the pocket of his jacket. "Cap, if you find out who did this before I can?" Said as he pops on a pair of goggles at the mention of going super speed. Why does he keep them? Because he's a pilot that's why. "Cold cock him like you did Hitler." Spoken in a firm voice as he nods his head, before placing an arm round Pietro's shoulder relaying the name of the hospital. "Now if I get bugs stuck in my teeth I am NOT going to be happy, already ate too damn many bugs in Cairo." A nod given to Janet.