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Latest revision as of 04:46, 5 January 2019

(Pied Piper) - Finding 'Miracle' Elle
Date of Scene: 02 January 2019
Location: New Asgard
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Hela, Nina the Conjuror
Tinyplot: Pied Piper

Hela has posed:
As Nina follows her Eye of The True North artifact, it will lead her to Norway first, and then further to the area of the construction of New Asgard. There, by the Asgardian royal castle still in construction, she'll find a figure in Gothic fashioned outfit, standing atop a block of stone, surveying the progress made on the castle thus far.

Nina the Conjuror has posed:
    The Eye of True North really is a fascinating thing and her portals bounce her across the globe till she decides to come in on foot for the last part. Once she is sure of her target the artifact is gone again, simply secreted away with a bit of magic and slight of hand really. As she approaches, she looks the woman over, considering her as she approaches and she raises a hand in a friendly sort of wave, "Hello." She calls out softly and her voice seems to carry, "You are Miracle Elle, are you not?" She asks, her voice carrying the confidence of knowledge. A knowing smile on her face, friendly but cocky. She idly puts a hand on her hip and looks down over the woman again before saying, "I dig the outfit. Not my usual style but I can understand the flow."

Hela has posed:
Elle turns to face the woman who calls her name, her eerie eyes, so piercing and devoid of emotions train on Nina's form as she studies her quietly for a moment. She doesn't seem too pleased to be found, but after a prolonged moment of silence, she eventually corrects, "Elle Quinn is my name. Miracle is what those who know nothing of me have come to call me, I did not ask for that attention."

As Nina spoke of outfits, Elle does the same, by stating, "I do not understand your pants...is there no danger of tripping?" It's either a curious observation, or deadpan humor, tough to quite differentiate with Elle's delivery.

Nina the Conjuror has posed:
A smirk and the woman chuckles, "Well, Elle Quinn than." She states and idly shifts her weight from one leg to another, "Well, tripping hazards are something I like to avoid." She nods her head and then considers, "None the less, I've got an interest in what is going on in this world right now. People falling asleep left and right with no sign of a way to wake them and then someone tells me a girl named Elle in Norway can wake people. Figured I might out to stop by and find out what her trick is. See if I can spread that around to the other billion or so people that need it."

Hela has posed:
"Yes...people are falling asleep," Elle reiterates the point Nina made, as if to concur. She tilts her head slightly when Nina states her purpose for seeking her out, and Elle doesn't look particularly keen, "you have no one in your family that suffers from the Black Sleep, I cannot assist you." Simple as that, no further explanation offered. Seems there's a reason she's not touted as a teacher.

Nina the Conjuror has posed:
"If anyone in my family were to still be alive, I'd be impressed." She states simply enough and Nina nods, "Is it that people who have family members who are harmed by it have to come see you? What if that whole family is asleep with no one left to come to you?" She hmms, "Or is it that you have to save a whole blood line." She waves a hand idly, "Magic is weird." She nods her head, "I should know." She nods idly, "None the less, I'm not necessarily here to have someone woke up directly. I'm interested in waking everyone up. All of them."

Hela has posed:
"What has happened to your family...?" Elle asks with a slight tinge of interest in her voice, before nodding at Nina's follow up questions, "those who find me with a drive to save loved ones, who are deemed worthy, are given my help." She shrugs when asked of cases of entire families fallen to the Black Sleep, "I cannot aid those who do not seek it, I cannot aid those who are unworthy." She smirks when Nina suggests waking everyone up, "you have no idea the price of such an awakening...that is the only reason you speak of waking all affected."

Nina the Conjuror has posed:
A laugh and Nina shakes her head, "By the calendar I was shown, I'm nearly 100 years old." She gestures to herself, "I age well." She shrugs and then states, "And given what I was training for, I really don't see a reason as to why I shouldn't try to wake them up all up. Cost or no cost." She takes a breath and lets it out, "As for my family. Well, didn't have a lot when I was back in the 1950s. Now, I imagine they all passed due to age and time." She looks Elle over before saying, "I don't know what trick you use but any insight would be of use. I was torn form a long slumber and this may be the reason. If it is, I owe it to these people to tear them from their slumber."

Hela has posed:
"That is a venerable age," Elle remarks, offering a soft smile to Nina, "congratulations on living this long." Elle's smile turns a bit slanted, and most certainly amused, at the profession of a special sort of training, "and what is it you have been training for that you fail to see this catastrophe for what it is?" She looks a bit disappointed, perhaps by Nina's bravado and nonchalance towards a global magical plague of sorts. "It takes more than tricks to aid those who fall for the Black Sleep. If you attempt to wake more than one person at any given time, the cost may well be your life."

Nina the Conjuror has posed:
"I should have been dead a long time ago." She states and nods her head, "If it costs my life, than so be it. However, you have given me a few clues and I appreciate that. Waking up more than one at a time can cause a backlash. It is indeed a form of plague. A disease that is spreading even though it is magic in nature. There's someone or something behind it if you speak of it the way you do. Not just random chance or a mutated magical bug." She nods her head, "Tricks, though, I have quite a bit more than tricks." She considers a moment, "I was trained by the Ancient One himself. I assure you, I don't play in the realm of tricks." She then considers, "Thank you, Elle, for the information you have given me. I'm not sure why you insist upon being so cryptic but if you won't tell me how you are doing it than I can't go much further here."

Hela has posed:
"Just the one costs you of your own life essence, recover, and maybe you can aid another. Try and help more than one at a time? Your death is but assured...to try and aid all? Madness." Elle seems very set in her assessment, then again, she is also the only reported person to manage and bring people back. She looks a bit surprised at Nina's deduction, as she quips, "there is always someone behind anything that takes hold in this world. Nothing ever happens out of nothing." Turning her back on Nina and look back at the unfinished castle, Elle contemplate, "the Ancient One was your teacher? Than you have nothing to ask of me...the Ancient One is privy to all secrets. Why not address your teacher with such questions?" Looks like she's not about to volunteer her methods from the conversation thus far. But if Nina looked at her person, she may have found one unique clue about her neck.

Nina the Conjuror has posed:
"As far as I can tell, the Ancient One is gone from reach." She shrugs and states, "Something that happened while I was gone from reach. Either way, one who puts their faith in the Norse Gods may be using something from them to heal these people. I'm not sure who or what you are, Elle, but I appreciate what you are doing for these people where you can. I, however, am certain you know vastly more than you are telling me about this sleep." She considers her a moment and then she turns and gestures. A light appears in teh air and hten she spins her hand and it grows wider and larger till it opens to a full portal, "I will come back to you if I have more questions." She then starts to step into the portal and looks back, "Be aware that this will come to an end." She nods her head, "Maybe not this moment, but I will work with those around and end it." She eyes Elle, "I'll be in touch."

Hela has posed:
"You are keen," Elle says as she holds her hands apart as if in gesticulation towards the castle being built, "the Norse Gods are making a return, and they descend from Asgard to grace us, faith begets faith, and glory to those who give it." She then turns to offer a flourished bow at Nina, "until such time, I wish you best of luck."