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(Bad choices are made and a kidnapping occurs.)
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Latest revision as of 06:08, 24 January 2019

Bad Choices
Date of Scene: 24 January 2019
Location: Washington Heights, Manhattan
Synopsis: Samantha (aka Nyx) makes very bad choices with her new powers and when heroes (and a villain) intercede on her crime spree things go really wrong all around.
Cast of Characters: Nyx, Smart Alek, Kid, Wonder Woman, Domino

Nyx has posed:
Well Washington Heights is not downtown Manhattan but it also isn't the Bronx (though it is pretty close to it). So a spike in unusual crime in not really the norm in this part of Manhattan. The big banks, wall street, and expensive jewelry stores are all downtown.

What this part of town still has is scattered ATMs. Which have for the last three nights been haphazardly robbed. Which isn't an unusual crime on the surface, but rather in the execution.

The first night was probably pretty hilarious for the cops and evening news. Footage from the ATM and other cameras in the area showed a relatively short slight young woman whose features were mostly obscured by a hoodie. The young woman definitely sketchily checked out the area and then cautiously approached the ATM. What happened next is what prompted it to make the news

The figure actually was able to wrench the ATM from the moorings and after a struggle for purchase managed to open the front.

That is when the dye pack explosion went off.... which was picked up from the other cameras no the destroyed ATM. Hilarity as the young woman vanished into the night empty handed.

The next evening, different ATM, different hoodie and clothing. Same girl most likely based on the build and the behavior. This time though the atm was wrenched free and the girl went into it from the back not the front and managed to get some cash out of the device, though not all as it looked like she shredded the money locker in her attempt.

Third night same story, different ATM, more cash extracted, but not all of it by any measure.

It doesn't take Batman to figure out where the fourth ATM is going to be on the fourth night. Whoever this young woman is she is not a tactical supervillain genius.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek says, "Strange and Unusual stuff on the internet and the news always gets his juices flowing. He wonders if this night a fourth ATM is robbed and perhaps in a better manner, the culprit seems to be learning with each ATM. The more rational side of him screams he's being crazy to just wander Washington Heights to watch a robbery. So far, his irrational side is winning."

Kid has posed:
Well admittedly, Kid found the ATM robberies if nothing else, funny. Beyound that though he didn't much care. ATMs were not his problem, and money was stupid anyways. Why people needed to use it was just annoying at best, a hindrence at worst in his opinione. Shame it needed to get stuff...legally anyways.

After spending a whole two minutes thinking it over....Kid made his choice. He wants to see and meet whoever this girl was. Seemed a good a motivation as any to scout the place out.

And Kid's spot of choice was...well right next to the ATM actually. He attempts to still 'invisible' by trying to put out a simple illusion, that essentially said no one was there. Weather it affects everyone or not is another matter, but it is what he is going with.

He slurps on a mango smoothie as he waits.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana was on patrol tonight over the city. She'd heard reports of the ATM situations from her contacts at the Justice League and it'd all lead her here to this point. Similarly to that of Kid, though she's not quite so direct about it.

Currently, Diana is standing ontop of a building overlooking the ATM from across the street. She has her black robe on overtop of her armored for and her weapons/shield strapped to her harness around her body.

Diana's eyes are scanning the traffic down below, both with vehicles and with pedestrians walking the street, she's a patient person and all signs point to this location being the next target... so she waits.

Domino has posed:
Domino had also seen the news, and knew it was a perfect trap. Though not for the ATM theif.. some random in a hoodie was well below her notice. Though this fit the scenerio she was looking for, and she knew where they were going next. So earlier that day she had found a laundry mat ran buy some people that were broke from having such a nice location. It wasn't difficult to bribe them to give her the key. So as time passed she sat inside of the store watching, and waiting.

That is until in the darkness of the store Domino smiles to herself. She isn't sure where she is, but she is here. As Domino puts on the mask on she retrived from her pocket. Her eyes go cold she switches into serious mode as she can feel she is here, though she isn't sure how she knows. She had paid a lot of money for tonight, and was not in a hurry to waste it.. So she waited for now as well inside of the dark store for the bait to walk into the trap.

Nyx has posed:
Evidently Samantha is bait tonight and also walking into a trap. Really there are layers of traps going on and for her part she is actually pretty clueless about it.

Foolishly Samantha is approaching the ATM, walking slow and checking the street. furtive glances around for potential police cars or pedestrian witnesses. A whole slew of rookie mistakes going on in her approach and execution.

The young woman doesn't look up onto rooftops, despite a world full of heroes and bats. Sam doesn't seem to even think someone could have caught onto her diabolical scheme (tm).

Her roll does slow when she gets closer to the ATM and she tilts her head to the side studying the spot where Kid is standing waiting. After a long moment Samantha rubs her face and adjusts her hoodie's hood more forward before finishing her approach to the ATM and sizing it up. Shifting her hands out of her pockets she gets a grip and braces a foot on the base of the wall.

Honestly the cameras didn't do her age or frame justice. This young woman has to be in her late teens and is probably 105lbs soaking wet, yet she is able to work an ATM out of a stone building and it's moorings no problem.

Kid has posed:
Kid continues slurping on his mango smoothie, even as Samantha approaches, keeping up the illusion. He watches as she begins to draw out the ATM like it was no one's buissness. He let out a whistle followed by a deep beastial chuckle (which definintly wasn't being masked).

The illusion drops, and there was Kid, propped up agaist a wall with one elbow, as if he was watching some form of entertainment. The proper elbow held his drink, but his other hand moved in a series of quick movements as the gorilla drank, as if he was signing.

"You have GOT to be the worst theif I have ever seen girl. Seriously, did you learn to rob ATMs from a comic book? Surprised you haven't been caught earlier. Even your approach was PAINFULLY obviouse" straight up critiqueing the girl right there. Notable the voice, came from a watch on his wrist, though it was male, it was also clearly synthetic.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana has advanced hearing, capable of picking up voices from great distances. She's able to hear Kid suddenly speak out to someone on a line of questioning that makes it obvious he's... here for a similar reason to she herself.

She recognizes Kid in fact, she's seen him twice in the past year... once at a disturbance at the U.N. and once more whne the Joker threatened the city with a silly stunt.

Needless to say she's still observing the situation, her attention remains focused down below and on those gathering there. She parts her red lips and draws in a light breath as she can tell things are, well, heating up on this winter night.

Domino has posed:
Domino see's Kid appear and stops to consider her options. She did not plan on someone else being here, though he looked like a problem not on Diana's level. Though she did know hero's tended to work together so that was an issue. Still Diana didn't appear either though she had to be close. She wasn't sure about this one yet as all she did was tear out some object so wasn't about to interupt them either.

So she waited watching quietly with a cold stare just thinking about nothing like a snake coiled. Diana would show up, or she would try again another time as neither of these people really deserved what was coming. No it was only for one person, and until she in the proper spot she would wait..

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek perks up a bit from his spot in a cafe nearby, radio waves drift across his vision, a callout from a bank concerning an ATM machine is being made. He picks up his coffee and begins to head towards the address mentioned. He swipes a hand across the air in front of him... searching for something and then he gets a view from the ATM camera of the manhandling of the machine in progress. Doing multiple things at once like walking, chewing gum, or hacking the radio spectrum nearly has him hit by a taxi cab, but he pulls himself back to the sidewlak and keeps going towards the spectacle.

Nyx has posed:
What would you do if you had never been within arms reach of a Gorilla. Let alone a talking Gorilla lecturing you about being a horrible criminal. Not horrible as in a menace, but rather just bad at crime.

In Samantha's case she lets out this strangled rabbit noise of alarm and surprise when Kid just appears as far as she is concerned right by her and starts talking.

Samantha also in the stagger backwards and startled yell sort of flail tosses the ATM right at Kid. Really it sounded like she strangled out some sort of "Ohmygod!" .. .. .. honestly if she wasn't robbing an ATM and caught red handed one would easily mistake her cry as a cry for help and alarm.

Seasoned pro Sam is not.

Also Alek the closer he gets starts to pick up on a low level buzz, a frequency where a whole lot is going on in a very tight frequency. If focused on, it does not appear to be terrestrial or at least human designed in nature.

Kid has posed:
Okay. Admittedly, Kid PROPBALY should have planned this out better. After all, the videos did show a girl pulling out ATMS, and people didn't exactly react well to him when he was just walking.

He drops his smoothie and thankfully manages to catch the atm, though he was stumbling back from catch it...and falls over with a crash. He let out an annoyed groan and shoves the ATM off himself, standing up. He looks to his ruined smoothie...and pauses.

He let out an annoyed loud half roar/groan that Diana, Alek and maybe even domino can hear. He signs, the watch going off "Really? Really? You throw an ATM and ruin my mango smoothie? Like come on girl. You can at LEAST have enough backbone to not get scared so easily. Goddamn" screw the atm, his smoothie was ruined!

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana watches the events further unfold down below and she chooses to act by stepping off of the building and gliding down through the air as Kid has to deal with the reactions to his potentially-poorly-planned ambush of the ATM thief...

The Themysciran Princess glides through the air with her black robe whipping around here in a fashion that might mimmick another notorious member of the Justice League, but... a big difference as she reaches the ground her robe whips away from her body, leaving her in her shining gold/red and blue armor. She leaves her weapons on her back.

"I believe I have some questions for you..." She says, to the girl. She knows Kid isn't a thief or a robber. Her past two experiences with him has proven that to her.

Domino has posed:
Domino smiles as she finally see's her target, and pushes the small button to the device on her hand. Far away there is a loud boom. Domino knows well her hearing, and knows she would of heard that, and then the loud boom on the other side. That wouldn't be the wierdest thing someone with advanced hearing would hear as the explosion sound is loud and quickly gone the whistle that follows seems to only get louder.

From inside her hiding place Domino smiles, and waits as it wouldn't be long now. She streches her neck to get ready for what is about to come and smiles darkly inside of her all white mask that covers most of her face. Too bad she didn't notice the third person, or she might of thought against it, but sometimes you just need to improvise.

Nyx has posed:
Okay well that was pretty surprising for Samantha. Adrenaline is already pumping like crazy from the appearing Gorilla that managed to catch (if roughly) the startled fling of the ATM. Then get up and actually curse and growl at her "Oh shit!?" he is mad about his smoothie and at her for being scared.

Then there is Diana floating into view. That does nothing to help Sam's burst of adrenaline and panic. "Wait!!" said as a squeak of panic and a raising of her hands up towards Kid and Diana. Holy crap that is Wonder Woman. Her eyes are wide like saucers as Sam takes a step back.

Right about then is when her arms from about her elbow down to her upraised palms, the classic wait gesture, crackle with an absolutely brilliant cascade of energy. Triggered by her panic.

It should be noted that this develop seems to shock Samantha as much as anyone because she makes that strangled noise she made when Kid appears and flails in alarm "Myarms!" so when the energy beams (plural) lance out of said arms they sheer off target, right through the front of the bank on one hand vaporizing stone and the other... well it is tracking towards an apartment building even as Samantha falls back onto her ass. Oops.

The buzz of activity that Alek is aware of spikes significantly as Samantha full on panics.

Kid has posed:
Meeting twice, is hardly an indicator of what a person may or may not do. Just ask the jeep Kid stole last week. Though it was for good reason at least, but that another story. Than there were those thugs he mugged...makes you wonder who really needs saving around here.

Anywho, he looks over to Wonder Woman and takes a double take. Wasn't that...he peers. He signs "....do you...uh...normally dress that way?" of course the question never got a chance to be answered cause than he is looking at Nyx...and her arms flailing...and the energy beams and raises his arms as the blast JUST pass by his head.

He was wide eyed, frozen in place. He looks from samantha, to the bank...and watches as it was heading to an apartment building. He looks to Diana...and back to Nyx.

He commences facepalming, cause he KNOWS this girl just has no clue what she is doing. He can just feel it.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana gives a glance over to Kid as he speaks of her attire and she MOMENTARILY glances down at herself, but then looks right over to Samantha just as the girl's seemingly accidental power 'surge' takes place. "I do not meant you any harm!" Diana says then to the woman, her own hands coming up in a defensive posture as she steps away from the power burst.

"I need you to come with me, however... It seems quite likely that you are the one who I have been looking for."

Diana's lasso hangs at her side, gently swaying against her hip and near the front of her thigh, ready to be used and her right hand lowers down near to it. She looks again to Kid and the others in the area before her attention returns to the ATM thief.

"Please, lower your hands and surrender peacefully." The Princess asks, in as stern... but calm of a voice she can muster.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek blinks as he sees some sort of not normal frequency of radio coming off of the girl who just went iron man on the buildings, "Woah." he exclaims and he pauses, trying to find something to hide behind, though with that kind of fire power, doubt he could hide behind anything safely.

Domino has posed:
The whistles get louder as even the normal person could hear it that is if they are standing things breaking with the beams. As this happends one could look up, and see the two large shells heading their way just to add to the chaos. Out of the laundry store Domino kicks the door open, and nods to Diana. In her hands are the dart guns from before. Without hesitation she aims at Nyx pulling the trigger to shoot the darts at her. They are filled with sedative of course, as bullets would not work on Diana. Domino faces Diana as she walks towards the group, pointing one of the guns at Kid, "Be cool.." is all she says to him before facing Diana.

"If I were you I would get a saving... There are.." there are two explosions again in the distance. "Four of them in the air, and those last two were not faced this way." she gives a shrug continuing to walk towards the group. "I think I might keep this one." she adds with a cold smile behind the mask.

Nyx has posed:
Samantha is already tecnically down, though the energy cascading on her arms doesn't end with her ass hitting the ground. "I .. I don't know how to stop..." she drops her hands by her sides palms onto the sidewalk which crackles and starts to disinigrate a bit.

Sam does seem to be panickedly following instructions at least right. Which is about the time a couple of darts sink right into the back of her neck. "Urk!" and it should be noted that this trick works this time. There are exceptionally odds that this will not be effective forever, but right now Samantha is still very much a scared teenager who has no idea as Kid puts it what she is even doing.

Sam starts to slump to the sidewalk as the drugs go to work, luckily (for Domino.. hah) the artery in her neck was hit with one of the darts. The energy cascading down her arms trickles to nothing.

Kid has posed:
Kid eyes the rope with obiouse distrust...he hates anything restrictive. But on the bright side, it seems this teen was not one for real trouble. And than comes Domino. He stares at the gun pointed at him and snarls rather fiercely. He signs "Cool eh? How bout next time you point a gun at me, I snap your neck?" yea, he didn't appreciate it and his demineer just screamed aggression now. Nope. He wasn't even worried about the fact Samantha slumped over, or even that Domino just mention she had some shells overhead. Okay he may have cared a bit bout that, if he wasn't so pissed at the events that have transpired.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The sounds of distant trouble made Diana's ears ring, and the mysterious person whom she'd conflicted with in the recent past had just made a reappearance... a trap, she'd set a trap. that much was clear and obvious at this point to the one known as Wonder Woman.

Quicky, Diana looks to Kid. "Stop her if you can!" She shouts to the Gorilla who she still thinks is a 'hero' and not something... else.

And with that said, Diana leaps into the air and her arms spread apart as she shoots up and vanishes into the sky, headed toward the sounds of the explosions and she speaks into her JL comm to call for backup... apparently its going to be 'one of those nights' in the city that never sleeps.

Domino has posed:
Domino doesn't even pause he walking as Diana takes off. She scoffs a bit at her instructions. She wasn't going to shoot him as really she got his reaction in this situation, but I guess she really didn't have a choice. She turns to shoot at him, but something happens. She seems to trip, but catches herself shooting off one dart. It shoot off in a random direction seeming to be a complete miss.

That is until there is a light 'ding' noise, as the dart seems to bounce off a sign turning its direction. Domino is already back up to shoot, and it did not look like she intented to shoot that shot at all. What one might not notice is the direction the sign deflected it towards was straight at Kid with the kind of aim that even if she tried to do what she did Domino isn't sure she could do on purpose.

Nyx has posed:
Samantha is slumped on the sidewalk vulnerable to kidnapping or Gorilla kicks or anything. It isn't a good situation to be in. There is a slurred series of noises and then soft snoring as the adrenaline rush carried the drugs through her whole system very rapidly.

Kid has posed:
Kid snarls. If nothing else he LIKED Diana...she enjoys the oranges he gives her. She at leadt in this case, he was willing to fling himself in. Especialy since this Domino lady decided to threaten him. He crouches down and leaps! It just so happens...this start of a leap was in the path of that tranq....which hits him square in the back. Kid acts more like he got struct with an elephant tranqualizer and is knocked out cold!

Domino has posed:
Domino walks over and grabs the ape like being as it was where she was going anyway, and drags him out of the road. Again she had no problems with whoever this was, but before she goes she lifts the mask to show her face, and whispers into his ear. "Diana did this to you." before replacing the mask, and heading towards her target.

Lifting up Nyx she puts her over her shoulder, and walks to a random car. Sure there is not much to pick from since it is night, and crazy beams, apes, and even a woman wonder did not help. So as she approaches some old beater car opening the door tossing Nyx inside she stops a moment thinking about it. Shortly after putting a couple more darts into her before she gets in. A moment later Nyx, and Domino are on the way to her hide out leaving nothing behind, but a knocked out talking ape.