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Latest revision as of 17:43, 27 January 2019

Everybody Hates Jessica
Date of Scene: 30 December 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Elektra, Punisher

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica isn't short on cases since she garnered some fame over the Kilgrave incident, and the Frost Giants incidents, and then that schmoe she put in bars recently. Something Man or other. She's been doing well, as a result, more calls, more cases, more booze money.

Tonight she is after a jerk, run of the mill jerk who cheats on his wife and abuses their daughter, she's after evidence to put him behind bars. What she doesn't know, is that as she follows him into a derelict part of Hell's Kitchen (that says something!) she also approaches a secret Hand hideout that has to do with stuff that Jessica doesn't know exist. Will they think she's on to them? Or will they let a known Defender presence slide?

Daredevil has posed:
Daredevil is on the scene watching that Hand hideout. Well, to a value of 'watch', he crouches above the building, listening to what was going on within, then something new enters the range of his senses, first a man, he ignores him, but a moment or two later there's someone he can't ignore.

"Jessica," he breathes.

Hoping the Hand hadn't spotted her, he leaves his post, leaping to the next building then, bounding down the fire-escape to the street.

"Jess," he calls in a whisper from a mouth of an alley. "You're in danger, you need to go, now."

Matt is always so polite when he's in the suit!

Elektra has posed:
Elektra had been given more and more of a free reign as her training had progressed. Less missions, and more global statements. She found herself a shadow amongst shadows, silent and deadly, taking lives, but never part of the bigger picture. Of course, all that was easy enough to change..

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica, unlike Matt, is so preoccupied with her case and putting one asshole by Dino Graciano behind bars, that she doesn't even pick on Matt's whispered warning. Instead she reaches for her camera, and while still following rather stealthily (enough for a PI), she sneaks a few incriminating pictures as Dino meets with his floozy of the week. But one could easily miscontrue Jess' pictures as being of a very spot on location to trigger the hidden entrance to the Hand's hideout. How did she ever made that discovery?

Daredevil has posed:
"Damn it, Jessica," Matt curses under his breath as the PI walks right by him. This was so going to make them even for the Xavier's thing.

Little does he know what sort of trouble they're in.

The Hand lookouts spot Jessica, and the camera, and the word is given. "Intruders," the warning is in Japanese, Matt can hear it, but he can only guess what it means, Elektra's newly heightened hearing brings her both sound and meaning.

A couple of plain clothed members of the Hand leave the derelct, push past Graciano and make their way towards Jessica. "Hey you, give us that camera!" one shouts pointing at Jessica.

Matt reaches for his batons knowing this is likely to go downhill fast.

Elektra has posed:
Elektra holds. Not out of any orders - she has none, other than to secure the situation - nor is it suriousity. It is more biding time. Waiting for the perfect moment. Like any trap - and she is a trap in the truest sense of the word - Elektra bides her time. Soon. Soon they will not only be within her reach, but unable to avoid her. And then thy shall sh what it is she is capable of.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"What the fuck!?" Jessica is honestly caught off guard by goons heading her way, demanding she surrender her camera, "this isn't fucking FBI zone, so you have no right to ask for my camera, I have a right to take pictures in public," Jessica as a licensed P.I. can't be BS'd when it comes to the laws involving her profession. She's well aware of her rights, and those goons were not FBI or police, that much was clear. "I suggest you back off before I file a complaint with the NYPD on your asses." Yeah, she didn't understand what she accidentally discovered.

Daredevil has posed:
The Hand goons aren't put off by the threat of calling the cops, though, it does confirm this is going to have to be dealt with, immediately.

The each shoot the other a glance, then without breaking stride reach under their coats to produce blades, short curved chisel pointed knives.

"Give us the camera," one says coming at Jessica. While his partner, moves to try and cut off her escape. That partner doesn't get far before a baton zips from the alley to drop him to the street. A second later Daredevil emerges, the grin he wears is mostly for show, no fear, right? That's his thing.

"Hey Jess," he greets casually as he moves towards her.

The Hand goon though isn't intimidated and rushes for Jessica swinging his blade at her.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"The fuck!?" Jessica snaps, now realizing these are not your run of the mill rent-a-goon she's dealing with. Sadly, the commotion gets Dino to turn tails and get the heck out of dodge. Jessica, isn't so lucky, as she lets her camera hang from her neck and raises her fists, "so you losers wanna dance, huh?" She eggs them on, and as the baton flings and strikes goon #2, she hopes goon #1 is surprised, because she's suddenly reaching to grab him and with a surprising show of force slam him into the ground with enough force to crack the pavement. He deserves it too! Of course, there's always the risk he's not scared at all, and she might get sliced up a bit.

"Funny running into you around here, Daredevil, I take it I stumbled on something bigger than Dino's daily fuck?"

Elektra has posed:
Elektra hovers in the background. It isn't curiousity. It's assessment. She needn't show her hand early. The goons exist for a reason. They're expendable. Exquisitely so.

However, as they move forward to fight, she moves into the shadows closest to the others, with particular attention upon Daredevil.

Daredevil has posed:
Goon number #1 didn't expect what he got. One minute he's swinging his knife the next he's lifted off his feet and driven into the ground with the force to break bones. It knocks him out, and that's just the least of his worries.

Daredevil comes to stand next to Jessica. "Pretty much," he says as more men emerge from the building, five in total and begin making their way towards them, unlike the last guys, these ones have the whole get up, red ninja suits and masks, and are carrying swords, nunchuks and all the rest of that stuff. "Jessica, meet the Hand," he says. "Up for this, if not, now's the time to go."

He pulls himself up into a fighting stance.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica adds a kick at the goons likely broken ribs for good measure, going after Jessica's livelihood is one way to make her super pissed super fast, and that camera has a lot to do with her livelihood. "Fucking asshole," she hisses before turning to look at Daredevil, "so what's the deal? Is this the place where they sacrifice orphans for their god of death and go fuck yourself?" Yeah, Jess has a very favorable opinion of the Hand.

"I think I can give'em a hand in losing a hand. Or their balls, whichever comes first..." she snorts, and glowers at the five new goons, "so which of you motherfuckers want a sex reassignment operation for free?"

Elektra has posed:
You might expect her to come from the direction the goons had. But no. Instead, Elektra has been watching from behind, such that when the proverbial butt kicking occurs, and both Matt and Jessica are indulging in a little self righteous gloating, it's a silent shadow that steps forth behind them, drawing her twin blades in silence. Waiting.

Daredevil has posed:
This time the smirk on Daredevil's lips is real., "Something like that," he says of the Hand and their hideout. Actually, he had no clue what they had been up to in this particular spot, but it was the Hand and they were in the Kitchen, and that was enough for Matt.

"Sounds good," he says of her lending a hand. What she shouts next gets a snort.

The Hand soldiers move closer, slowly, since their prey didn't seem afraid. Daredevil's gloves creak around his batons, until he hears the whisper of steel parting from its sheath behind them. "Look out," he calls to Jess as he whirls to face the new threat.

As he does his senses bring him up to speed and he breathes her name: "Elektra."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I got this, Daredevil," Jessica snorts, before doing some extremely avant garde martial arts moves, or, outright improv of what she thinks is martial arts, because she's moving her hands ridiculously while making mock Bruce Lee sounds. Or a cat's meowing sounds. Actually, scratch that, it's not martial arts, she's openly mocking those goons. "I learned the secret Kick Yo Ass style, fuckers, come at me!"

Elektra has posed:
Elektra does not care that her name is upon Matt's lips. Oh, it gives a pause. A breif heartbeat of a pause. But it isn't anything of import.

Jessica is closest to her, and even as Matt calls a warning, Elektra is there, her blades a stab to the left kidney, and her body a blurr of sweeping motion that ends with an elbow to temple, knocking the other woman out.

Had Jessica had enough warning. Had she known a heartbeat sooner...

But she didn't. And it all leaves Elektra standing there, regarding the rest.

Punisher has posed:
Donatelli Fuchinello is in prison and the fine lads at Murdock and Nelson have agreed to prosecute him. Now, Frank is headed toward their offices to check in on them. Not to harass them, just to make sure everything is okay. Frank wouldn't put it past Fuchinello's boys to put the screws to the two lawyers. Frank'll just walk around the place and take care of anyone who might be looking for trouble.

The sounds of the commotion on the street draws Frank's attention and he reaches behind his back to grip the handgun tucked into his belt. His footsteps speed up as he makes his way down the street toward the sounds of the scuffle and the weapon is drawn, cocked, and the safety is flicked off.

As he comes around the corner, Frank takes a second to take in the scene: Daredevil and some woman engaged with a bunch of what Frank assumes to be the ninjas Daredevil told him about. He knows Daredevil can handle his own against the ninjas so he picks his target as one of the ninjas closing in on Jessica. Two quick shots are fired at centre mass as Frank continues to make his way toward the fight. Surely 'self-defence' can carry over to defending others, right?

Daredevil has posed:
It was all happening so quickly. First there's Elektra, then she's attacking Jess, then Jess is down and suddenly there's gunfire... and Frank.

Frank's guess is mostly right, Matt doesn't take issue with the dead ninja, but only because Elektra's there and she and Jess have his full attention.

"Elektra, what are you doing here?" he asks her, batons, held loosely by his side. Whoever this person is to Matt, he's not interested in defending himself, which may be of interest to Frank.

As for the ninja, they scatter when one drops, but they're not out of the fight, they move to cover, prowling, trying to surround Frank before moving in for the kill.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica is fully prepared to unleash unholy wrath and the poor bastard in a Hand ninja suit nearest to her, but even as she prepares to send the mother of all punches to his chin, she feels a very unsettling sensation. Was that her kidney that just been pierced...? Looking down at the blood flowing out of the open wound, the tip of the blade peeking through her from the other side, it dawns her. An actual legit ninja snuck up on her. She doesn't know who it is, and she is just barely starting to register how much fucking pain she's in, when the finishing elbow to her temple knocks her down cold to the ground. Not very dignified, not very fun, do not try this at home!

Elektra has posed:
It's almost like she hasn't met Matt before, Elektra standing there looking at the costumed devil of Hell's kitchen as though he were a stranger. She's silent, her regard inquisitive, but words not yet forthcoming. CArefully, she steps around Jessica's body, her blades drawn, and intent clear.

Punisher has posed:
The scattering ninja hold Frank's attention as they move. He can recognize flanking moves when he sees them. He slows his approach, moving to the side to keep the wall of the building at his left close to keep them from surrounding him fully. He keeps the gun drawn out and held up. In front of him as he waits for one of the ninjas to show appear again.

For a moment, Frank points the weapon at Elektra but he can't get a clear shot between Jessica slumping forward and Daredevil being in the way.

Pulling the gun away from Elektra, he scans the area for any of the re-emerging ninjas. "Come on, you sons o' bitches..."

Daredevil has posed:
Face to face with Elektra again, Daredevil puzzles at how she doesn't seem to recognize him. They'd talked since her change, hell, he'd even kissed her, but now it was like it had been washed away.

"So, what's the deal Elektra, are we enemies or are you going to believe you can be more than the Black Sky?" he asked, weapons still lowered.

Frank is noticed now, and he steps a little more into Frank's line on Elektra, protecting her with his body.

As for the ninja they close, in one rising up behind a car and throwing powder at Frank's eyes, while another leaps a car and rushes him, katana raised above his head.

Elektra has posed:
It's less she doesn't recognize him - though last they met he wasnt' in costume - than she's shut off. Cut herself off from such things, or any emotions.

"You speak like I should care?" Her words for Matt, though she keeps Frank in her sights as well. She has no regard for the remaining ninja. "You're a fool if you think that. I should kill you now."

Frank, for the moment, disregarded completely.

Punisher has posed:
Two more shots are fired off at the first ninja as he stands up from behind the car. The shots are followed almost instantly by the powder hitting Frank in the face. Instantly, the world goes foggy as Frank stumbles backward and the gun clatters to the ground at his feet.

With the gun gone, Frank reaches behind his back again and draws a rather long, brutal looking combat knife. The blade is held out in front of himself, blade turned inward so that the back of the blade is against his forearm, as he reaches up to wipes at his eyes with his other hand. Only able to see things in a haze, he steps back again, pressing his back against the wall with his back slightly hunched to protect himself as best he can.

Daredevil has posed:
Daredevil can sense Frank's distress, and even with Elektra right in front of him, he can't ignore it.

"Well if you're going to kill me, do it, otherwise I'm going to go help my friend," he says to Elektra, giving her a moment to react before he turns and throws his baton at one of the ninja catching him in the back of the head unless Elektra stops him.

The other ninja, the one with the sword rushes at Frank and swings, a black and silver blur in the haze of Frank's vision.

Punisher has posed:
The flash of silver and black is just enough of a warning for Frank to react. The blade is his hand comes around toward where the blade is coming at him. There is a clank of metal on metal as the sword strikes the knife. Frank uses the blade to angle the sword down as he leans back to avoid the tip of the sword from cutting into him.

Once the blade is past, Frank kicks his foot forward in an attempt to knock the ninja's leg out from underneath him. At the same time, he flips the blade around in his hand so that it is pointed toward the ninja. He waits for the ninja to be off-balance before driving the knife forward toward the man's chest.